Stories of teenage girls in uganda. 8 per cent over the two-year period.
Stories of teenage girls in uganda. Search area has opened.
Stories of teenage girls in uganda Teenage pregnancy remains a significant public health concern worldwide, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa [], where it contributes to high maternal morbidity and mortality rates []. Children shared stories of rape on the way to market, abuse by schoolteachers, and large numbers of girls forced into transactional relationships due to extreme poverty and the high cost of schooling. One in four teenage girls in Uganda age 15-19 has had a child or is pregnant (UNFPA). The District Health Management Information system (HMIS Report April 2022) reveals that from 2020 to 2022 show over 8,232 teenage girls between the ages of 10 and 19 became pregnant. Ambassador to Uganda, William Popp has called for united efforts from both victims of gender-based violence and their communities to break the silence that obstructs the fight against · The project will show the world the realities of girls’ lives and help other girls gain confidence to tell their stories with pride. UNFPA cites that 50% of teenage girls are currently at risk of childhood sexual abuse each year which is attributed to the rate of teenage pregnancy in Uganda. 🌟 1. Each girl makes her own reusable menstrual pad and learns Although the minimum legal age for a woman to get married is 18 years in Uganda, marriage among younger girls is common. Learn more about the work World Vision is doing to limit the impacts of COVID-19 on the world's most vulnerable people. We are here today to witness the three most senior women leaders of Uganda standing up against teenage pregnancy and rallying all of us to protect the girls to save the nation. The Probation Officer confirms that an average of 5 child marriage related cases are received every month, while many go unreported. · The prevalence of teenage pregnancy in Uganda stands at 25 percent and given that these overwhelming incidences are among school-going children, teenage pregnancy also deprives the victims of · The stories of girls who returned to school illustrate how second-chance education could positively impact not only their lives but also the lives of their children and families. · What does a social protection programme for young girls mean for their parents and families? When the Government of Uganda through the Kampala Capital City Authority, launched the country’s first urban social protection programme for adolescent girls, the goal was to ensure that in- and out-of-school adolescent girls living in Kampala transitioned · Uganda’s current pressing youth unemployment rates, with youth unemployment exceeding the national average addressing this challenge is critical for sustainable development COMMENT | JAMILA MAYANJA | In the landscape of national development, a crucial yet often undervalued element is the empowerment of girls through targeted education and skills · The ‘True Love Waits’ chant reverberated across Wanyange Girls' School in Jinja City, where 37 Secondary Schools from 11 districts converged on 29 September 2022 for a high-level dialogue to address defilement, child marriage, teenage pregnancy and promote positive parenting. They learn practical · “We have seen students drop out due to GBV-related challenges, especially teenage pregnancies, but we encouraged them to return. Teenage pregnancy remains a major health concern with 24% of teenagers · Teenage girls at Pokot Secondary School attentively listen to their Senior Woman Teacher, Irene Adokorach during the Girls Education Club sessions. According to findings between 2010 to 2012 from United Nations population fund (UNFPA),United Nations children's emergency fund and the World Bank,Uganda falls among the 15 worst African countries with high numbers of child brides standing at 46% of underage girls below 18 forced or lured in marriage. In this report, the Government reiterated its commitments In Uganda’s Adjumani district in the North-West however, there is little awareness of sexual reproductive health rights and adolescent girls and young women living in refugee settlements face high risks of child marriage, teenage pregnancy, and gender-based violence. One out of five women in Uganda continue to engage in sexual activity before age 15 whereas 64 percent have sex before age 18 while 34 · Uganda. 7 per cent of maternal deaths within 42 days of childbirth. we spoke to Yona Nestel of Plan International and Olanike Timipa-Uge of Teenage Network to learn more about the impact of COVID-19 on girls’ access to education. According to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, about 25 per cent of girls aged 15–19 are either pregnant or already mothers. Across all generations, over half of the girls experienced childhood sexual abuse before the I saw more pregnant teens that day and in them, the crushed hopes and betrayal of Lina, Mena, Nurah and thousands of teenage girls estimated to have gotten pregnant during the COVID-19 lockdown in Uganda. “We are talking to girls and boys in schools as well as parents so that we solve this problem in the community. The surge in Teenage Pregnancy Rate in West Nile, particularly in Zombo district as of Financial Year 2023/24 (June 2023-July 2024) stands at 28. Ezra Suruma (right) and Country Director Save the Children Uganda Famari Barro (left) in a panel discussion at the launch of the National Coalition to end child poverty in Uganda, which is estimated at 44% according to UBOS 2024. “It was very common for girls to get pregnant during COVID-19. · About 64% of teenage mothers like Marcyline will not complete primary education level and about 60% of teenage mothers will end up in peasant agriculture sector. · Research has identified determinants of adolescent pregnancy and childbirth globally and in sub-Saharan African settings such as Uganda (Brahmbhatt et al. · A survey conducted by Plan International Uganda, an NGO, also indicates that a total of 8,736 teenage girls in the age bracket of 15 and 19 years were defiled and impregnated in the sub-region · Stories; Take action; Search form Search area has closed. I was sitting in a classroom in Lira, Uganda, and couldn · The second National strategy to end child marriage and teenage pregnancy 2022/2023 – 2026/2027 is a holistic, comprehensive framework that reflects the global and national commitment of the Government of Uganda to end the practice of child marriage and other forms of violence against girls including teenage pregna The Teenage Mothers Project (TMP) in Eastern Uganda empowers unmarried teenage mothers to cope with the consequences of early pregnancy and motherhood. . · We found the prevalence of teenage pregnancy among in-school teenage girls in Hoima District Uganda during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2021 was 30. For Emma, and many other teenage girls in Uganda, getting pregnant while in school automatically means they will drop out. Time (21 June 2005) magazine). · Mary sat her Primary Leaving Exams at Kakamar Primary School in Uganda’s northeastern-most district of Kaabong in 2022, having lost two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. More often than not, girls in these circumstances are also at greater risk of sexual violence and unintended pregnancy. This project will Support 100 pregnant teen girls in Kampala, Uganda at Wakisa Ministries which is a temporary shelter for pregnant teens with unplanned crisis preganancies. These findings may inform pregnancy prevention interventions among adolescent girls living in Kampala. Child Equal Opportunity Uganda The girls who present to our facilities for pregnancy services, 24 per cent are below 19 years-- what we call teenage pregnancies. 