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Recurring hex weapon. Cmods and shields with the right rolls are pretty rare too.

Recurring hex weapon The Hex occasionally appears in Maurice’s Black Market. Images displayed elsewhere in this page will be removed and A hex weapon can simply be a weapon you pick up and are proficient with, and it always applies to your pact weapon. It is one of the best grenade mods you can get in the game right now. My class mod also boosts grenades 30%. Would also love a masher clairvoyance, skullsmasher, soulrenders in other… Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 7 comments At work right now but will be home in a coupe hours and can see if I have what you need. I have a couple of anointed guns for beastmaster. Good luck finding that item you have… And since Vampyr doesn't heal based on damage but on hits, a low-level CMT or Hex (Recurring or MIRV-tacular prefix) are really good for this. Vindicator Ghast Call, Cloning Maddening Tracker, etc. If you have… A lot of those youtube videos use super specific weapons and/or favorable mayhem modifiers for their super fast kills. from lootlemon: Mitosis causes the grenade to split into 3 shortly after being thrown. Its like the storm front or quasar except all its tendrils will link to enemies and the more there are the more damage it does. Recurring Hex – Have MIRV and Cloning Hex effect; Although it received nerf before there are still no grenades that surpass Hex itself. Recurring has the MIRV and Cloning effects. ) King's Call (Fire, After using… Honestly I have every anointed hex version except the 1 I want lol honestly. With an anointed flakker and shock recurring hex I dont even look at the modifiers as they dont matter. Hex has its 10% chance, that’s shared with the other 2 items, then could get “hex, cloning hex, mirv hex, mitosis hex, recurring hex, mirvtacular hex” so really like 3% chance of getting a 2/6 then hoping it’s anointed lol Dedicated drop weapons/shields/nades appear in the diamond room, but not all of them. I've seen probably a hundred drop tonight because a buddy had some loot bug that was causing every enemy to drop 3-4 legendary's per kill so i used it for research purposes and i haven't seen one drop outside those 3 elements. A 150% Grenade damage Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge. Posted by u/Kazu972 - 1 vote and 3 comments And I know this post is old but I was trying to find the difference between the Storm Front and I have an electric Recurring Hex (the best hex by far, with it splitting into 2 in flight, and then each of those 2 spawn 3 MIRVs, aka 6 electrically currented grenades w/2800 dmg per second. If you can get a Recurring Hex variant, it’s even more powerful. It's piss is good for weaking enemies. The damage on those mirved child grenades is divided. 3 show up when you're playing with 2 players or more. I like the hex but it doesn’t do enough splash… Fortified Desperate Bloodletter (+30% weapon handling) (+26% shotgun damage) (+25% grenade radius) This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Also you want the clone to be using a decent general purpose gun. Either of you have anything interesting to trade for or clone? Like frost or rad Lucian's calls or even recurring hex grenades? I have a cryo recurring hex and a shock mirv hex if you are interested in either Sure I'd love the recurring hex! I'll send you everything you asked for as soon as you accept my request! Hex grenades are great for a seein dead cmod bc the grenade will trigger kill skills fast. The Higher the fire rate, the better, reload speed and mag size are not important. 14K subscribers in the BorderlandsGuns community. 7K subscribers in the Borderlands3Exchange community. Welcome! All things trading related for Borderlands 3. Was thinking about it on my drive home like wait. I definitely have a ton of Moze class mods and artifacts… I have anointed : Fire Lyuda Rad Rowan's Call Queen's Call (Rad) (Fl4k) and (corosive for all) Fire Lucian's Call The Holistic Butcher Cocky Flakker… Posted by u/Kyle-m2020- - 3 votes and 15 comments Anointed Shotguns -Subsidized The Butcher [siren] (After phasecast weapon damage is increased by 250%) -Hazardous Trevonator (Corrosive/incendiary)… Posted by u/TheGreenJackoLantern - 2 votes and 1 comment Sorry for the weird format. depends on the weapon, as usual. For moze, dont use the Hex. Edit: typos Dec 19, 2019 · Since there are two of them, your chances are much higher to get the Hex. Cmods and shields with the right rolls are pretty rare too. 2 votes and 18 comments so far on Reddit Shields ••Stop-Gap: 50% corrosive ASE ••Stop-Gap: shields recharge when Barrier is deployed ••Stop-Gap: 15% movement speed while SNTNL is active… MIRV-Tacular and Recurring are the best ones. This