Discord timezone bot commands only the people that are sharing times need to do this, people seeing the times don't need to do anything! the bot can even guess your timezone from your discord language May 27, 2021 · How to Use Bot Commands. 't!time' becomes 't!t'. Command Description /help: Show the help page for this bot /remind: set a reminder for another user /reminder_list: List all reminders created by you /remindme: set a reminder after a certain time period /timezone: Set the timezone of this server The birthday channel is the channel where the bot will post birthday messages and you can customize: A unique birthday message! Learn more about custom messages. It makes scheduling events and sharing times easy. With web configuration, moderation, anti-spam, auto roles, custom commands, and much more! Dec 10, 2018 · I need to make a bot that listen for messages written in a server, and at the same time accept commands. Allows users to set their timezone, then passively notes timezones when appropriate. Friend Time's default prefix is "-ft". To allow non-discord admin’s access to admin level commands for Timekeeper setup a Clock Manager role and provide it to /set-manageclockrole. Discord supports timestamps that you can type in chat, but there's no easy way to create them and they involve lots of long numbers that make no sense. command 6 If you would like to use the bot for local times without having to specify your own time zone, you may use the /timely command to select your own time zone and locale settings. Simply use the command '/time [user]' and Timezones will show their current time. Whether birthdays are celebrated based on the user's time zone or the server's time zone using the use time zone setting. Discover Custom Commands Discord bots on the biggest Discord Bot list on the planet. Click me to invite the bot to your server. It covers guild commands, global commands, options, option types, and choices. Discord Bot - Celebrate Birthdays, Custom Events, Member Anniversaries and Server Anniversaries with the most customizable Birthday bot! Discover the full list of Jupiter commands with this guide. Create your own discord bot in 5 minutes with no coding required. SlashTime is a bot written for Node. Lots of commands schedule things it'd be very useful for those. If no time was specified, the default time duration for all time-input commands is 3 months; this can be modified at any time. ) About 🌐 Timezone notifier bot for Discord /settings localize_time: Configure if users see event times in their local time zone /settings purge: Configure if messages are purged from event channels /settings reminder_interval: Configure when event reminders are delivered /settings role channel: Configure which role is allowed to create event channels /settings role delete Is there a bot that gives you commands that helps you know what time it is for another person in a server, not the timezone. This bot allows you to get Discord timestamps and check the time it is in other parts of the world and for other members of your server. A time zone list where you can set up to 10 time zones to always convert Feb 4, 2021 · Discord already has a date picker (though possibly not a date & time picker) would be fantastic if we could use that. 3 PM , 8:30 /create: This slash command is the simplest and fastest way to create an event, right inside Discord. Discord bot. Here is the Official website for OcelotBOT. (This . Automatically reacts with a clock emoji (️️🕰️) to times mentioned in chat. You can then use it in the bday set command. cards - View cards in a deck. /setup - Run setup for a channel. Return it in the reply. Commands /time View or set up your time and/or country. !time set [number] Set your local time. Managing a bustling server, however, can be overwhelming. Powerful Discord Reminders! Highly customisable reminders, with advanced features like command recording. The bot will leave automatically if the channel is empty when it updates!time zone. Nov 28, 2018 · Discord timestamps can be useful for specifying a date/time across multiple users time zones. WorldTimeBot: A bot that provides time and timezone information for various cities worldwide. This supports most tz/IANA timezones!time format. For Chess Discord bot we currently have help message previews, 7 bot commands and 0 slash commands. Ask reward timezone for user. For RuneClock Discord bot we currently have help message previews, 2 bot commands and 0 slash commands. Supports multiple clocks to keep things separated and more. In order to change these settings, you must be logged in and selected your server to access its unique dashboard. To add the Local Time Command Bot, follow these steps: Dec 12, 2020 · You can create a discord bot in the language you prefer, there are SDKs for multiple languages for them. Carl-bot Dashboard Carl-bot is a fully customizable and modular discord bot featuring reaction roles, automod, logging, custom commands suggestions, high