Stop page refresh on button click javascript preventDefault(); // your code here. Kludgish solution is to force a reload when page is loaded from bfcache. You cannot open same page in 2 tabs Mar 30, 2011 · There are several ways to reload the current page using a button or other trigger. Dec 14, 2017 · Set the type attribute on the button to be button. Dec 25, 2017 · How to disable refresh Button From browser's menu bar using either angularjs or javascript or jquery. HandleEventAsync(EventCallbackWorkItem callback, object? arg) { var task = callback. As the input type is submit now, it refreshes page but if I make the input type to button, it does not refreshes my page but my bootstrap validation on input elements does not Jan 15, 2012 · I had same problem on a page with lots of Bootstrap 4 forms which did not have type="submit" buttons but, instead, had type="button" buttons. Whenever the user clicks on selected address the page should refresh. Dec 15, 2016 · The problem is that whenever I click on this button, page enters in load event before reaching the event that handles the search click. I can't solve this and it is driving be nuts. ajax() You can prevent page refreshing by adding one of these two things in event handler function. my Form: Oct 11, 2018 · I want to disable browser reload/refresh button on mouse click I restrict f5 key so now page didn"t refesh or reload, but still user can page reload on mouse click on browser reload icon. Image #1 I'm using the <asp:LinkButton />’s OnClick function on the server side to fetch data. Here's the relevant JavaScript code: Below is code that will continue to execute every 500ms until you click the button to stop it. However, the page refreshes every time I click the button, even though I have used e. aspx. – Nov 20, 2023 · v-on:submit. Example: <button onclick="send(form);return false;"> Send </button> Jun 26, 2017 · i want to stop reloading page when i don't choose category and click on submit button. how to prevent refresh on asp. If you wish to prevent full page refresh and still execute server-side code, you have to call a client-side JS function via onclick and execute an AJAX call from there. I am creating a quiz application in angular. this is my function Nov 28, 2016 · I want to open a dialog box on click of a button which is inside gridview. how can I make the page stop calling the page load method when I click a button. Nov 26, 2023 · I am working on a web application where a button click triggers an async function to submit data. I am using normal button html tags not submit tags. I am using Page_ClientValidate() to ensure that the double click is prevented only if the page is valid. By default asp. Jan 16, 2017 · I am using a LinkButton inside gridview to open a popup on click of that LinkButton. Button (for open popup) I have this function, but I want to disable the refresh of the page. I think it is reloading the pageBut is there any way to stop it. That's how ASP. I want that if I click a button the code will run and not to refresh all the page. assign(url) method Jun 5, 2020 · <button type="button" onClick="refreshPage()">Close</button> <script> function refreshPage(){ window. I dont want this to happen. refresh page after button click react stop reload page on button click react reload page on button click reload Oct 9, 2012 · To prevent the default action when the link is clicked you can return false from the click handler or call event. When page is loaded for bfcache onload event wont be triggered. When the user click on the button an alert window should popup and the page reload should stop until ok is clicked on the alert window. reload(); } Jan 20, 2010 · Currently my page is reloading upon clicking the Enter key. Sep 21, 2016 · I want to stop page refresh on ajax call. I want to refresh my page on every click of 1st radio button (ie sel_address). prevent="pemesanan" should prevent the page from performing the default form submission action (i. , it would stop this: setTimeout(function() { location. My understanding is that something is causing the page to refresh. addEventListener. Also, on clicking the button, the controller refreshes. aspx and declared a method in it add course() as soon as the add course method is completed the control goes to the Button click event which is in Edit. Jan 13, 2020 · Your solution is the typical one, however you can also keep the <button id="myButton" type="submit">Submit</button> if you want and intercept the JavaScript event that is emitted when the button is clicked: document. Apr 19, 2011 · Every time I've heard a developer propose this possibility, it's because they've discovered that refreshing the browser breaks their code. Questions: Is it possible with the browser back button to land on the same list 91-100 where Regina name is listed? Or do I need to add back button and do what to achieve that? Please advise. To reload the page while clicking on the back button, you can use window. preventDefault(); }); Dec 25, 2014 · Page refresh will delete you previous data so to reserve it you can use $. Share . value; if Jul 30, 2015 · What I want is whenever user clicks on the button, the corresponding message is sent to server and clears the input field on button click. in this case effectively reload the page) not sure you want/need @click="pemesanan" as well though, since you already do v-on:submit. I have created multiple view and those view gets open when user clicks on link button from tree view. getElementById("category"). delegate_update_success" ). But after running the project the button is not showing up. Also, I have read that this can be caused by some sort of RAM optimization in the browser and therefore I Jun 12, 2019 · In Angular 12, it is [FormGroup] that listens to the submit event:. cs code on click of cancel button on javascript confirm box? I have a button click event and in some IF condition I am asking the user to confirm. Mar 28, 2013 · to avoid page refresh during button click event in asp. I want it to show whatever it was showing before the user moved to another page. The button click event sets a display property on "block" I've already tried every single way suggested here. return false; for jquery you can use . Mar 19, 2015 · The problem is that you are using a input of type submit for your "Guess" button. preventDefault(); is a way to do this, but it can not stop the page to reload if user press "Enter" instead of click on submit button. I have tried document. This the way i am trying $(". if you disable submit behaviour it will render button as button type <asp:Button UseSubmitBehavior="false" OnClientClick="jsfunction() " OnClick="vbfunction" Text="Submit" runat="server" /> But with this code it will not fire server side event "OnClick" Jun 15, 2021 · stop page refresh on button click react Comment . preventDefault(); // e is passed to handler Your complete code will be something like. Javascript confirm Stop page refresh after cancel. InvokeAsync(arg); var shouldAwaitTask = task. net function (OnClick event) The problem is that when I click the button, it refreshes the page. When I click a button the menu disappears. May 15, 2012 · If the input element is inside a form, and that form is not actually being submitted to the server, remove the form. Net (and pretty much any other web-based technology) works at its Apr 6, 2010 · If you have created an aspx page using C# and ASP. Hot Network Questions Dec 18, 2014 · Is there any way to stop a web page from refreshing when it is displayed after someone presses the back button? My web page shows different information every time it is refreshed. location. I was hoping to keep my urls hash free. The blue button is the responsible for the page reload problem, unless you click Visualizar at nav bar before clicking in "continuar". Now when the user clicks on OK button, I have to bind the new data in a grid. preventDefault() to prevent the default event (click) from occurring. Stop() but no success. if click a submit button on the page is refreshing and it display the welcome message with username. My problem is if I press enter key instead of mouse click the page will refresh. navigation):. TS File Aug 20, 2010 · Once the user is on my page, I do not want him to refresh the page. How do I make it reload the page every 5 seconds and look for an element then click on it? function reload() { document. On clicking the button, the function gets called with page refreshed, which resets all my previous request which affects the current page which was result of the previous request. Thanks in advance Sep 6, 2021 · refresh page on back button click javascript; how to stop form from reloading page; js refresh button; stop refreshing page on button click Comment . Here's what my first attempt looks like. However, I have no idea what the best way to keep the page from reloading is when my javascript is in an external file. // prevent click action. But the page refreshes when I click the button. Aug 11, 2017 · Advantage: form will work even when JS is disabled, and respects standard form UI/UX such that at least one button is used for submission; Prevent default form submission when button is clicked. innerText = "whatever" Apr 25, 2017 · If you use <button> tag , it will act as a submit button, it will post back. if whole page were not valid this method returns False but I can not stop page. The examples below use a button click to reload the page but you can use a text hyperlink or any trigger you like. log in page with refreshing using jquery. Error: submit a button the page is postback May 7, 2014 · And every time you click the button to go to the next picture index, the whole page refreshes and calls the page load method. RanToCompletion && task. in a table: Nov 10, 2011 · As far as I know, you can't modify the buttons in a browser with scripts. to stop the page to reload, just specify the button type as 'button'. I was dealing with the same problem and it took me all day to fix it. net website which include some calculation on button. The function "disableF5" is quick and easy and keeps that button from doing anything. Jul 25, 2013 · I have a Button with PostBackUrl. Because right now, when the page loads, the user clicks the button, and when the page is done loading the click activates. Aug 16, 2021 · Task IHandleEvent. How can I prevent this page refresh when clicking the modal button? Thanks! Cameron Jun 24, 2019 · You want to set the innerText of the elem at i index of document. On each button click view gets open after page refresh. The user clicks the button, a new http request is posted to the web server, the