Upshur county district court Upshur District Court 405 Titus Street, Gilmer, TX DISTRICT CLERK 115TH DISTRICT COURT UPSHUR COUNTY 405 N. Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. First, the LEP person may request an interpreter. Court Ordered Classes is the School Name of Court Ordered Programs, an In-Person Program Provider District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey The clerk of the court is the official custodian of the court's records. Upshur County Courthouse 38 West Main Street, Room 204 Buckhannon, WV 26201 304-472-2053 County Auditor Connie Williams, County Auditor Serving as Auditor since 2019. (Monday) The County Court of Upshur County has the general jurisdiction of a probate court and has concurrent jurisdiction with the district court in all other matters over which county courts are given jurisdiction by the constitution and general laws of this state. Apr 13, 2011 · GILMER - Upshur County District Attorney Billy Byrd didn't sit in his typical location inside the 115th District Court on Wednesday where a visiting judge was deciding the next move in the In The Court of Appeals Sixth Appellate District of Texas at Texarkana _____ No. Mailing Address: PO Box 730 Gilmer, TX 75644. Upshur County Court Address 100 West Tyler Street Gilmer, Texas, 75644 Phone 903-843-4003 Fax Upshur District Court Titus Street, Gilmer, TX - 0. Remote Location: Upshur County Courthouse, 1st Floor. Sheriff Larry Webb (903) 843-2541 Commissioner Pct 2 Dustin Nicholson (903) 680-8156 JP Pct 2 Lyle Potter (903) 843-5023 Constable Pct 2 Jason Weeks (903) 680-8203 Please only have one browser window open to prevent errors when using this site. This web site is available for searching the public records of the county and also for filing a marriage application. The District Judge is elected by the citizens to a four year term. Constitutional County Courts in Upshur County They also serve criminal warrants issued through justice of the peace courts and provide bailiff for those courts. O. 115th JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT CALENDAR 2020 UPSHUR COUNTY, TEXAS January: Jury Selection: January 13, 2020 at 9:00 a. Sincerely, Connie Williams, Upshur County Auditor Upshur County Auditor P. The county will pay Bunn until her term is up in December. According to the 2010 U. Larry Webb,Sheriff. Victims Services; District Clerk; Upshur County Courthouse County Clerk 100 West Tyler Street Gilmer, Texas Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Upshur County info. Create a free login to search deeds, liens, oil & gas leases, right of ways, plat maps and more. Terri Ross, County Clerk Serving citizens of Upshur County since 2015. titus gilmer, texas 75644 phone: 903-843-5031 fax: 903-843-3540 fy 2023 district clerk's continuation of preservation and restoration records archive plan for the district clerk of upshur county, texas Official Sources for Upshur County Public Records. 1 compel Progressive to respond How to Find Court Records in Upshur County, Texas in 2025. Location: 115 Simpson St, Gilmer, TX 75644 Mailing Address: 115 Simpson St, Gilmer, TX 75644 Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday through Friday Phone: 903-680-8506 Sep 1, 2017 · District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey Upshur County District Court . Jefferson St, Gilmer, TX 75644 Mailing Address: PO Box 730 Gilmer, TX 75644 Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday - Thursday. 8:00am - 2:00pm Friday Phone: 903-843-4001 Fax: 903-843-4818 Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Upshur County info. Responsibilities include screening of all juveniles referred to the department, provision of court-mandated services and placements, and operation of institutions and programs for youths Feb 29, 2024 · District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey visitors, court staff, the judge, and other individuals entering the building where a jury trial is held, the 115th District Court and the Upshur County Constitutional Court will implement the following protective measures: General 1. Upshur District Court Titus Street, Gilmer, TX - 0. Magistrate Court. Court Ordered Classes is the School Name of Court Ordered Programs, an In-Person Program Provider Upshur County District Court . The 115th Judicial District Court consists of Upshur and Marion Counties. Voter Registration; Upshur County Road And Bridge. Butler, Gilmer, Texas 75644 Mailing Address: 301 E Butler Gilmer, TX 75644 Serving citizens of Upshur County since 2021. About Upshur District Court. Upshur County, along with Marion County, makes up the 115th judicial district of Texas. Court. Location: Upshur County Court House, 1st Floor. NO. Victims Services; District Clerk; Elections. Upshur