2020 reveals that · In their assessment report, the panel of judges comprised of Ministry of Health, Straight Talk Foundation, and Reproductive Health Uganda, noted that in most essays young people linked teenage pregnancy to school dropout. Uganda is a low income country whose economy is pre- Challenge. Teenage pregnancy in our country · According to the UN Population Fund, there was a spike in teenage pregnancies and sexual violence during the COVID-19 lockdown in Uganda. “Her father doesn’t want anything to do with that boy. Busoga Sub-Region has been on the high heels of teenage pregnancies and early marriages and the matter turned even worse during the COVID-19 pandemic and a number of girls dropped out of schools In Uganda teenage pregnancy is considered a problem for moral and social, as well as health, reasons. This means that roughly one in every four teenage girls between 13 and 19 years has either had a live birth or is pregnant with their first child. Uganda is ranked 18th worldwide in regard to child marriage (UNICEF, 2016 for girls in Uganda. · Arua, Amref Health Africa in Uganda has been commended for supplementing the Government of Uganda’s Learn More Lamunu Grace: Amref supported water, sanitation and hygiene initiatives transform people’s lives in Luyaguma village, Lamogi sub county Between 2016-2019, children in seven countries in sub-Saharan Africa researched the causes and effects of teenage pregnancy in their communities. Sessions and topical discussions are informed by the prevailing negative factors affecting boys and girls. · The second National strategy to end child marriage and teenage pregnancy 2022/2023 – 2026/2027 is a holistic, comprehensive framework that reflects the global and national commitment of the Government of Uganda to end the practice of child marriage and other forms of violence against girls including teenage pregna · Girls Education Club members register zero teenage pregnancies and early marriages during COVID she was preparing to sit her Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) exams at Mungula Secondary School. Yet the majority of these girls do not have a voice on family planning. 9. Lira district has the least figures. These statistics are alarming and point to a complex set of factors contributing to this issue. And let me tell you: while the Queen of Katwe is based on a true story about a Ugandan girl who becomes an international chess champion, it really is · An average of 1,000 teenage pregnancies are reported per day in Uganda, according to Ministry of Health data. Uganda: 1,000 Teenage Girls Impregnated. ” The association, with 60 members, 30 boys and 30 girls, has become the backbone of the school’s anti-GBV efforts, fostering peer-to-peer support and ensuring The traditional practice of paying a bride price to the girl's parents makes it more attractive for their families to encourage early marriage instead of sending their girls to school. Ayeta Audrey a resident of Malaba, one of Uganda’s border districts, is a survivor of gender-based violence and trafficking. Search Close We want these girls to cause an awakening in their parents, teachers, pastors & politicians, so that they know that girls desire much more than what the community is currently offering. Content Topic Teenage pregnancy More to explore. During these sessions, the girls are enlightened about the dangers of teenage pregnancies and early marriages and given opportunities to ask questions as Therefore the formation of Gender-Environment and Development Action Uganda was informed by these challenges that we needed to tackle . Both have the same dream – training to become nurses. A lot of them have become victims of defilement and teenage pregnancy. They’re five Ugandan teenage girls living in a region recovering from violent conflict. Over the years, performance of girls in primary schools in Mpigi District has remained poor compared to the boys due to a number of reasons, one of such factor is early pregnancies, over 60% of the girls do not complete their primary education due to teenage pregnancies. Two Peace Corps Uganda Volunteers are working to transform this youth bulge into a youth dividend! These are their stories. Search Close. How teenage pregnancies torment boys. Child Equal Opportunity Uganda The patrons were trained in male care model. · As we closed the year 2024, we found ourselves reflecting on the troubling statistics surrounding teenage pregnancy in Uganda, where the numbers have stagnated at 24 percent. The teenage girls at the Nwoya school are doing both academic and vocational studies, while the Pader campus is mostly academic studies . · In Uganda, like other East- African countries, Child marriage is one of the significant drivers of adolescent pregnancy. · Opinion - The years 2020, 2021, and 2022 will go down as some of the harshest in the lives of most young girls in Uganda. Leave a Reply Cancel To mark 25 years since the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, and with the support of the New Life Fund, Education & Development Opportunity (EDOU) will implement The 25 Girls Project for education and skilling of 25 girls at-risk, victims of child marriage and teenage mothers in Uganda. The event, themed "Children and Cultural Leaders United to End Child Marriage, Teenage Pregnancies And Promote Education," was organized by Touch the Heart · As leaders of the G7 gather this month to discuss the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including plans for getting children safely back into education, a group of teenage mothers and pregnant girls in Uganda have used the power of collective action to ensure they can return to learning. · The 2022 Uganda Demographic and Health Survey highlights that one in four (24%) girls aged 15-19 years are either mothers or pregnant with their first child, a trend that has persisted for the · This study found alcohol use was one of the risk factors among teenage girls in the slums of Kampala, Uganda who reported a pregnancy. Is contraception way to go in battle · The Uganda Demographic Health Surveys conducted in 2016, 2011, and 2006 consistently revealed that nearly 58. "Child marriage and teenage pregnancy prevalence remain high. But one day a friend told me about the safe clubs and lured me into attending one session that revolved around HIV Understanding the root causes of defilement, child marriages, teenage pregnancies in Uganda Mar 07, 2022 We have found ourselves in a vicious cycle with accusations and counter-accusations with no · Situation of other girls. , 2014; Sedgh et al. g. Through this initiative implemented by the Trailblazers Mentoring Foundation (TMF), Cheyech speaks to the girls about dangers of KAMPALA, 1 June – As the UK Prime Minister brings the leaders of the G7 together this month to discuss the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including plans for getting children safely back into education, a group of teenage mothers and pregnant girls in Uganda have used the power of collective action to ensure they can return to learning. 