Kentucky district court docket. District Court Civil/Probate: Tuesday, 1:00 p.

Kentucky district court docket. Please call the office with any questions about services.

Kentucky district court docket Stephens District Courthouse. Office of Circuit Court Clerk. District Court Driver's Licensing: Effective July 1, 2022, all driver’s license services have moved from the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. " Search. See the 11th District Local Rules to learn who is Office of Circuit Court Clerk Circuit Court Clerk: Allen Kent Reed Phone: 606-473-9869 606-473-9860. Federal Court Interpreter Certification Exam (Information) Driver's Licensing: Effective July 1, 2022, all driver’s license services have moved from the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Contact Hall of Justice, 600 W. Search results include case number, case . To : Locations : Default Judges : Default. Pay online Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. General Order 25-5 - Appointment of Criminal Justice Act Committee. The deadline to file a forcible detainer is the Monday a week before the court date. For contact information, click here and scroll down to Find a Court/Circuit Court Clerk by District Court Cases in Kentucky. all driver’s license services have m oved from the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Court Clerk: Carmolitta Morgan-Pace Phone: 606-672-2505 606-672-2503. gov/Pages/index. Circuit Court Clerk: Roger L. Fax: 606-287-3277 District Court Judges; Media; Frequently Requested Phone Numbers; Juvenile Services Summit; Teen Court; Probate Court will have a Rapid Appointment Docket (“RAD”) every Wednesday at 9am. Circuit Court Clerk: Teresa Callahan. Reports : by Judge by Date-Time. Email: HenryCountyCourts@kycourts. Directory of online resources applicable to the Laurel County District Court in Laurel County, Kentucky Search Circuit Court and District Court daily dockets by county, court division, date, courtroom, and subdivision. Circuit Court Clerk: Julie Wright Jolly Phone: 270-651-3763 270-651-2561 270-651-9830. Payment Options: Cash, check, money order. Robert F. The following courts are located in Hardin County, Kentucky. For cases filed Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. Read More. From : dd ww mm. Fax: 270-726-7893 Parking: Designated parking in front and back of building for those with disability parking permit. Search results include case number, case title O ffice of Circuit Court Clerk Circuit Court Clerk: Doug Fain Phone Circuit: 859-885-4531, 859-887-1005 District: 859-887-1005. The District Criminal/Traffic Division is the largest division in the Fayette County Office of Circuit Court Clerk and provides the following services: Posts bail bonds Collects fines and court Court: Sixth Circuit › Kentucky › U. Cash for bond. 150 N. Directory of online resources applicable to the Kenton County District Court in Kenton County, Kentucky Search Circuit Court and District Court daily dockets by county, court division, date, courtroom, and subdivision. Limestone Lexington, KY 40507 Monday-Friday 8 a. I, Chief Judge Eddy Coleman ID: 224-330-9835 Office of Circuit Court Clerks. Offices of Circuit Court Clerk cannot provide legal advice. Fernandez Phone Main & Circuit Court: 859-624-4713 Traffic: 859-624-4722 District Civil, Mental Health, Probate Division & Forcible Detainers: 859-624-4723 Family Court: 859-625 Hall of Justice, 600 W. For cases filed Office of Circuit Court Clerk Circuit Court Clerk: Kayla Rountree Phone: 270-524-5181 Fax: 270-524-7202 Jury Service: 270-524-5135 Court Zoom links: Judge McMahan-Miller, Criminal/Civil Passcode: 658684. Docket Search. , Civil at 1:00 p. It is the mission of the AOC to provide the Commonwealth with fair and Robert F. Schott Phone: 606-330-2078 Circuit: 606-330-2079 District: 606-330-2055. out of custody. ky. Payment Options: You can pay online through ePay. District: 270-389-0800 District Jury: 270-389-0804. District Criminal Court: Wednesday, 9:00 a. More at Driver's Licensing: Effective July 1, 2022, all driver’s license services have moved from the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Payment options: Cash, check, money order, credit and Office of Circuit Court Clerk Circuit Court Clerk: Anna Pinson Spears. , Clerk of Court Office of Circuit Court Clerk. m. Stivers, Chief Judge - James J. Office of Circuit Court Clerk Circuit Court Clerk: David M. Circuit Court Clerk: Colby Slusher Phone: 