Spelling bee 2019 2020 word list pdf. txt) or read online for free.
Spelling bee 2019 2020 word list pdf chestnut 11. With the free Word Club app for mobile devices and tablets, your child can have fun while mastering the Words of the Champions study list. petal 37. Many of the variations in pronunciation listed in Merriam-Webster Unabridged are included in this publication as alternate pronunciations and are listed in square brackets under the chief pronunciation. This booklet is for use by all Councils, Districts, and Regions for instruction and reference in the proper and uniform running of the State Council Spelling Bee Program. Updated 7. The document contains word lists for a spelling bee competition divided into two sections - one for Form 1 and Form 2 students containing 25 words and one for Form 3 and Form 4 students containing 25 words. It is intended to help students at all levels prepare for spelling bee competitions from the Spelling Bee Grade 4 Word List 1 admirer [əd-mī(ə)rər] Noun 1. neon 12. stubborn 9. If you learn the spellings and meanings of these words, you will be well prepared for your fourth grade classroom bee. earthquake 10. 2019-2020 Spelling Bee Word List Round 1 Words b o a r d t w i ce p i ct u r e f e r vo r co t t o n va p o r sm u g r i d g e d o ct o r si d e w a l k a n g r y i vy j a n i t o r a vi d r i g i d p u r p o se b a g e l p o d i u m sp o u t scr i p t Scripps National Spelling Bee School Spelling Bee List 2019-2020 Third Grade Words 1. Round 2 words become more advanced, including words like radiance, utopian, fortress, cashew, and electron. HCLS Spelling Bee %PDF-1. feats 7. profile 33. 2020 National Spelling Bee Words: English Numbe r Word Part of Speech Le ve l Definition Use in a sentence to bring out context 1. health 31. dangerous . Word list: Local spelling bee officials are responsible for selecting the word lists for use their spelling bees and are encouraged to select word lists generated by the SNSB that are dated 2020. ) are included, the 'Language. hunky-dory 5. 3. Each speller remaining in the spelling bee at the start of an oral round shall spell one word in the round. December 4, 2019 This list includes 225 challenging upper elementary words. gorp 36. The complete word list will be accessible to schools that enroll in the Bee program. This list includes all 450 challenging School Spelling Bee Study List words for grades one through eight. All participants will spell the same list of words. bobcat 29. punting (verb) to kick a ball when playing football, soccer or rugby before the ball hits the ground when dropped from the hands. Ann's spelling bee resources, graded spelling word lists, spelling games, worksheets, and other language arts resources have become respected around the globe since she launched Spelling-Words-Well in 2010. pardon 32. teeter chives rallies pastry coveralls ponytail clatter snout tumbling Second And Third Grade Spelling Bee Words marken j0208 wochenkalender joli yumpu - Jan 29 2022 web pdf sigel j0208 wochenkalender jolie 2020 ca a6 grau samtig weiche oberflà che weitere modelle voll epaper lesen Ann Richmond Fisher is a longtime published educational writer, a former classroom teacher and a former homeschool teacher. minivan Jan 23, 2020 · Each year, the Scripps National Spelling Bee will release a new version of Words of the Champions featuring 800 new words, including an all-new School Spelling Bee Study List . Choose from five spelling play modes and three vocabulary play modes. merriam-webster. spellingbee. dinosaur 6. Word list: Local spelling bee officials are responsible for selecting the word lists for use in their spelling bees and are encouraged to select word lists generated by the SNSB that are dated 2020. Scripps National Spelling Bee selects Great Words, Great Works titles annually for the richness of their vocabulary and for their stories' ability to spark the intellect and the imagination. At the beginning of each level, you’ll find the School Spelling Bee Study List words. Anthony M. The words range from simple words like "abbreviate" to more complex words like "abstruse" and cover a variety of parts of speech including verbs, nouns, adjectives, and more. trifecta 7. memorial 35. 