Javascript change url hash without reload If is it possible, I'd like to use pure JavaScript, and I need cross browser support. let oldScrollPosition = window. location? Oct 5, 2013 · I want to change the url in browser bar without reloading page. A different solution Updating URL hash without page reload. It can be enabled by passing explicit option object as third argument to Router. href = "homePage"; // alert("Browser does not support HTML5. For example, you can go from example. – Oct 28, 2015 · Problem is not to change content and url without refreshing page But when user refresh page it will show the page same like which is before refreshing. How does Gmail let you go to pages you haven't gone to yet (New emails) without refreshing and change the URL? location. offset(). It is useful when you'll have some other parameters in query. It will also create a back-button event and you even have a state object you can interact with. hash = "&item=brand"; append without refresh but with a hash # which eliminates the usage/effect of the parameter. Jan 29, 2015 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. I do this by using Backbone. 7. Riffing off Henser's answer, I have a case where the window. That is extensively used by Google's apps, and Facebook, and lately #NewTwitter. To detect a change in hash in the current url, the hashchange event can be listened to. href = "poundIt"; May 19, 2012 · which browsers still do a page refresh if the location hash changes and which not? Do the current browsers not reload the website? need to change the hash using window. html. Oct 30, 2012 · is it possible to somehow affect the hash of the URL from the <input> tag? I need to initiate a search without a page refresh, but also want to change the URL hash, for example: search. This might be fine if you know the URL doesn't contain query parameters, but a more correct version preserving any query parameters if present, might be history. Feb 17, 2013 · I have a Google-instant type thing where the URL will change via the history API. href will not refresh the page until there is a URL change recognized by the browser. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. This method removes the need to have action handled in every click that has hash url to just have the click event of these Feb 10, 2017 · If you want to track those updates in the url so they are shareable, and still have them affect your filters you could use the hash instead. pushState Oct 7, 2014 · Using react-router I'm looking for a way to update the page URL / hash, without the router re-rendering the whole page. pushState() method and replaceState() method from JavaScript. href+="?anything#paramname" should reload the page as a new request as ?anything is change in the URL. hash = 'param=value¶m=value' Apr 28, 2011 · I guess this needs a litte explanation: What's happening is we're constructing a URL object with an empty hash on the current URL as base, i. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. html' }) export class ExampleComponent implements OnInit { constructor Oct 23, 2011 · I am not a big fan of ifelse; so I took a simpler approach. hash = "#about_us_text"; or window. pushState() in html5 let you to change the URL without reloading the page. hash and replace it with 'this. See the history interface in HTML5 specification for details. Hi all, I have a list of href links (but1 - but4) that I can click. (Go forward and backward in the user's browsing history). May 6, 2013 · The favicon and stop/refresh buttons flicker because of a Chrome bug (that mentions pushState, but hash changes are on the same code path). You can simply set window. One way to get around this is to prefix the hash with an arbitrary value like so: window. – Yes, but the History API only lets you go to where the user has already gone to. Mar 29, 2013 · I've found a lot of questions about changing the url (without reloading). js, but there are other tools to do the same thing. I don't think they are using ajax to change the content because it all appears to be included in hidden divs on the page, but regardless, you can apparently change the URL using client side tricks. The URLSearchParams utility can be useful for this in combination with window. html and when I press "forward" it must go to test2. Jan 19, 2014 · It turns out sometimes this kicks in before the page has changed, so the solution is to put whatever you do in gmMain() in a setTimeout() (I use 500 milliseconds), on top of this, when you navigate back, the function gets called again, you can find a the container of the AJAX content, and add a class to the first element, and don't do anything if this classes exists. Change the URL using javascript only while not redirecting Dec 29, 2016 · Calling history. I'm trying to avoid any plugins. changing the hash in the URL. pushState support exists on a purely opt-in basis in Backbone. Since the hash is already set, you can re-locate on clicking that link by: $(window). com to www. However you can change the hash part (whats after the #) and read that: location. hash navigation URL construction. pushState(obj, obj. url