Geodist cepii. com Licence: Etalab 2.


Geodist cepii If you don't find the answer to your question, please contact us. Piton, (2014), 'World Trade Flows Characterization: Unit Values, Trade Types and Price Ranges', CEPII Working paper, n°2014-26. "origin-destination-year"). The CEPII is also developping an updated version of the model, called MIRAGE-e, which includes a more detailed description of energy consumption and CO2 emissions, as well as a new baseline scenario at the 2100 horizon based on MaGE growth model. Contribute to pachadotdev/cepiigeodist development by creating an account on GitHub. Provides different distance measures and dummy variables indicating whether the two countries are contiguous, share a common language or a colonial relationship. 0 4 geo_cepii cap Variable equals to 1 if the city is the capital of the country, to 0 if the city is the most populated city (maincity equals to 1) but not the capital, and to 2 in the cases of two capitals, if the city 4 geo_cepii cap Variable equals to 1 if the city is the capital of the country, to 0 if the city is the most populated city (maincity equals to 1) but not the capital, and to 2 in the cases of two capitals, if the city. . & Zignago, S. Academic research on migration at CEPII focuses on the consequences of immigration on advanced economies. and Hugot, J. There are two distinct files: a country-specific one (geo_cepii. Abstract: GeoDist makes available the exhaustive set of gravity variables used in Mayer and Zignago (2005). Person in charge & contact: Pierre Cotterlaz, wtfc cepii. xls or dist_cepii. Geographic data on contiguity and distances from CEPII: Geographic data on contiguity and distances is taken from the CEPII’s GeoDist database. Reference document to cite: C. Référence à citer : Mayer, T. GeoDist provides several geographical variables, in particular bilateral distances measured using citylevel data to assess the geographic distribution of population inside each nation. It can be divided into five main categories: (i) factors affecting migration flows (ii) links between migration and international flows of goods, services and capital (iii) the impact of migration on the productivity and competitiveness of firms in host countries (iv) the impact of CEPII offers interactive data visualizations about the world economy, through its country and region profiles, in French and English versions. Emlinger & S. We have calculated and made available different measures of bi-lateral distances available for most countries across the world (225 The GeoDist webpage provides two distinct files: a country-specific one (geo_cepii) and a dyadic one (dist_cepii) including a set of different distance and common dummy variables used in gravity CEPII, WP No 2011 – 25 Notes on CEPII’s distances measures NOTES SUR LA BASE DE DONNÉES DE DISTANCES DU CEPII (GeoDist) RÉSUME NON TECHNIQUE GeoDist fournit l’ensemble des données développées par Mayer and Zignago (2005) pour mesurer les difficultés d’accès aux marchés mondiaux. Each observation corresponds to a combination of an exporting country, an importing country and a year (i. 0 GeoDist Market Potentials Network Trade NTM-MAP ProdComp RCA Séries longues macroéconomiques BACI-CEPII country indicator; iso3: ISO3 Please read the CEPII working paper. Source code. (2016) Two Centuries of Bilateral Trade and Gravity Data: 1827-2014. Reference document to cite: de Saint Vaulry, A. For most of them, different calculations of “intra-national distances” are also available. Le CEPII est le principal centre francais d'etude et de recherche en economie internationale. Person in charge & contact: Jules Hugot, jules. fr Licence : Etalab 2. Address : 20 avenue de Ségur, TSA 10726, 75334 Paris cedex 07, France Email : contact@cepii. CEPII Working Paper 2011- 25 , December 2011, CEPII. These two variables incorporate internal distances based on areas provided in the `geo_cepii` dataset. (2011), Notes on CEPII’s distances measures : the GeoDist Database, CEPII Working Paper 2011-25 Person in charge & contact: Thierry Mayer, geodist cepii. 4 geo_cepii cap Variable equals to 1 if the city is the capital of the country, to 0 if the city is the most populated city (maincity equals to 1) but not the capital, and to 2 in the cases of two capitals, if the city Nov 6, 2010 · This document details GeoDist’s, the CEPII’s distances and geograph-ical database. (2002) Illusory Border Effects: Distance Mismeasurement In-flates Estimates of Home Bias in Trade CEPII Working Paper 2002-01 Sep 18, 2020 · cepiigeodist: CEPII's GeoDist Datasets Provides data on countries and their main city or agglomeration and the different distance measures and dummy variables indicating whether two countries are contiguous, share a common language or a colonial relationship. The first dataset (geo_cepii), incorporates country-specific geographical variables for 225 countries in the world, including the geographical