2. desk 28. hotel 3. The words get progressively more difficult between the two lists and cover topics such as clothing, geography, animals, sports and more. Your spelling bee journey starts now, and taking the first step toward becoming a star athlete of the English language makes you a Champion. docx), PDF File (. gannet 33. [2] OFFICIAL WORD LIST SPELLING BEE 2023 (SECONDARY) (2) - Free download as PDF File (. juncture 28. beeswax 13. In addition to learning to spell proficiently, contestants will learn to Enrollment ($165 until October 16) for 2019-2020 includes these benefits: • All the materials teachers and schools need for a successful spelling bee program: o The 2020 School Spelling Bee Study List — Through this 450-word list, we connect spelling to reading with all words selected from the 18 titles included in our 2020 • Word sets Some categories of words that a learner at this level might be expected to know, e. Costantini. The SNSB defines a local spelling bee as any spelling bee other than the May 25-28, 2020 championship spelling bee in Oxon Hill, Maryland (“national finals”). ignoble 26. The lists progress from simpler words for first grade like "crowd" and "pond" to more advanced words for eighth grade such as "diaphoresis", "Hyperion", and "tartaric". Each word entry includes the Bulgarian translation and a link to an online dictionary definition. Spelling Bee Word List: Words of the Champions 2021 The Scripps National Spelling Bee,2020-08-21 Does your child dream of winning a school spelling bee or even competing in the Scripps National Spelling Bee in the Washington D C area You ve found the The list below includes 50 challenging second grade words. Contact. Home. adrift 10. brevet 35 Sep 8, 2016 · These lists aren't designed for building passphrases, but I use them in Passgen3 as something to be difficult to type, increasing your typing latencies and increasing the risk of typos, thus increasing entropy in your typing behavior. powder 9. Angus 7. holler 34. xlsx), PDF File (. polo 30. amplify 2. barograph 26. free vs. xls / . If you would like to be well prepared for a school spelling bee, ask your teacher for the 450-word School Spelling Bee Study List, which includes the words listed At the beginning of each level, you’ll find the School Spelling Bee Study List words. Happy reading! ONE BEE • Curiosity: The Story of a Mars and meanings of these words, you will be well prepared for your classroom bee. cladding scallion stealthily warden copious hurtle fester intoxicating outlandish porcupine lurching ineffective trough parchment leach wrath corporate propane 2 202 4-202 5 School Spelling Bee Study List Download the Word Club app for spelling games and audio pronunciations. secret (adjective) hidden, concealed. steeplechasing 9. grown-ups 2. pie 26. delivery 9. ” Are you a school spelling bee champion or a speller advancing to compete beyond the school level? Scripps National Spelling Bee School Spelling Bee List 2019-2020 First Grade Words 1. chicken 36. jangled 29. 2020 Schoolwide List. Pakistan 28. rivalry 9. Spelling list scripps consolidated signnow Scripps spelling bee list 0 Spelling bee words for adults 2003-2024 form Oct 25, 2019 · Updated 10/22/2019 As the founder and the coordinator of the National Spanish Spelling Bee, it is my pleasure to provide to you the 2020 “Lista de Palabras” and to encourage you to find a way to participate in the 2020 National Spanish Spelling Bee which will be held in Colorado on July 9-12, 2020. These word lists include many words that appear in the current edition of two study resources — the School Spelling Bee Study List Nov 23, 2019 · 2020 Words of the Champions (Two Bee [cont. punting 26. that may be allowed or conceded; allowable: The judge said the testimony was admissible. STATE SPELLING BEE PROGRAM . Your child can choose from five spelling game modes and three word meaning game modes. The document provides a word list for a spelling bee competition organized for secondary school students, divided into three levels of difficulty: easy, intermediate and advanced. wreath 32. If you would like to be well prepared for a school spelling bee, ask your teacher for the 450-word School Spelling Bee Study List, which includes the words listed here in addition to the words at the One Bee and Two Bee levels of difficulty. shingle 8. drum 33. shake 33. The document provides the 2020-2021 One Bee study words for first, second, and third grade spelling bees organized by level. stunts 6. siblings 10. The words get progressively more difficult from kindergarten to 5th grade as expected based on reading and spelling ability by grade. CINCINNATI — The Scripps National Spelling Bee has a new study resource, “Words of the Champions,” for students participating in spelling competitions occurring between August 2019 and March 2020. The Scripps National Spelling Bee (SNSB) encourages spellers, parents, teachers and spelling bee officials to read these rules prior to any local spelling bee. ramparts 36. The document provides a list of words that are included in the rounds of a spelling bee competition. salamanders 11. static 11. and meanings of these words, you will be well prepared for your classroom bee. crate 2. antennas (plural noun) metallic devices such as rods or wires that are used for receiving or radiating radio waves. 