Pubg pc lite recoil control settings reddit. I hope you guys will help me.
Pubg pc lite recoil control settings reddit on pc its pretty easy even spraying sn ak-47 with a 4x scope with no attachments i could kill people fairly far away for full auto , probably the easiest game to control recoil . Pubg was my first pc game, I used a controller on launch, on pc, I won a game, but back then it was like everyone was a bot. But now, we need to adjust the left and right. Get app Get Expand user menu Practice, practice, and more practice. Vertical grip first choice for me, less bump on first bullets. Get out of sheet paper and take notes. You may then choose to bind Aim to a different key on your keyboard or mouse, if you like to use that feature. You need to settle in on a low sensitivity for FPS games in general. One of the things that helped me a lot the first time around was professional setting guides. This worked a lot better for me than just going with the flow and figuring it out myself. Naked spray all the AR's with no attachments and a red dot, then move onto the scope sprays. Feb 29, 2024 · The basic Theory behind Recoil Controlling is when you spray the recoil starts to kick in and it tries to mitigate it by pulling the mouse down at a Regular speed. even if I manage to pull down, the recoil seems large, even for SMGs. Oddly when i was just messing around in the training mode i changed it to . Aug 27, 2019 · Pubg Lite Pc Recoil Control GuideDpi - 800Vertical senstivity -1. Any settings help or tips would be very appreciated! hey guys! I’m quite bothered by one thing: recoil/spray control in the PC version. Spacebar is large and reliable, and you'll be doing a lot more crouching for recoil control than jumping in this game. 08. Download Gameloop which emulates a mobile operating system and download pubg mobile for free from the store page. The only down side to the half grip is that it’s worse for single tapping. 2 vertical multiplier, a basic 800 or 1600 DPI on your mouse, and then adjust your in-game sensitivity to be just high enough so that you can control the vertical recoil. To be fair my friend, you have a shit PC. Source: mediocre 2. Actually 1728x1080 is a very popular resolution for pro pubg players because of that. People saying that PUBG's recoil is super easy are people who have been grinding the game for years, are already used to it and have long forgotten the struggles. Pubg console Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. I do prefer PUBG over the Lite version, just because of the graphics. It actually works. just practice . Most people play with a much lower vert than OP. Not saying it's not possible to play well with a controller, but not likely. 85 vertical everything just felt off. For PUBG, adjust your vertical sensitivity to be around 1. vertically, if you play different shooters, your spray behaves different anyways. https://youtu. Well here are my pc specs: i5 7600k nvidia 1070ti 16 gb ram The game drops many times to 60-70 (even lower some times) fps while playing with 100 +. 6. You just have to love PCs. Crouching and proning greatly reduces your recoil. My question is about recoil, has something changed? I remember vividly the M4 and other ARs when fully attached being pretty manageable to spray. 5 times your horizontal sensitivity. floating and all headshot cannot be considered as legit cheater, its rampage. Best tip for playing pubg as a newcomer to pc gaming: don't play PUBG as a newcomer to pc gaming. I was watching TGLTN his aiming even with an AKM on 50m plus was amazing. Still and as always, people come to post outdated guides, or blame it on settings or w/eCan't wait to hear the "git gud pc bruh"Typical bahavior from this community that drove away so many players with performance issues, put our heads in the sand like ostriches I just jumped back into pubg after about 3 years of not playing. (Not pubg mobile,so don't post those stuff :D ) Members Online On ARs Light stocks are better, too much malus on ads speed with heavies. (Not pubg mobile,so don't post those stuff :D ) Members Online This guy was first of all NOT using a macro, you can tell by how little his view moves left or right when spraying, a macro can not control horizontal recoil in PUBG. With the time it takes to master the recoil skill it doesn’t come into play until you’re very high level. Recoil recovery of the G36C is also excellent imo. I spray with a 6× but it's taken me years of practice to even get half decent. 17 votes, 36 comments. Play only UMP as it has good ttk and low recoil. I actually found it easier for recoil control with higher vertical multiplier. Halfgrip/thumb grip is also good but needs more recoil control on early bullets and gives you ads speed buff. Many people change their ADS bind to mouse right click under the Control tab, in Settings, and select ADS as Hold under the Gameplay tab, in Settings. I hope its able to help new and old players get the most out of their system! The recoil gets worse over the duration of your spray. Being able to control recoil, being able to track a moving target and being able to control recoil while tracking a moving target are 3 different things. You will still have to learn to control your recoil a bit depending on the gun (m16 / ak have the greatest recoil) Use scars and m4's preferably. Id say the hardest part about recoil control was REMEMBERING to pull the mouse down when commencing a spray. I come from the mobile version where the recoil was quite hilarious. A community dedicated to PUBG Lite (pc version). Maybe not super relevant, but as a gun guy it bugs me that an almost 20lb gun has so much recoil. I'd recommend going to training grounds and playing with your settings while practice controlling recoil. 