County Magistrate Court Upshur County Courthouse, 38 West Main Street 1. Judge Jacob E. S. 38 West 2498 West Upshur Gladewater, TX 75647 Gladewater Office Hours: Monday - Wednesday 8:00am - 12:00pm 1:00pm - 4:00pm Phone: 903-680-8353 County Judge; 115th District Court; District Attorney. Office Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday through Friday Closed from 12pm to 1pm daily Phone: 903-843-3006 Fax There are various ways that the Upshur County Courts will determine whether an LEP court participant needs an interpreter for a court hearing. Victims Services; District Clerk; Serving citizens of Upshur County from 1995 to 1998, and again beginning Marion District Court II 405 Titus Street, Gilmer, TX The 115th Judicial District Court, located in Gilmer, Texas, handles civil and criminal cases for Upshur and Marion Counties. Dec 14, 2015 · Upshur County commissioners are considering suing the county's 115th District Court and taking further action against its judge. TX 75644 Upshur County. Location: 150 E Jefferson, Gilmer, TX 75644 Sep 4, 2024 · Access court records for Upshur County District Court, TX. 17914 Before Stevens, C. Location: Upshur County Justice Center Mailing Address: 405 North Titus Gilmer, TX 75644. In the Court of Appeals Sixth Appellate District of Texas at Texarkana No. district clerk 115™ district court upshur county o o-i czm o^rn "oq ^ ,c/> m::o 405 n. Dec 30, 2022 · Certificates; State and County Taxes Summary; refund of overpayment or erroneous tax payments in excess of $2500. com Physical Address: 150 East Jefferson Gilmer, TX 75644. Progressive Casualty Insurance Company and Sharyn McElmurry. The 2014 population estimate is 40,354 and the 2010 census population was 39,318. 8 mile away. Below is a directory of court locations in Upshur County. Gilmer, TX 75644-0730 Mailing Address: PO Box 730 Below are the addresses and contact information of the courts in Upshur County: District Courts in Upshur County. 06-01-00052-CR _____ WILLIAM SHANE WOOD, Appellant V. 3 miles Jul 20, 2022 · She detailed an incident in which an order of dismissal was executed and signed by 115th District Court Judge Dean Fowler that provided an inmate be released from the Upshur County Jail. Please contact the clerk to obtain an official copy of a document. 115th District Court PO Box 1052 2. Links for online court records and other free court resources are provided for each court, where available. 6 miles away. Feb 22, 2018 · Fowler, a Republican, said Wednesday that he filed Monday to run for judge of the 115th District Court in Upshur County and will effectively end his tenure as county judge Dec. The Constable is elected by the qualified voters for a four-year term. Sixth Appellate District of Texas at Texarkana _____ No. TITUS PHONE: 903-843-5031 GILMER, TEXAS 75644 FAX: 903-843-3540 WELCOME TO THE UPSHUR COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK’S OFFICE Our duty as an office is to provide fast, professional and friendly service to all entities that utilize our office. Upshur, who was the U. Court System Type: District Clerk Office . It is located at Tyler and Simpson streets. 115th District Court. Withers designed this 1933 facility. Office Hours: 7:30am - 4:30pm Monday through Thursday 7:30am - 1:00pm Friday Phone: 903-843-4027 or 903-680-8138 Commissioner Precinct # 3. County Judge: The Honorable Todd Tefteller. 06-09-00136-CR _____ TRACEY HARRIS COOMER, Appellant V. Location: Upshur County Court House, 2nd Floor Mailing Address: PO Box 730 Gilmer, TX 75644. Victims Services; District Clerk; Serving citizens of Upshur County from 1995 to 1998, and again beginning County Judge; 115th District Court; District Attorney. Court Information. The Upshur County 115th District Court is the highest court in the county, and it handles cases beyond the jurisdiction of other county courts. Location The Juvenile Probation Department provides support and assistance to the district courts for juvenile offenders who come within authority of the Family Code. District Judge: Elected by citizens for a four-year term; District Clerk: Nicole Hernandez; District Attorney: Billy Byrd The Upshur County 115th District Court is the highest court in the county, and it handles cases beyond the jurisdiction of other county courts. Buckhannon Municipal Court 70 East Main Street, Buckhannon, WV enforcement, District Attorney's Office, District and County Courts for both civil and criminal matters, Justice of the Peace Courts, District and County Clerk's offices. Upshur County Court 100 West Tyler Street, Gilmer, TX. 405 N Titus St, Gilmer, TX 75644. David Thompson, Constable. Notice The information on this website is taken from records made available by state and local law enforcement departments, courts, city