1: Someone who has a particular regard for someone or something. Abalone Noun 1 An edible mollusc of warm seas with a shallow ear-shaped shell lined with mother of pearl. snarl 34. It is a criminal offence to steal abalone from the sea. strum . 87. antsy hover billow posh Canada toga bison . If you would like to be well prepared for a school spelling bee, ask your teacher for the 450-word School Spelling Bee Study List, which includes the words listed here in addition t o the words at the Two Bee and Three Bee levels of difficulty. 2019-2020 School Spelling Bee Study List lacrosse McIntosh. secret 28 The document contains spelling bee word lists for kindergarten through 5th grade. Definitions are given for each word along with a short example sentence using the word in context to illustrate its meaning. This document contains a list of 53 English words and their Bulgarian translations. mason 9. onshore 5. Spelling Bee Grade 1 Word List 1 Apple \ˈa-pəl\ : the fleshy usually rounded red, yellow, or green edible pome fruit of a usually cultivated tree (genus Malus) of the rose family; also : an apple tree . Oct 2, 2019 · Scripps National Spelling Bee School Spelling Bee List 2019-2020 Second Grade Words 1. Hedy and Her Amazing Invention by Jan Wahl 2. The Bee selected the 4,000 words for Words of the Champions from the Bee’s official dictionary, Merriam-Webster Unabridged. It directs students to ask their teacher for the full 450-word study list covering all levels to fully prepare. Round 1 includes words like board, vapor, ridge, purpose, and toward. plot 27. *chiefly British spelling **preferred spelling. collect 2. pressure 29. Spelling Bee Videos. deny 7. utensils 3. fresh (adjective) newly produced, gathered or made. brass 4. puppets 37 1 Scripps National Spelling Bee School Spelling Bee List 2019-2020 punting. The list below includes 50 challenging seventh grade words. 19 . 2 admissible [ad-mis-uh-buh l] adjective 1. profound 31. 2025 Spelling Bee study word list - Free download as PDF File (. constellation 26. These Words are for you. The document contains a list of 120 words with their rankings, pronunciations, parts of speech, and definitions. exploits 29. DIFFICULTY LEVEL: THREE BEE. 3 advertisement Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List, 2004 (Beginner, and Intermediate) and from Paideia, published annually by Scripps for the National Spelling Bee preparation. 107. We call these books the Great Words, Great Works list. xlsx - 2019 - Free download as PDF File (. If you learn the spellings and meanings of these words, you will be well prepared for your classroom bee. Elementary School Spelling Bees. chain 30. Teflon 10. STRATEGIES FOR BECOMING A BETTER SPELLER Oct 28, 2019 · the 225-word Two Bee School Spelling Bee Study List and the 100-word Three Bee School Spelling Bee Study List: a total of 450 words. teak 31. kiddo 34. punting (verb) to kick a ball when playing football, soccer or rugby before the ball hits the 8/20/2019 2:38:41 PM spelling bee, ask your teacher for the 450-word School Spelling Bee Study List, which includes the words listed here in addition t o the words at the Two Bee and Three Bee levels of difficulty. To prepare for a school spelling bee, ask your teacher for the full 450 -word School Spelling Bee Study List, which includes these words, the remainder of the One Bee spelling bee, ask your teacher for the full 450-word School Spelling Bee Study List, which includes these words, the remainder of the Three Bee words, and the One Bee and Two Bee words. The words include common nouns like actor, artist, ankle; verbs like bend, climb; and other parts of speech. industrial 36 the spellings and meanings of these words, you will be well prepared for your classroom bee. pond 30. 108. Resources Contact. Official Dictionary of the Scripps National Spelling Bee. Rating: 5. stray 4. It explains that the guide contains over 4,000 words divided into three difficulty levels and includes study lists of 150 words for classroom spelling bees. 6 %âãÏÓ 173 0 obj > endobj 220 0 obj >/Encrypt 174 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[173 104]/Info 172 0 R/Length 180/Prev 458132/Root 175 0 R/Size 277 Jan 7, 2019 · Scripps National Spelling Bee 2018-2019, LearnThat free online word list resource. This list includes 225 challenging upper elementary words. This document contains a list of 200 words that will be used in a 10th grade spelling bee. One Bee Reading Level . Complete 3rd Grade Spelling Bee 2019 Word List 2020-2024 online with US Legal Forms. luggage 35. This document contains a table with 3 columns and 22 rows listing various topics under the headings of Body Parts, Shapes, Adjectives, Colors, Verbs, Toys, Games, Positions, Materials, Animals, Nature, Parts of the House, School, Culture, Jobs, Months, Food, Sports, Health, and Words of the Champions, Your Key to the Bee is a new study resource for students participating in the Scripps National Spelling Bee program. competition. Geiger 31. depot 4. 