5, and I take angled grips whenever possible to help with horizontal recoil, but I still end up going sideways or to the hello guys, i got powerful pc here is specs: GTX 1070ti, i5-8600k, 24GB RAM, SSD, but problem is that game has fps drops often, especially in close fights 1v1, please someone recommend max optimised settings for my pc, thx. I have been PC gaming for about 5 years now and I handle the recipe with absolutely no problems. of course there is still some skill in other fps games it’s just much more punishing in pubg which is why people complain about not having sbmm so you first have to have a deadzone that you can control, so that means higher is better usually more control. horizontally, there is an advantage, even though you can reset your muscle memory really quickly. If you can use the UMP and get to where you can control it easy then move up to the M4. Let's see you control the recoil of an AKM on PUBG Lite. After that, you should be able to control your recoil a bit better. Game servers were taken down and there's no news of pubg… Lol yup. I'm using the m4 and horizontal recoil is insane, Its not as bad as the other guns like the beryl or aug. All Ultra on PUBG LITE looks like Medium settings on PUBG Steam, but runs better, because the textures are toned down. NO OTHER ATTACHMENTS as pubg lite's recoil is a bit easier. In control panel for nvidia i turned off V sync and turned on some multithreading thing i dont know what it was called. He went from a bicycle w/ training wheels to a Ducati. It just takes time to learn how to control it. Mine are set to 800dpi and 1000mhz polling. I felt so bad about that so if you have any tips/settings on how to be better at aiming and recoil I’d appreciate it. You’ll get there. I lost almost all close combats. then you have to find the sensitivity that gives you precision for that deadzone. . Failure to counter the movement quickly will result in a complete loss of control and will have to reset and go again. I find it more productive to practice recoil control in training ground. The Vertical Foregrip reduces vertical recoil more but the Thumb Grip aims faster. As in mobile I often used hipfire then I learn it not that effective in PC. Secondly, you are also completely oblivious as to how spray patterns work in this game. This doesn't really exist in PC gaming so your body and mind are simply not used to having to control that much recoil manually; it'll come with time. adjust your scopes until your hitting precise headshot at a distance. It's an advantage on movement, looting, inventory management, and gunplay. So on the moving targets, try to track/follow them while in ADS without shooting them to see if you can keep track without a lot of micro adjusting and adjust your optic sensitivities accordingly (1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 6x). when it comes down to high vs low sensitivities i have found that its kind of double edge sword. You'll need a whole desk just for your mousepad. So no there is no cheater, No no recoil macro. Overdo it. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now The largest community for PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS on PC, Xbox and PlayStation. I found the AK red dot to be amazing, even with no attachments. I started on console pubg and recoil was unbearable. Game servers were taken down and there's no news of pubg lite coming back. 288s on a level 2 vest is much better than AUG/M4 and only gets beat by much higher recoil 7. 0 update. You can also adjust your settings; for example the vertical speed multiplier. 62 ARs slightly and the QBZ which is only 0. That gives you time to play with guns and get used to them/a Halfgrip is actually the best for full auto recoil control (spraying). aim trainers work great just dont forget to control your recoil. There I loved 3x sprays and feel quite confident with it. I think the M762 is the perfect gun in terms of adding variety to the game. Spend some rounds there. Secondly like I already said isolating the thing you want to practice is obviously way more efficient than doing both at once. The problem isn't that mouse and Welcome to the official subreddit of the PC Master Race / PCMR! All PC-related content is welcome, including build help, tech support, and any doubt one might have about PC ownership. Pay attention to stick position while moving straight forward and between walking and running. So basically I just downloaded PUBG LITE and I cannot control recoil of any weapon. Shoot people in training mode from different ranges and when they are moving. Like, everything is easy, bots are everywhere. I know there’s no aim assist (Yes the game recognizes it's a controller and gives me type-A/B settings etc) I always assumed pubg on PC would adjust the recoil to play like console, as that is specifcally adjusted to give controller players the best experience that still requires skill etc. Play other games where you get more shooting time, more target acquisition, decision making. Horizontal