coordinates of their capital cities, the languages spoken in the country under different definitions, a variable indicating whether the country is landlocked, and their colonial links. Notes on CEPII s distances measures The GeoDist database Thierry Mayer Soledad Zignago DOCUMENT DE TRAVAIL No 2011 25 December CEPII WP No 2011 25 TABLE OF CONTENTS Non-technical summary. CEPII Working Paper The CEPII Gravity Database Table 2: Sources used to construct the Gravity dataset Source Variables created based on source CEPII’s GeoDist Country coverage, contig, dist, distw, distcap, distwces, dist_source, comlang_off, comlang_ethno, comcol, col45 World Bank’s World Integrated Trade Solution Country coverage Notes on CEPII’s distances measures Thierry Mayer Soledad Zignago 3rd May 2006∗ The CEPII has calculated and made available different measures of bilateral distances (in kms) available for most countries across the world (225 countries in the current version of the database). Functions. 0 Mentioning BACI and the CEPII is an appropriate reference, ideally a link to the webpage can be added. The data covers all existing countries, from 1948 to 2020, and includes a wide range of potential determinants of trade flows: geographic CEPII, WP No 2011 – 25 Notes on CEPII’s distances measures NOTES SUR LA BASE DE DONNÉES DE DISTANCES DU CEPII (GeoDist) RÉSUME NON TECHNIQUE GeoDist fournit l’ensemble des données développées par Mayer and Zignago (2005) pour mesurer les difficultés d’accès aux marchés mondiaux. EconMap is the database developed by the CEPII in 2010 to picture the world economy in the long term. Reference document to cite: Mayer, T. We have calculated different measures of bilateral distances available for most countries across the world (225 4 geo_cepii cap Variable equals to 1 if the city is the capital of the country, to 0 if the city is the most populated city (maincity equals to 1) but not the capital, and to 2 in the cases of two capitals, if the city The goal of geodist is to provide the same data from GeoDist ready to be used in R (i. Help Pages. Rd","path":"man/dist_cepii. 0 Reference document to cite: CEPII Profiles team (2023), CEPII Country Profiles: indicators, databases and classifications, Panorama du CEPII, N°2023-01, Panorama du CEPII, N°2023-01, BibTeX Person in charge & contact: Deniz Ünal, deniz. TY - CEPII A1 - Thierry Mayer A1 - Soledad Zignago TI - Notes on CEPII’s distances measures: The GeoDist database IS - 2011-25 T3 - Working Papers ER - data (1 if taken directly from CEPII’s GeoDist and 0 if based on close country) bilateral comlang_off 1 if countries share common official or primary language bilateral comlang_ethno 1 if countries share a common language spoken by at least 9% of the population bilateral comcol 1 if countries share a common colonizer post 1945 bilateral CEPII offers interactive data visualizations about the world economy, through its country and region profiles, in French and English versions. CEPII's GeoDist Datasets Documentation for package ‘cepiigeodist’ version 0. e. hugot gmail. Reference document to cite: Fouquin, M. fr In accordance with the law "Informatique et Libertés", you can exercise your right of access to data concerning you and have them rectified by contacting the CEPII by email : cepiiweb@cepii. "Notes on CEPII’s distances measures: The GeoDist database, " CEPII Working Paper 2011- 25 , December 2011, CEPII. When merging this dataset with Gravity, we checked that the geographic configurations of countries identified in both datasets were consistent, to ensure that contiguity and distance variables were geodist_vec 5 Arguments x Rectangular object (matrix, data. unal cepii. 2. Cet organisme public s'attache a eclairer les questions strategiques pour l'avenir de l'economie mondiale grace a une trentaine de collaborateurs: economistes, statisticiens et conseillers scientifiques. 0. GeoDist makes available the exhaustive set of gravity variables used in Mayer and Zignago (2005). dta) and a bilateral one GeoDist Market Potentials Network Trade "The CEPII Gravity database". (2002) Illusory Border Effects: Distance Mismeasurement In-flates Estimates of Home Bias in Trade CEPII Working Paper 2002-01 Les analyses et études du CEPII sur la macroéconomie et les finances, les politiques commerciale et migratoire contribuent au débat public et à la formulation des politiques économiques. fr. Man pages. CEPII, WP No 2011 – 25 Notes on CEPII’s distances measures NOTES ON CEPII’S DISTANCES MEASURES: THE GeoDist DATABASE NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY GeoDist makes available the exhaustive set of gravity variables developed in Mayer and Zignago (2005) to analyze market access difficulties in global and regional trade flows. frame, tibble, whatever) containing longitude and latitude coordinates. CEPII offers interactive data visualizations about the world economy, through its country and region profiles, in French and English versions. GeoDist, ou base de données de distances du The GeoDist webpage provides two distinct files: a country-specific one (geo_cepii)and a dyadic one (dist_cepii) including a set of different distance and common dummy variables used in gravity equations to identify particular links between countries such as colonial past, common languages, contiguity. GeoDist datasets in R (CEPII). 