guide will tell you all you need to know about what the Borderlands 3 Hex Grenade is capable of and where to farm it. The Recurring Hex is the best version of the Hex grenade though to answer your question. If you're solo only 2 will ever come out. Any grenade that explodes a lot is good for her. Recurring Hex. However, any grenade that had divider and mirv perk will be called recurring, not 100% sure that Ghast Call has set parts, if not Recurring Ghast Call is possible just like the Hex. For guns, I really like the Flipper on Moze and prefer it over the Plasma Coil (Plasma Coil is still amazing don't get me wrong). As a note I haven’t had a recurring drop for me and I’m using a cloning shock hex, and it still absolutely melts with a grenadier moze build and still works beautifully post hot fix. It's like that because you get the pact of the blade feature at 3rd level, or if you take a different pact all together. Rad is cool for Mobbing cause they blow op so fast and u have a rad relic, the shock variant is mainly for the guardian takedown 13K subscribers in the PandoranRedCross community. Aug 3, 2020 · Damage resistance on COMs were removed in the latest version since Gearbox fixed excessive enemy weapon damage. Oct 14, 2019 · recurring hex! Borderlands 3 Legendary Guide Best Farm (Post-Patch) STRONGEST GRENADE! There are three variations of the Hex Grenade in Borderlands 3, I also Youre phrasing makes you sound a bit a misled. A futuristic Italian Mob themed company that specializes in railgun tech; making sci-fi Tommy Guns, Revolvers, & Shotguns which you can charge up by landing satisfying shots to overpower them in a fun way. Dec 10, 2023 · If you’re playing Borderlands 3, you may have heard of the Hex Grenade, a legendary grenade capable of laying waste to enemies with multiple beams of energy. Both add damage and are the only legendary cmods that have good misfortune. Posted by u/Jevans240 - 3 votes and 9 comments 6K subscribers in the Borderlands3Exchange community. For added helpfulness get it at a low level to keep the accidental splash damage to yourself at a minimum. Once this thing detonates, it shoots a ton of beams that continually damage the enemy with elemental splash damage. I have the recurring mirv hex and am on the lookout to the ever elusive Country Music Television. Recurring is the best hex. **Thanks to KeRyoX for posting on the BL3 modding discord! duc flood garcia transfusion Recurring hex and anointed refreshing grenades, moze wants auto dropping grenades Ice breaker victory rush for Zanes, better with extra damage/movement speed/action skill cooldown Elemental projector/flesh melter/atom balm are all damage boosts and should be used with the weapons and builds as needed. Aug 21, 2020 · Borderlands 3 - Legendary Rare Spawn - While an Action Skill is Active Grenade Damage is Increased 150% - More Legendary drops for you guy's to claim, if you (PC)(BL3)requesting a cryo recurring hex level 72 M10 please! this is the variant i could not get to drop during ltu. Recurring hex grenades will create the most triggers. some weapons might work that way, have a big enough AOE that it's alright like that, most probably not, some are more 'aerial denial' ish and don't want to waste part of the shot's effect by aiming down, when you could be hitting multiple enemies, instead. Only garbage weapons or weapons made better by other classes aren't as good on him. Get a recurring hex and a 125% splash damage anointed gun and you're definitely good to go regardless of your artifact! Reply reply More replies More replies Posted by u/DocStockton - 1 vote and 6 comments Posted by u/DucksOnQuack17 - 1 vote and 10 comments 5. The Recurring Hex is a Grenade Mod of the Legendary or Orange Rarity in Borderlands 3. Im posting on mobile and it changes it to this after I post Artifacts Snowdrift splatter gun Snowdrift victory rush… Posted by u/Jevans240 - 2 votes and 5 comments Amara Carpet Bomb Elementalist +10% Vladof Weapon Damage, +31% SMG Damage, +45% Atlas Weapon Crit Damage My bad I meant recurring hex not MIRV, but if you have Have Lucian's Call (cryo, on kill +5% weapon damage and reload speed for 25sec, stacks) Cash-Infused Brainstormer (terrified 50% cryo) Poison…. Mirv and Mitosis are half strength, and cloning and normal are hot garbage. Running clone + drone build on Zane, I'm wondering which grenades to use. No problem. So far i have seen Recurring for Cryo, Shock and Rad, i just wanna know if Incendiary, and Corrosive versions exist for it. For Borderlands 3 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "My Psychodelic weapon skin for Recurring Hex? (Radiation/shock)". And it perfectly complements the ‘Invincible Moze Build’. The Borderlands Trading Subreddit - /r/BorderlandsGuns Jan 3, 2025 · Mitosis Hex – Grenade split into 3 upon thrown and shocks enemy. I do have a recurring hex (Mayhem 4) that helped when it gets dropped within the build actions. Nov 24, 2019 · Having a tough time finding the MIRV or Recurring Hex? Don’t worry we got you. Let’s see why. I have other hex variants, with that being my favorite. I had him with Mayhem 4 Rowans call Rad. Posted by u/ER_Poisoned - 1 vote and 20 comments Apr 13, 2020 · Look for weapon specific bonuses that boost the weapon you're holding ex. com Nov 22, 2019 · RECURRING HEX DEDICATED DROP LOCATION!! Borderlands 3 Legendary Weapon Guide Click SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy! :) Don’t forget to click that LIKE button! 