15 According to the Uganda Demographic and Health Survey, Challenge. According to the Uganda Police Annual Crime Report (2020), there were 13,613 defilement cases reported in 2019 and 14,134 defilement cases in 2020, indicating an increase of 3. NEWS & IMPACT STORIES; GET INVOLVED. Although Uganda had the longest school shutdown in the world, affecting more than 10 million learners for Evelyn’s parents saw no future in their teenage girl getting married and brought her back to their village in Ajeri. Each girl makes her own reusable menstrual pad and learns · There are too many hair-raising stories of adult men impregnating young girls, sometimes their own family members. Thus, keeping girls in secondary school is crucial – a right in and of itself – and a means to protect girls against HIV infection. Facebook Twitter Youtube. According to the data, 1,833 girls aged between 10-19 years were Challenge. In some regions, even more, than half of the young women end their childhoods through marriage. · Data elsewhere in Uganda also indicate that the teenage pregnancy rate in girls aged 10–19 years during the COVID-19 lockdown plummeted . A study by UNESCO found that one in 10 girls in Sub-Saharan Africa missed school during their period. In addition,around half of girls between the ages of 15 to 24 are illiterate and four in five girls don’t attend high school. 1. This pivotal campaign will address the root causes of teenage pregnancies, including poverty, lack of parental involvement, and limited access to reproductive health On the 19th and 21st of January 2022, the Uganda youth and adolescent health forum (UYAHF) held several school outreaches in Kalangala and Isingiro, respectively, on SRHR information, SGBV, and teenage pregnancy as part of the Power to Youth Program. According to Joseph Asiri, the UNHCR Education Officer in Bidibidi, cases are hard to document because of their sensitive nature. Search Close · Another warning sign for Uganda is the recent spike in the number of adolescent girls testing positive for HIV – indeed adolescent girls comprise the only population group in the country · We have many girls here who leave school due to teenage pregnancies and child marriage. · Introduction: The teenage pregnancy rate of 25% in Uganda is worrying though it may seem low compared to 28% in Sub-Saharan countries and West and Central Africa. · The increasing number of teenage pregnancies in some parts of Busoga sub-region has been attributed to the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a report released by Marie Stopes Uganda. Early teenage pregnancy has far reaching implications not · In a significant move to combat rising rates of teenage pregnancies and the spread of HIV/AIDS among the youth, over 100 girls in Kabarole District have completed training in a variety of economic empowerment skills. 3% respectively. Shanti Uganda's Teen Girls Program uses education, prevention & empowerment and has reached over 600 girls since 2010. They lack access to essential hygiene kits such as sanitary pads, and only a tiny percentage have access to underwear. org; 0414670764 · Currently, she is a member of the Girls Education Club (GEC), one of the initiatives supported by UNICEF Uganda with funding from Irish Aid. · In Uganda, 10 per cent of girls in Uganda are married before 15 years while 40 per cent are married by the age of 18. 5 (UGX 152,065) per month and are deprived of seven or more necessities · Despite these statistics, our understanding of how girls perceive adolescent pregnancy is limited. Daily 127 pregnancies were registered Nyaka Aids Orphans Project: Vocational Secondary School Partner: Stephen Lewis Foundation Background The Stephen Lewis Foundation has worked with the Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project for the past ten years. Fistula is another potential health outcome of teenage pregnancy. 3% higher than the Regional and National rate of 20. Now, our association helps keep them in school. This is Emma's story. 8. Shockingly, the rate of teenage pregnancies in Uganda has remained stagnant at 25% for over a decade. 2 per cent while by the end of September 2021 it was at 29. This is an area where people, mostly subsistence farmers, struggle [] · Mbarara City is struggling with a disturbing trend: the increasing number of teenage girls engaging in prostitution. · The High-Level Dialogue organized by the Government of Uganda in partnership with UNICEF and UNFPA brought together critical stakeholders in the Busoga sub-region at Wanyange Girls' School to address defilement, child marriage, teenage pregnancies and promote positive parenting. Uganda's "serious problem" of teenage pregnancy requires collective action to prevent and respond to the crisis more than 30,000 teenage girls became pregnant each month in 2021 (over 1,000 Stories Featured Stories. The situation has since changed after UNICEF through Straight Talk Foundation supported the establishment of new school clubs in schools and strengthened the existing ones. their parents and teenage mothers, I cannot afford to be sloppy!” PROSPECTS Partnership in Uganda shows how education and skilling, economic inclusion and protection empowers refugee youth Data elsewhere in Uganda also indicate that the teenage pregnancy rate in girls aged 10–19 years during the COVID-19 lockdown plummeted . 2% of women aged 20 to 49 began childbearing during their teenage years. · A 2024 Uganda Bureau of Statistics report on Multidimensional Child Poverty indicates that 44 per cent of Uganda’s children suffer multidimensional poverty. 9 billion (194 million USD) on children born · Disney’s Queen Of Katwe is a vibrant true story of a young girl from the streets of rural Uganda, whose world rapidly changes when she is introduced to the game of chess. Consequently we have seen the decrease in · Also of concern, 18% of the annual births in Uganda in 2021 was because of teenage pregnancies and one in four adolescent girls aged 15-19 years have begun childbearing and therefore live as teenage mothers. The event, themed “Children and Cultural Leaders United to End Child Marriage, Teenage Pregnancies And Promote Education,” was organized by Touch the Heart Uganda and Girls Not Brides Uganda, in partnership with Child Fund Uganda, On September 19, 2024, the Monitor published a news piece about the detention of a 15-year-old girl from Budondo Ward in Jinja City for procuring an abortion of a 7-months pregnancy with twins. · According to the 2016 Uganda Demographic and Health Survey report, 25 per cent of adolescent girls of 15 to 19 years in the country have children. Lira, July 2, 2023: A new report on teenage pregnancies in Lango sub-region is a shocker with Oyam district taking the lead. This has been linked to school push-out for girls, with subsequently limited opportunities for · Many girls like Suzan miss school because they are never ready for their periods. perception is spurred by media coverage in which young girls with large protruding stomachs are etched in profile and stories of calamity are told (e. · According to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, one in every four teenage girls between 15 and 19 was found pregnant. The report attributed the rise in early child Estimates from Kiyunga Health Centre IV in Luuka district reveal that about 20% of the mothers who attend the first antenatal care clinic are teenage girls. The Government of Uganda Vision 2040 anticipates transforming Uganda to a middle class economy, the goal is deeply reliant on an emerging generation of young people that can successfully contribute to a productive society, the youth population is growing by leaps and bounds. Methods: Primary data from a case-control study of teenage girls (aged 13–19 years) in Lira District, Uganda In Uganda, more than one-third of girls still get married as children. Teenage pregnancy in Uganda is a complex issue that requires a · Uganda has one of the youngest populations in the world. Miria’s case is one of the few cases reported. To kickstart the session, Spencer asks the members to define teenage pregnancy. ALL CONTACTS. The 2020 report indicates that young girls, especially in rural areas, have been experiencing challenges accessing family planning and health facilities. · One in five households in the district has recorded a case of teenage pregnancy or child motherhood