recoil control is all about reaction time imo. Now I learned unless you Crouch, it will harder to control recoil, impossible for me good vid. Also, practice in the training ground with different attachments and with no attachments at all. If you do this, you want to find settings that help you land at least 90% of all of your shots on the target consistently. You obviously have to counter the left/ right movement while also pulling down, but on the fly and quickly. Most important is don’t get discouraged. In real life the massive weight of the gun helps with most of the vertical recoil and in addition it was standard with one of the first mass produced compensators at the time which helped with recoil even more. Lightweight is kinda good since last update. -right click on desktop, go to nvidia control panel, choose 3d settings-program settings- choose PUBG and; --- texture filtering or something: choose high performance--- power management mode: choose maximum performance - update your graphics driver Eye candy is not important if you’re trying to be the best performing player in the server, so not a single professional PUBG player plays at 4K resolution, for example, as that would mean that you’d have to sacrifice too many frames, even with a beast of a PC. hitting your 2nd , third and fourth bullet is much easier when your first bullet was a hit. Also the weapon mods decide the recoil, there’s plenty of good builds along the way that aren’t meta that are lots of fun. I finally made my Ultimate PUBG Settings Guide, crazy to see all the changes you can make and how it actually affects your graphics and FPS. Lower sensitivity can help you manage recoil by requiring more physical movement to aim, which can lead to more control over those erratic sprays. I don't know if u know about attachments but they help reduce recoil akm has the least no of attachments only a compensator scar is next it requires a compensator and a grip there r many grips but the best is a vertical grip den a half den a thumb or light grip or angled den comes m4 which requires 3 attachments compensator a grip and a You have CLEARLY not played PUBG Lite. where higher sensitivity is better for closer range and slower sensitivity is better for longer ranges. Now the amount of recoil even on a fully attached gun feels insane. Best PUBG Teams Settings. If it's 800 then 25-35. Your CPU was released in 2017, your GPU from 2016 and its fair to assume ur RAM is as old as the rest of your specs. Unlike the 416 where it’s best at full auto at longer range, its older brother is best in semi - this is also proven in PUBG PC. If it's 400 then in game should be 40-50. Getting there but wondering if there’s anything I’m not considering or don’t know about. A whole company of pubg lite, was unable to ban 6. I used a controller at first on PC for driving and sometimes shooting. Guns like the ump and vector with full attachments have very easy to control recoil while something like the beryl with nothing is much more difficult. you need your recoil control and tracking to hit the next 5 bullets. This is the first BR I am playing on PC and being a decent Mobile player I find it extremely frustrating to loose fights. I had the recoil control down years ago where I could lazer beam a moving car from 200 yards out. 2 to 1. 10 votes, 37 comments. It's available on most South East Asian countries, some parts of Africa and South America, and India. until you find something comfortable. And Vikendi is pretty much a forgotten map by probably the 2. Make good use of the shooting range. Combination of tuning my vertical sens, dead zone, and scope sensitivity. Just get your favorite gun, put scope you want to practice on and extended mag in. Recoil is so much higher on pc than console. 1. 0 vertical at 800 dpi seems really slow to me. there crosshair goes like up down up down perfectly recenter after every bullets fire. They will help control recoil the most. Meaning, you have a 6-7 year old mid level PC, trying to play a game that is still being updated to this day, and runs poorly on 2023 mid level PC's. Play some of the casual games (get 3/day, 88 bots v 12 humans, suggest teaming up). Hey there! Great to see you climbing the ranks and aiming higher in PUBG MOBILE! One game-changing tip is to really master the art of using the map and understanding circle movements. The G36C is VERY slept on for one reason: it’s Vikendi and Karakin only. Put only a red dot to start off and look at the 100m cement block on the left side of the moving target field Aim down sight and fire at the center of the 100m cement block and try to keep your shots as center as possible. I'd say unless you are in lobbys with all bots, plan to get rekt. So, if you have the hardware to run PUBG, do it. From my 2k h perspective the biggest change in recoil control was practicing on pubg lite deathmatch. I suggest you educate yourself before posting shit again. Settings at 2:55 Try lower sens, or stretched res. Don't know if it's ever gonna release on first world countries. 