1: Description: Provides data on countries and their main city or agglomeration and the different distance measures and dummy variables indicating whether two countries are contiguous, share a common language or a colonial relationship. These interactive sheets present the characteristics of the insertion of 80 countries and 10 regions in the world economy. y Second rectangular object to be search for minimal distance to each row in the 4 geo_cepii cap Variable equals to 1 if the city is the capital of the country, to 0 if the city is the most populated city (maincity equals to 1) but not the capital, and to 2 in the cases of two capitals, if the city 4 geo_cepii cap Variable equals to 1 if the city is the capital of the country, to 0 if the city is the most populated city (maincity equals to 1) but not the capital, and to 2 in the cases of two capitals, if the city 4 geo_cepii cap Variable equals to 1 if the city is the capital of the country, to 0 if the city is the most populated city (maincity equals to 1) but not the capital, and to 2 in the cases of two capitals, if the city 4 geo_cepii cap Variable equals to 1 if the city is the capital of the country, to 0 if the city is the most populated city (maincity equals to 1) but not the capital, and to 2 in the cases of two capitals, if the city GeoDist Market Potentials Network Trade NTM-MAP ProdComp RCA Gianluca Orefice, rca cepii. 0. Rd","contentType":"file"},{"name":"geo_cepii. The database contains 6 distinct measures of Market Potential for a very large set of countries (between 152 and 205, depending of the year) from 1960 to 2003. 4 geo_cepii cap Variable equals to 1 if the city is the capital of the country, to 0 if the city is the most populated city (maincity equals to 1) but not the capital, and to 2 in the cases of two capitals, if the city We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. fr Licence: Etalab 2. 2011 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. dta) and a bilateral one (dist_cepii. Person in charge & contact: Pierre Cotterlaz, In cepiigeodist: CEPII's GeoDist Datasets. Language provides new series for Common Official Language (COL), Common Spoken Language (CSL), Common Native Language (CNL) and in the case of Linguistic Proximity, LP1 and LP2, the unadjusted values that serve for constructing two different measures, which we label PROX1 and PROX2. DESCRIPTION file. EconMap is produced from the MaGE (Macroeconometrics of the Global Economy) model. The goal of cepiigeodist is to provide the same data from GeoDist ready to be used in R (i. (2002) Illusory Border Effects: Distance Mismeasurement In-flates Estimates of Home Bias in Trade CEPII Working Paper 2002-01 The GeoDist webpage provides two distinct files: a country-specific one (geo_cepii)and a dyadic one (dist_cepii) including a set of different distance and common dummy variables used in gravity equations to identify particular links between countries such as colonial past, common languages, contiguity. There are firstly three identification codes of the country according to the ISO classification, the country's area in square kilometers, used to calculate in particular its internal distance. Description Format Source References Examples. GeoDist CEPII’s GeoDist Country coverage, contig, dist, distw, distcap, distwces, dist_source, comlang_off, comlang_ethno, comcol, col45 World Bank’s World Integrated Trade Solution Country coverage ISO country, iso3, iso3num CIA World Factbook first_year, last_year, country_exists, countrygroup_iso3, countrygroup_iso3num Wikipedia country Jan 31, 2012 · The GeoDist webpage provides two distinct files: a country-specific one (geo_cepii) and a dyadic one (dist_cepii) including a set of different distance and common dummy variables used in gravity equations to identify particular links between countries such as colonial past, common languages, contiguity. data (1 if taken directly from CEPII’s GeoDist and 0 if based on close country) bilateral comlang_off 1 if countries share common official or primary language bilateral comlang_ethno 1 if countries share a common language spoken by at least 9% of the population bilateral comcol 1 if countries share a common colonizer post 1945 bilateral Dec 1, 2011 · GeoDist makes available the exhaustive set of gravity variables used in Mayer and Zignago (2005). CEPII Working Paper The CEPII Gravity Database Table 2: Sources used to construct the Gravity dataset Source Variables created based on source CEPII’s GeoDist Country coverage, contig, dist, distw, distcap, distwces, dist_source, comlang_off, comlang_ethno, comcol, col45 World Bank’s World Integrated Trade Solution Country coverage The GeoDist webpage provides two distinct files: a country-specific one (geo_cepii)and a dyadic one (dist_cepii) including a set of different distance and common dummy variables used in gravity equations to identify particular links between countries such as colonial past, common languages, contiguity. GeoDist: the CEPII’s distances and geographical database Thierry Mayer ∗ Soledad Zignago † November 6, 2010‡ Abstract. 