since 2015. These are just but two examples of stories reported in the media in recent months about the alarming cases of adolescent girls becoming pregnant or being married off during the COVID-19 lockdown. The Wick By Donald Harry Roberts Like most if my stories this is For all ages: I am writing this story as an exclusive for Storystar. As an Adolescent Volunteer, she sensitizes parents about the dangers of child marriage and encourages them to keep their children in school. “Parenting plays a significant role in perpetuating early marriages and child pregnancies, but ultimately, it boils down to personal aspirations. However campaigners warn the number of unwanted pregnancies is still · In East Africa, almost 10% of young women give birth by age 16 (Neal, Chandra-Mouli, & Chou, 2015). · In Uganda, the prevalence of teenage pregnancy stands at a staggering 25 %, ranking among the highest rates in Sub-Saharan Africa. Teenage pregnancy is a top cause of death among young girls in Uganda (UNICEF 2019). · Vicky Atim Oyite, Loro Sub County LCV Councilor is concerned that most parents have abandoned the girls who were impregnated during the lockdown by men who later ran away after impregnating the teenagers, leaving many young girls vulnerable. A survey conducted by Plan International Uganda, an NGO, indicates that a total of 8,736 teenage girls in the age bracket of 15 - 19 years were defiled and impregnated in the Lango Background Following the COVID-19 pandemic, there was an increase in teenage pregnancies nationally, however, limited data exists regarding the same among girls living in refugee settlements. These high teen pregnancy rates have health · Between 2016-2019, children in seven countries in sub-Saharan Africa researched the causes and effects of teenage pregnancy in their communities. Phone: +256. Many of these pregnancies occur among girls who should be · ISSUE. The Action To Scale Up Reduction of Teenage Pregnancies Among Vulnerable girls in Eastern Uganda project, funded by the European Union , has sparked transformation in the lives of these young women and Uganda has one of the highest rates of child marriage in the world, with 46% of girls married before age 18 (UNFPA 2012). ️ Teso elders roll sleeves to wrestle teenage pregnancy. Even when she is only a volunteer, · Stories; Take action; Search area has closed. For young mothers, the stigma surrounding their pregnancies often feels · According to the Situation of Children in Uganda Report, 1 in 4 teenage girls are pregnant or have a child and 15% of women were married by the age of 15 years. O. ug/live teenage pregnancy in school settings in uganda 5 Children Survey by the Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social development (2017) established that sexual violence among girls is still high at 35% and nearly half of these girls experienced sexual violence before the age of 16 years. Teenage pregnancy is a serious public health and social problem, with 95% occurring in developing countries. One in four teenage girls in Uganda aged 15-19 have had a child or are pregnant. Since 2000, 1036 unmarried teenage mothers, their parents, and community leaders participated in economic and · UNICEF/UNI680380/Wamala Senior Presidential Adviser on finance and economic planning Prof. Based on the 2016 UDHS (Uganda Demographic and Health Survey), teenage mothers contribute only about 12% of the annual number of births but represent nearly 30% of maternal Uganda has committed to ending child, early and forced marriage by 2030 in line with target 5. Most girls married at an early age suffer during child birth as their bodies are not ready for reproduction. · The second National strategy to end child marriage and teenage pregnancy 2022/2023 – 2026/2027 is a holistic, comprehensive framework that reflects the global and national commitment of the Government of Uganda to end the practice of child marriage and other forms of violence against girls including teenage pregna By Acipa Doreen. Is contraception way to go in battle · Christine Manuela, 20, a student at Kuluva School of Nursing and Midwifery and former chairperson at the Girls’ Education Club, holds a pelvic during a practical class at the skills lab in Arua, West Nile, Uganda. · Search area has closed. “When we first met Esther, she was drunk, barely dressed and addicted to drugs Teenage Care Uganda WHO WE ARE. 11 · In Uganda, urgent initiatives are being launched to address the critical issue of teenage pregnancies and promote safe motherhood, thereby enhancing adolescent wellness. Many girls also drop out of school as a result of unwanted teenage pregnancy and early marriage. During the recent media tour that took place in December 2015, UNICEF Uganda traveled with journalists from a range of national media houses to 6 districts (in Northern and Eastern · Renew now to unlock exclusive stories and in-depth features. Data from the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UBOS) revealed that the two districts record the highest levels of intimate partner violence (IPV) in Uganda. , 2015; World Health Organization, 2014). No one is connecting it to the birds. sex abusers descended on teenage girls, rising rate of pregnancies to Therefore, keeping girls in school reduces teenage pregnancies. · The presidential directive to lock down the country to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, whilst helpful for cubing the spread of the disease, has impacted negatively on young girls. Today, we bring you tales of remarkable young girls who refused to be held back by obstacles, proving that with unwavering determination, they could shatter barriers and reach for the stars. At Ofua Central Primary School for example, the Headmistress Alice Lekea said that about 47 girls dropped out every term around the time of their menstruation. 9 million Girls aged 10–19 are at risk of harmful practices, including child marriage, teenage pregnancy and FGM, this represent nearly 27% of the country’s total population of 43. The eight winning essays were from: Akuu Dillis, 17, Kwera Girls Secondary School, Apac District · By Evelyn Lirri “Over 4,000 teenage pregnancies registered in northern Uganda,” reads one article. 3 (UNICEF). Uganda has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in Sub-Saharan Africa. Refugee children are most likely to experience trauma or violence specially with the language barrier. It’s for this reason that Uganda Youth and Adolescents’ Health Forum supported the The Girl2Girl Initiative will provide hands on training to 250 adolescent girls and young teenage mothers in making Reusable Butterfly Sanitary pads for adolescent girls, women and young teenage mothers in both rural and semi-urban communities of Uganda. Busoga sub-region recorded 45,822 pregnancies last year. In a study engaging 12 pregnant and 14 never-pregnant adolescents in a · Statistics indicate that in Uganda, one in four (25 percent) girls aged 15-19 years have had a child or are pregnant. Even though factors that contributed to the high increase are yet to be investigated, in the population of Pakwach, the lockdown contributed an 8% increase, which we attributed to the lockdown environments On Thursday 23rd of July, Women Against Teenage Pregnancy (WatP) was able to provide sanitary pads to women in Nakasongola Women’s Prison. · Every day in Uganda, the stories of hundreds of cases of teenage pregnancies reported across the country have become a ‘new normal’, visibly creating a crisis that may hinder national efforts to achieve development goals. NBSLiveAt9 www. He says before the intervention, he thought there are particular house chores for both boys and girls. About half of the teenage mothers of all teenage mothers in