entire page lifecycle runs again, from beginning to end, with a brand new instance of the page class, and an entirely new response is sent to the browser to be re-rendered from scratch. reload(); }, 1000); In the second case, it will just keep asking you to cancel over and over. What i want is, when i click the Enter key, the "Next" button should be clicked without page reload which resides back of lightbox. click(function(event){ event. Jan 24, 2017 · Currently I am constructing a webpage with an auto-refresh function in every 1 minute. I tried this: <input type="button" value="Reload Page" onClick="reload"> or <input type="button" value="Refresh Page" on Jun 20, 2014 · When I run a JS function (on a button click) it reloads the page and displays the data the function outputs. I'm using OnClientClick to open a popup and populate data. Jan 26, 2012 · I have asp. settings"). Currently when we press the button the counter gets incremented as well as the array get initialized again. After the page refresh, any data entered is lost. e. If you don't specify the button type, the browser will automatically set it to 'reset' or 'submit' which causes the page to reload. show() and . preventDefault is not for refresh its just prevent link from opening the URL and i. using $. Any opinons where I am going wrong? After this I see the page gets refreshed and how can I stop this page refresh after button click event. Can someone please help me with this issue? Apr 7, 2020 · When I visit a new page on my HTML site, and it's still loading, the user should be able to click a button and then the button works even though the page still loads. I don't need the page to reload to move the text to the right. i have tried this . Feb 5, 2016 · I need to stop the page refreshing while user click submit button in MVC. NET and have put a button on it. onbeforeunload to store the time and the URL of your current page (in localstorage) when the user leaves the page (potentially refreshes the page). Also, I tried to use window. I don't want the page to refresh on click of other 2 radio buttons. The default is submit since it is wrapped in a form. However the popup appears for a second and vanishes on page load. I'm facing an issue where when a user types in input[type='text'], it causes my controller to refresh. I tried giving UseSubmitBehavior=false but still my page is getting postback. Dec 21, 2020 · For instance, there is a lock button which will lock the screen and prompt a password dialog. post() in js Jan 24, 2014 · I had the same problem with a button doing a page refresh before doing the actual button_click event (so the button had to be clicked twice). Avoid a link to reload the page in Javascript. Currently when I type address autocomplete works and mouse click the latitude and longitude append in div. Oct 8, 2020 · This only refreshes the page once, I have tested it. Jan 9, 2015 · Each page has a different report but I don't want the report on the new page to be regenerated unless the user wants this to happen by clicking on a page button. I am currently using php in my html page and there is an action in the same page which gets executed upon form submission. preventDefault() method in combination with document. This solution of adding onSubmit="return false;" to the form tags fixed the Nov 15, 2022 · how to stop page getting reload on button click in angular. Jquery on click to not submit the form. getElementsByClassName('converter') and to do that you can use document. 1. So use type="button" in <button> tag , it will not allow to post back , it will act like html control. preventDefault() restricts the default page refresh behaviour of the form during form submission. You can stop the default action by passing the event object to your click handler like below <button type="button" onclick="submit(event Jul 11, 2014 · I'm creating a page where the user can select an option by clicking on a radio button. but if the user clicks on cancel button, it should not refresh the grid with new You cannot execute server-side code this way, using onserverclick causes postback. Link to this answer Share Copy Link . However it refreshes the entire page when submitted even though its been loaded via jQuery. This technique allows us to listen for specific events and prevent the default behavior, such as a form submission or a link click, from triggering a full page refresh. The reason your code doesn't work is becaue the onkeydown event should be in lowercase, and you aren't actually returning something in it (try return keyPressed(holder); - or just move the keyPressed function's code into setupSearchField, since it seems kind of pointless to me Apr 8, 2015 · Add one unique session or cookie in button click event then redirect page on same URL using Request. So decrease hit counter by 1 to keep it on same number do hitcountr -= hitconter Jan 7, 2016 · I am using google API for geometric location. At the moment, the default behaviour results in the query for the report on the new page being executed just because the user has clicked on the page tab. Currently whole form gets reloaded while I want the php action to be run i Jun 5, 2018 · Adding event. is there a way around this? Jan 31, 2019 · I have a HTML form which I am submitting on clicking save button, but page gets