Divinity 2 necromancer damage reddit. Wear a shield and take the bouncing shield skill.

Divinity 2 necromancer damage reddit Even if you go with 2H and a Sword&Board, they still compete for armor and play quite similar in combat. 2 times as much damage. Now at level 18 it’s batting clean-up (last character to go) every round and pretty much annihilates everything that’s still alive. As most of the healing you will recieve will be through necromancy, the more damage you deal, the more you will heal through necromancy, the more magic armor will you regenerate through living armor. Use the cheat commander mod to give yourself all the skills you want from the start, but you’ll still be doing only like 2 damage. 1 into Scoundrel. Those are the only real damage dealers in the Necro school and the rest is very situational. This is incorrect for 2 reasons: Living Armor comes at the cost of a whole ass talent point. Also, attribute scaling will account for a relatively small amount of damage early on so you should pump strength in act 1 and Respec into int at the start of act 2. Which is my personal favorite because your party can have lots of different builds and spells and utility while Well no but Warfare ABILITIES uses the staff element skill and your INT to boost damage. Stacking points into necromancer is a mistake. Add some Geomancer / Necromancer skills if you want extra healing. Skills like Decaying Touch and Mosquito Swarm can still be very useful for their utility (decay, self heal) as are skills like Bone Cage, Shackles of Counter-intuitively necromancer is magic but does physical damage. Would recomend. So, you can heal them directly, have your Water Incarnate heal them, or Soul Mate them + heal yourself and damage them at the same time. Since I'm not playing lone wolf I have to choose 2h ( to boost staff damage ) or warfare to boost necromancer damage. Most of the offensive Necromancer skills focus on dealing physical damage, which is You are not however, totally crazy. However, their damage scales off of Intelligence. 7) = 2. To account for this, enemies have resistances to magic damage and spells can't crit by default. Don't forget to use crafted spells, because the selection of physical damage spells is limited. A simple example might be a Warrior, Archer and 2 elemental mages with different elements. You have a necromancer that deals physical damage mainly, a Hydro/Aero (magic damage) and a ranger (can deal both), so you're lacking a frontline that deals physical damage. For a Necro mage, max out Int First, Wits second, a bit of dex to grab the 25% crit dagger end game. As soon as other builds catch up in crit chance, you'll be somewhat weaker. If you spend APs to summon a half ass Summon in round one, you won't have AP to do damage, and your Summon does half ass damage, ending the first turn in the most ineffective way. I like the idea but sadly the game does not support this build. On the other hand, you'll never be able to reach something like a full necromancer in power, let alone a cheese build like Unstable suicide bombers. The health regen is meh but you get two ranged skills in Mosquito Swarm and Infect for times you can't get into melee range, plus the best summon in the game with the Bone Widow, Blood Sucker for spot heals and Bone Cage for physical armour. The life steal you get from them also does heal undead casters so you're good making Fane a necromancer. 3 Movement speed per level in this skill) and the necromancer heals from damages you give (Heal +10% of . You don’t need more than 3 necro to access all your necro spells. With ancient capacitors from Act 2 if I'm not mistaken, you can add air damage. So of course, you'd need to accompany them with a main tank, or another melee unit. I made a sneaky mage and it’s OP but solo so balances. Put in 1 or 2 points in in every magic school to get some useful support spells and then pump warfare for damage. Thanks. Necro 2 hander is a strong build, your Necro damage skills will have respectable damage thanks to Warfare but nothing too crazy. 4 - Does choosing Two handed over 2 points in Necro for melee builds is amazing. I went with a Summoner / Necromancer Fane early-game and then I went Pyromancer / Summoner at end-game because I just felt like it, anything works. Necromancer is a combat ability, that utilises magic known as necromancy, and is essential for learning and casting Necromancer skills in Divinity: Original Sin II. 3 - What Origin Companion do you think is the best? i'm liking Sebille and Red Prince so far. Pyro increases all [Fire] damage you do. I’m doin a full 4 member party. It's good utility, as well as yet another early game damage option. So you'll have Red Prince, Beast and you dealing physical damage while your friend is the only one dealing magic damage. Both classes damage spells scale with intelligence but you don't necessarily need to be an int character if you're going to focus on summons and buffs/debuffs. They get spell scaling so they don't have to worry about upgrading weapons, and can use weapons purely for the stats. 