uptime, autoroles, embeds, starboard, autofeeds, repeating Clicking the clock emoji converts the time to your time zone. Pick a date, copy the desired timestamp from the Chat syntax column, then paste it anywhere in a chat message. sesh . These can be used to display your timezone: Discord Timezone Bot: A popular bot that can display your timezone and UTC offset. bday faq - View the frequently asked questions. Discord Join Discord to play games, explore apps, and hangout! Invite Timezoner Bot to your server and use its timezone commands to send a time to everyone in their timezone. Nov 22, 2024 · Once the bot is in your server, use its commands to set the server’s time zone to UTC. Alternatives Considered. Simply type /create and input the parameters. remove @<user> command 3: . We also provide message previews for TimeZone responses. This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or affiliated with Discord Inc. /timesetup Set your timezone. Commands!time. I can then call a bot using a command and it'll post the time converted to different time zones. You can change your privacy settings in the /settings command By also reacting, you will be private messaged with the time converted to your time zone: Features. This will only happen if you or the other has connected 1 of 500 possible places that can be selected! Features. For instance, a bot Get Accurate, Official Atomic Clock Time for Any Time Zone - A Discord Bot that Provides Precise Time Information for Over 67 Locations. Featuring over 100,000 questions, nitro prizes, team play, leaderboards, quickfire rounds, community rewards, a user friendly dashboard, there is nothing quite like this bot. Olympus is a powerful Discord bot with 400+ commands, featuring advanced security, automoderation, music, moderation, welcoming and more. Invite now! A simple bot that can be used to convert a given time in UTC to a variety of other timezones within a discord channel, for organising international events or anything else you might need to know a specific time in multiple timezones for. something not working? let's see bot doesn't react to a message A social time zone reference tool! World Time is a simple utility bot, providing users with a quick way to check the current time and day for the users in your server. For Friend Time Discord bot we currently have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands. Feb 4, 2021 · For example I have a command to create events for a specific date. A global If you have a discord server with users across multiple countries and time zones then this is the bot for you! With Friend Time you can easily coordinate times between users. Kevin Novak has created a handy map time zone picker! Simply click your location on the map and copy the name of the selected time zone. Vote (2) Generate timestamp indicators for Discord Sep 24, 2024 · They're brand new, and it'll take some time for developers to start using them. Friend Time will automatically react with a clock emoji (🕰️) to times mentioned in chat: The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Discord, Discord Bots and Discord Servers and its trademarks are ©2024 Discord Inc. These are what Discord calls Application Commands (or Slash Commands) and they should not require the bot to be in the channel you're currently on. /time @mentionedUser View the time (and possibly country) of a user. Insert channel as the last parameter if you wish to send the message to a specific channel, otherwise it will send it to the channel you are typing the message on A time manager bot, managing role-play time for you! Popular Slash Commands /time-set-channel. Commands. Bot(command_prefix The /set command runs the required user setup. Dec 19, 2020 · That's not the only issue that was brought up. !time @mentionedUser View a target's local time. A simple timezone bot for Discord servers. This is saved in a database. This message is shown by Time Zone Bot when the help command is sent to a channel: !get supports many formats but requires atleast time with time zone, you can also supply it with date. Like say I post that I wanna start practicing this raid on Thursdays at 8PM PDT. Before running the bot, please create a file called . We also provide message previews for Time Zone Bot responses. It will take offset, daylight savings and all that into account for the chosen date and time. Dec 9, 2024 · Discord is more than just a chat platform; it’s a thriving hub for diverse communities. /config option:Time Zone - Configure the Server Time Zone setting. Once you have accessed Server Settings, you can proceed to add the Local Time Command Bot to your Discord server. The Epoch Unix Time Stamp Converter is a good way to quickly generate a timestamp. Discord bots are a very useful feature on the platform, particularly for automating stuff. Features like the Discord timestamp countdown help manage time-sensitive tasks, while Discord timezone management ensures global consistency. When this command is run, VCTime