👍Bor Oct 15, 2020 · The Recurring variant is the ideal Hex Grenade Mod as it has the most MIRVs and a higher base damage than the MIRV-Tacular variant. Nov 12, 2022 · Defeat them to score some juicy loot, then open their bags for a possibility to get a legendary weapon. I also use the grenade I got from jabbermogwai alot (with the 20% free grenade from IB taking damage) that one helps keep the bear up with the bio fuel. And with the introduction of the Guardian Angel, grenade spamming with Moze is fun again. Good luck finding that item you have… Posted by u/Jevans240 - 2 votes and 24 comments And a 125% corrosive lucians calls, then a scrappy big boom shield with 20% cooldown and -25% sheild delay/10% weapon dmg booster, cold warrior class mod +1 ready for action, +3 synchronicity, +1 trick of light, cry annointed recurring hex, and a ice break otto idol with cry resistance, efficiency and health regen. -stop gap is my choice but shield is pref. Hex Grenade: Best grenade BI3. Look for purples with modifiers similar to Mirv, Mirv, Mini-Mirv. Executor or conductor with at least 2 points in Good Misfortune and splash dmg radius. You name it! Posted by u/rab5374 - 1 vote and 1 comment Posted by u/21LL - 1 vote and 5 comments Business, Economics, and Finance. [Recommended] Hex (Grenade Mod) - Your grenade mod is the backbone of Moze's mobbing efficiency, and the Hex grenade is currently the best grenade in terms of interacting with Moze's Means of Destruction and Vampyr skills to create an engine of grenade regeneration and healing. Or just an explosive pistol - launcher of choice-blast master or blood letter mod depending on if your mobbing or killing bosses-relic is preference. And the thing that makes her OP is A Unleash The Dragon relic with Incendiary Damage and Melee Damage. As of now, farmed like 5 Ghast Call, all of them are the same for me. Don't think you can just light yourself on fire and melt bosses. Crypto Posted by u/CalmYoKitties - 1 vote and 3 comments SMGs: Annointed Auditing Crossroad (cryo) ---- Weapon status effect damage/chance increased by 75% for a short time Annointed Defrauding Crossroad… Posted by u/Jevans240 - 1 vote and 18 comments Posted by u/TakinLsErryday - 1 vote and 9 comments Also have a fire cutsman with sntnl cryo, some other sntnl cryo gear. -Hex or any variety preferably cloning or recurring-flacker pref c***y I beleive-laser sploder -devastator pref double pen. Damage reduced by 70%. Q System. List what you need for trade". There is at least one weapon that appears no where else in the game, but can appear in the diamond room (purple 7th Sense) I run recurring hex with electric banjo artifact. any help is appreciated! if you can pull "on grenade throw" anoint, that would be helpful too Posted by u/bidoff7 - 2 votes and 5 comments 393K subscribers in the borderlands3 community. Cryo element A. The hex’s benefit is that it’s homing which is clutch. For the Mirv tacular, the damage on the initial Mirv divides the damage across the first three child grenades which then repeats. 200% Splash Buy Director's Cut DLC The recurring hex is good. The frozen heart shield with the activate on action skill Anointment, MNTS cannon, the perk that gives cryo damage when you’re not being targeted, and a grenade that gives you bonus cryo damage after your action skill ends make it unnecessary since everything In this video I show you the fastest way to get a the Recurring Hex in Borderlands 3. Recurring is the ideal prefix for this grenade, allowing it to For Borderlands 3 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "[LF] Recurring or Mirvtacular Hex. Butttttt also have its piss. The beam effects dont count as grenade/splash damage anymore. Some people run straight to the door where they spawn, in which case, only 1 or less may have time to pop up but, if you go back to the door of the big room with multiple levels, the other missing one or both will eventually show up. E. I highly recommend using an executor or conductor for this build. [I Have] Pistols King's Call (Fire, After using Phasecast, Weapon Damage is increased by 250% for a short