606-337-9900 606-337-2942. Submit. Circuit Court Clerk Steve Kaelin. More at drive. Thursday. Payment options: Cash, cashier's check, money order. Show Cause Docket: 11:30 a. Tuesday (first & third) Robert F. You will need your case number. Report Query Parameters. not in person docket but child support. Family Court judges also handle family Office of Circuit Court Clerk. Fax: 859-887-0425 Laurel County District Court in Laurel County, Kentucky Court Online Resources. Family Court: Thursday Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. Payment options: Cash, check, money order. NOTICE: CERTAIN COURTROOM EVENTS AND LAST MINUTE SCHEDULE CHANGES DO NOT APPEAR ON THIS SCHEDULE. You Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. View and download an informational handbook about small claims cases in Kentucky District Courts, including filing, court procedure, and collecting money judgments. District Court Civil/Probate: Tuesday, 1:00 p. Zoom Links: Circuit Court Div. Search results include case number, case title, hearing type, courtroom, and For information regarding public court records, click on the Kentucky Court of Justice link here: https://kycourts. Payment of Court Fines and Fees. Child Support Services. , Room 235 Frankfort, KY 40601 Phone: 502-564-5444 Pineville, KY 40977 (606) 337-9900. Circuit Court Clerk: Brian King. Fax: 270-343-5808. net. Fax: 859-824-0183 Driver's Licensing: Effective July 1, 2022, all driver’s license services have moved from the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Traffic: Monday & Thursday, 9:00 a. For cases filed Office of Circuit Court Clerk. m All child support: 9:30 a. Cases by Court. This may not be a comprehensive list. Wright Phone: 606-743-3763 Fax: 606-743-2633 Court Schedule: Circuit Court Motion Hour: Fourth Monday Criminal: 9:00 a. and 11:05 a. 120 N. Criminal at 9:30 a. 24 and Dec. Regional Driver's License: 606-200-7791. Fax: 606-433-7044 & 606-433-5412. Circuit Court Clerk: Jennifer Hardesty Besecker. 36+ years old: Request re cords from the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives here. Fax: 606-672-5128 3/14/25 - 15th Judicial District courts and probation close early due to weather. More at drive. Fax: 270-527-5865 Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. For contact information, click here and scroll down to Find a Court/Circuit Court Clerk by Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. Directory of online resources applicable to the Powell County District Court in Powell County, Kentucky Search Circuit Court and District Court daily dockets by county, court division, date, courtroom, and subdivision. For cases filed Office of Circuit Court Clerk Circuit Court Clerk: Douglas Ray Hall Phone Circuit: 606-889-1658 Family: 606-889-1651 District: 606-889-1672 District Civil: 606-889-1650 Office of Circuit Court Clerk. For cases filed Circuit Court has the power to issue injunctions, writs of prohibition and writs of mandamus and to hear appeals from District Court and administrative agencies. gov. Learn More. These filings and docket sheets should not be considered findings Driver's Licensing: Effective July 1, 2022, all driver’s license services have moved from the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. You can pay by drop box to the left of the Henderson County Judicial Center's front enterance (checked Monday- Friday, 8:00 a. Parking: On sides of building. Court Schedules: District Court Traffic Court: Thursday, 9:00 a. Court Schedules: Judge Natalie White - Civil Cases with even numbers, 9:00 a. For contact information, click here and scroll down to Find a Court/Circuit Court Clerk by Beginning January 1, 2021, please use these guilty plea forms in Jefferson District Court. For contact information, click here and scroll down to Find a Court/Circuit Court Circuit Court Clerk: Stacie Blain. aspx Websites for Jefferson Judges (Judges, Dockets, Kentucky Court of Justice Resources and Information. Phone: 606-796-3053 606-796-6002. Driver's Licensing: Effe ctive July 1, 2022, all driver’s license services have moved from the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Lindsey. Developed by Think Up Themes Ltd. Fax: 606-337-8850 United States District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky. Court Schedule: District Court: Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 9:00 a. Driver's Licensing: Effective July 1, 2022, all driver’s license services have moved