and town halls, and other public and private sources. Location: Upshur County Court House. Constables are elected by the qualified voters for a four-year term. Commissioners are meeting with their attorney at 2 p. 2 miles away. com. Upshur County Justice Center. Upshur County Constitutional Court P. 00; Resolution of the Upshur County Commissioner’s Court (#2022-07) for the Upshur County Appraisal District Board Nominees; and, applications for use of Upshur County roads and rights-of way and permit requests. Victims Services; Serving citizens of Upshur County since 2007. Gilmer , Texas 75644 . Upshur County Court. Location: 216 Titus St, Gilmer, TX 75644 Mailing Address: PO Box 730 Gilmer, TX 75644 Constable Precinct # 1. Trial Court No. Dec 19, 2005 · Court of Appeals. 0 mile away. 1 miles. V. m. Commissioners Court meets on the 3rd floor of the Upshur County Courthouse in the Commissioners Court Room at 9 AM. 2 miles The 115th Judicial District Court, located in Gilmer, Texas, handles civil and criminal cases for Upshur and Marion Counties. Email: Terri. completed applications are to be placed in the secure lockbox located inside the main entrance of the temporary upshur county courthouse building, 150 e jefferson st, gilmer, tx or mailed to upshur county treasurer, attn: human resources, po box 730, gilmer, tx 75644 ** unless otherwise stated in the job posting ** Sheriff Larry Webb (903) 843-2541 Commissioner Pct 2 Dustin Nicholson (903) 680-8156 JP Pct 2 Lyle Potter (903) 843-5023 Constable Pct 2 Jason Weeks (903) 680-8203 Mar 3, 2025 · Upshur County Clerk Official Public Records. Box 730 Gilmer, TX 75644 (903) 843-4001 (903) 843-4818 fax Connie Williams County Auditor Linda Sikes Assistant Auditor In The Court of Appeals Sixth Appellate District of Texas at Texarkana No. Reger (Upshur County Courthouse) District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Upshur County info. The underlying proceeding is trial court cause number 418-19, styled Phillip Davidson vs. THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee On Appeal from the 115th District Court Upshur County, Texas Trial Court No. Court of Appeals Sixth Appellate District of Texas at Texarkana _____ No. Please only have one browser window open to prevent errors when using this site. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various Upshur County government and non-government sources. Address: 405 North Titus Street Gilmer, Texas 75644. Mailing Address: P. County Court; County Judge; 115th District Court; District Attorney. Crime Victim Services. Box 730 Gilmer, TX District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey Upshur County was originally part of Nacogdoches County, but later when Harrison County was organized, it was included in that county, and therefore all of Upshur County was detached by Harrison County. rx. Resources for the Upshur County Circuit Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Upshur County, West Virginia, and resources applicable to all courts in West Virginia. 🏛️📜 County Judge; 115th District Court; District Attorney. Tax Assessor/Collector, and less frequently other county offices. The 115th Judicial District Court, located in Gilmer, Texas, serves Upshur and Marion Counties. org. The county population is 40,892, according to the United States Census Bureau. Court Name: 115th Judicial District Court; Jurisdiction: Upshur and Marion Counties; Case Types: Civil and criminal; Hours of Operation: 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday through Friday; Open to the Public: Yes; Court Officials. The trial court also granted Davidson’s motion to The Respondent is the Honorable Dean Fowler, Judge of the 115th Judicial District Court, Upshur County, Texas. 16,037 Before Morriss, C. Nearby Courts: Upshur County Clerk Office PO Box 730 0. Box 730 Gilmer, Texas 75644 District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey Formed March 1, 1846 (55th county) Upshur County (40,890), Gilmer (4,841) The many angles to the tan brick structure make it different than most Modern styles. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Upshur County info. Gaudet, Clerk Upshur County Courthouse 38 West Main Street Buckhannon, WV 26201 304-472-2370 Nearby Courts: Upshur County Teen Court 79 East Main Street 0. The court system in Upshur County comprises district, constitutional county, justice, and municipal courts. Voter Registration; Upshur County is located in the eastern District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey County Judge; 115th District Court; District Attorney. , Ross and Carter, JJ. Upshur County Court House Annex, Room 304 38 West Main Street, Buckhannon, WV 26201 Phone (304) 472-2370 Fax (304) 472-2168 E-Mail: bpgaudet@upshurcounty. (Monday) Jan 8, 2016 · State District Judge Lauren Parish on Friday took Upshur County commissioners to task in a letter amending a standing order on jury selection days in the building housing her court, the sheriff Dec 18, 2024 · Matthew Logan Frame, 38, of Buckhannon, West Virginia, was sentenced today to 165 months in federal prison for possession with intent to distribute more than five grams of methamphetamine. 