hash fix needed. Why is the # in window. Without it, the page reloads but without the new location/url Upon the click on the button I open/close the div and append or remove a hash tag to the url: window. Nov 12, 2016 · I have 2 days trying to figure this out. Changing url using javascript and jquery. Please let me know how to achieve this without reloading the new url everytime in Android webview. I don't want to change the whole URL of page. search. href+="#paramname" will not work. hash in Chrome, and Safari the page doesn't reload - this is the behavior I want. push , i. You can accept the regular behavior and change scrollTop after the jump, but the user will still see a distracting flicker. hash without reload Jul 18, 2019 · You can use the useNavigation hook to change the URL without performing a navigation/reload. Jul 26, 2021 · To change the URL in the browser without loading the new page, we can use history. onhashchange = function {//Get the hash value from the url and execute your code }; The onhashchange become a hub if all time the url change which can be convenient to have a central place has a content controller. Essentially I want: May 7, 2020 · As of RC6 you can do the following to change URL without change state and thereby keeping your route history. That is to say you can change www. function getHash() { return window. location to slash? For example, I have an a href item that sets the link to #ite URL Hash w/ Javascript. pushState. May 5, 2009 · Below is the function to change the URL without reloading the page. Some answers were - use plugins, use location. How do I prevent this? Oct 25, 2010 · It is possible to add data to the URL after the hash (using location. We also have an affiliate program, where people can send people to that page using a URL that contains a query string parameter I like the way facebook changes the URL of the browser address bar when you scroll between images, and how it works on IE7. So, location. change in hash (#paramname) doesn't qualify for URL change and hence just doing location. 2. html, click the link to test2. – Oct 17, 2011 · How do I change the browser URL (or URI) without a page refresh using HTML5 and HTML5Shiv for IE? Updating address bar with new URL without hash or reloading the Jan 14, 2020 · The Javascript URL object can be used to get and set hash value of a given url. How to trigger an event when hash location changes. ) The best solution I have come up with is to unbind the hashchange event, make the change and then rebind it. Also, the regex will replace only the file parameter. html#Web to Home. I think the setTimeout is to give the browser a chance to change the url (to include the anchor hash). search += '&item=brand'; makes the page refresh. There's no way to change the URL to display what you want it to be without actually forcing the browser to do something with the URL. However, if you want to do this to affect behaviour of the page, you will also need to read these changes via jQuery (or triggered by the same process that sets the hash. html (without actually downloading test3. Backbone. com to example. For example, changing it from Home. I need to detect when the back/forward button is hit, or when the URL changes, and fire and event. I want to reloasd the url and if you click again dont append the same thing I am trying to change the url and reload the page using a function but it is Jun 3, 2013 · The original hash hack (I am not sure if this is the correct term) is that by changing location. href. Do you know how to let this work without page refresh, but whenever the specified hash changes appear, even without a page reload? That is the actual goal. Today, we’re going to put them together with the History API to modify a URL without reloading the page. log('page changed'); }); To change the hash without having the page reload/scroll, you can now simply use html5 history. You can do it like this: Jun 18, 2013 · You can use HTML5 History API to to change the URL without it will help to update the content and change the URL without refresh. Aug 26, 2015 · window. a parameter to Dec 5, 2011 · Function to change the hash //function to change hash function change_hash(aux){ location. One way to do this is to change the hash using document. tab('show'); // Select first tab $('ul Jan 7, 2019 · Note that you lose query parameters by setting the href to just window. The problem occurs when the users goes from one query to another, then hits the back button, and nothing happens. Mar 22, 2010 · window. hash, or with reloading. href in the alert() function and will use again after changing the browsers-U Nov 23, 2024 · Learn how to change the URL in the browser without causing a page reload using JavaScript and the History API. edits and change the hash by pressing enter after editing nothing happens, only on a window reload will detect a change in the hash. The behavior I am looking for is often seen with some implementations of Dec 7, 2016 · I didn't find how to detect the whole URL change but this question learned me a few new things. You have two options for this: Use the URL hash. Now I know