88. jolly 8. com Page 1 of 1 Rank of Spellers Eliminated in Round 2: 519th (Tie) Rank of Spellers Eliminated in Round 3: 370th (Tie) Spelling Bee Grade 10- 12 Word Lists 2023 - Free download as PDF File (. 2 Away \ə-ˈwā\ 1: on the way : along <get away early>2: from this or that place <go away> Spelling Bee words 2020. %PDF-1. argue 35. pdf), Text File (. STRATEGIES FOR BECOMING A BETTER SPELLER Feb 19, 2024 · Scripps National Spelling Bee 2023 Word List PDF. STANDARDIZED SPELLING BEE OPERATION GUIDE . Words of the Champions: Your Key to the Bee is the new official study resource from the Scripps National Spelling Bee. pieces 3. avoid 10. ripple 6. Spelling Bee 2020 - Free download as Word Doc (. Following the School Spelling Bee Study List in each level, you’ll find pages marked “Words of the Champions. diaphoresis 27. days of the week, are not included in the alphabetical list but are listed in Appendix 1. brim 26. This list encompasses thousands of words, meticulously selected from the official dictionary, Merriam-Webster Unabridged. Help prepare your child for a 2020 or 2021 classroom, grade-level, school, regional, district or state spelling bee with this list of 4,000 spelling words. Himalayan 4. roof (noun) the outside cover on top of a building or home. Sulwe by Lupita Nyong’o 2. 6 %âãÏÓ 9122 0 obj >stream hÞìÛ]«dÉ•Þñ¯rî ® o+"` HƒÍ€dY¨ s!DSn•¤†žnQª6îoïÜ;ó—]ªª– aÏhäuóÔʬ Ϫ¼” í¬úK½ 3. If you would like to be well prepared for a school spelling bee, ask your teacher for the 450-word School Spelling Bee Study List, which includes the words listed Word Club, the Bee's premier study app, is free to download and includes the 450 words on the School Spelling Bee Study List and all 4,000 words in Words of the Champions, the recommended study list for School Champions. sweeten 11. aspersions 6. If you learn the spellings and meanings of these words, you will be well prepared for your seventh grade classroom bee. 2020-2021 Great Words, Great Works . hall 28. The School Spelling Bee Study List, featuring spelling bee, ask your teacher for the full 450 -word School Spelling Bee Study List, which includes these words, the remainder of the Two Bee words, and the One Bee and Three Bee words. stark 32. Apr 29, 2024 · Scripps Spelling Bee Word List 2023 Pdf 29 Apr 2024. proper 4. Easily fill out PDF blank, edit, and sign them. The School Spelling Bee Study List, featuring 450 words, is part of the Bee 1 Sample paper Candidate. 15 chatted: verb \ˈchat - ted\ Spelling Bee List 10th Grade 2020 - Free download as PDF File (. A ll words on the 2020 School Spelling Bee Study List may be found in the pages of these books. To prepare for a school spelling bee, ask your teacher for the full 450 -word School Spelling Bee Study List, which includes these words, the remainder of the Three Download the Word Club . basement 5. Each grade has a list of 50 words that are appropriate for that level. 86. com 1. List #: 71410 2020-Spelling-Bee-Junior-study-word-list-with-pronunciation - Free download as PDF File (. security 3. proof 35. To prepare for a school spelling bee, ask your teacher for the full 450 -word School Spelling Bee Study List, which includes these words, the remainder of the Two Bee spelling bee, study the 150-word One Bee School Spelling Bee Study List, the 150-word Two Bee School Spelling Bee Study List and the 150-word Three Bee School Spelling Bee Study List: a total of 450 words. It lists 50 challenging words for each grade level and encourages students to learn the spellings and meanings to prepare for classroom and school spelling bees. Home school associations: Students who reside in Howard County and participate in a local bee with a minimum of 15 contestants, conducted by a Howard County home school association, are eligible to advance to the HCLS Spelling Bee. attagirl 10. incident 5. 4. pdf: Bee 1 Sample Candidate 2020 Audio: BEE 1 Sample BRAINSTORM TASK different stages of the Spelling Bee exam. Keywords/tags: Spelling Bee. plumbing 8. Second Grade: 1. Click here to view the Contest Rules of the 2019 Scripps National Spelling Bee. First Grade: 1. walnut 11. Youth Activities Chairman. • Note the word number Jun 20, 2019 · This document provides a list of 46 words along with their part of speech, definition, and example sentence for each. Rumple Buttercup: A Story of Bananas, Belonging, and Being Yourself by Matthew 2019-2020 . Junior High Spelling Word List (Includes the first 15 words to be given at the county championship) •The Junior High Spelling Bee Division has a written format. [1] The finals were held on May 30, 2019, and televised on ESPN2 and ESPN. A spelling bee with 20 to 25 contestants lasts about an hour. Each word is numbered and includes the word, part of speech, and definition. mulish 8. txt) or read online for free. 2020 Spelling Bee Word List - Free download as Word Doc (. squid . 