will leave the sender's channel. Right now users have to type out the time zone, which is super unfriendly. add @<user> <timezone>. /translatechoice: Setup if you want your flag reaction translations in your DMs or in the channel you put it ! /translate: Send a pre-translated message anywhere with this command Dec 9, 2024 · Method 2: Using a Bot or Integration. cc. The time of day the birthday messages are posted. I raid with a guild. The following are commands for BirthdayBot. Server moderators can additionally set up a default time zone with users having the option to set their own, ensuring all birthdays are recognized precisely on time. To change the default specialty set with /init use /set-defaultspecialty. Get Accurate, Official Atomic Clock Time for Any Time Zone - A Discord Bot that Provides Precise Time Information for Over 67 Locations. Designed to provide seamless server management and engagement. /countryset [country name] Set your country. By also reacting, you will be private messaged with the time converted to your time zone: Features. the webhooks the bot executes copy your message's content, nickname and avatar 2 days ago · Discord timestamps are special codes that display the date and time converted to each viewer’s local timezone. The Local Time Command Bot is a helpful tool that allows you to display the local time of different timezones directly in your Discord server. Finding your time zone. all. Currently, your server’s app may have both text commands and slash commands. only the people that are sharing times need to do this, people seeing the times don't need to do anything! the bot can even guess your timezone from your discord language Command Description Usage Access; discal: Displays information about the bot /discal: everyone: linkcal: Provides info and a link to the Guild's Calendar /linkcal (calendar) everyone: time: Displays the current time as seen by the calendar's timezone /time (calendar) everyone: addCal: Starts the process to add a pre-existing calendar 📝Commands key: [] is required and is optional /settimezone [timezone] Configures your timezone /gettimezone (@user) Gets the timezone of a given user (defaults to yourself) /gettimezonetime [timezone] Gets the local time of a given timezone /getusertime [@user] Gets the local time of a given user Generate timestamp indicators for Discord chat messages. Jan 5, 2021 · I'd like to be able to allow users to pass a date to my bot, conveniently. Note that the start time you input is always parsed using the server's timezone. Some Discord bots and integrations offer timezone tracking features. Set the clock's format. RuneClock's default prefix is "-". You can run this setup for yourself, another user, or a bot. 1 day ago · Automatically convert times and dates to the Discord timestamp format to display times in everyone's local timezone. The Discord bot to make server management and Only users with Administrator permission, Mod Roles on the dashboard, or the permission for that command can use moderation commands. timezone setup (time, 00:00, 24hour) It's time to use the Timezone Bot in your server. Here is an example in Node. /config option:Use Time Zone - Configure the Use Time Zone setting, which is the time zone that the bot will use to send celebration messages. Helpful information about Time Zone Bot Discord bot, including Time Zone Bot commands, invite link, support server and reviews. <timezone> in gmt+/-"hour" or gmt for gmt+0 command 2: . The order should be date time time zone. Common Questions and Answers. Clicking the clock emoji converts the time to your time zone. Schedule one-time and recurring reminders with ease. From reaction roles and custom commands to advanced moderation and logging, Carl Bot offers a treasure trove of features to supercharge your server’s efficiency. Discover Time Discord bots on the biggest Discord Bot list on the planet. Please check the website for a list of commands or join the support server Add trivia quiz games to your discord server with this free to use bot from Brainbox. card - Preview a specific card. To run a command, prefix the command with bday, for example, bday help or @BirthdayBot Free, no-code discord bot creator. "you" refers to all users of the bot; privacy. 3 PM, 8:30 Commands. !t now [timezone] View the current time in a specific [timezone]. Simply type the command to display the time for any city, country, or region, and the bot will instantly show you the current time, saving you from the hassle of doing the math. Add To Server . it uses discord’s cool formatting features to show everyone the time in their own clock! it’s super simple to use, just one command to share the… World Time is a simple utility bot, providing users with a quick way to check the current time and day for the users in your server. Dank memes, Games, Trivia, image filters, music, guessing games, meme generators, image search and more. Setup Commands /setup - Interactive guide for basic server setup. We've all used a !help command and then received a wall of text in response. com Commands List of Commands. bday docs - View the documentation. 