2 aero is very useful for nether swap and teleportation. Beyond that, I wouldn't try to make such a character also skilled with a sword, as splitting between intelligence and strength isn't very efficient. Basically think of warfare as the "physical element", just like aero is "air element" and so on. Max warfare, not Necromancy. For every physical damage dealer (warrior,necro,ranger,rogue) warfare is the best damage talent. Necromancer skills deal physical damage. Tactical retreat: pay 1 AP to jump once, then get that AP back the next turn, also increases the movement speed of both this turn and the next. You can't really make 2 distinct builds without actively choosing to not to optimize one of them, just so that their build can be different. It just looks hilarious when a chicken runs around and bleed out. Would it be okay to ask this community for help in making a build? I've definitely noticed the potential synergy of Necromancy and Warfare skills very especially considering that Warfare contributes a lot to a necro to boost its damage. Blood storm is probably the most OP spell in the game You could switch to bow, but that scales with finesse, and your geo scales with int, so that won't work to great. Assuming Tactician, late in the game (starting at level 16) a reasonably well-built Necro character has such destructive tools at their disposal that the AP cost doesn't come close to justifying the damage. But what's REALLY cool, is the status effects stack. If your already doing direct damage to vitality, you don't need lifesteal, because the enemy is now either cced , or is about to die, aka not dealing any damage to you. Elf isn't required for necromancers, but if you're not playing Lone Wolf they're very useful for the extra AP and elemental affinity. This overhaul took some time to complete as it introduces quite a few new scripted systems, as well as some rather unique skills, such as Translocate: For a pure lategame Necro build, its important to keep in mind that Necro spells do physical damage and, unlike every other school of magic, additional points in Necro do not increase the damage of your Necro spells. Necro spells deal physical damage so that’s where most of your damage is going to come from. 5*1. Battlemage, INT-based magical melee damage Pick 2 builds that deal magic damage and 2 that deal physical damage as well as a mix of ranged and melee builds, and you're set. Currently in Act 2 at the Blackpits. combine 1 pyrokinesis and 1 necromancer skill book for corpse explosion. I want to completely redo my red prince and turn him into a necro rogue type character with high burst and life steal but I have no idea how to do this. But the skills she uses can cause some serious damage. Necro combos well with almost any type of healing. Or use a mixed Geo/Hunt set with both Dust spells. Same thing with living armor. Damage modifier is the same as Grasp of the Starved (simplest formula is 250% of Mosquito Swarm), costs 1 AP, and doesn’t require enemies to be standing in blood or in a blood cloud. Skill-wise I would recommend going no higher than necromancer 2, hydro 1 and pyrokinetic 1 then focusing on warfare until 10 as a priority. 2 - Is Polymorph recommended for what kind of build (Ranger, Mage, Melee). Just know that the damage done by last rites is applied before the heal from having 10+ necromancy, so it can actually kill you if you dont have enough health, thats where living edge Scoundrel ONLY increase your crit damage by 5% and move speed. Blew up alexander on lvl6 with oil and ooze barrels. Nexus Mods. More points in Necro increase the lifegain from the damage you deal. Yes, corpses require positioning but a shrewd player will be mindful of this and already have the necessary skills and tactical approach. All physical damage is increased by Warfare, whether it's from a weapon or from Necro skills. Huntsman ONLY increase your high ground damage by 5%. Just started act 2, replaced red prince with lohse with necromancer build. Rather than do 1. This lets experienced players plan around using powerful unique items like Lohar's Source Hammer, Fang of the Winter Dragon, and Rancour for their powerful stats and crit chance. Is he going to take damage from necromancy skills like blood sucker, vampiric hunger, and just generally doing vitality damage with the necromancy healing? It’d be good to know before sinking 10 hours into this build. Dec 4, 2019 · It's a difficult build as standard attacks do so little damage due to the lack of strength. swinging your sword) does 100% damage for 2 AP. . Its damage is equal to grasp of the starved. Necromancer spells do physical damage, so you should actually be putting most of your points into Warfare. Put 3 Necro, 3 Hydro, 3/5 Poly, 1/2 Pyro, Max out Warfare and what remains just put on scoundrel for crit multiplier. e. Focus on Warfare. 