0 The GeoDist webpage provides two distinct files: a country-specific one (geo_cepii)and a dyadic one (dist_cepii) including a set of different distance and common dummy variables used in gravity equations to identify particular links between countries such as colonial past, common languages, contiguity. CEPII Working Paper The CEPII Gravity Database Table 2: Sources used to construct the Gravity dataset Source Variables created based on source CEPII’s GeoDist Country coverage, contig, dist, distw, distcap, distwces, dist_source, comlang_off, comlang_ethno, comcol, col45 World Bank’s World Integrated Trade Solution Country coverage May 3, 2006 · We have calculated and made available different measures of bilateral distances (in kms) available for most countries across the world (225 countries in the current version of the database). xls or geo_cepii. & Mayer, T. Sep 18, 2020 · cepiigeodist: CEPII's GeoDist Datasets. 6 Why does BACI provide data only in the HS nomenclature? The Harmonized System is the standard nomenclature for international trade, used by all custom services. May 3, 2006 · We have calculated and made available different measures of bilateral distances (in kms) available for most countries across the world (225 countries in the current version of the database). NOTES ON CEPII’S DISTANCES MEASURES: THE GEODIST DATABASE Thierry Mayer & Soledad Zignago NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY GeoDist makes available the exhaustive set of gravity variables developed in Mayer and Zignago (2005) to analyze market access difficulties in global and regional trade flows. CEPII Working Paper N°2022-05, July 2022. 0 CEPII’s Market Potential database reports the two measurements of market potentials synthesizing the evolution of countries’ economic geography. The simple distances are calculated following the great circle formula, which uses latitudes and longitudes of the most important city (in terms of population) or of its official capital. 4 geo_cepii cap Variable equals to 1 if the city is the capital of the country, to 0 if the city is the most populated city (maincity equals to 1) but not the capital, and to 2 in the cases of two capitals, if the city The GeoDist webpage provides two distinct files: a country-specific one (geo_cepii)and a dyadic one (dist_cepii) including a set of different distance and common dummy variables used in gravity equations to identify particular links between countries such as colonial past, common languages, contiguity. 1. The Gravity database gathers a set of variables useful to researchers or practitioners estimating gravity equations. The GeoDist webpage provides two distinct files: a country-specific one (geo_cepii)and a dyadic one (dist_cepii) including a set of different distance and common dummy variables used in gravity equations to identify particular links between countries such as colonial past, common languages, contiguity. This document details GeoDist’s, the CEPII’s distances and geograph-ical database. Mayer, T. If you do not find answers to your questions, contact-us. (2011) Notes on CEPII's distances measures: the GeoDist Database CEPII Working Paper 2011-25 Head, K. The package provides data on countries and distance measures alongside dummy variables indicating whether two countries are contiguous, share a common language or a colonial relationship, and others. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"man":{"items":[{"name":"dist_cepii. GeoDist, ou base de données de distances du CEPII Working Paper 2011- 25 , December 2011, CEPII. CEPII, WP No 2011 – 25 Notes on CEPII’s distances measures NOTES SUR LA BASE DE DONNÉES DE DISTANCES DU CEPII (GeoDist) RÉSUME NON TECHNIQUE GeoDist fournit l’ensemble des données développées par Mayer and Zignago (2005) pour mesurer les difficultés d’accès aux marchés mondiaux. cepii. We have calculated and made available different measures of bi- The geo_cepii files provide data on The GeoDist webpage provides two distinct files: a country-specific one (geo_cepii) and a dyadic one (dist_cepii) including the set of different distance and common dummy variables used in gravity The GeoDist webpage provides two distinct files: a country-specific one (geo_cepii) and a dyadic one (dist_cepii) including a set of different distance and common dummy variables used in gravity equations to identify particular links between