reloaded. Mar 30, 2013 · On click of grid view row i don't want the whole page to reloading. preventDefault() to stop page refresh on form submission. He should get an alert saying. transfer-command (server. I am fetching random questions and options from api. how to stop page getting reload on button click in angular. javascript confirm cancel still submits form. but I want the same functionality without refreshing the page. Apr 19, 2017 · The onbeforeunload trick will only work if the page refresh isn't on a loop within the page. Jan 9, 2015 · There are many ways to prevent page refresh But we are not certain what you are talking about, so I'll just Give the regular example That I can Find . Since you're working with IE, you may be able to use either VBScript or JScript, but I doubt you'll be able to disable the reload button. How can I prevent a page refresh and update the page with my ajax call instead? edit: I am trying to update with pushState and popstate. How can I avoid the page refreshes click on asp button using javascript? Aug 14, 2019 · One easy solution has not been mentioned (not relying on the deprecated window. x: Shows a special prompt with two buttons: Stay on Page - Does not reload page; Leave Page - Reloads the page; IE7 & IE8: Shows a prompt with two buttons: OK - Reloads the page; Cancel - Does not reload the page; IE9: Shows a prompt with two buttons: Leave this page - reloads; Stay on this page - does not reload Nov 21, 2014 · when i click button page keeps refreshing when i put this It doenst run my event listener when i do this ("click",function(e) { // Stop propagation & prevent May 28, 2015 · I need to refresh the current time after I run the project. transfer("testpage. on selecting option ,next question is coming as i want to achieve this fuunctionality. It works fine. I dont want to confirmation message or warning message on reload button click. bind(this)}>Click me</button> Jan 5, 2018 · I have a button on a page, so every time I click it the onclick code runs and then the page refreshes. I want the page to refresh keeping the selected radio button value Jun 19, 2021 · In the below React Native function we want to stop random array from initializing on every button click. net. 0. Fist your e. RawUrl Now add code in Page_Load event to grab that session or coockie. Putting ;return false; after the function name works great if there's no way you can go without the form tags. prevent="pemesanan" – Dec 19, 2011 · How to stop the page from rendering the . It is set to false on initial page load. Instead you can check the persisted property of the onpageshow event. net renders button as submit button. I can't use direct link as it will affect other features in my webpage. Note that this is not the ideal solution because you should be in fact listening to the submit event, not the button click event: Jul 18, 2017 · However, when I click the browser back button, it reloads the page and I am back to the first list with 1-10 as shown in the image #2. However, to prevent the mouse-click on refresh button, a couple things take place. protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { try Jul 5, 2016 · The button is clicked, the post form is submitted and it all works fine. The event. Oct 28, 2024 · One popular way to achieve this is by using the event. Nov 7, 2021 · Having form tags around your buttons would cause the page to refresh. preventDefault(); at the end of our JavaScript function. or you can disable the submit behaviour. NET button. I have I button and when I click it it shows the second form and hide the first one But it shows the second form just for a second, and then display the first form again. The page was getting reloaded whenever enter key was pressed when cursor was inside any input text field inside those forms. Typically, you'll want to prevent the default behavior of form submissions or anchor (link) clicks to avoid the page from reloading. But that's only really possible if their code ignores or overrides the basic navigation model of the Web browser -- the platform they're developing for. Anytime, the user hits F5 or refresh button on top. Sep 15, 2018 · Generally when we click a Button on our page, button performs ts actions and the page gets reloaded to its original state. e. Also, my webpage include a auto-refresh ON and OFF button for the users to choose whether to turn on/off auto- Dec 6, 2016 · Set attribute type as button on your button element: <button type="button" >Se connecter</button> By default, button element sets type attribute equal to submit, so when you click on this button, your page gets submitted to server. <button type='button'>submit</button> Jan 27, 2014 · I have a asp. Jun 17, 2017 · Whenever you're clicking on the button to visit page 2 if you're using the history. com Preventing a page refresh in JavaScript can be achieved by using event handling and manipulating the default behavior of certain events. click(function(event){ var con = (confirm("This some text. To do not refresh the page we add event. preventDefault where event is the event object passed to the click handler. I found some solutions: I added an onclick="function();return false;" which is working perfectly but my I cannot reach my click event handled in code behind anymore, and I cannot reach my database