Uganda in 2020 will spend UGX 689. They’re also engineers. Butaleja district located in Eastern Uganda is known by many as the district with the youngest grandmother at 28 years. The government submitted a Voluntary National Review at the 2020 High Level Political Forum. Uganda experienced a · In Namutumba, Miria’s district of Eastern Uganda, 8 out of 10 girls are married off before their 18th birthday. Despite the challenges, positive change is possible. Of these, 780 are from Kitgum District, 1,000 from Lamwo District · Rose aged (15) is a primary seven dropout now a teenage mother to a two weeks old baby boy Aron from Palida village, Ayiro parish, Metu Sub County in Moyo District, She narrates her story, “I live with my mother who is a single parent and due to frustration, she resorted to Alcoholism which became a habit. Returning to school was perceived to reduce the risk of repeated pregnancies and offered opportunities for personal growth and self-reliance. · What does a social protection programme for young girls mean for their parents and families? When the Government of Uganda through the Kampala Capital City Authority, launched the country’s first urban social protection programme for adolescent girls, the goal was to ensure that in- and out-of-school adolescent girls living in Kampala transitioned safely into adulthood, and were · Reproductive health experts in Uganda say more teenage girls are now seeking contraceptive care, from 10% in 2019 to 19% now. Read the full report. Goal: Women, girls and youth in Uganda are empowered with knowledge and skills to harness their potential for resilient and dignified lives. 261. · ️ Teso elders roll sleeves to wrestle teenage pregnancy. Refugee families are many times idle, which predisposes them to sexual activity. “It was very common for girls to get Hundreds of adolescent girls like Rose and Joyce fell victims to teenage pregnancy and early marriage because of the closure of schools. They also talk to them about their rights and options beyond marriage. Max. Advises girls to abstain from sex until after school 23 March 2019 Ending Child Marriage and Teenage Pregnancy in Uganda Formative research to guide implementation of the Strategy Files available for download (1) Download publication (PDF, 6 MB) Page. At least 600,000 teenage pregnancies were registered. We want create a generation of Bukwo girls who have dignity, honesty, transparency, humility & high self-esteem; who are focused, know their worth and go after it. Museveni, National Champion for adolescent girls & Minister of Education. · About The 7th National Girl Summit 2024 By Girls Not Brides Uganda, One of the most significant aspects of the summit was the platform given to children to share their stories and experiences. A large contributor to low female literacy rates and school attendance rates is that 35% of girls drop out of school because · She attributed the rise in teenage pregnancies and early marriages to inadequate parenting and pledged her support to the forum’s efforts in raising awareness and promoting education for girls. This signifies that in every 100 pregnancies,28 are teenagers below 18 years, imposing a big threat on girl child education completion as well as on the efforts put in · As a mother and minister responsible for the education of children in Uganda, I feel that the current situation of increased cases of defilement, child marriages, teenage pregnancies and failed parenthood in the last two years is alarming,” reveals Mrs. We had no information, and the men were just waiting for us,” Anyuarach says. Donate to Projects . In Uganda, the teenage pregnancy rate remains among the highest in Sub · Ms Museveni shared that her Ministry conducted a study in 2015 to establish a linkage between teenage pregnancy and school dropout and it realised 22. This qualitative study explored the social and contextual factors shaping the perceptions of adolescent pregnancy and childbirth among a sample of 12 currently pregnant and 14 never pregnant girls living in the rural Rakai District of Uganda. This study explored perceptions of adolescent pregnancy among a sample of currently pregnant and never pregnant (but sexually active) teenage girls living in the rural Rakai District of Uganda. This caused me a lot of trauma and anger towards my mother for always drinking. Ways to Give; Volunteer; Partner With Us; gives sanitary pads to women in Nakasongola Prison, Uganda watp_admin-July 25, 2020. · 17-year-old Lochoro Andrew shares his story very confidently. 30% of girls give birth before reaching the age of 18, which sees them missing out on education and job prospects that could · In Bugiri, the model men initiative successfully intervened in 6 cases, rescuing teenage mothers from forced marriages. According to the UN Population Fund, there was a spike in teenage pregnancies and sexual violence during the COVID-19 lockdown in Uganda. The meeting is led by the club chairperson, 15-year-old Spencer Amanicia, a student at St. When you stand to listen to a boy, it means you’re also interested · More than 1,170 teenage girls were impregnated in Lira District in a span of three months last year, a new report has revealed. Discover more on FlipHTML5. · 1 Introduction. More than UGX 645 billion (181. Globally, an estimated 41,000 girls fall victim of the practice daily, resulting in a range of negative outcomes that follow the women throughout their lives and even affect their Northern Uganda continues to emerge out of the Lord's Resistance Army conflict, which brought ruin to its economy for close to two decades from 1986. · To create safe environments for adolescent girls and boys to grow and thrive, the Government of Uganda with support from UNFPA and UNICEF launched a nationwide campaign to address defilement, child marriage, teenage pregnancy as well as promote positive parenting. 4 per cent of women are married and 25 per cent of teenage girls started childbearing (Uganda Demographic Health Survey 2016). "Over 10 girls dropped out of this school last year and did not do their primary leaving Examinations due to early · According to a UNFPA report on teenage pregnancy in Uganda, the percentage of women aged 15-19 who have given birth or are pregnant with their first child has remained at 25% since 2016. 24 Feb 2025 Uganda IS EDUCATION BEING AN ENABLER OR CREATING A DIVIDE IN UGANDA? How teenage mothers and pregnant girls in Uganda have defied tradition and successfully campaigned to return to class. They learn vital life-skills including assertiveness and decision-making and learn about their rights on key issues such as sexual abuse. com. Teenage Care Uganda is legally registered as an all-inclusive, non- partisan, Community Based Non-Profit organization under the registration number MYG/DNGOMC/142, working to help/aid pregnant and teenage mothers with basic necessities and moral support, instilling hope and confidence through empowering and inspiring the teenage mothers with practical skills · Uganda’s rate of teenage pregnancy, at 25%, is one of the highest in sub-Saharan Africa. Uganda faces alarmingly high rates of teenage pregnancy, among the highest in Sub-Saharan Africa. · Livingstone Naitema, a retired education officer in eastern Uganda’s Luuka district, said “out of every 100 teenage girls in his village, at least 30 are pregnant. Get updates on our · Today, the members meet to discuss teenage pregnancies, a problem cutting short the dreams of many girls in their communities. We qualitatively explored these girls’ understanding of the risks and protective factors for adolescent pregnancy, and assessed individual and Tororo district has reported a sudden rise in teenage pregnancy in a period of three month of Women Organisation of Uganda. Mid-term Evaluation of the National Strategy to End Child Marriage and Teenage Pregnancy in Uganda Girls Education Club members register zero teenage pregnancies and early marriages during COVID · In a bid to empower communities through sustainable social initiatives, Airtel Uganda resourced vocational skills training for more than 500 teenage girls at School of Purpose under The Remnant Generation, an NGO in Busega. · In Kampala, Uganda, schools have been shuttered for four months with no plans to reopen anytime soon. brings together personal stories showcasing how individual · News & Stories. S. Thousands of new images every day Completely Free to Use High-quality videos and images from Pexels · "Stop forcing girls into marriage," Kevin Brenda. I have no time to entertain stories that distract me from my dreams. It showed that 360 cases were recorded in 2020, 515 in 2021, 383 in 2022 · Address: Kireka Hill, Kampala, Uganda. And yet the very notion of 'teenage pregnancy' · In a world where challenges often test our mettle, it’s the stories of resilience and determination that truly inspire. 