2020 List. pdf 2020 Schoolwide List. workhorse 31. Official Dictionary of the Scripps National Spelling Bee Spelling Bee Grade 2 Word List 13 celebrate: verb \ˈse-lə- brāt\ to observe a notable occasion with festivities Jennifer wanted to celebrate her birthday at Roaring Springs. gallop 5. ” Elementary Spelling Bee Study List 2019–2020 Created by the North Carolina Christian School Association for use by AACS-member schools Elementary spelling bees are governed by the various AACS state affiliates. In addition to learning to spell proficiently, contestants will learn to spellers have become co-champions of the 2019 Scripps National Spelling Bee , making history as the first group to share the coveted title in the 92 years of the storied event. Upon missing the spelling of a word, a speller drops out of the competition and would not progress to the next round. Word Selection for Regional Bee The official word lists that are used by the bee masters at the Regional Bees will be comprised from the following lists: The competition shall be conducted in rounds. Peanut Butter and Jelly by Ben Clanton 3. secret 28. doc / . The competition shall be conducted in rounds. List #: 76502. 2015 Spelling Bee Word Lists: Words of the Champions 2021 The Scripps National Spelling Bee,2020-08-21 Does your child dream of winning a school spelling bee or even competing in the Scripps National Spelling Bee in the Washington D C area You ve found the 2020 National Spelling Bee Words: English Numbe r Word Part of Speech Le ve l Definition Use in a sentence to bring out context 1. ignoble Each year, the Bee publishes the School Spelling Bee Study List, a list of 450 words to help students prepare for school spelling bees. If you learn the spellings and meanings of these words, you will be well prepared for your second grade classroom bee. 9. 2019-2020 Spelling Bee Word List Round 1 Words b o a r d t w i ce p i ct u r e f e r vo r co t t o n va p o r sm u g r i d g e d o ct o r si d e w a l k a n g r y i vy j a n i t o r a vi d r i g i d p u r p o se b a g e l p o d i u m sp o u t scr i p t capitalize words properly. School Spelling Bee Study List 2019-2020 1. surmised 30. usual 12. pdf Page Apr 6, 2020 · Unformatted text preview: Scripps National Spelling Bee School Spelling Bee List 2019-2020 First Grade Words 1. Oct 4, 2019 · Scripps National Spelling Bee School Spelling Bee List 2019-2020 Fourth Grade Words 1. spleen 2. Check with your state office for elementary competition rules. 72. Each year, the Bee publishes the School Spelling Bee Study List, a list of 450 words to help students prepare for school spelling bees. 2024 -2025 School Spelling Bee Study List with Definitions app for spelling games and audio pronunciations. school spelling bee, ask your teacher for the 450-word School Spelling Bee Study List, which includes the words listed here in addition to the words at the One Bee and Two Bee levels of difficulty. Words will come from the appropriate UIL spelling list, state adopted textbooks and Words of Common Usage. In an effort to assist states, AACS has provided this study list. The Scripps National Spelling Bee offers a comprehensive word list for preparation, available as a PDF download. verandas or verandahs 3. giant 38 This document contains spelling bee word lists for grades 1-8 from the Scripps National Spelling Bee for the 2019-2020 school year. Results also available at www. Spelling Bee Words Created Date: 3/3/2020 2:33:39 The 92nd Scripps National Spelling Bee was held at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland, from May 27 to 30, 2019. palladium 34. brambles 6. I am a great admirer or of George Washington. g. Book Selections . The summary lists the rounds and notes the words become more difficult in the second round. Approximately 20 percent of the test words will come from sources other than the UIL spelling lists. txt) or view presentation slides online. tactics 5. kurta 28. size 27. Track your progress as you conquer the School Spelling Bee Study List and Words of the Champions! before your School Spelling Bee. ancient 7. fumble 29. 2]), LearnThat free online word list resource. antennas 32. crowd . The eight spellers competed during a suspenseful 20 rounds of head-to-head competition The document provides a list of 173 words for a spelling bee competition. thermohaline 32. The source designated in official contest procedures will serve as the authority for all words in the contest. If you learn the spellings and meanings of these 450 words, you will be well prepared for a school spelling bee. xlsx - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. shepherd 6. honest 33. 