that function window. Explore Teams However sometimes I need to change the hash without triggering the hash changed function (eg, when the page was redirected server side and I need to update the hash once the content has returned. top); Sep 20, 2012 · Yes and no. If your iframe is not from the same origin (protocol scheme, hostname and port), you will not be able to know the current URL in the iframe, so you will need a script in the iframe document to exchange messages with its parent window (the page's window). back button will work) window. hash is the part of URL after hash sign '#', which is not sent to the server (it is used by the client to scroll to the anchor indicated by part after the hash sign), thus changing it does not trigger page reload. com#foo without loading a new page. Thank you. Adding hash tag to current URL using JQuery. Take your pick for Yes, react-router is implemented in the project. e. Page, obj. Change url fragment. replace()). These are handy tools for web developers. *$/, '#'); There is no way to completely remove the hash mark once set without refreshing the page. addEventListener('hashchange',() => {}) will only respond when the part after a hashtag in a url changes. g. com. So how do I do this? May 15, 2012 · If you want to add a hash without it being stored in the browser history, use window. replaceState(undefined, undefined, "#hash_value") or window. ) Dec 22, 2013 · The url can be changed in this way, and the new page is rendered using javascript. Url); } else { window. domain or hash) will be modified. addEventListener('popstate',() => {}) is not always reliable for detecting all navigation changes because it only fires when navigating back or forward with the browser's buttons or similar methods. pushState) != "undefined") { var obj = {Page: page, Url: url}; history. For example, you have a page with product id in URL: /product/123 and after some action you need to change URL just to /product. But if the url does have hash, scroll: false has no effect. Share The problem is that when I change the hash value in the URL. replace(String url). Apr 20, 2011 · The first URL will force the browser to scroll to the anchor within the page, the second one will "hit" the server and ask for the resource. For example: Mar 2, 2016 · Wow it works. Mar 31, 2014 · If you want to remove the parameters without a change in the page, you must use: this changes the url without reloading the page window. Jul 20, 2010 · This new feature offers you a way to change the URL displayed in the browser* through javascript without reloading the page. However, it does not help with changing any other parts of the URL (e. nav-tabs a:first'). hash as David Dorward describes). pushState('', '/', window. hash = hash; } If you want to retrieve the hash in the link to update the page, you can use something like. – AzeemHaider Commented Oct 28, 2015 at 7:52 On clicking the div I want tho add the new parameter to the actual url, without reload the page. The problem is you are setting the window. Feb 4, 2012 · You can always use a hash url, and set the url like this: function setHash(var hash) { window. pushState(null,null,'#hashexample'); It's supported by all the major browsers: Jun 4, 2013 · Load page located at hash-less url Redisplay the url with #/, without reloading the page. You can detect with jQuery . Changing the URL does not force a refresh in "most browsers" either, please see docs for the js history API we are discussing here. navigation. title = 'Work '+aux; } Although the hash can have powerful uses, it should not be the replacement of basic friendly URLs and permalinks that we all know. if there is a hash, it gets replace by an empty one. Aug 16, 2016 · But additionally what i want is to reload the current page with the data-url link that i set. js will use a # by default, but can be configured to make the URL to appear normal. scrollY; window. It is mostly the same technique as those URLs with # in them, except they get rid of the hash. They use AJAX to reload data into the page (as exemplified by other answers here) and they use window. ) Jan 21, 2020 · However, your new URL will cause the browser to load the new page, but it sounds like you'd like to modify the URL without leaving the current page. com and it opens in new tab. Using document. Note: I get the values #Page1, #Page2 etc from Webview1, so don't bother about it. replaceState('Object', 'Title', '/another-new-url'); Update (2020): URLSearchParams is now supported by all modern browsers. So is there a way in popular browsers to JavaScript-remove a URL anchor including the "#" sign without triggering a page refresh? The hashchange event fires only when there is a change in the hash part of the URL. The data is preloaded and stored as JSON. ready(function(event) { $('ul. scrollTo(0, oldScrollPosition); It's fast, so client won't notice anything. Older browsers that don't support pushState will continue to use hash-based URL fragments, and if a hash URL is visited by a pushState-capable browser, it will be transparently upgraded to the true URL. hash inconsistently included or excluded? How can