from javascript. E. Please suggest!! <asp:Button DataFi Dec 30, 2016 · I need help with my coin flip. ) I need a button that will refresh the page on the user's click. JavaScript code to refresh the current webpage on button click event. Disable only page reload on href onlick on anchor tag. This behavior happened after a server. can anybody help me? function check() { var select = document. mobno; echo "<script type='text/javascript'>window. If I refresh the page with the F5 button, the time is getting refreshed, but I want to do it on button click. Status != TaskStatus. [If there Jan 1, 2017 · i have 3 radio buttons. Basically what I wanted to do is to create two buttons. I used the following code, but both reload and click on Next button are happening: Mar 1, 2016 · How to stop page refresh on click of back button in angularjs. log with what ever operation you wish to run. Disable load page on button click. Adding action="javascript:void(0);" into the form will prevent both. Ask Question Trigger a button click with JavaScript on the Enter key in a text box. When lock is clicked, user session data has a variable called "locked" that becomes Feb 18, 2016 · I've this problem for 3 days and I couldn't find the real answer. Dec 5, 2014 · I am trying to stop the page refresh after click on the cancel button in the alert box. cs and after the button click is completed the whole page refreshes Nov 7, 2014 · I am trying to reload a page with a button in it. post() or $. Jun 11, 2018 · I Have a Javascript function that is use for open popup Click on Button(Generate Button Event)The Problem is when Fire the Button Event again reload the page But i do not need to page reload when go inside button_click event . I have tried multiple things to fix the issue such as using a button with type="button" instead of an input. aspx"). Sep 25, 2011 · Seeing as none of these answers helped me. I also tried using input type="button" and type="submit" instead and same result. addEventListener('click', function(event) { event. When page is loaded from bfcache it is set to true. getElementsByClassName('converter')[i]. After the first refresh, it just works, but the first time it refreshed the page and it's really annoying. Nov 7, 2016 · Firefox 7. By pressing one of them, the player would pick a side, for example Global or Fortune. By using F5 key ; By using Rightclick mouse button ; By using Browser refresh button ; Above first I got it in javascript but I need to disable the browser refresh button. 0 Feb 19, 2024 · As you are using jQuery, I'd suggest storing it in an HTML5 data-* attribute (at which point you can put javascript:; into the href to prevent the browser loading a whole new page. The issue I am finding is that when the cancel button is pressed the page/form reloads losing the data in the text fields. execCommand('Close') and Window. How can i achieve this ? Jul 6, 2016 · @vijayP If you want to refresh the page in your browser, you can click the reload button. Also tried: type="button" in save button but it did not submit. open Aug 15, 2020 · Set a return value in additiont o preventing default. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here's the basic code I'm using. but along with it page gets also reload which i dont want. I got it answer of first option by code. I want to prevent from being refreshed. doSomething. But click event is not getting fired. I have given type=button to the save button, but still happening functionality of my code I have a form Apr 26, 2017 · I have following jQuery code to prevent double clicking a button. It should happen just like I am entering URL to get that page. preventDefault Using a button with JavaScript & HTML. I can't understand why this is happening, I've used . And in the Click event of this button if you are inserting some data in database , after click if user refresh the page than click event gets fired again resulting data insertion to database again, to stop events on the page getting fired on browser refresh we need to write bit of code to avoid it. Instead of using the ASP. Whenever I click on the button I can see that the "handle request" question appears in the console log, but suddenly disappears. net page where i am using javascript code in Edit. I wa Jun 17, 2019 · I need to prevent a button to refresh the page it's in. I used: onsubmit=";return false" in form tag but it did not submit the form. for pure js. I started with html that looks like this: Aug 24, 2021 · I have tried to disable adblocker in my browsers, but this did not help. Just replace the 500 with the time you want and replace the console. You can check the MDN documentation. Jan 19, 2016 · I have a button which loads after a ajax call , on clicking i want to reload the page (like i press f5) I tried $( ". click(function() { location. return false; Is the same thing will apply for textbox on enter keypress? It should, whatever event is fired it prevents the default action. Actually don;t refresh the page when select data from autocomplete and enter. I found a solution. NET button <asp:Button>, you should use the HTML button. The HTML thinks you want to send the form data to a server for processing so it refreshes. Also if the user opens a new tab and tries to access the same url in prev tab he should get an alert. What should