1728x1080 really gives you a placebo effect where enemies are a little bit larger and you feel you have more margin to control your recoil. This will make pulling down to control recoil much easier. I hate the Tommy gun in pubg. However, there is a method to getting comfortable with spray precision. My DPI settings are 400 from playing games like CSGo And others, but what’s happening is I feel like I have to move my mouse SO FAR to get the spray control. As for recoil control. Just under three percent of analyzed PUBG pros game at 1440p, which is doable if The largest community for PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS on PC, Xbox and PlayStation. Nov 10, 2024 · put your mouse sensitivity settings here if you think yours a really good for controlling recoil, i want to see what everyone else uses and try out some new settings to see if i can find something good that works for me, thanks. Play other shooters more than pubg. Your settings are kind of low. Myself its always vertical grip. some solid advice. After pulling the mouse down for 100s of rounds I get the feeling of the gun and I feel more confident about hitting moving targets (join bot or casual matches to practice on moving targets). OP and me in a very detailed post, explain that nothing changed on our settings and performance drop happened only because the patch. Idk how ppl play with like a 1200 or 1400 dpi and high sensitivity. You basically only pick your dpi based on how fast you want to navigate windows or menus inside of a game. Dive into the control settings and experiment with the sensitivity levels of your mouse or controller. Basically treat practicing your recoil control as you would any scientific experiment. The simplest place to start is with either a 1. Jump to training mode and try to adjust the settings based on your taste (dpi, in-game sense, keybinds, controls). 5K subscribers in the PUBG_Lite community. The second I started playing, I was suprised by how much recoil there is. 2KD 3% WR WZ player turned 5KD 12% WR PUBG player If they are far try full auto with bigger scope (x2 or x3). If I were you, I would delete this post, it has no sense. 0, 1. On ARs Light stocks are better, too much malus on ads speed with heavies. DPI isn't changing anything in pubg but the visual numbers you use for sens. To improve at the 3rd you need to first improve at the other 2. Oct 3, 2024 · The Muzzle Brake seems to reduce recoil more. But if people are concerned about recoil control… you go with half grip. You even linked the video that shows it. Makes low recoil guns easier for you to control long term in PUBG. legit cheaters normally only use aim assist, recoil control, not even ESP coz its too obvious Finally, I suggest trying out spacebar for crouch (and c for jump). you'd almost never aim vertically based on muscle memory in a fight as well and if you Greetings fellas. Posted by u/QBZ24 - 46 votes and 66 comments From what i have heard it would have graphics (map , buildings , textures) from pubg mobile , but the UI would be like pubg pc , however there wouldn't be any sway , that I can confirm , I just hope recoil is like pubg pc and the gun mechanics too , in mobile they made SCAR-L , M416 , QBZ,Aug really the same , same firing speed , same damage , almost identical recoil profile . pubg is pretty much keep mouse going down until clip is empty with a little bit of rigt/left movement The largest community for PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS on PC, Xbox and PlayStation. The same way I find CS's recoil control far easier and more effortless than Valorant even though literally every part of shooting in valorant is significantly easier/simpler. I used to spend 60 minutes everyday working on recoil control before jumping in real games. A central place for discussion, media, news, developer interaction and more. 0 is ideal for consistency, this is what the pros use but can be hard to work with depending on your weapon of choice/size of mouse pad. I see clips on the sub of people just lasering in full auto, and I have no idea how to replicate that. I think people hate on it because it's mobile and before bots came to other platforms it was one of those reasons that apparentlt made mobile easier compared to pc and console. i use the -allavailablecores or whatever that command is in the launch settings as well. Only other settings that really affects aiming sensitivity are aim acceleration and right stick dead zone. you find the proper speed to keep up with everyone via the aim acceleration. If pubg actually made m&k with added recoil along with anticheat to detect mods such as anti recoil you could actually win against most of the mouse guys. Look into your mouse DPI. Recoil control on pc is higher than console. Even pubg lite made bots annoying, pubg mobile boys were a joke. But that is also because I have the hardware to run PUBG in Ultra at high frame rates. If it's 1600 then 10-20. - train your aim, recoil control and ads speed , that's what makes the biggest difference at the end of the day, one tip would be to play a lot of arcade, helps tremendously for recoil and trying different weapons and attachments as well as training you to be quick witted and reactive if I remember any other tip, I'm gonna update Expand user menu Open settings menu. Yeah definitely. Members Online I know recoil is hard but without recoil, the game feels easy and kind of pointless. so yes. Although the game requires touch screen on a mobile, you can actually tweak the control settings to be full mouse and keyboard. Also, if you notice yourself panic jumping, this helps with that problem as well. If you don't, PUBG Lite is just as good. I recommend you try the guns like AKM and Beryl without attachments and try to adjust your settings, so far these two guns have the most recoil in all of the guns IMO. Pull down fast and right away. I saw this video from TGLTN recently highlighting how resolution can play a role with recoil control. 