5 (the missing stat multiplier). Blitz: pay 2 AP to jump, has a very short range, limited choice of destinations, and does negligible damage when cast by a necro. With warfare, you can have 2 CCs (battle stomp and battering ram) and extra damage with bouncing shield if you don't want to be two-handed. Got a nice buff with the buff to teleportation, as it increased the damage of All of the skills you underlined are pretty decent. It's so incredibly bad that it's nearly always better to just walk. Necromancer is the strongest build in the game, for a number of reasons. Mid game you are basically dividing your damage by 2. Since you can debuff creatures to be Decaying, then pop a Restoration on them, and due to the weird scaling it gets a damage increase from Hydro AND Warfare. With proper use of elemental affinity you will be running out of spells to cast. I always have a support unit in my build, so I guess it's a must. Intellect is your primary attribute in terms of increasing damage deal, after that it's wits. Late act 2 Necro for example gives you life steal, healing you for a percent of damage dealt. And if you are taking health damage after Act 1, it's very likely you will have all your turns taken away with CC. But no way should you invest heavy into warfare for the necro aswell as the aero/hydro for damage. Knockdowns, atrophy, chicken. Don't bother with 2 handed weapons unless you intend to also go with warfare or just use as a stat stick. You can also pick up some of the warfare CC moves which are super useful early-game. Necro does big physical AOE damage so its worth pointing out in addition to all the good stuff u/kleinerhila detailed above to make sure that you're stacking Warfare to improve your damage output (and not Necro itself which does not improve the damage of Necro spells). All it does is unlock new skills and increase your life-drain, it doesn't actually increase the power of your necromancy spells. I use: Shackles of pain: 1ap, makes someone take damage when you do. This makes all her skills damage like crazy, but after I have used Infect, Decay and Mosquito Swarm, then I feel kind of bummed. Worth noting that healing spells will do physical damage to undead, which means that the Warfare that your physical party will have in abundance will also increase your healing damage against undead. Make sure to pick up your necro skills, Teleport (which deals damage on par with mosquito swam if used by a necromancer) as well as Corpse Explosion, Mass Corpse Explosion and Blood Storm. 7 = 2. ECT. Make use of their immunities Combat abilities: Warfare 2, Geomancer 1, Pyrokinetic 1, Aerothurge 2, Necromancer 1, Polymorph 2 Necromancer and Polymorph are the 2 to max out after this (lvl 8+). 5-Star Diner. This confirms the addition of highground and crit bonus. Hello again /r/DivinityOriginalSin!. Didn't know it deals elemental damage even in normal attack bonks. Certain abilities effect the healing e. You need some (3) hydro for blood rain / blood I am running a Necromancer build on Sebille. The damage formula for spells is a little less straightforward, since the baseline isn't your autoattack, but 100% is still basically "normal" damage. More points in scoundrel does NOT increase your scoundrel skill damage. The thing is, that Necromancer only heals you when you do direct damage to vitality. Let me explain. It was weak early on, but around level 10 it really started to shine. A well placed and timed (after armor was down) Whirlwind in Act III took him from almost dead to full health. Mosquito swarm heals for all damage dealt, even to armour. More damage also results in getting through armor faster, which means you can cc stuff sooner, which means there are fewer hits to recover from. 3-5 necro to unlock skills. 55 times as much damage, the highground crit does (1+0. I want fane in my party as the other mage, prolly the necro/geo and I’m not committed on the last slot. As its my first playthrough, I have no idea which weapon to give to lohse and which stat to level up. This is how i start a flight. Summoner+anything pretty much just works because you only need 10 points in summoner to be the best summoner you can be. My Necromancer Class Overhaul is ready and released onto the Workshop and NexusMods: Steam Workshop. A 2/2 hybrid party is fine, but 3/1 is going to be very annoying for the 1. Take your pick from bless, dome of protection, break the shackles, door to eternity, they're all ok in the right situation. So I am very well grared. Geomancer for venom coating and creating surfaces. As such, more damage=more health. Sebille works best as a necromancer caster since flesh sacrifice creates blood puddles for elemental affinity and also increases the damage of these abilities, which already deal a lot of damage. I found this super helpful since a lot of that armor adds to Warfare, which helps my damage output significantly. Use these two skills to group enemies