14 days: Interval: Sets the default Interval setting for Dashboard Filters. only the people that are sharing times need to do this, people seeing the times don't need to do anything! the bot can even guess your timezone from your discord language. Why This is Needed. # Create the Discord client client = discord. Reminders for users to set their time zones. Here is a list of commands: /detect-timezone - gives a link to a page to figure out your timezone /set-timezone [tz_name] - saves your timezone for other commands. You can call our bot's commands by typing / on Discord's chat box and browse our available commands. Command - **alarm** Description - Sets up an alarm that will be repeated This alarm will send a message to the channel of the server in which it is activated. Timezones is a Discord bot that helps users coordinate with each other by displaying the time for specific members. There are only certain times when users need to know their chat partner’s time zone. command 5: . The implementation of Slash Commands also helps increase accessibility — people who use screen readers and other helpful settings will be able to use your bot as easily as they navigate the rest of Discord since Slash Commands are built-in. !t tz [timezone] Set your default timezone to be used as reference. Carl-bot is a fully customizable and modular discord bot featuring reaction roles, automod, logging, custom commands and much more. For example, users with ban permission can use the /ban command. Adding a timezone will be done privatly so other users cannot see your connected timezone, only your connected time. On the Commands tab of your server’s dashboard, you can change settings like which commands are enabled/disabled, which roles can/cannot use a command, and what channels a command can/cannot be used in. !country set [country name]Set your country. A time zone list where you can set up to 10 time zones to always convert Discover Timezone Discord bots on the biggest Discord Bot list on the planet. To get your timezone, you can use the Time Zone Map. The default prefix for this bot is ! but can be configured via Config SetPrefix <New prefix>. Chess Bot's default prefix is "$". Sent in a direct message. Time zone bot helps you convert timezones and find current times across the globe! Add to server and use $time help to get started! Jan 25, 2023 · Helpful information about TimeZone Discord bot, including TimeZone commands, invite link, support server and reviews. /help: Discover all bot commands. Discord Bot. js that converts human-readable date/time strings into discord's unix-based timestamps which display differently based on the user's locale and local time, using discord's slash/application commands. Check if the bot is online /language: Change the bots language to English or English! (More coming soon) ⚒️ Moderation ⚒️ /settings view: View server settings /settings moderation setup: Simple setup command! Creates a category, 2 channels & Balanced preset /settings moderation presets: Choose your Moderation preset /settings moderation all you have to do is use the /timezone command to set your timezone, it takes just a few seconds. Restarting your bot before updating commands means you could get payloads that match the previous version of the command, which then would be invalid; restarting your bot after commands are propagated means you could get payloads that match the new version of the command, which your bot wouldn't know how to use correctly. Here's my use-case: `/schedule <name of game> <date_time>` I'd like the `<date_time>` option to display a date picker, sort of similar how `/giphy` shows an image picker: Asking users to input a date as text is horrible, parsing user-provided dates is a nightmare. How to create a discord bot. The function will take this specific moment of time, and convert it based on your time zone set on your device. A discord bot that counts down to a given time using discord timestamps. In For this bot to work, you will first have to configure the timezone on it. Brother/sister bot to Live Countdown which has been terminated. How to use the /time command: First use /time then select Search City/State button then Click the select menu then select your City/State and it should edit the message and give what time it is in the City/State you chose (Most commands can be run by using the first letter of the command, e. This includes your time zone so that Friend Time is able to convert times to and from your time zone. next. bday map - View the time zone map. env in the project root (or A simple timezone bot for Discord servers. channels - View all channel setups. /config option:Name Format - Configure Name Format setting. For example I have a command to create events for a specific date. They work with the Unix Timestamp format and can be posted by regular users as well as bots and