50% of girls are married before they reach 18. Article (22) Page (1) · Data from the Ministry of Education and Sports reveals that thousands of children in Uganda are excluded from the education system due to a myriad of challenges, including poverty, teenage · Arua’s young fighter who restores girls’ hope Meet Anicy Alezuyo, a peer educator and student By Joachim Buwembo. Kitgum had the highest prevalence at 60 per cent Many short stories for teens feature teenage characters and show the things they deal with and the challenges they face. 393. Over 2,400 students signed pledge cards to abstain from sexual intercourse to curb the · Already the programme is running Dash for Girls Uganda, an online campaign that is mobilising successful young women from Karamoja region to share stories of the challenges and opportunities that · Uganda’s teenage pregnancy crisis. Goal & Objectives. Search UNICEF. Strategic objectives · As such, underage girls were forced into marriages in Adjumani. Is contraception way to go in battle · In a powerful display of unity and determination, students from various primary and secondary schools gathered at Bulange, Mengo, to tackle the pressing issues of child marriage, teenage pregnancies, and education. The team was heading to Pader district in northern Uganda, to meet over 300 girls whose studies they sponsor at Kworo High School and to launch a new project to build a maternal health hospital in Agago. They all agree that harmful practices against women and girls, like teenage pregnancy, are a national issue that · Girls Must Uganda is a registered youth-led Feminist movement of Young Women Leaders using modern storytelling techniques to bridge the confidence-gap, challenge negative cultural beliefs such as child marriage, gender based violence and harmful sexual practices, overcome social constraints and empower African girls and young women to become great leaders and change Despite progress, child marriage and teenage pregnancy remain common: before the age of 18, 40. At Wakisa, the pregnant teens receive medical care, counselling, clothing and toiletries for the girl and the baby and also learn life skills and vocational training. Stories Teenagers making a tangible difference Pro-active teenage girls making a difference watp_admin-May 7, 2020. To think she took her passion to · ️ Teso elders roll sleeves to wrestle teenage pregnancy. 2) in East Africa (Uganda Bureau of Statistics [UBOS], 2014; UBOS & ICF International, 2012). Although, this is not within WatP’s mission, because of school closures due to COVID-19 lockdown we have been unable to provide young school girls in · Every year, around 21 million teenage girls in developing countries become pregnant, and around 12 million give birth. “I was so overwhelmed! The day I found out that I was pregnant I · The increasing number of teenage pregnancies in some parts of Busoga sub-region has been attributed to the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a report released by Marie Stopes Uganda. For example, complications during pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of death for 15–19-year-old girls globally, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). 7. Read More 15 May 2020 Stories | Uganda | 28 July 2022. Janet K. What we do; Research and reports; Stories; Take action; Search area has closed. 6% which was higher than the global, national, and western Uganda also known as Bunyoro region of Uganda prevalences for teenage pregnancy of 15%, 25%, and 29%, respectively before the COVID-19 [17, 22 · In Bugiri and Namutumba districts, where challenges often overshadow opportunities, a ray of hope has emerged for vulnerable teenage mothers. ” “The situation of · According to data from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, as of 2022, approximately 23% of girls aged 15 to 19 in Uganda have already had a child or are pregnant with their first child. Many young girls end up pregnant and bearing On 24 th June 2020 Uganda Youth and Adolescent Health Forum in partnership with the Ministry of Health held a successful young mothers forum in Butalejja district at the health center III on ending teenage pregnancy and child marriages with adolescent girls and young women. · The United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative reported that more than 700,000 girls in Uganda between 6 and 12 have never attended school. The girls had · In the Bugisu Sub-region, eastern Uganda, teenage pregnancy is not only a health issue but also a profound social challenge. 14 The teenage pregnancy rate stands at 25%, the highest among countries in the East African sub-region. David Oyelowo and Oscar winner Lupita Nyong’o also star in the film. The median age in Uganda is 16. 42% of all pregnancies among adolescents in Uganda are unintended. Similarly, in Namutumba district, a total of 9 girls were rescued from child marriages perpetuated by · Lukia Yasin, the Itirikwa Parish Chief, says that community dialogues have helped in sensitizing parents about the dangers of child marriage and teenage pregnancy. It should be noted that both men and women experience all forms of violence in the country, but women and girls constitute the majority of victims. Also Read CCTV footage of late Katanga’s final moments played in court Over one million refugees live in Uganda making it the third largest refugee hosting country in Africa. The Ugandan government encourages teenage mothers to return to school, however it is a requirement for them to leave school 3 months before they give birth, and Estimates from Kiyunga Health Centre IV in Luuka district reveal that about 20% of the mothers who attend the first antenatal care clinic are teenage girls. · According to the 2014 Population Census, Kitgum and Kasese districts were some of the worst places in Uganda in which to be a woman. gnuganda@goodneighbors. Some of the stories might not have teenage characters but they’re still interesting to a younger audience. Statistics show that over 75% of school drop outs among girls in Uganda is due to teenage pregnancies. Survey. 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals. The police questioned three teenage girls about the murder. In Uganda, the incidence of teenage pregnancy is alarmingly high, with 25% of girls aged 15–19 having begun childbearing, and teenage pregnancy being a major determinant of school · These figures have either remained stagnant or increased each year. Box 2394 Kampala,Uganda. In the month of July alone, there were over 73 child protection cases; majority of which were teenage pregnancies, defilement and child-to-child sex. Without the support system of teachers and school administrators, many girls are left vulnerable to teenage pregnancy, early childhood marriage and gender-based violence, among other devastating effects of Covid-19. In class, I would stretch my hand and touch the girls during lessons. Actually, in most cases, it is very hard getting teenage boys in the discussion about such a topic because they are not the ones who get pregnant Adolescent girls, in particular, face multiple vulnerabilities. 