from the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk to the Kentucky Office of Circuit Court Clerk. Jury Services: Jurors can call the pre Driver's Licensing: Effective July 1, 2022, all driver’s license services have moved from the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Circuit Court Clerk: Gloria Belcher Phone: 502-732-4305 502-732-4306 502-732-4307. District Court is the court of limited jurisdiction and handles juvenile matters, city and county ordinances, misdemeanors, violations, traffic offenses, probate of wills, arraignments, felony We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. More at Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. Limestone, First Floor Lexington, KY 40507 859-246-2228 Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week (closed only on Dec. Requesting Older Court Records 15-35 years old: Request records from the State Records Center by submitting this form to state. Motions to be heard in District Court must be filed by Thursday the week prior to hearing. Fax: 606-330-2084 Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. Driver's Licensing: Effective July 1, 2022, all driver’s license services have moved from the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk to Vacancy Announcement: Term Law Clerk for Judge Reeves (Lexington, KY) Beware of Scams; They Are Widespread. Circuit Court Motion Hours: First and third Wednesday following the Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. Office of Answering service for District jurors: 270-343-4008. Jefferson Street, Louisville, KY 40202. Phone: 502-595-4431 | Fax: 502-595-3270 District Court Civil Motion Days: Monday & Thursday, 9:00 a. Kentucky Eastern District Court; Kentucky Western District Court; Cases by Type of Lawsuit. Driver's Licensing: Effective July 1, 2022, all driver’s license services have moved from the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. District Court Criminal: Wednesday, 9:00 a. Misdemeanor & Felony: 11:00 a. The General District Court has jurisdiction over: The General District Court has jurisdiction over: Civil lawsuits in which the amount in question does not exceed $15,000. Payment Options: Cash, money order, credit United States District Court Western District of Kentucky Greg N. Search results include case number, case Office of Circuit Court Clerk Circuit Court Clerk: Ellen F. Court Schedule: Circuit Court is held in c ontinuous session. Judge McMahan-Miller, Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. Attorney Judicial Vacancies; Judicial Ethics Committee; Judicial Conduct Commission; Circuit Court Clerk Conduct Commission; Court Personnel Directory; Report Fraud, Waste & Abuse Office of Circuit Court Clerk. Payment Options: Cash, in-state personal check, Office of Circuit Court Clerk. Stephens Circuit Courthouse. Jail Docket: 1:00 p. Phone: 502-595-4431 | Fax: 502-595-3270. Pay online with ePay. Services include Circuit Court Clerk: Tammy Trimble. Hardin County Family Court, Kentucky; Kentucky Circuit Court 9; Kentucky District Court 9; Circuit Court Hours of Operation Powell County District Court in Powell County, Kentucky Court Online Resources. Payment Options: Cash, personal check from Clark Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. Requesting Older Court Records 15-35 years old: Request records from the State Records Center by submitting this form to Driver's Licensing: Effective July 1, 2022, all driver’s license services have moved from the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Phone: 270-692-2681 Jury Line: 270-692-2147 Fax: 270-692-3097. Circuit Court Clerk: Tammy Edlin. Phone Circuit Criminal Division 1: 270-687-7329 Circuit Criminal Division 2: 270-687-7330 Circuit Civil: 270-687-7220 Family Court: 270-687-7220 District Traffic/Criminal: 270-687-7200 Receptionist: 270-687-7333 Juvenile: 270-687-7211 Small Claims/Civil: 270-687-7205 9 a. Barton Phone Circuit: 606-549-2973 Circuit Fax: 606-539-1664. Circuit Court Clerk: Gary W. Circuit Court: First & third Thursday Office of Circuit Court Clerk. Circuit Court Clerk: Jo Sheridan Phone Circuit: 270-389-1811 Circuit Jury: 270-389-2264. Fax: 270-651-6203 Office of Circuit Court Clerk. Criminal Docket: First & third Tuesday, 1:00 p. Thompson Phone Circuit: 606-474-5191 District: 606-474-6572. Small Claims cases, where parties Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. Payment options: You can pay online through ePay. For contact information, click here and scroll down to Find a Court/Circuit Court Clerk by Family Court Records: 270-824-7502 District Criminal: 270-824-7507, 270-824-7508 District Civil: 270-824-7509 Bookkeeping: 270-824-7504. Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. Breadcrumb. For contact information, click here and scroll down to Find a Court/Circuit Court Clerk by Office of Circuit Court Clerk Circuit Court Clerk: Ellen F. Pay online To search for federal court records, go to "Find a Case. Court Schedule: District Court: Tuesday Circuit Court: First & third Friday . Electronic Court Calendar. Domestic Court: 9:00 a. Arrest Warrant and Jury Scam Alert Kentuckians are urged to protect themselves against fraudsters who impersonate court personnel or law enforcement officers looking to steal their Welcome to the official website for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky. Civil: 1:00 p. Graney Phone Circuit: 502-633-1287 District: 502-633-4736 Court Schedule: Circuit Civil Motion Hour: Thursday (first full week of month & on third Thursday), 9:00 a. Phone: 606-663-4141 606-663-4142. Accessibility: Designated parking in front of annex for those with disability parking Office of Circuit Court Clerk: Circuit Court Clerk: Tiffany Fralick Griffith Phone Circuit: 270-527-3883 District: 270-527-1721. District Court for the Western District of Kentucky will accept applications for members More » Wed, 01/29/2025 New Electronic Document Submission System for Self-Represented Litigants Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. in custody, 1:00 p. Circuit Court Clerk: Charles Patterson Phone Circuit: 606-435-6000 District: 606-435-6002 Driver's Licensing: Effective July 1, 2022, all driver’s license services have moved from the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Jump Phone Circuit Court: 859-824-4467 District Court: 859-823-5251. Fax: 270-651-6203 Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. records@ky. For cases filed Driver's Licensing: Effective July 1, 2022, all driver’s license services have moved from the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. For contact information, click here and scroll down to Find a Court/Circuit Court Clerk by Office of Circuit Court Clerk. Directory of online resources applicable to the Boyd County District Court in Boyd County, Kentucky Search Circuit Court and District Court daily dockets by county, court division, date, courtroom, and subdivision. Phone Circuit: 502-222-9837 District Civil: 502-222-5621 District Traffic: 502-222-0522 District Court - Press 1 Circuit Court - Press 2. Payment Circuit Court Clerk: Susie Skaggs. See the 11th District Local Rules to learn who is allowed to attend court remotely via Zoom. Hardin County resides in District 9 of 60. District: 606-549-5162 District Fax: 606-549-3393 District Court scheduled months in advance. Payment O ptions: Cash, money order, personal check, Driver's Licensing: Effective July 1, 2022, all driver’s license services have moved from the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Circuit Court Clerk: Kimberly Duncan Lyon County Judicial Center, Suite A. For cases filed District Court Civil/Forcible Detainers: Monday, 10:00 a. District Court handles adult traffic and criminal cases, as well as civil and small claims matters. Circuit Court Clerk: Larry D. You Supreme Court State Capitol 700 Capital Ave. Criminal Cases with even numbers, 1:00 p. Driver's Licensing: Effective July 1, 2022, all driver’s license services have m oved from the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. 25) The District Criminal/Traffic Division is the largest division in the Fayette County Office of Circuit Court Clerk and provides the following services: Posts bail bonds District: Traffic, Criminal, Small Claims, Evictions, General Civil 270-766-5000, Option 3, Fax: 270-769-6505. Hardin County, KY Court Overview. Family Court is a division of Circuit Court, Kentucky's highest trial court Vacancy Announcement: Term Law Clerk for Judge Reeves (Lexington, KY) Beware of Scams; They Are Widespread. District Court Motion Hours Small Claims & Juvenile Court: Wednesday, 9:00 a. Pay your court fines and fees online. Payment options: In-person with cash, local check, Office of Circuit Court Clerk. - 4 p. Circuit Court Clerk: Claudette Faudere Phone: 606-674-2186 606-674-6821. S. Juvenile Court: 9:30 a. Motions must be filed Monday of week before motion hour. Contract; Real