the # be removed from the URL without reloading the page? (MDN says [the hash is] the part of the URL that follows the # symbol, including the # symbol. replaceState method provided by the HTML5 History API. Use XMLHttpRequest to get the data, DOM to change the document to use it, and the history API to change the URL in the address bar. ps. hash one can use the hashchange event, as it's much more adopted. href or window. replace(/#. All the common web browsers has a security measure to prevent that. Try Teams for free Explore Teams All you can change without redirecting is the hash part of url: Change ENTIRE URL w/o page reload. For instance, if you navigate to the header My Header, then the url would be /post/article-title#my-header. (Clarification how I want it to work: Reload the page and then scroll to the new hash. The page was requested for with a certain hash already in the URL — that hash doesn Jun 13, 2011 · I'm storing some state information in the URL fragment (hash, whatever you call it). Or would I need to change the entire window. But none of them worked for me. Nov 23, 2024 · Q: How can I change the current URL in JavaScript without reloading the page? A: You can use the history. function ChangeUrl(page, url) { if (typeof (history. addEventListener('navigate', => { console. After there is a hash in the url, changing the hash value does not trigger a refresh. pushState() method to change the URL without a page reload. I basically have a function attached to onClick event and there I do state changes along with adding a hash value to the url. Nov 3, 2010 · But you can change the hash portion of the url without leaving the page. Aug 17, 2016 · Try window. example. hash = '#pages='+aux; document. Jul 31, 2010 · I'm wondering whether it's possible to change the hash in window. This goes double, since the original question contains this condition: "I dont want to change/refresh page, I just want to replace URL without any responses. hash always put "#" in url. With HTML5 you can modify the url without reloading: If you want to make a new post in the browser's history (i. javascript hash May 25, 2023 · Over the last few days, we learned about the URL and URLSearchParams APIs. Mootools Sep 29, 2009 · Save scroll position before changing url fragment. import {OnInit} from '@angular/core'; import {Location} from '@angular/common'; // If you dont import this angular will import the wrong "Location" @Component({ selector: 'example-component', templateUrl: 'xxx. As this is a HTML5 solution, the following: window. replace, try simply assigning to window. hash = ''; //if you want to reload with an empty hash window. href = window. html, not to test3. For example the iframe might contain a form which is loaded from a different url, then it would make sense to ensure that the url for the iframe is the same as the post url for the form so that when the form is submitted, it goes to the right place. on() user click on the link that cases "page reload emulation" and use such event as "page reload event". Nov 30, 2023 · In this post, we will learn how to update the URL without reloading the page using JavaScript. To add a parameter to the query string of the current URL without reloading the page, you can use the history. That's also a bug. On website I have a dropdown menu, and on its change the url parameter should have changed. pathname. hash = addressFragment; window. pathname + window. UPDATE 2012: As Blazemonger and thinkdj have pointed out, technology has Jun 2, 2017 · Using window. hash, one may save a state in the URL without refreshing the page. pushState or history. Using window. Feb 4, 2015 · Possible Duplicate: Modify the URL without reloading the page I'm looking for a way to make my internal links functional using my current javascript animations, without causing the page to rel Nov 2, 2015 · If you are using a chrome browser, just right clik on that div and use option "inspect element". href = '/#' won't trigger a page reload, but leaves the somewhat unpretty-looking "#" sign in the URL. nav. hash = 'panel-' + id. open(url,"playback"); Then when we want to change the hash: playbackWindow. The hash can be easily read and you can update it without reloading the page. When doing this, the page doesn't reload so the Setup function I've created that check for the hash isn't called and the page just remains where it is. Sep 9, 2016 · @problemPotato - I'm aware of hash fragments, that's not the question I'm asking about. bind("click",function(e){ doRedirectFunction(); e. When I change the window. pushState("object or string", "Title", "/new-url"); Change hash without reload in jQuery. The goal is to prevent people from creating replicas of websites, change the URL to make it look correct, and then be able to trick people and get their info. This behaviour is a little bit surprising. Is there an alternative to window. hash is already set, and the user then scrolls back to the top of the page (where the hash link is). prevent the default onclick redirect of a link by something like: $("#link"). hash: location. Check here for what browsers support each standard. "); Dec 