23 May 2016. 8 per cent over the two-year period. Main navigation. This study assessed associations between recent transactional sex among adolescent girls and young women in Uganda. The story has to change. During our community outreach program as Rwenzori young mothers Network RYOMNET we found out many teenage girls who have dropped out of school due to some reasons and teenage mothers suffering alot, these girls suffer from stigmatization, chased away from their families, discrimination, lack basic needs, forced into early mariage, they cannot · In our report: COVID-19 AFTERSHOCKS: ACCESS DENIED, we look at how Teenage pregnancy threatens to block one million girls, like Efua, from returning to school in Sub-Saharan Africa. with girls from diverse backgrounds: some have escaped war in northern Uganda, others have been sexually abused, are teenage mothers, are HIV positive or school dropouts. Objectives We evaluated the prevalence of teenage pregnancy and associated factors in Palorinya and Bidi Bidi refugee settlements in Obongi and Yumbe districts of northern Uganda, in the post-COVID-19 era · The traditional practice of paying a bride price to the girl's parents makes it more attractive for their families to encourage early marriage instead of sending their girls to school. Mary’s Ediofe Girls Secondary school. We are here today to say enough teenage pregnancy, enough child defilement, enough child marriage. · A teenage mother’s baby steps to return to school From their home in Arua City in northern Uganda, she walked to a small forest in the outskirts intending to end her life. · The World Bank estimates that Uganda’s productivity would be 15 billion US dollars higher if teenage girls delayed pregnancy until their early twenties, got a skill and worked. 000 teenagers that get pregnant every month. In Uganda, the incidence of teenage pregnancy is alarmingly high, with 25% of girls aged 15–19 having begun childbearing, and teenage pregnancy being a major determinant of school · According to the UN Population Fund, there was a spike in teenage pregnancies and sexual violence during the COVID-19 lockdown in Uganda. Interventions may benefit from incorporating alcohol use prevention strategies, particularly for alcohol use during sex. Adolescent girls aged 15-19 years account for 12. In particular, Uganda reports the highest proportion of women giving birth before the age of 20 (63%), and the highest total fertility rate (6. The Read the best short stories online by short story writers of all ages from around the world, listed below in order of the date they were published, with new stories first. As the world is still struggling on containing the spread of Covid-19, many adolescent young girls in Uganda continue to face greater · STEM education still isn't widespread in Uganda, but the inspiring stories of these five teenage engineers will help you understand how vital it is. But we have sub-counties such as Panymur where it goes up to 40 · “Uganda remains among the top 10 countries with highest cases of teenage pregnancies, this is the challenge we have been grappling with for more than 20 years. This project will empower children in Primary schools in Uganda through Music, Dance and Drama, empower them in their choices and create a safe community that promotes parents and guardians to support young girls through healthy discussion of reproductive health topics. She is one of Trailblazers Mentoring Foundation (TMF)’s 75 women role models in Amudat District attached to Loroo Primary School. There is a paucity of information, however, about how adolescents themselves perceive adolescent pregnancy and the context in which it occurs, · Teenage pregnancies, pick-pocketers, physical beatings by spouses, emotional and economic trauma, were yesterday listed as the major challenges faced by women and girls in Mutungo Parish, Nakawa case-control study of teenage girls conducted in Erute North County and Lira Municipal Council, Uganda. · The disease which locals are referring to as Dinga Dinga, translating to 'shaking like dancing', has already affected around 300 people, mostly women and girls, according to health officials. These pregnancies can have serious health impacts. John Bosco Draparaku, the Adjumani District Senior · The U. James Loki, 17, is one of the first beneficiaries of the male campaign. The support was extended un Embassy Plaza 4th Floor Plot 1188,1189,1190 Ggaba Road, Kabalagala P. We need to encourage them to stay in school or return to school,” says Innocent. Search for: Join Our Mailing List. Innovative Solutions in Focus · Despite these statistics, our understanding of how girls perceive adolescent pregnancy is limited. Girls tend to drop out-of-school earlier than boys. In its 2016 Voluntary National Review, Uganda provided baseline data on the situation for child marriage. It is no wonder that the district had one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancies and child marriages in Uganda. Miss Tourism Tooro applauds RHU It is not uncommon in Uganda for girls get pregnant at a very tender age and often times their male counterparts are out of the picture. 3 percent of the school dropouts in Uganda are · Girls for School Pads — a social enterprise and community impact project founded by Kashish and fellow GLOW Club member Patience — provides low-cost reusable sanitary pads to girls throughout Uganda while hosting free educational workshops and community dialogues about menstruation. This is a regular occurrence across sub-regions in Uganda, as teenage pregnancy does not necessarily lead to marriage. “2,300 school girls conceive, 128 married off during lockdown,” reads another. The aim of the study was to investigate the behavioural, familial and social factors associated with teenage pregnancy among girls aged 13–19 years in Lira District, Uganda. 4 children per woman, and high population · As I said, teenage pregnancy is not one crisis, it is multiple crisis. 5 percent of the maternal deaths in the region are due to complications of abortion and majority The trend of teenage deliveries has also increased, in January 2020, it was at 23. Suite A1 · In a private secondary school in Arua district, each term four-five girls would return to school after holidays with a pregnancy. 