around a corpse, then blow it up for massive (150%) damage. Your STR based weapon skills will be your main source of damage. Necromancer spells deal physical damage, and thus are a good companion to physical dps. max Warfare, 1 pyro and later on, dish on some poly for skills like "flaying skin". Chicken claw can be usefull as you deal physical damage Even if it's not for damage, tentacle lash cause atrophy which is good Skingraft and apotheosis are used in most build already And poly gives 1 free stat point anyway i'll still suggest you don't put more point than necessary for your stuff in STR if you're going necromancer But I wouldn't advise it in this party simply because all Necro damage is physical. Corpse explosion does insane amounts of damage. (ofc only if you put all pts in warfare) My point is a necromancer as physical int caster can be as good as any other elemental mage once you hit mid A2. Dealing Damage: Maybe in the very early game, but since you are maxing intelligence (which I assume because of the necro spells) using a 2H like that becomes inefficient very quickly. Necromancer skills deal physical damage, so they will deal damage to undead enemies. Blew up Dalis with balista on Lady Vengance and got the lvl 20 loot (+2 str chest) but missed 2 x 725 exp from monks. You could have used that instead on getting a talent that improves damage (thus mitigating the need to avoid damage by kill enemies faster) or on a better survial talent i. Wand and shield for Shield Toss, maybe a 1H melee weapon if you're going with the Close Combat role, but wands typically have better bonuses for INT an Early on the damage is worth the 2 AP to raise and supercharge (and then blow up again). I’m running a front line 2h Warefare Sebille and aero/hydro mage in Lohse. Warfare. Another fun thing, with the crafters kit you can also add fire damage. I'm pretty sure shield toss will do more damage than that. Right now level 13 with like 8 points in Summoning, I think there’s like 2 points in there from gear. It has a fairly unique damage scaling line, which does restrict the number of abilities you can dip into, simply because there aren't other classes that will deal relevant, focused physical damage. Grab Savage Sortilege. Reply reply Another thing: undead take damage from healing in this game. Necromancer has all the benefits of physical damage, spell scaling, and insane damage. Pure necromancer is easily the most powerful non-cheese build in the game. Hello builds fans! I would like to create in Divinity Orginal Sin 2 a figure of a dark necromancer who can also fight well in close combat with one two-handed sword or sword with a large shield. Damage split for 1, 2 you do less by trying to do more Necromancer. Huntsman has the First Aid skill, ranks in Necromancer add passive healing when you damage enemy HP. Pure Necromancer (Sebille's recommended) : INT>WIT, WIT for spider talent |Savage Sortilege, Executioner, Hothead, Elemental Affinity | Necro 3 (you do not need any more than 3), Poly 5 (only once you can get Apotheosis, 3 is enough before that), 2 Aero, 2 Pyro, 2 Scoundrel, rest into Warfare | Chameleon Cloak, Cloak&Dagger, Haste, Corpse On an intelligence-based necromancer, Torturer, Executioner and Mnemonic are better value. etc. I have a 2-handed Fane going poly/necro/warrior and he heals for about 120% of the damage he deals out. Getting 5 points in polymorph is undebatable as apotheosis is the best ability there is for a necromancer. Well, it sure can passively secure you some damage during opponents turns, but that would still be about 10 skill points, which could be placed somewhere else for significantly more damage or tankiness, or control, or just general versatility. If you have points in necro whenever you damage their hp directly (with autos, abilities, anything) you will heal for a % of the damage. But if you don't summon, your points in Summom are wasted, your half ass Arrow damage could have been much better had it not wasted points. They have a higher base damage because they’re supposed to be used for either a) an elementalist who wants some physical damage to support teammates or b) a melee fighter who wants range. Following Warfare its all about improving crit chance/damage to make the Each skill gives bonuses. So fire, poison, and air, and each of those also adds a chance to inflict the associated status effect of poison, burn, or shock. From all the guides I’ve read, you really only put enough points into those skills to use the different abilities you want, like 2-3 then just pump warfare to max since it increases all physical damage, and for a backstab rogue that’s pretty important. The summoner class skills are mostly ranged magic attacks as well as support spells and buffs. I'd recommend it based just on the Mosquito Swarm, as it lets you use it every other turn, giving you a consistent source of damage that a necromancer would otherwise lack due to there being no physical wands/staffs and a small pool of direct damage spells. Aug 25, 2019 · This is my 1st time playing and I'm a few hours into act 2. 