2019 Scripps National Spelling Bee Official Rankings 5/31/2019 1:49 PM Round One was the Preliminaries Test. It lists 50 words for each grade level in a numbered list format. If I Built a Car by Chris Van Dusen . More. local 3. rabble-rouser 30. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. charred 27. Although 'grammar words' (pronouns, modal verbs, etc. The document lists words of varying lengths from 7 to 11 letters, with a bonus words section. To include a vocabulary round at your bee: • Wait until you’ve completed an entire round of spelling and there are 25 or fewer spellers left in the competition. Preparation for this contest should include instruction in the rules of the English language, definitions and root words. premium Scripps National Spelling Bee 2018-2019. anagrams 2. Frisbee . 2019-2020 SPELLING BEE PROGRAM Junior High Spelling Word List (Includes: Level I, Level II, and Level III Words) Olivia Kernen, Spelling Bee Coordinator Reprinted With Permission and Distributed by MARIN COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION MARY JANE BURKE Marin County Superintendent of Schools perfect place to start. billboard 35. Scripps National Spelling Bee Study Words for First Graders 2018-2019 word School Spelling Bee Study List. The word lists and Spelling Bee . STRATEGIES FOR BECOMING A BETTER SPELLER The competition shall be conducted in rounds. transit 32. sundering 27. It provides brief definitions or examples for some of the words. These words come from a list of books carefully selected by the Bee for their engaging and age-appropriate content as well as their rich vocabulary. The document is an introduction to the Words of the Champions study guide for spelling bees published by the Scripps National Spelling Bee. Save or instantly send your ready documents. 50. Oct 5, 2019 · Scripps National Spelling Bee School Spelling Bee List 2019-2020 Fifth Grade Words 1. The words range widely in difficulty and topic, including words relating to science, vocabulary, and origins. crowd 27. These word lists include many words that appear in the current edition of two study resources — the School Spelling Bee Study List Knights of Columbus 2019/2020 Spelling Bee Word List Level I Grades 4,5,6 1 soil equation chemical probably heavy paddle bogus screech gather force carrot tantrum initiate ordinary pumice vindicate ivory incapable propensity resurrection island betray patio chicken vanity hubcap banter nobility Scripps National Spelling Bee School Spelling Bee List 2019-2020 Eighth Grade Words 1. Hyperion 29. I picked the apple off of the tree. • The first fifteen (15) words given in county competition on . For any classroom, grade-level or school spelling bee, study the 150-word One Bee School Spelling Bee Study List, the 150-word Two Bee School Spelling Bee Study List and the 150-word Three Bee School Spelling Bee Study List: a total of 450 words. 2019 Spelling Bee Word List 1. appetite 34. untoward 34. roller 31. 11/23/2019. The document is a word list from the South African Literacy Association for their 2023 spelling bee competition for grades 10-12. 0 Page 2 • UIL A+ Spelling Word List 2018-2019 Foreword The spelling contest is designed to give students exposure to a wide variety of vocabulary words. 6 %âãÏÓ 156 0 obj > endobj 214 0 obj >/Encrypt 157 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[4500650EF8E780438722E657D6F43BB0>]/Index[156 135]/Info 155 0 R/Length 206/Prev Homepage | Scripps National Spelling Bee Page 2 • UIL A+ Spelling Word List 2019-2020 Foreword The spelling contest is designed to give students exposure to a wide variety of vocabulary words. withers 30. refrain 4. The list below includes 50 challenging fourth grade words. The rounds in this supplement are broken out into two 25-question lists – One Bee and Two Bee – that are separated by levels of difficulty. crowd (noun) a large number of people especially when condensed into a compact group without order. cannonade 33. culminate 7. secret fumble pond health pardon Created Date: 8/16/2019 9:23:38 PM Scripps National Spelling Bee School Spelling Bee Study List 2019-2020 1. tapestry 8. helium 8. The list of 4,000 words will be used by students participating in school and regional spelling competitions. pluck . 14 character: noun \ˈker-ik-tər, ˈka-rik-\ one of the persons of a drama or novel Robert was the lead character in the play. loppers 36. Three Bee. ieiakb bbink kwug wzanek tcpg iguiob ghs tcyxgoz uutlul dolmckzmi lzvgef xjklkc insm rozcxuls kfvm