06-13-00013-CR JOHN ANTHONY ADAMS, Appellant V. Box 730 Gilmer, TX 75644 (903) 843-4001 District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey 115TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT CALENDAR 2024 UPSHUR COUNTY, TEXAS January: Jury Selection: January 8, 2024 at 9:00 a. Ross@countyofupshur. Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm Monday through Friday Phone: 903-680-8354 Fax: 903-844-0103 Responsibilities: district clerk 115™ district court upshur county 405 north titus phone: 903-843-5031 gilmer, texas 75644 fax: 903-843-3540 2020-2021 district clerk's preservation and restoration records arcfflcive plan for the disrtict clerk of upshur county filed terr!ross coukty i:l£rk 2020 sep 15 ahi|:56 upsimcudsity. Upshur District Court 405 Titus Street, Gilmer, TX The 115th Judicial District Court, located in Gilmer, Texas, handles civil and criminal cases for Upshur and Marion Counties. About 115th Judicial District Court - Upshur County Division. Phone: 903-843-5031 Fax: 903-843-3540. All judges will comply with the Emergency Orders issued by the Supreme Court of Texas District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey Court Information. The current District Judge is Nicole Hernandez. Upshur County Court West Tyler Street, Gilmer, TX - 0. Upshur County Criminal District Attorney’s Office. District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey 115th District Court in Gilmer, Texas. CSCD - PO Box 370 - Gilmer, Texas 75644. The District Attorney heads the Gilmer Prosecutor's Office, directing the attorneys who work for the office. Box 628. In The Court of Appeals Sixth Appellate District of Texas at Texarkana No. Constitutional County Courts in Upshur County. The County Seat is Gilmer and the largest city is Gilmer. (Monday) Docket Call: January 27, 2020 at 9:00 a. O. Texas County Courts at Law; Texas District Courts; Sep 1, 2022 · GILMER, Texas (KLTV) - Upshur County District Clerk Karen Bunn has been suspended after a hearing in front of visiting Judge Jack Carter Thursday. Upshur County, Texas. Twenty Sixth Judicial Circuit Court Upshur County Courthouse 38 West Main Street 1. Elections. The building was renovated in 1974. Office Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday through Friday Phone: 903-843-2541 Upshur County Clerk Office in Gilmer, Texas. williams@countyofupshur. Location: Upshur County Justice Center. Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm Monday through Friday Jan 29, 2025 · Upshur County was named after Abel P. Location: 2498 West Upshur Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Upshur County info. , Carter and Moseley, JJ. 405 N Titus . 12-15-00118-CR IN THE COURT OF APPEALS TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT TYLER, TEXAS IN RE: § MICHAEL LYNN EATON, § RELATOR § ORIGINAL PROCEEDING MEMORANDUM OPINION PER CURIAM Relator Michael Lynn Eaton has filed a petition requesting mandamus relief against the judge and the official court reporter of the 115th Judicial District Court of Upshur County and the District Clerk of Upshur Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Upshur County info. 10,347 Before Morriss, C. 06-18-00197-CR EDWIN ANTONIO OSORIO-LOPEZ, Appellant V. 06-05-00037-CR _____ JENNIFER LYNN JACKSON, A/K/A JENNIFER LYNN WALKER, Appellant. The court is presided over by a District Judge, who is elected by citizens for a four-year term. To obtain court records in Upshur County, Texas in 2025, there are several avenues you can explore. eFilings submitted between Feb 27 th and March 1 st could experience a processing delay. Online Court Resources. Upshur County has one county court. The 115th District Court in Upshur County serves both Upshur and Marion County and is located in Gilmer. titus phone: 903-843-5031 gilmer, texas 75644 fax: 903-843-3540 The Constable serves civil process issued by courts in the county, such as suits for debts, divorce suits, eviction writs, foreclosure papers, and summons. 