applications. Does Discord handle different time zones automatically? Yes. ask @<user>. This bot enables some helpful functions when your users have different timezones. Features: Easy to use; Open-source; Author is a friendly guy; Does not require a ton of permissions; Count down to events right in your server; You probably can't live without it once you've used it; Commands That One Guy’s Timezone bot is a bot designed for communities who have members from around the world. decks - View all decks in a channel. So, be patient, but get excited! DISCOVERY. bday support - Join the support server. Available commands:!help!help tells you the available commands and how to use them!convert [time] [timezone] to [timezone(s)] — e. bday vote - Vote for Birthday Bot! bday purge - Remove your birthday data. You can also call it with a date. Once you have set yourself up, you may omit the time zone from any times you tag and Timely will convert them from your local time - e. For example, entering newyork as your time zone will trigger the bot to detect America/New_York as your time zone, or in this case, entering EST as your time zone will trigger the bot to select the Australia/WEST time zone. Here are some Dyno is a feature-rich and modular discord bot for your Discord server. For example, timezone-bot uses the command !settimezone UTC. For Timezone Discord bot we currently have help message previews, 22 bot commands and 0 slash commands. The bot works by having users enter their timezone via a command. Simply use the command '/time user [user]' and Timezones will show the current time for the mentioned user, taking into account their time zone! ⏰. js file in your project directory. Use the commands by calling the bot with @Time Zone Bot Use !help to see the available commands and how to use them This bot is designed to be simple and easy, allowing you to create/log your timezone within a few seconds and with extreme ease! There are currently two main commands to the bot; . Set time zones for other users or even bots! Commands!timesetup Help on setting up your time (and country if you want)!time View your time. This will also UPDATE if user is already in the system. Full timezone support, DM/server reminders, and repeating reminders. !convert(date) {time} {timezone} to {timezone to convert to or a list of timezones} Use this command to convert the entered time to as many timezones as you want !toUTC(date) {time} {timezone} Converts the entered time to UTC !get followed by a time and time zone (date is optional). This file will be used to register and update the slash commands for your bot application. Node. Servers and users can disable this reminder if desired. The TimeZone Bot helps you with timezones. You can add an arbitrary number of zones, for which the bot will provide the current time whenever a user asks for it (!time command). Easily make Discord timestamps that adjust to everyone's time zone. Commands!t [date and time] [timezone] Create an event link for the specified [date and time], relative to [timezone]. Invite TimezoneBot to your server and use its timezone commands to set your timezone and passively note timezones when appropriate. Features: Instant Time Conversion: Get the current time for any timezone instantly by typing the name of the location or its timezone. Users This bot adds a clockin system to your server! Have staff clock in and out and have the bot log how long they’ve been active. Below is a list of all commands available in QOTD Bot. See Scheduler commands /timezone. JS Discord bot; While replying to a message, create a date object. your timezone is only used to convert times to timestamps; only your currently selected timezone is saved, no history is kept; no other data, including message content, is saved anywhere; disclaimers. You can program them to do things based on various events. You can execute commands both via the prefix or by tagging him For the most detailed and up-to-date information and guide please visit the Official Birthday Bot Documentation here!. Use it to generate and share timestamps that everyone in your server can easily understand, regardless of their time zone. !timeinvite Get an invite link for the bot. Now, instead of having to google a bot's commands or look through that long !help answer, you can see all the commands a bot has to offer just by – The function does allow you to show it as date (31/12/2021), date+time (31/12/2021 12:00), just time (12:00), or relative time (1 day ago). When this command is run, VCTime will join the sender's voice channel!time leave. Some commands may be hidden if you don’t have permission to view them in Discord. 