time. Higher capacity best Cryo Recurring Hex Breaker Mod with +1 in Find Your Center +1 in Cross Jab and +3 in Personal Space with +50% Melee Damage, +31% Cooldown, and + 31% Shotgun Damage. Being an ATLAS grenade, the Hex will track towards an enemy. Takedown weapons/shields/nades appear in the diamond room, but not all of them. With the on thrown grenade +25% damage. My build is designed around nades. The Hex is a legendary weapon in Borderlands 3. All item and weapon cards must be displayed in the table provided. Borderlands 3 - Farm Location - The Compactor - Legendary Rare Spawn More drops for you guy's to claim, if you Would like one of these DUE to not dropping fo Consider this, the weapons that are considered trash by the Meta Mob are currently trash, so how utterly hopeless would they be if gearbox buffed enemies? Buffing enemies would make more weapons "Trash" By nerfing the weapons they see as over-performing they are balancing the game along what ever was intended. The hex is a great grenade mod and by following the points in the video Have Grenades: Vindicator Ghast Call Quasar ( On ASE apply terror) Weapons: Rowan's Call (Radiation) (After using Phaseslam, Melee damage is… For Borderlands 3 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Recurring hex grenade drop". Also new to this so please don’t be upset if I don’t… Do all recurring hexes come with the same damage? Mine right now has a base damage of 23,945 and I’m just wondering if I can do better than that or… [PS4][W] Krakatoa ASE 100% weapon damage [H] Anointed Redistributors, Kybsworths, Ion cannon x2, God roll Moze Mods, Lobs, mirv and recurring hex… And some non-weapon hard to farm gear - Cutpurse Launchpad, ice breaker victory rush, mitosis hunter seeker, and recurring hex. A New weapon manufacturer idea for BL4 I was drawing named Corazza. If you are in base game (without purple tree or you don't wanna use MNTIS) your other good option is to put some points in Duct Tape mod and Drone Delivery also get the ''On Grenade Thrown, weapon, grenade, and action skill damage are increased by 25%'' The recurring hex has a not so great annointment as opposed to the mitosis hunter seekers ASE elemental damage annoint including but not limited to weapon 393K subscribers in the borderlands3 community. Farm for a sandhawk sniper from katagawa jr in atlas hq. I'm really liking the Hex but wondering if cloning maddening tracker is good for him like it is for Moze? Also if the Hex, would shock, radiation or cryo be the most utility and/or overall damage? I would like to trade for a recurring hex. Recurring Hex / Storm Front Grenades Option - Flakker is a nice addition for close range and a bit of a laugh Option - Any other heavy weapon you want to fire a LOT. Hoping it can roll with A. The place for everything Borderlands 3! News, Speculations, Memes, Artwork. For the recurring Hex, the initial cloning split shares the same initial base damage across the 2 child grenades before then Mirving into 3 more child grenades each. An elemental Hunter seeker is boosted by an executor cmod in both elemental and crit damage, while triggering any skills from hitting crits. Feb 26, 2024 · This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Hex Grenade Guide. Yes you absolutely can run around throwing mostly grenades and regenerate them especially with a Big Boom Blaster shield. Quasars and Piss for utility. If he doesn't respond soon, I'll trade it to anyone for another element of recurring hex, or a bloodletter with +25% weapon damage substat. A. Duration reduced to 3 seconds. Ive been collecting them over the last week and while I haven’t had the time to test them all, most seem pretty lack luster. Conclusion – Best Borderlands 3 Grenades There are a lot of options when it comes to the best Borderlands 3 grenades, but the best of the best in pre-DLC Borderlands 3 is generally considered to be the I’ve been using a radiation recurring hex with the ASE regain a grenade. 200% Splash Will try to get on June Free Radical. It has the same number of nades as a MIRV tacular but it splits before impact not after so you get slightly more damage out of it. so recurring first splits into two like a cloning and then each of them split into three again like a mirv. Then you use a shock to strip shields for him (I used my Mayhem 4 Kaos), before switching out to your favorite weapon. pistol damage, assault rifle damage, splash damage, crit damage, these are very important for max damage Grenade mod: Grenades can help trigger SD class mod. Those grenades and a Maggie will do serious damage on M4 If you can't get a CMT you can always use a Recurring Hex, Epicenter, or Nagata (kinda off meta but it deals splash damage 9 times). Very consistent damage Can keep stacks thanks to drones from Dark Army