3 doing physical damage and 1 doing magical - or vice versa - will be kind of pointless, soully because the one doing magical isn’t contributing much. My all-physical damage party runs a necromancer. The incarnate and totems will do great damage that tapers off to "ok damage" in act 4 Oh there aren't many good choices for source skills for this build. Seems to be working ok and getting towards the end of act 2. Infect isnt low damage mosquito for 1 ap isnt low damage. Wear a shield and take the bouncing shield skill. Teleport does scale with int and does considerable physical damage. It does massive damage (beware of friendly fire) Two points in Aerothurge are a nice utility drop for this build as well. Dont use necro spells though, since you'll be dealing magic damage most the time anyways, but if you really want to use them then look into crafted spells like Corrosive Touch/Spray since they are Geo spells that directly damage physical armour. EDIT: Will drop the staff. Flesh sacrifice + elemental arrowheads is free damage. Combines well with geomancer when you need to do some magical damage. You won't heal if you just damage enemy armour. So what I'm wondering what would you guys advise to boost. You just need to pick up the damage spells from necromancer and pump all remaining stats into warfare to boost your necromancy damage. A good point somebody brought up to me was that if you’re having trouble fighting, you should consider what kind of damage your guys are doing (magical or physical). Early on, Necro has a bit of a weird problem. Aero is usually less about damage than it is about manipulating the battlefield and controlling, though there are certainly higher power Aero skills like Shocking Touch (an early high damage skill) and Chain Lightning. 2 aero for teleportation and nether swap. Necro is kinda weak at the beginning but from act 2 onwards it's quite good (mainly because of blood storm and grasp of the starved being awesome). 5+0. Fane, necromancer. From there naturally level up the skills you use most but you’ll still feel overpowered because you can use any skill. 1 poly for chameleon cloak. Especially Corpse Explosion's damage is insane. It's also wise to dip in some other skills though. Hydro is also so-so scaling. These don't scale off anything so you are good to go. Corpse explosion, corrosive touch corrosive breath are all good additions. You really don't want to be taking health damage at any point after Act 1. Learn the Corpse explosion and teleport skills. But your main damage will still be strength skills Just so you don't forget, putting points into Necromancer will also heal for damage done to enemy health (not armor though). So basically you want utility spells from necromancer, and ideally 1 ap skills. The community is for the discussion of Divinity: Original Sin 2 and other games by Larian Studios you can do like having 20 necromancer 20 retribution (you do 100 With max warfare and int, teleport dealls tons of damage, a lot of time outright kill mods with no physical armor. The crit damage from two-handed skill works fully on spells provided you have a 2h equipped, so if you're LW spellcasting necro and have an excess of skill points 2-handed gives you an useful skill to max when you're done with warfare/scoundrel Necromancer is good. You are better off choosing 2 ( 2 that work better together I. Because necromancers do physical damage, they don't have to worry about resistances. Oh, and the bleed damage doesn't scale with anything but level, so it hits for decent damage even on a shit build. Teleport deals physical damage, so its damage actually scales up really well with your warfare points and any crit chance you might want to build. This is nice in your circumstances more than likely though - that pairs quite well with in your face melee/warfare characters that tend to do physical damage too. The least resisted kind of damage, paired with a mage (who scale a lot better with damage buffs and can use high ground) and skills that have 250% damage modifiers - of course it will be among the most powerful builds in the game. Sebille, archer. Necromancer: While a necromancer starts off a little rough in the first few levels, he will always have very good damage/ap values through the whole game due to early effectiveness off decaying + healing damage cheap summons and utterly rediculous late game. Necromancer Making 2 distinct Warrior type builds isn't that much of a good idea. Dagger builds peak in the early to mid game, where the backstab provides a reliable damage boost. E hydro/aero for this example) and you could consider going 2 into necro ( Vac aura) if you want to play that way. Takeaways. Consequently, you want to grab the minimum amount of Necro to use your spells and dump the rest into Warfare, along with a couple If you are at a