18, 2023 · To change the URL in the browser without loading the new page, we can use history. id'. Apr 10, 2021 · One of my requirements was that it must change the URL to reflect the current header. Jan 14, 2010 · If your iframe's URL does not change, you can just recreate it. 1. Jul 11, 2020 · With the help of shallow-routing change of URL without doing a page reload is possible. html), then I press "back" to go to test. Javascript 'redirect' without page reload. Dec 19, 2011 · I am writing a complex AJAX application at the moment and the entire site has clean URLs. pathname); and fallback to window. Chris Coyier found a great workaround last year but it’s not meant for every case. I want to append a parameter &item=brand on button click without refresh. It is only supported for HTML5. For example : if I click a button change URL from / to /new_url with no page reload. Why? Simply because in this case, no change has occurred in the hash. // to read window. search). Nov 26, 2013 · Sometimes you have to use <a> like for menu items in a dropdown list with Spectre CSS, and without the href the cursor does not change to pointer-- I suppose you could override the style but geez – user9645 Sep 28, 2014 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. href in the alert() function and will use again after changing the browsers-U Aug 6, 2024 · Using the History API, you can create a function that updates the URL of the current page without reloading it. Feb 19, 2010 · To set the value of the hash part of the url to '', leaving the hash mark and therefore not refreshing, write this: window. Jul 21, 2012 · This answer should be set as accepted - by using this method no change is made except the change of the hash value. com#new_text with JavaScript window. If the url doesn't have hash, scroll: false works well (no scroll when calling router. location = "#foo", in that both will also create and activate another history entry associated with the current document. Any ideas for a way to force the page to reload? Or a better solution? Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. What are you trying to do? – Shilly So how do I change the URL without changing the history? I want to open URL test. This allows you to manipulate the browser's history and update the URL displayed in the address bar without triggering a page reload. replace('#', ''); Mar 30, 2017 · This simply fades a div in based on when you click but I want the page URL hash tag to change when you click so people can copy and bookmark it. Dec 16, 2014 · its an extension from a cms system like wordpress that adds the parameters /xx/xx/xx to the url when visiting the start pageso i mean the url have to change it livebest case without reloading – Sep 22, 2012 · If I change the hash, e. So in the example i set href to google. hash = '' if push state is not supported, but this will leave the Nov 13, 2014 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Notes on limitations of other solutions: Using window. The way FaceBook and other sites do it now is better. I am creating a photo gallery, and would like to be able to change the query string and title when the photos are browsed. e { shallow: true } From the docs. html#Photos. Prevent page redirect when using hash tag. Restore old scroll position. hash. The slight hiccup when scrolling is because Chrome does a full page repaint and high-quality scale to update the page thumbnail, since it's considering hash changes as generating a new URL. hash = "new_text"; everything after the # can be changed. This means that when a page is loaded with a given hash to start with, the hashchange event doesn't fire. 4. – Avatar Commented Jun 10, 2023 at 6:59 Jun 5, 2020 · Faced the same issue. When I change window. pushState({}, "", link) is similar to setting window. Jul 30, 2013 · The problem : We've got 2 identical resulting pages, but the URL is different (in the first case it'll be just /Main_Page, while in the second it will be /Main_Page/Section_A). So what I'm trying to do is: Jun 19, 2013 · Did you try with: window. How to detect if URL has changed after hash in JavaScript. This function can be used to simulate a navigation event, without actually navigating to a different page. The URL in the address bar changes, that's it. reload(true); //reload the page and bypass the cache Jun 27, 2014 · Yes. Mar 16, 2017 · I am trying to reload current page with different url hash, but it doesn't work as expected. I'm afraid the other answerers either did not understand the question or do not understand the issues. hash in Firefox, I get a page reload. But only when I reload the page (it gets triggered on the right URL hash). Its correct but when we click the button i additionally the the current page to reload to data-url that is youtube. You can change window. With regards to your edit: Any change to window. pushState('Object', 'Title', '/new-url'); If you just want to change the url without being able to go back. You can use the onsubmit attribute in html to call a function list this: <form onsubmit="myFunction(); return false;"> Or you can bind an on submit function using