85 and raised my ingame sens to 27 and i could control recoil still and swap to my enemies a whole lot easier but if i changed the sens to something like 25-26 while keeping the same . You're going to get destroyed on PC with a controller. Oct 5, 2024 · There's all sorts of subtle settings that help with it. I'm also hesitant between the Thumb Grip and the Vertical Foregrip. I’m having a rough time as my recoil control is horrible. be/IhYHcH3s23Y?si=n3okzq_-rvluTES8 I’m gonna start off saying I have played a good bit of the FPS genre from Squad, HLL, CS GO, Battlefield, and now been playing PUBG, and for the life of me I do not understand how players control the insane recoil of an automatic rifle in this game so flawlessly, even when I hold the elevation perfectly, I’m still swaying like no other and miss 90% of my shots, and semi auto just doesn’t What you want is that the distance you need to move on the mouse mat to turn a certain angle is always the same in every game. You don't necessarily need a PC to be a member of the PCMR. One of the top players in this team is Jim “Jeemz 400 hours in the game and I still feel like I can’t control recoil worth a damn. Always get a comp and vertical grip for any weapon you find. Game settings for control sensitivity and mouse dpi will affect everything, and you don't want to change these often, especially once you've started working on muscle memory. This guide will give you the best tips for better recoil in PUBG PC Lite. Thanks for your time. 00General Sensitivity - 40And Most importantly Practice. 47yr old. Also, practicing recoil control on different weapons can massively improve your combat effectiveness. Welcome to the official subreddit of the PC Master Race / PCMR! All PC-related content is welcome, including build help, tech support, and any doubt one might have about PC ownership. 0. Streamers like ChocoTaco, Jackfrags, Aculite, and more would post videos detailing their optimal video settings and optimal game (sensitivity) settings. Your mouse pad is one of the most important things. Game servers were taken down and there's no news of pubg… higher dpi is actually a little better for input response time, i play at 1600 dpi, 25 in game, vert sens at 1. I’m a new kinda pubg player on pc and I can’t get used to the recoil for almost all guns. Took me 3 days / 50 matches to fine tune my settings so the movement and aim are more responsive / to my liking. It’s tough to compare really, even with a meta build in Tarkov you have to control the recoil. Honestly, the best way to practice recoil control is in training, as everyone else has mentioned. Tell me your vertical sens! Welcome to the official subreddit of the PC Master Race / PCMR! All PC-related content is welcome, including build help, tech support, and any doubt one might have about PC ownership. Spend time spraying your gun for about 20 minutes. I struggled with this for some time until I put 50+ hours in the training range. 9-3. This can seriously level up your strategic play. What can you recommend for me? I'm really bad at spray control. It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! Even with the right accessories, PUBG guns have always had absolutely uncontrolled recoil, very different from most FPS games, if you look closely even professional gamers have recoil, but they control it better than most of us, some people use macros, others are simply players with 4,000 or 5,000 hours of gameplay, and that makes them control their recoil well. Now, I am finding the same things im pubg lite devs. Can I also control recoil in PUBG… No, I understand that. PUBG is one of the first I've played where recoil control is an absolute feature you have to master. I’ve been playing on pc since April and I don’t even notice the fact that I control recoil anymore, no prior pc experience A community dedicated to PUBG Lite (pc version). If they added crossplay with PC, the least they could do is add M&K for consoles. if aim trainers help with your raw aiming ability your crosshair being on target when you shoot your first bullet is very important, in pubg aswell. The recoil is insanely high compared to csgo. Get the Reddit app Low sense helps with accuracy at the cost of harder recoil control. 80% really feels very slow to me. r/PUBG_Lite A chip A close button. These guys are so good that their recoil control is perfect. PC gaming the past 22 years. 2000+hrs in PUBG 98% of the games played in that time have been first person shooters. I’ve got my vertical sensitivity at 1. Members Online OP and me in a very detailed post, explain that nothing changed on our settings and performance drop happened only because the patch. My point was more like, what are the best settings that the community has adopted. I felt very disappointed by the hacker I saw. I’ve been playing on pc since April and I don’t even notice the fact that I control recoil anymore, no prior pc experience This guy was first of all NOT using a macro, you can tell by how little his view moves left or right when spraying, a macro can not control horizontal recoil in PUBG. I switched to PUBG PC after Mobile getting banned in my region. 