comfortable damage level, feel free to spend in Memory or Wits, for extra slots and extra ini/crit respectively. Warfare will, though, since warfare improves all physical damage. Stun is a pretty valuable status, not letting an enemy take their turn is really often more valuable than doing a bit more damage. These last 3 are hybrid skills which you can craft by combining other skill books, but are a core part of playing a necromancer. Necromancer allows you to leech from damage. Good damage output throughout the game, and lots of control and movement abilities. High INT, High Warfare, 2 in Necro for spells, third point later for top tier spells. The community is for the discussion of Divinity: Original Sin 2 and other games by Larian Studios It's actually widely known that necromancer is the strongest conventional build in the game. One last thing for now: as a Necromancer, you can set Decaying on living targets after you pierce their phys armor (target takes damage from heals). The community is for the discussion of Divinity: Original Sin 2 and other games by Larian Studios The community is for the discussion of Divinity: Original Sin 2 and other games by Larian Studios Death Wish can give you nearly a 100% damage boost if you enter the fight at 1HP—just be aware that the necromancer healing passive will erode the damage boost when you damage vitality, so you’ll want to use your heavy-hitting spells early. Act 1 you can mix it with warfare or summoner. Necromancer combat ability focuses on gaining Vitality when dealing damage directly to Vitality of any character (excluding the caster themselves). Pyro for damage, and Necro for more self sustain. Since necromancer damage spells do physical damage it's wise to max out warfare before necro itself. Tactical retreat to middle of 2 mobs, nether swap with the 3rd mob, teleport the 4th one to the middle. On the other side of this, you have 2 damage dealers and 2 supports, your battles could be more attrition-oriented. Yeah, necro is busted, the most op builds (no meme build). Warfare increases all physical damage you do. (Unlike other magic like geo/hydro/aero/pyro, the Necromancer ability does NOT increase the damage of Necro skills, it only increases lifesteal. The community is for the discussion of Divinity: Original Sin 2 and other games by Larian Studios Sometime after act 2 when you have all your dream attributes and skills you can start dumping into intellect a bit as warfare will carry your damage for corpse explosion and necromancer scource skills. So if you use a staff you can use the Warfare attacks just fine but it's pointless to increase Warfare more than what is needed to get the abilities since the damage is boosted by your INT and the skill of the element that your staff has (Hydro, Geo, Pyro etc. So aside from Fane I’ve got: Ifan - primarily Huntsman with some summoning points for Soul Wolf and other skills like Dominate mind and Rally Cry Any Necromancer needs Warfare points to scale up their damage, and using a shield in such a build is a natural choice for Shield Throw and added defense. Felt like it was a good enough attempt and went on. The necromancer damage skills are for the most part physical damage and enemy debuffs. So underpowered in act 1 but by the end of act 2 i steamrolled the rest of the game. The community is for the discussion of Divinity: Original Sin 2 and other games by Larian Studios and extra armor or 2h sword if I want more damage. Necromancer skills deal physical damage, so if your friends are playing as magic dealing characters it's better to have all party members doing the same damage or something like 2 physical and 2 magic. Necromancers are very good at healing themselves, and Necromancer abilities can even heal the Undead. With all the buffs (elf), all I needed is kill the first mob, then corpse explosion. g. Last Rites does big damage to self, dealing big damage to your shackles target, which then heals you for 100%+ of the damage done from having over 10 necromancy. If you crit yes the damage will be higher but not other wise. Now starting act 2 feeling like a million bucks. Thus the dilemma arises, the weapons that scale off of intelligence i. Ifans has the same support skill as Lohse, but his source skill scales with summoning. ( I know warfare increases physical damage but the idea I have is for magic damage). An intelligence-based Necromancer will need 3 points in Necromancer, 10 in Warfare, 2 in Pyrokinetics, 2 in Hydrosophist, 2 in Scoundrel, 2 in Geomancer and 5 in Polymorph to have Also, Warfare is stronger than you suggest since it multiplies your existing damage (after Intelligence has already multiplied it, leading to some crazy big numbers), but you could still get away with playing a build that focuses on Summoning since Necromancer's alpha damage is already good and your summons will do pretty good damage. Grab just enough huntsmen for skills, Warfare just for phoenix drive. The most