18094 Before Stevens, C. Office Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday through Friday Phone: 903-843-2836 Fax: 903-843-5109 Responsibilities: The Upshur County District Clerk and her Deputy District Clerks are the custodians of all of the records of the 115th District Court which include Civil, Family, Tax, Attorney General, Department of Family and Protective Services, Adoptions, Juvenile, and Felony Criminal cases. Upshur County 115th District Court. They work alongside other county officials, such as the Sheriff and District Court, to ensure the safety and well-being of the community. THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee . If your filing requires immediate review, please submit your filing in person to the Upshur District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey TERRI ROSS UPSHUR COUNTY CLERK. Voter Registration; Upshur County is located in the eastern Commissioner Precinct # 4. 04/25/2025. Term Expires: December 2026 Upshur County Genealogy COVID-19 Vaccine Information Page. Upshur. Dean Fowler, District Judge Serving citizens of Upshur County since 2003. Upshur County District Clerk, County Clerk, District and County Attorney offices are transitioning to a new case management system on March 3 rd. Gilmer Location Upshur County Tax Building 215 North Titus Street Gilmer, TX 75644 Phone 903-843-3088 Fax 903-843-3083 Gilmer Lobby Hours 8:00am - 4:30pm County Judge; 115th District Court; District Attorney. The district court in Upshur County hears criminal cases and civil lawsuits. Memorandum If the date falls on a Saturday then the court date will be on Friday, if it falls on Sunday then the court date will be on the following Monday. Reger (Upshur County Courthouse) P. After serving in several minor offices in the 115th district court upshur county filing fees and court costs (effective january 1, 2022) 405 n. (Monday) Criminal Arraignment Docket: January 22, 2024 at 9:00 a. In Gilmer, the District Attorney plays a central role in criminal cases, working with police to decide whether to bring charges and prosecuting the case in court. According to court documents and statements made in court, officers were called to a gas station in Belington, West Virginia, on a shots fired incident. Circuit Courts in Upshur County Location: 115 Simpson St, Gilmer, TX 75644 Mailing Address: 115 Simpson St, Gilmer, TX 75644 Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday through Friday Phone: 903-680-8506 Fax: 903-843-5492. On Appeal from the 115th Judicial District Court. 2 miles away District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey Child Protection Court Dockets Texas Judicial Branch Home Northeast Texas CPC - #2 | Upshur County Please select a docket: 03/21/2025. 06-12-00194-CR SHARON ANNE MAXWELL, Appellant V. Forms and related information General Information. Serving citizens of Upshur County since 2021. It handles both civil and criminal cases. secretary of state during President John Tyler’s administration. Access public court records, manage filings, search case info, and more. Mailing Address: 2498 West Upshur Gladewater, Texas 75647. They also serve criminal warrants issued through justice of the peace courts and provide bailiff for those courts. Michael Ashley, Commissioner. Document copies available from 1846 to 2025 Upshur County is located in the East Texas Region of Texas. The first step is to visit the official website of the Upshur County District Court, which provides access to a range of court records and information. Location: 218 Titus St, Gilmer, TX 75644 Mailing Address: P. Twenty Sixth Judicial Circuit Court Upshur County Courthouse. 4 miles away. Courthouse has moved to: 150 E. Jay Miller, Commissioner Serving citizens of Upshur County since 2019. Resources for the Upshur County Family Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Upshur County, West Virginia, and resources applicable to all courts in West Virginia. Resources for the Buckhannon Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Upshur County, West Virginia, and resources applicable to all courts in West Virginia. Gilmer Justice of Peace Court I West Tyler Street, Gilmer, TX - 0. Physical Address: 415 US Hwy 271 North (Next to Taco Bell) Gilmer, TX 75644. CountyOffice. The Upshur County District Court and County Court will display a sign translated 3 Whether you need information from the 115th Judicial District Court, most wanted lists from Crime Stoppers, or inmate records from the Sheriff's Office, this page Brandy Vick, County Treasurer Serving citizens of Upshur County as Treasurer since 2015, and serving citizens as a county employee since 2004. Upshur County was named after Able Parker Upshur who was born in Virginia on June 17, 1791. Forms and related information Welcome to the Upshur County Self-Service Web Site. , Grant and Ross, JJ. re:SearchTX makes no warranty of the completeness or accuracy of case information or documents found on this site. Certified copies of Official Public Records documents may be purchased in person at the Upshur County Clerk's office or by mail by sending a check with the correct fee to: (County Rock Building) Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday through Friday Phone: 903-680-6269 Fax: 903-680-6769 Responsibilities: The Justice of the Peace courts have jurisdiction over Class C Misdemeanor cases, Justice Court and Small Claims Court cases, where the amount in controversy does not exceed $20,000 and has jurisdiction over Court Information. Box 57 40 West Main Street Buckhannon, WV 26201 304-472-5556 Fax: 304-472-2892. 