countries such as colonial past, common languages, contiguity. Provides data on countries and their main city or agglomeration and the different distance measures and dummy variables indicating whether two countries are contiguous, share a common language or a colonial relationship. dta), including the set of different distance variables and common dummy variables used in gravity equations to identify particular links between countries such as colonial past, common languages, contiguity. GeoDist, ou base de données de distances du 4 CEPII, WP No 2011 – 25 Notes on CEPII’s distances measures N OTES SUR LA BASE DE DONNÉES DE DISTANCES DU CEPII (GeoDist) R ÉSUME NON TECHNIQUE GeoDist fournit l’ensemble des données développées par Mayer and Zignago (2005) pour mesurer les difficultés d’accès aux marchés mondiaux. We have calculated and made available different measures of bi-lateral distances available for most countries across the world (225 Sep 18, 2020 · CEPII's GeoDist Datasets. Founded in 1978, the CEPII is part of the network coordinated by France Strategy, within the Prime Minister's services. For most of them, different calcula- The CEPII also produces databases and provides a platform for debate among academics, experts, practitioners, decision makers and other private and public stakeholders. I NTRODUCTION For the needs of our Mayer and Zignago Working Papers from CEPII research center. (2008), “Base de données CHELEM - Commerce international du CEPII”, Document de travail du CEPII, N°2008-09 BibTeX Person in charge & contact: Pierre Cotterlaz, chelem cepii. dist_cepii: Data on pairs of countries including The goal of geodist is to provide the same data from GeoDist ready to be used in R (i. (2011), Notes on CEPII’s distances measures : the GeoDist Database, CEPII Working Paper 2011-25 Responsable & contact : Thierry Mayer, geodist cepii. 0 Reference document to cite: Mayer, T. Rd Please read the CEPII working paper. with the gravity package). Download- 4 geo_cepii cap Variable equals to 1 if the city is the capital of the country, to 0 if the city is the most populated city (maincity equals to 1) but not the capital, and to 2 in the cases of two capitals, if the city 4 geo_cepii cap Variable equals to 1 if the city is the capital of the country, to 0 if the city is the most populated city (maincity equals to 1) but not the capital, and to 2 in the cases of two capitals, if the city Mayer, T. The package provides data on countries and their main city or agglomeration and the different distance measures and dummy variables indicating whether two countries are contiguous, share a common language or a colonial relationship. GeoDist provides useful CEPII offers interactive data visualizations about the world economy, through its country and region profiles, in French and English versions. Search the cepiigeodist package. com Licence: Etalab 2. The data used for each illustration are available for direct download. CEPII Working Paper, N°2016-14. It provides GDP at constant or current prices, as well as production factors and technical progress from 1980 to 2100 for 170 countries. May 3, 2006 · PDF | On May 3, 2006, Thierry Mayer and others published Notes on CEPII’s distances measures | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate CEPII Working Paper MaGE: Long-Term Projections (1995) for evaluating the impact of policies aiming to abate Greenhouse Gas emissions, although adding a Cobb-Douglas aggregation of non-electric and electric energy. Package index. dist_cepii: Data on pairs of countries including CEPII offers interactive data visualizations about the world economy, through its country and region profiles, in French and English versions. Description. Thierry Mayer & Soledad Zignago , 2011. @TechReport{CEPII:2011-25, author={Thierry Mayer and Soledad Zignago}, title={Notes on CEPII’s distances measures: The GeoDist database}, year=2011, CEPII_FDI_flows_neg_v1_1: 2011 – 05 – 02 : IMF, CNUCED, OECD, Eurostat, WiiW, China statistical Yearbook (2006) First public release: Negative flows are kept: CEPII_FDI_stocks_v1_1: 2011 – 05 – 02 : IMF, CNUCED, OECD, Eurostat, WiiW, China statistical Yearbook (2006) Second public release : New data added Title: CEPII's GeoDist Datasets: Version: 0. dta) and a bilateral one GeoDist also known as the CEPII s database on distances provides useful data on line http //www. fr CEPII, WP No 2011 – 25 Notes on CEPII’s distances measures NOTES SUR LA BASE DE DONNÉES DE DISTANCES DU CEPII (GeoDist) RÉSUME NON TECHNIQUE GeoDist fournit l’ensemble des données développées par Mayer and Zignago (2005) pour mesurer les difficultés d’accès aux marchés mondiaux. GeoDist, ou base de données de distances du CEPII offers interactive data visualizations about the world economy, through its country and region profiles, in French and English versions. gzmgv mosnwgw zyllep zshv pocwhmhi ulzqkc xokqjy pikq yzjxfh fovb ofloi rsqvdgp zffop kknk jrdrscfa