and Messy Breakup Gear I want O. Posted by u/Jevans240 - 1 vote and 5 comments For Zane you might want to consider mitosis/recurring hex grenade as the crits from that will help you out more (if you're going into blue tree iirc) Reply Otacon305 • Posted by u/Peddamann - 1 vote and 7 comments Get recurring hex grenade mods in rad and shock, re roll for the “on grenade thrown weapon dmg is increased” combine it with a revolter and bang u have an insane dmg output. The problem is recurring (and mirvtacular, but ive never seen that) is the only really good one. Same boat as you, I still haven't gotten a CMT If you can get your hands on it I recommend the grease trap for most bosses. I've added even more weapons and grenades this time! I've included additional non-recovered weapons, but this is a list of recovered weapons. P. Hex variants can be found listed below. It can annihilate them fast. S. I’ll post a detailed guide on farming all of these bosses in detail along with the right builds for each character, stay tuned. Other passives to roll on you cmod: weapon type dmg, action skill dmg, and/or action skill cooldown. I can only imagine the beauty of a recurring! Honestly grenades with Zane are only use for ASE anointments with MNTIS so any grenade mod can definitely work. Contains: max-level Item Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, Elements, Variants, and more… See full list on borderlands. You can if you're Moze. 8K subscribers in the Borderlands3Exchange community. Most of us know about guns like the Cutsman SMG, Lyuda sniper, Flakker shotgun, or Recurring Hex grenade, etc But what are some of the weapons people might be sleeping on? There are about 140 legendary weapons/grenades. -MIRV-Tacular: 1 grenade per throw → splits into 6 MIRV grenades = 6 Hex grenades -Recurring: 2 grenades per throw → each splits into 3 MIRV grenades = 6 Hex grenades For Borderlands 3 on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Recurring Hex". 5. That said, I don't usually down myself using level 72 CMTs and Hex with Moze. Oct 9, 2019 · -Recurring Cryo Hex with the Terrified annointment of After your action skill ends you apply terrified on yourself for 18 seconds-Transformer shield with the annointment : After action skill use apply terriefied every 5 seconds for 18 seconds -Bushmaster Epic Fl4K Mod With 31% Heavy Weapon Damage & 54% Weapon Charge Speed Posted by u/Kazu972 - 2 votes and 10 comments Like everyone else said on this thread, recurring hex is amazing but let me show you the beauty of the diluvian rain firestorm. Posted by u/UndeadPhysco - 15 votes and 26 comments I have anointed : Molten Vicious Lyuda (125% wdmg and for siren phasecast 250%wdmg) Rowan's Call (rad 50% shock dmg),(shock 100% wdmg )(fire 100%… Posted by u/Itzpainful - 1 vote and 4 comments For Borderlands 3 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "LF Bloodletter Mod/Shock Recurring Hex". the recurring prefix gives it 6 projectiles instead of three. Good luck finding that item you have… I use the mirvtacular Hex (farmed for ages and couldn't get recurring). It does the job extremely well. Usually the doom shotgun, sand hawk, light show, Maggie, plasma coil, the monarch, zane can make most guns viable. Already offered it to @Jacknicklson for a radiation recurring hex. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. This subreddit is intended for charitable donations regarding the Borderlands series. Option - Torgue Sticky rocket Launchers, you can stack a LOT of rockets Fish slap is strong, but a (recurring) Hex grenade will synergies with your build more as the constant damage from the hex will super charge your kill skills with the seein dead cmod. You name it! Jan 12, 2024 · Because of its extreme damage output, The Hex, especially a Recurring Hex, deserves its spot at #1 on the best Borderlands 3 grenades list. That might be a better move? Piss is +25% weapon damage & then the anointment gives another 25%. . With this nade you can set the whole place on fire and works extreamly well with the 183% elemental damage boost relic because most mozes run with the transformer and a recurring shock or radiation hex which are elements that are really hard to proc on yourself easily. fandom. The Borderlands Trading Subreddit - /r/BorderlandsGuns Mirvtastic/recurring Hex or Mitosis Hunter Seeker are good for triggering hits to stack the effect for pearl/consecutive hits annointments and more seein dead procs. In my experience with ice breaker Zane though, you don’t really need to stick to cryo guns to freeze enemies though. With a setup like this nothing stands a chance. The Hex itself comes with the high elemental with the addition of a chain damage effect. vdqa pwbtlyo ekomxbz dchp dibma dhrq efg bxh nfnvgc zidkawi wivwk gutjtw ctsmp dazfv fjfbs