12,590 Before Morriss, C. Location: 301 E. J. THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee On Appeal from the 115th Judicial District Court Upshur County, Texas Trial Court No. We will try to keep this page as up-to-date as possible, but keep in mind that the information changes often and without notice to us. Location: 2498 West Upshur Gladewater, Texas 75647. Tim Barnett, Constable Serving citizens of Upshur County since 2021. District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey Oct 5, 2022 · UPSHUR COUNTY, Texas — To remove any potential conflicts, Upshur County District Attorney Billy Byrd announced Wednesday that he has recused himself as a prosecutor in the driving while May 15, 2024 · District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey Upshur County Court Directory. There were five courthouses in Upshur County since The court system in Upshur County provides a structured means for justice and legal resolution, ensuring that both minor and major legal matters are addressed through its District, Constitutional, Justice, and Municipal Courts. 115th Judicial District Court - Upshur County Division can be contacted via phone at 903-843-2836 for pricing, hours and directions. Oct 28, 2024 · Court County. Upshur County Appraisal District 105 Diamond Loch Rd. Due to a new software update, you will be asked to reset your password upon login. If your filing requires immediate review, please submit your filing in person to the Upshur additional information should be addressed to the County Auditor at the above listed address or via e-mail at connie. Box 730 Gilmer, TX 75644 Phone Find vital court records and resources in Upshur County, TX. 05 The Upshur County Magistrate Clerk's office provides administrative and clerical support to the county's magistrate court, including maintaining court records, scheduling hearings, issuing subpoenas, collecting fines and fees, and assisting the public in navigating the court system. Mailing Address: 405 North Titus Gilmer, TX 75644. Phone: (903) 843-5513 County Judge; 115th District Court; District Attorney. Population: 43,438 County Seat: Gilmer 75644 Square Mileage: 588 Mailing: P. Brian P. Opinion by Chief Justice Morriss O P I N I O N Upshur County is a county in Texas. , Gilmer, TX 75644 Phone (903)843-3041 Fax (903)843-5764. 04/11/2025. Tuesday in Dean Fowler, District Judge. Elmer G. , van Cleef and Rambin, JJ. Carter said in open court after recess the parties involved made an agreement for the suspension. 06-23-00231-CR CARLTON LAMAR GRANT, Appellant V. Before Morriss, C. Click Here for Large Map. 13,537 . With a focus on upholding justice, the Red River County Constable carries out various duties, including serving warrants, executing court orders, and providing security during court proceedings. Upshur County 115th District Court 405 N Titus Street Gilmer, TX 75644 Phone: (903) 843-5031 Fax: (903) 843-3540. 31, 2018. nrputy Constable Precinct # 4. It hears criminal, civil, probate, and domestic relations cases. 115th Judicial District Court - Upshur County Division is located at 405 Titus St # 3 in Gilmer, Texas 75644. Census, the population of Upshur County was 39,309. If you’re not sure which court you’re looking for, learn more about the West Virginia court system. 16,092 Before Morriss, C. Other Courts Nearby. 102 W Austin, Room 303 Jefferson, TX 75657. Use the navigation on the left to find contact information and other information about Upshur County Justices of the Peace and Constables. The DA's Office also maintains court records that are open to the public. The District Oct 28, 2024 · Lewis County Courthouse Annex 117 Court Avenue Weston, WV 26452 304-269-8229 Fax: 304-269-2520. Feb 23, 2025 · The phone number for Upshur County 115th District Court is 903-843-5031 and the fax number is 903-843-3540. Mailing Address: Upshur Co. District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey District Judge Dean Fowler (903) 843-2836 Commissioner Pct 3 Michael Ashley (903) 680-8157 JP Pct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 Constable Pct 3 James Casey Judge Kurt Hall Lewis County Courthouse Annex 117 Court Avenue Weston, WV 26452 304-269-8229 Fax: 304-269-2520. vtdpi eiq rcv bvwzhva vizwgb pxack fxlu patxx luu dun jlmbgia azjinq cmtehx nnrrxd ruzskzn