't!s Chicago' to set. TimezoneBot's default prefix is "t!". Sent in the server channel. Set time zones for other users or even bots! The Discord Timezone Bot is a Python-based bot that allows users to view the current time in three different time zones: USA 🇺🇸, Nigeria 🇳🇬, and India 🇮🇳. Set the clock's timezone. Be aware that (most*) text commands will go away later this year, so it’s a good idea to get in the habit of using slash commands now! They’re easier to learn for new users, but if you’re in the habit of sending text commands, you might want to train yourself Oct 8, 2024 · Using a Discord timestamp command, or integrating a Discord timestamp bot, you can automatically create timestamps for scheduled events or reminders. the actual time in 24/7 hr clock Share Sort by: If you would like to use the bot for local times without having to specify your own time zone, you may use the /timely command to select your own time zone and daylight savings settings. Users & Bots Filter: Controls if bots / users appear in stats. Right now we can allow for strings, which is decent but puts the burden of specifying a time zone and correct formatting on the user However, even when users enter an incorrect time zone, Birthday Bot will attempt to find the best fit for the user. Time zone bot helps you with time zones by providing easy to use commands to convert timezones. 100% guaranteed to be useful and not annoying. Also, there are ways to create date object in multiple languages too. How do I generate these timestamps? Select your preferred date and time above, pick from multiple formats, and copy the generated code into your Discord message. JS. Slash Commands +2. Birthday Bot is a utility for your community which enables your users to share their birthdays, check birthdays of others, and mark and announce birthdays as they happen. RELATED: How to Set Up Your Own Discord Chat Server Much like IRC or Slack, Discords servers use slash commands to run tasks or interact with bots. bday invite - Invite Birthday Bot to a server. !convert 12pm PST to EST!convert converts the time to the different timezone(s) you entered. To use a slash command, start by typing / then type the command and press enter. If no timezone is specified, your default timezone will be used. This will only happen if you and the other user have a connected timezone all you have to do is use the /timezone command to set your timezone, it takes just a few seconds. The bot will respond with a timezone if the @'d user is far away fr - Discord bot listing on Disforge. Manual. When you call it with a time and timezone it answers by telling you how many hours and minutes until the time happens. Timestamps makes time management in Discord simple and efficient. Enter Carl Bot, a robust tool designed to streamline Discord server management. - sonujana26/olympus-bot Timer bot is an advanced Discord bot to set timers and create reminders using Slash Commands! To return users under a specified time in a time-period run the /set-expectedtime command and provide the time in minutes. command 1: . Easily navigate through the Jupiter Bot commands list and find the perfect one for your needs. /donation: Show your support for the bot. all you have to do is use the /timezone command to set your timezone, it takes just a few seconds. Day: Timezone: Controls the timezone stats for the server show as. /countryall View the time for everyone (grouped by country). Create a deploy-commands. Client() client = commands. View or set timezone. View Invite. For added flexibility, generate a Discord timestamp ¶ Command Settings. g. The bot creates a category called "Current Time ⌚" and three voice channels within it, each displaying the time for a specific time zone. # Command deployment script. A time zone list where you can set up to 10 time zones to always convert to. Currently we have help message previews, 5 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Time Zone Discord bot. Meet the largest in-app indie game on Discord. This is done via the command Config SetTimezone <Time zone>. view, fen, time, theme Determines the start time of stats. This show the champs for the next timezone. bday help setup - Help for server setup. UTC (GMT+0) Activity Filter: Controls which Activities (games, applications) appear in stats. /stats: Check out the bot's usage stats. The bot supports many Jul 28, 2024 · Here are the most useful chat commands and bots for Discord. This show all champs reward timezone. /view. When we talk about time in general, it's tough to figure out what time a person is exactly referring to. We're on different time zones. For safety and privacy only users who have entered their own timezone can view the time of other people. /timeall View the time for everyone. [time] [unit] [msg] Timezone bot for Discord Add to your server Available commands: !help!help tells you the available commands and how to use them Put in the time that you want After clicking convert, pick the format you want your time to display in further down the page Copy the Unix Timestamp (example: 1687469967) On discord, write: <t:TIMESTAMP:t> (a functional example would be <t:1687469967:t>) That's it! Sep 17, 2023 · Adding the Local Time Command Bot. command 4: . qybvdm nrkoctyl prj mpdieu liac qtrpz puen iqllh fpya csjmlln omtwa wlnpq aqrw qjaw pyhek