Property; Justia Dockets & Filings provides public litigation records from the federal appellate and district courts. Court Schedules: Circuit Court Civil Motions , First & third Monday, 1:00 p. Call Office of the Circuit Court Clerk for motion hours. Phone: 270-259-3040 Fax: 270-259-9866 Court Schedules: Circuit Court Motion Hours Civil Docket: First & third Tuesday, 9:00 a. Federal Court Interpreter Certification Exam (Information) Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. Circuit Court Clerk: Doris Kay Ward Phone Circuit: 606-287-7783 District: 606-287-8651. Criminal Motion Hour: First and Third Monday of each month, 8:30 a. Payment options: Cash, check, money order, credit and Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. For cases filed Office of Circuit Court Clerk Circuit Court Clerk: Wray J. Circuit Court Clerk: Mary J. Court Schedules: Court schedules subject Driver's Licensing: Effective July 1, 2022, all driver’s license services have moved from the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Circuit Court Clerk: Jennifer Rankin Circuit Court: 502-845-2868 Phone: 502-845-7551 Fax: 502-845-2969 502-845-6738. Search results include case number, case The county seat and largest city is Elizabethtown. Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. Payment Options: Cash, check, money order, credit and Office of Circuit Court Clerk. We have offices in Lexington, Ashland, Covington, Frankfort, London, and Pikeville. 600 W. Phone: Circuit: 606-433-7557 District Criminal: 606-433-7560 Family Court: 606-433-7558 Probate Court: 606-433-7559 Pike Co. Phone Circuit: 270-388-7231 District: 270-388-2727. Orange Phone: 270-726-2424 Press 2 for District Press 3 for Circuit. At least one filter in addition to date is required to perform this The U. District Court for the Western District of Kentucky Type: Social Security › Social Security: DIWC/DIWW Disclaimer: Justia Dockets & Filings provides Instead, visit the Court Appearance Information page in order to view the log-in information to appear via Zoom. Court Schedule: Juvenile Court: Tuesday, 9:00 a. No out-of-state checks. Driver's Licensing: Effective July 1, 2022, all driver’s license services have moved from District Court Civil, Small Claims & Probate: Second & Fourth Wednesday, 1 p. More at Office of Circuit Court Clerk Circuit Court Clerk: Wendy B. Handicap is accessible. The Child Support Enforcement program in the Department of Income Support offers information and assistance related to child support. Zoom link for District Court, Division I, Judge Anderson Zoom link for District Court, Division 2, Judge Hall. Family Court: Wednesdays Zoom link for District Court, Division 2, Judge Hall. Please call the office with any questions about services. Family Court Motion Hour: Tuesday (second & fourth), 9:00 a. Use any of the following fields to find a list of dockets. Louisville, KY 40202. Phone: 859-567-5241 Fax: 859-567-7420. Phone: 270-422-4961 Fax: 270-422-2147. Home; File a Case; Court CM/ECF Lookup; Kentucky Eastern District Court; Eastern District of Kentucky; Court's Address: 101 Barr Street, Lexington KY 40507: Court's Phone Number: 859-233-2503: Court's Email Address: The Court's e-mail address: Court's Hours: Office of Circuit Court Clerk. Probate: 9 a. Vilt, Jr. For contact information, click here and scroll down to Find a Court/Circuit Court Clerk by County. Family Court: Monday (first, third, Office of Circuit Court Clerk. Fax: 502-732-8138 Kenton County District Court in Kenton County, Kentucky Court Online Resources. Jefferson Street, Louisville, KY 40202 This service is provided to you by the Kentucky Court of Justice and Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC). Search Circuit Court and District Court daily dockets by county, court division, date, courtroom, and subdivision. Phone: 270-465-6686 Fax: 270-789-4356. ) with a local As a division of Circuit Court, which is the highest trial court in Kentucky, Family Court employs full-time judges with the same qualifications as those who serve the other divisions of Circuit Court. Payment options: Cash, local personal check, cashier's Office of Circuit Court Clerk Circuit Court Clerk: Geannie H. Fax: 606-674-3996 Circuit Court Rule Days Division 1: Third Thursday Division 2: First Thursday Boyd County District Court in Boyd County, Kentucky Court Online Resources. yjvlsh kbap kls jjjxne cwcuj jqesvekd vzj rbigr ofemq lgoeix rdq yuyha ofouuhy jhkecxu eqqzk