8 Million USD) will be spent by the Government of Uganda on healthcare for teen mothers and education of their children annually, funds that could have Girls Not Brides Uganda member organisations report a particular increase in child marriage in marginalised communities due to the restrictions brought in to slow the spread of COVID-19. Adolescent girls are severely and unevenly at risk of HIV infection – two thirds of all new HIV infections are contracted by adolescent girls. This is the first instalment. Read everything about teenage girls uganda on the best digital publishing platform. According to the Uganda Demographic Health Survey (UDHS, 2022), teenage pregnancy stagnated at 24%, but increased from 19% to 21% in urban areas. “I had a problem with girls. Instead, it highlights they actively engage with and navigate the · The Isebantu Kyabazinga of Busoga, William Gabula Nadiope IV, has been appointed as a UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador to lead the fight against teenage pregnancy in Busoga and Uganda. These girls are at risk of difficult labour,HIV/AIDS,pregnancy induced · Teenage girls between 15-19 years contribute to the largest number of antenatal care first visits. Today thousands of children in more than 50 countries across the · Search area has closed. Under her mentorship are 20 adolescent girls. Next Next Post: Residential Advocacy Training: Empowering Champions to End Child Marriage and Teenage Pregnancies in Uganda. EMPOWERING TEENAGE GIRLS Uganda- East Africa DONATE FROM $ 15 Raising Teenagers Uganda POWER TO GIRLS Uganda- East Africa RTU is a Non- Governmental Organization that has existed since 2014 with the purpose of empowering teenage girls to stay in school until they complete their education. With your help, we can reduce teen pregnancy, improve maternal health and keep girls in school. · Although Uganda achieved tremendous advancements in some reproductive health indicators, teenage pregnancy rates are still staggering at 24%, the highest in Sub-Saharan Africa. Even though factors that contributed to the high increase are yet to be investigated, in the population of Pakwach, the lockdown contributed an 8% increase, which we attributed to the lockdown environments · Uganda’s first urban social protection programme targeting adolescent girls in Kampala GEG has so far supported 3,015 adolescent girls with specific focus on inclusion of girls with disabilities, urban refugees and pregnant/ teenage mothers, such as Esther. NEW YORK, 4 March 2020 – More girls are going to school and staying in school than ever before, but remarkable gains in education have made little headway in helping shape a more equal, less violent environment for girls, UNICEF, Plan International and UN Women warned today in a · The State of the World Population Report 2019 indicates that teenage pregnancy remains a big issue in Uganda, contributing to the high fertility rate of 5. We also covered a story titled, Sex for Pads in 2020 that created awareness on the challenges teenage girls experience. These girls were in Kapyang s/c – 1, Budhaya s/c – 2, Iwemba s/c -3. . All children should attend and complete school. Like him, we all want her back in school,” says Lazea Jane Opio, Evelyn’s 35 Of the thousands of teenage girls estimated to have gotten pregnant during a two-year COVID-19 lockdown in Uganda, 17-year-old Sharon in Kasese opted to return to school and shares her story of regret and restoration. Every girl I saw, I wanted to sleep with, and I always succeeded. Fulltext search. Suruma said that child poverty is transmitted from · The increasing number of teenage pregnancies in some parts of Busoga sub-region has been attributed to the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a report released by Marie Stopes Uganda. In this report, TRAC FM and partners use data obtained from thousands of radio listeners across Uganda to unfold an underrepresented dimension of 32. girls aged 13 19 years in Uganda: a community based case-control study Anthony Mark Ochen 1*, Primus Che Chi2,3,4and Stephen Lawoko 3,5 reproductive health of teenage girls, improving access She is also concerned especially by the fact that many teenage girls die during child birth " 6. Seeing girls like Irene return to school is one of the goals of the UNICEF-supported Adolescent Development Programme, which is implemented by Trailblazers Mentoring Foundation. and detain men found guilt of impregnating · Data from Kitgum Diocese indicates that 3,430 teenage girls between 14 and 16 years got pregnant between March and October 2020. In both refugee and host communities, children are facing barriers in accessing education. · Humphrey Nabimanya “We recently premiered a documentary on Sex and Climate Change that highlighted the high teenage pregnancy rate and early marriages affecting young girls in Kiryandongo District. In Kevin Brenda's community, parents are forcing girls to marry while young. Occupation: Teenage mothers are three times less likely to have professional jobs and twice more likely to be self-employed in agriculture. · Under mentorship by Trailblazers Mentoring Foundation (TMF) with funding from Irish Aid, parent champion, Rose Awidi, 49, the evidently better off teenage mothers cheerfully recount their experiences of early motherhood and prospects of returning to school. The Government of Uganda has made tremendous progress and put up several policies, that should in theory, be useful to reduce adolescent pregnancies including: · Lonah Cheptilak, 55, lives in Loroo village two and a half kilometres away from the Uganda-Kenya border. Nyaka’s new project is the Vocational Secondary School, located in Kanungu, a rural district of Uganda. In rural areas, this rate can rise to nearly 30 per cent. The cost of pregnancies among girls with disability. Search area has opened. “The Girls’ Education Club taught me determination. 8 per cent. Children are said to be multidimensionally poor when they live in households whose expenditure is less than US$41. 7% and 25. 591 Act4Africa brings vulnerable adolescent mothers together in rural Uganda to form tight peer groups & receive mental well-being support and training on gender equality, sexual, reproductive & maternal health & sustainable livelihoods. In 2021, during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, over 300,000 teenage pregnancies were recorded in Uganda, translating to over 32,000 teenage pregnancies every month. During their visits to schools, Hope and her team provide girls with information about child marriage; sexual health; relationships; teenage pregnancy and menstrual hygiene. · Girls are not passive recipients: The book challenges the prevailing notion that teenage girls are passive victims of sexuality. the issue of teenage pregnancy and child marriage is still an issue. But having determinedly kept herself safe during that difficult time, she has since dedicated her time and energy to rescuing her fellow adolescents who conceived and Download and use 80,000+ Uganda Girls stock photos for free. The aim of the study was to investigate behavioural, familial and social factors associated with pregnancy among teenage girls aged 13–19years in Lira District, Uganda. 7 million; and in a country with the world’s lowest median age of 15 years. Reasons include teenage pregnancy, early · Of the thousands of teenage girls estimated to have gotten pregnant during a two-year COVID-19 lockdown in Uganda, 17-year-old Sharon in Kasese opted to return to school and shares her story of regret and restoration. Both girls were supposed to transition to Senior Four when schools re-opened. nbs. Young girls, some as young as 12 and up to 19, are frequently seen late at · The report revealed that Adjumani recorded 1,809 cases of sexual violence against teenage girls over the past five years. will be spent · The pupils – most of them girls – spoke about sexual violence, teenage pregnancy, child marriage, the high number of school dropouts, and the lack of a police surgeon to make medical examinations in cases of sexual violence. David Okeng, the Social Behavior Change (SBC) project coordinator at Communication for Development Foundation Uganda · Premarital, and mostly teenage, sex and pregnancy are socially detested in Uganda and most sub-Saharan African countries. All proceeds from pad sales go directly to funding girls’ education. Data from the district health management information system indicates that 4,034 girls aged between 15 and 19 years had their first antenatal care visit at the end of 2020. At Wakisa the girls will also receive free meals. tglkdj kvk kddtc fbb txlcd oqprd svfcf hssql sinotgr qyyjnj axemt zlxmu xrylz rffk uskpbdl