30 minutes in training mode running and 30 minutes in TDM just working on recoil control. I'm trying to get into PUBG PC since I've always played on mobile and miraculously my laptop gets abour 40-50fps on lowest settings in PUBG Lite. I can control Recoil of some guns in pubg pc lite . Bullets are fired all the way up the sky!… The largest community for PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS on PC, Xbox and PlayStation. It is fun too. Credit to u/WackyJacky101 for another excellent analysis video. I had the same issues trying to go from playing Bad Company 2 on Xbox 360 and moving over to PC for Battlefield 3 with a bunch of my friends who wanted to get it on PC. Now let’s look at some gear settings used by top PUBG teams and players. And when you go through a terrorist hunt, consciously remember to control recoil. It has a high skill ceiling, but also a steep learning curve, so players who are able to control the recoil skilfully will be rewarded greatly. I'm not at home now and I don't remember what my forward and moving settings are, but you should try adjusting them and see what feels best. So the vertical grip is all around the best grip, sure. You can shoot more bullets in an hour of that then you will in a week of regular games. Recoil in PUBG starts to get out of control Crouching and proning greatly reduces your recoil. If you play mouse and keyboard on pc the recoil is much much more and a emulator player from console wouldn't be controlling the mouse near as good on pc. I also found out that having vertical multiplier slightly higher does help me adjust how much I am pulling the right joystick down, thus let me PSA: Scar has lower recoil and better time to kill than the aug and p much every other AR atm. Just somehow make it muscle memory. i compared to a friend of mine who is running with 1060 6gb and i7 6700k and at certain areas where i get my drops he gets 40 + fps than me (like i got 58 fps and he gets 100+) . I played a little bit of pubg lite on my laptop, and it's much easier to control recoil, spray people at a distance and track enemies, specially tap firing and sniping. I want to know if pubg pc lite experience help me in pubg pc . You should pretty much never fire a shot standing unless you have to due to terrain. 277s kills with simiarly low recoil (which is straight busted after most other ARs have seen nerfs and it stayed Anyone who misses Pubg-lite should check out playing PUBG mobile on their low end pc. I think you used the wrong term of legit cheater. The largest community for PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS on PC, Xbox and PlayStation. it gets increasingly harder to make those micro adjustments further the target is when you have high sens vs slow Absolutely untrue lmao, the only real skill exclusive to PUBG is recoil control Anyone who is good at Apex/Fortnite/Warzone can come into PUBG and dominate. i sprayed people with a 4x m416 until i legitimately… Ive tried what you said and some other advices and I have a decent enough recoil control, there are times though that I notice I have terrible horizontal recoil like, its insane, I think its the way im pulling down my mouse but sometimes idk. Some games focus on metas like dolphin jumping or whatever it’s called in Modern Warefare, or Hazzy baiting in Rust but in Pubg if you haven’t practiced recoil control you’re basically f’d. I hope you guys will help me. It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! Best In-Depth Graphics Settings To Easily Spot Enemies for PUBG PC Lite Hi everyone, I hope this video helps you to set up your graphics in PUBG PC Lite!!!! In this video you will get an in-depth tutorial to set up your PC or Laptop to its full optimization for PUBG PC Lite. The difference between controller and mouse are astronomical. Anyone who misses Pubg-lite should check out playing PUBG mobile on their low end pc. It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! It's still pubg just the PC version is more polished with better graphics. You’ll find that the sensitivity settings vary across different teams, but most of their settings range are similar to what we have recommended in this article so far: Team Liquid. Still and as always, people come to post outdated guides, or blame it on settings or w/eCan't wait to hear the "git gud pc bruh"Typical bahavior from this community that drove away so many players with performance issues, put our heads in the sand like ostriches DPI isn't changing anything in pubg but the visual numbers you use for sens. I use KontrolFreek on my right joystick, which already adds more vertical control. And they are a lot. Mar 14, 2024 · To reduce recoil in PUBG PC, adjusting your game settings is the first step. Considering vandal/phantom only need a couple body shots to kill, if you simply fire in bursts and moderately drag your mouse downwards, you usually will have enough spray control to keep the crosshair and bullets straight without ridiculous spray patterns. 4K subscribers in the PUBG_Lite community. Insane recoil controller whose crosshair resets to center while tracking, not even shroud can do that. 1, or 1. Playing PUBG lite just because it runs well, even though it's shit compared to emulator PUBGM, is a bad decision in my book. leyo nuwhwo bbui jqftsg fvpid xnue czl rsxbf brqqc ouyyj xyfckxk znbor zmg pdcuhb ulgwb