jquery like this: Jan 26, 2014 · Is it possible to rewrite a pages URL without having the page reload it self via Javascript when setting the window. $(document). hash without triggering the refresh (though the window will jump if your hash matches an id on the page), but you can't get rid of the hash sign. hash to an element's ID attribute. Feb 21, 2011 · Possible Duplicate: How to rewrite URL without refresh, like GitHub. Aug 1, 2010 · You can change the URL to another URL within the same domain, but can not change the domain for security reasons. location or window. anything before '#' cannot be affected). I am developing a full page carousel, and would like each slide to have it's own URL (allowing the user to refresh the page and return to the correct slide). However, I've only found information on how to do it on HTML5 browsers, and I want to support IE7. . popState() event ). " – Instead I want to just change the content without reloading it. search property holds only the query part of the URL so you don't have to worry that any other parts of the url (e. It is the expected behavior for the browser to jump to that element, regardless of whether you "preventDefault()" or not. with new URL without hash or After open this site he see the text Refresh page to see Mar 10, 2014 · I'm looking for the simplest way to add parameters to a URL and then reload the page via javascript/jquery. I would just align the scroll behaviour with non-hash url when scroll: false is specified. hash; } And to update the page you can just simply use if statements like this: Apr 27, 2012 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Jul 22, 2012 · If you want to use it via JavaScript all you need to do is to modify window. We then remove the last character ('#') from the implicitly cast string (href of the URL object). The link you mentioned is just a hyperlink and since it is very simple static page under same domain, using same resources (css,js), its loading very fast and you are getting an impression that there is no page load. preventDefault(); }) Then click on any of the sub links and you'll see that the URL in the address bar changes without using a hash and there is no page flip. hash // to update window. I tried to Sep 26, 2008 · Instead of using setInterval to inspect the document. open() that I should call for hash-only changes, that will prevent full page reload? Edit: The final solution looks something like this: playbackWindow = window. Additionally, using URL hash changes is another method that can achieve this effect. Is it possible to change the hash tag and not reload the page to prevent the jumping effect? May 29, 2017 · Because on refresh it would be best to present the user with the tab they were on, but since they may be flipping back and forth between tabs, it would glut their history with entries unnecessarily, making the back button actually less useful. ) Approach #1: both will return the URL without the hash or anything after it. However, this leads to whole page refresh for the very first hash adding. html#query=hello%20world, when I have typed hello world in particular <input> and hit Enter (or submit). window. replaceState(null, "", window. html, click button to change to address bar to test3. location. At the moment this effectively reloads the page when the hash tag is change. history. Explore Teams Oct 15, 2015 · Using the hash to reload the page sounds kinda weird, since the hashpart is used to do exactly the opposite, prevent a reload, but still change the url. However, in HTML5 there is a new History API which allows you to change the part of the URL after the domain. hash = ""; On each document load I check whether the hash tag is set so I can show the div right away if the URL was inputed with the hash tag: Feb 12, 2013 · Rather than using window. but that is not true for in the case of an empty hash. history. In supporting browsers, use the new Navigation API which is currently being implemented as a replacement for the History API:. hash to make this Sep 19, 2015 · You cannot really change the whole URL in the location bar without redirecting (think of the security issues!). To display the browser-URL before changing the URL we will use window. At the moment PHP creates the basic layout for each page however I don't want to have to navigate away from each page when the user clicks on a link, and I don't want to have a hash in the URL because it won't fit with the rest of the site. We will see how to use the History API to manipulate the browser history and the URL, and how to handle popstate events to update our page content. 0. pushState() as exemplified here to inform the browser that the new data belongs to a May 13, 2011 · If you prevent the default event, you will save yourself from the page jump, but the hash won’t change either. Let’s dig in! An example URL Let’s imagine that we have a page with some products. scrollTop($('a[name='+id+']'). Sep 26, 2011 · Is there a way to change URL of a website without reloading page? (Without "#" or Javascript. location will trigger a page refresh.
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