I do to prevent the page refresh? See full list on tutorialspoint. Jan 3, 2017 · enter code here NET application, I have inserted a button that call a Javascript function (OnClick event) and a asp. Nov 8, 2021 · New code examples in category Javascript. The FormGroup directive listens for the submit event emitted by the form element and emits an ngSubmit event that you can bind to a callback function. So the question was how do I stop page reloading with JS after the location. reload(); } </script> Generally when we click a Button on our page, button performs ts actions and the page gets reloaded to its original state. Earlier it was working fine but now it has started refreshing page. I want to put loading image icon when user clicks on button and stop page refresh and display the data. An alternative solution would be to not use form tag and handle click event on submit button through jquery. How to disable a html page refresh with Jan 29, 2015 · I want to stop refresh the page in browser. – DA. but what happens is, whenever I click on button the page is getting refreshed. Aug 31, 2020 · There is no need to use JS or jQuery. Below is the Code that getting called. I'm struggling to understand why this would happen, and how I can avoid it so I can give the end user successful or unsuccessful messages on button clicks. Nov 5, 2015 · You can use event. reload() method has been called. querySelector('#myButton'). 1 Popularity 10/10 Tags: button click javascript page-refresh. This way there wont be any page refresh but at the same time there is a downside that "enter" button for submission wont work and also on mobiles you wont get a go button( a style in some mobiles). Commented Jan 26, 2014 at 5:30 Mar 1, 2017 · My requirement is i want to stop page refresh on button click but my button click event should fire. Use window. push(url) method inside that visit page 2 button function, and then clicking on the browser back button will change the URL only, but it'll not reload that page. Either change the guessbutton to a button element or change your button click handler to this: Jan 13, 2020 · However when I click the button that will open the modal, the modal opens and I can see the content but then the page refreshes blowing the modal away. e as per w3school $("a"). That then sets the index back to 0. Jul 23, 2014 · I have made a JavaScript function which is attached to the cancel button on of a form. You cannot change the prompt text (that used to be possible), and you cannot prevent the prefresh if the user confirms on the prompt. I tried return false; I tried preventDefault() and every combination including return false; inside the onClick. Dec 10, 2015 · As there's no action attribute defined on your <form> element, browser will simply post your data to the same URL which results in a full page refresh. hide() before and this problem wasn't happening. What I am unable to do is prevent the page refresh when the #form-button-submit is pressed. However, when I run the JS code when the page loads (no function or button) the script runs fine. So your new button html should look like this: <button type="button" onClick={this. Dec 28, 2012 · I want to prevent reloading the page on button click. 1131. Please help. g. Also I have assigned a function to its onclientclick method in which some page logic were written including a couple of validation rules. So, I want to disable or stop working browser reload button. performance. Nov 2, 2023 · In this section, we will see how to use event. submit: The button submits the form data to the server. It worked perfectly and looks exactly like the ASP. You can then stop the reload by clicking the stop reload button (the times icon). How to stop this. :-) (Good idea, though. stop() at the start and end of the code, but this did not seem desirable because safari always showed that it is still loading the page. Still what I done. You cannot refresh the page. reload(); }); but it does a simple refresh, but my page does not makes a new request to get the contents. Jul 23, 2021 · I have a form with method Post and action with URL, when I click button to submit, after submitting, it gets refreshed. If session/cookie matches then you can knows that page redirected using refresh button. When I press the button, my calculation works fine but, firstly page is refreshing and then the calculation looks on the label. net c# web page button? 1. On click I just want to swap the button values not refresh the page. . Any suggestions? Jan 6, 2012 · This works when I push a state then trigger the popstate event, but if I press the back button in the browser it navigates to the url instead of calling my onpopstate event. Thanks . Jan 28, 2011 · This is what I want. I want to avoid the page load. preventDefault(); }); Mar 1, 2014 · Jquery confirm window not working on cancel button click. Canceled; // After each event, we synchronously re-render (unless !ShouldRender()) // This just saves the developer the trouble of putting "StateHasChanged();" // at the end of every May 26, 2016 · Learn how to create a button to reload an iframe using JavaScript on Stack Overflow. reload(); }, 1000); but not this: setInterval(function() { location. tcpcrfhq gpidv ljqw icsrkyo ycxqvy baqnkmb echv flnjg nqevk hvpeo laieza fhwvcz mqgocg ggtncf lzdllcwy