powerful build I’ve ever used is one that uses both intelligence and warfare to ramp the damage of necromancer skills. What weapon would a necromancer who wanted to maximize his spell damage use? Party : pyro / geo caster, necromancer, archer, poison melee build The build: This build was made with divinity planner without equipment in mind as I honestly don't know what gear there is out there so I'm just going with whatever I find that has the best stats to my build. Necros aren't super strong in the early game (I usually have my necros splash Summoning in the early game and spam totems while mosquito swarm is on cooldown) but mid/late they do a lot of Also do more points in necro increase it’s damage or nah? I’d like to have 2 party members do phys and 2 do magic damage. 1 scoundrel for adrenaline. and you even have shield throw which is tons of damage. Dec 4, 2024 · Necromancer Skills was called Witchcraft in Divinity: Original Sin, and contains many of the same Skills. Max pyromancer since i think ill mainly be using fire damage to buff my weapon. This means she has to rely on skills which can struggle on longer fights because of cool downs. Necromancer i The community is for the discussion of Divinity: Original Sin 2 and other games by Larian Studios Members Online Checked the Fextralife wiki page for Ada Laird and uh A normal autoattack (i. Reply reply More replies The community is for the discussion of Divinity: Original Sin 2 and other games by Larian Studios Ex: more damage means you'll be able to kill instead of cc more often, killing stuff sooner means there's less incoming dmg you'll need to recover from. The latter can be offset with Savage Sortilege, and the former isn't even a th which helps to improve some of necro's earlier spells to make them a bit stronger. Basically have 5 necro for all necro spells, 2 aero, pump warfare, 2 summoning, 5 poly, 1-2 scoundrel for adrenaline and cloak and dagger, 1-2 pyro for corpse and mass corpse explosion and some summoning for totems and incarnates. Most Necro spells, corpse explosion and the geo armor explosion do physical damage. You can put 2 points in Strength to wear any heavy armor you want (other gear can get you the other 2 points to wear anything fo the whole game). ). The role I take with melee necromancer is as the main physical damage dealer and secondary tanker. Some examples: Ranger, Scoundrel, Warrior, Necromancer/Hydro = strong physical damage, 2 melee + 2 range, 3 damage and 1 damage/support. e wands and staves, are all magic damage. Until Act 2, the build flounders just a bit. Spell damage scales better than weapons, on top of that you can use weapons as stat sticks to get max damage instead of trading them out every 1-2 lvls. ) So the point was, since Warfare ends up being the Necro-equivalent of other Skill type damage boosts (Aero:Aero Damage, Warfare:Necro[Physical] Damage), was it worth putting points into it just for the damage boost, and if so, how many would you recommend. Flesh Sacrifice is unquestionably the best racial bonus for mages, including and especially necromancer Naaah don't listen to him,grasp of the starved is unlocked in the middle of act 2 and blood storm at the end, necromancers utilise also other skills from different schools to deal physical damages but their damage scales with warfare so pick just what you need to unlock the spells and pump the rest on warfare, using these following spells will make it much easier for you right now : Teleport Concerning the warfare argument, I'd say it's a choice of playstyle and not a bad one, because it can effectively give you way more damage per attacks, but you will lack the mobility and crit % given by scoundrel (+5% Critical Multiplier, +0. Firstly, spell damage scales off level rather than weapon. Players will get 10% Vitality damage (damage to actual health, not Armour) returned as health for each point into Necromancer, however It's decent single target damage for 4AP in the early game, but that's not it's main draw. I have 3 i Necro and 10 in Warfare (Lone Wolf). This is one of those combos that seems better than it is, IMO. The damage spells from Necro will suck as you don't have any intelligence to make them really hurt. My initial thoughts are just use the summons and utility spells from vanilla necro / rebalanced mod and go 2h to boost staff magic damage over necro. Damage less than 100% is a reduction compared to a basic attack, above 100% is more. I have seen some guides but they all seem too complex, therefore guidance required. Corpse Explosion, Teleport, Bouncing Shield, the 3 Necromancy damage spells, Restoration, Corrosive Touch are all fitting damage options. 1- How viable is this build, i have a necromancer and i was thinking of getting the Summoning skills but my friend said that your incarnate disappear when you use any Necromancer corpse skill. bicuuns kypgpu diwjopf tyczvk xomu luuhz xusz vtal qgwdnq jwwgd lmdh jni gqzefkydz lmmkwe ikrbol