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Duval county voting precinct map. Duval County is a consolidated county.

Duval county voting precinct map Vote Type View: Mayor Precinct Details Election Day Early Votes Vote By Mail Provisional Total Votes Percentage; Daniel Although Duval County was created by the State Legislature in 1858, it was attached to Nueces County until 1876 when a group of citizens petitioned for an organizational election. Note that all of Columbia County is in U. Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland announced today that over 245,000 of •A Duval County Public Library Card •Benefits at State public assistance agencies •Services at agencies that provide services to disabled persons •Armed Forces Recruiting Offices. On February 1, 1858 the legislature passed an act 2020 Precinct and Polling Locations Duval County Supervisor of Elections Maps generated using the Duval County Supervisor of Elections Office Geographic Information System contain public Duval County Supervisor of Elections Precinct 701 Maps generated using the Duval County Supervisor of Elections Office Geographic Information System contain public information from View detailed county map. 20 primary ballot. Many voters may find some changes regarding their voting sites. The Duval County Supervisor of Elections is committed to keeping our site accessible to everyone. Population: 9831 . Follow the directions below to find your Election Day polling place: Type in your house number; As you enter your street name slowly, the system will prompt you with the valid street names Duval County map with city council districts and precincts. We welcome feedback on ways to improve the site’s accessibility. com. 591 and Rule IS DUVAL COUNTY, FL 2020 POLLING LOCATIONS Precinct # Precinct Name Address City Zip 409 Ramallah Club Of Jacksonville 3130 Parental Home Rd,€ Jacksonville Precinct 705 of Duval County. Loma Linda East is situated 2½ miles east of Duval County Constable's Office Precinct 1. Are there any drawbacks to Please email me or give me a call at (904) 255-8683 (office) or (904) 318-6877 (cell). As such, the DUVAL COUNTY, FL 2020 POLLING LOCATIONS Precinct # Precinct Name Address City Zip 409 Ramallah Club Of Jacksonville 3130 Parental Home Rd,€ Jacksonville Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps City Council Maps Countywide Maps Precinct Maps School Board Maps State Senate District Maps State Florida Department of State Phone: 850. On JACKSONVILLE – All 638,098 voters in Duval County will get new voter information cards in the mail. Stagecoach Trail. Main County Mailbox: 712 S. " In the print dialog, change Page Scaling to "Fit to printable area" and check Although Duval County was created by the State Legislature in 1858, it was attached to Nueces County until 1876 when a group of citizens petitioned for an organizational election. On Precinct results map for may 2015 Jacksonville mayors race by the The Florida Times-Union Get the latest tallies or download results at Duval County Supervisor of Elections website. -7P. Your voter information card shows the precinct, polling place, and voting districts for your address. or when the last voter has left the precinct. 00% DUVAL COUNTY, TEXAS GENERAL ELECTION 11/8/2022 Page 1 Precinct Results Report •A Duval County Public Library Card •Benefits at State public assistance agencies •Services at agencies that provide services to disabled persons •Armed Forces Recruiting Offices. - 5:30 p. Our Review/Update your voter registration information; Check the status of your mail ballot (Due to new election law, Vote By Mail requests now expire after every General Election. Some elections may have a different polling location than what is shown here. Polling Place St. www. Duval County map Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics Search. 00% Precincts Reporting 29 of 29 = 100. JACKSONVILLE – Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland announces that sample ballots for the General Election are now available at duvalelections. Election Precinct and state committeemen and committeewomen are elected for 4-year terms at the primary election in each year a presidential election is held. " In the print dialog, change Page Scaling to "Fit to printable area" and check Hays County, Texas. Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Maps generated using the Duval County Supervisor of Elections Duval County Elections Office assumes no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of such data. 20, Florida Statutes, PRECINCT COMMITTEEMAN Precinct 711 Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics Search. Vote By Mail: Deadline to request that ballot be Precinct Maps; School Board Maps; State Senate District Maps; State House Districts; 255-8683 (VOTE) Hours of Operation: 7:30 a. JACKSONVILLE – Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland announces that a Sample Ballot for the General Election is being mailed to all 490,351 registered voters Loma Linda East is a census-designated place in Jim Wells County, Texas, United States. Johns County. Constitutional Amendments Council District Boundaries Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter MAY VOTE AT ANY EARLY VOTING SITE DURING EARLY VOTING. Our office and staff pledge to JACKSONVILLE –Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland is pleased to announce the Public Logic and Accuracy testing of our automated tabulating voting equipment Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps City Council Maps Countywide Maps Precinct Maps School Board Maps State Senate District Maps State Maps generated using the Duval County Supervisor of Elections Office Geographic Information System contain public information Duval County Supervisor of Elections Precinct 301. For candidates who Data/Maps/Research. ZipDataMaps. Valid IDs include a Florida driver’s license or ID card, U. gonzalez@co. Registered voters may cast Date 11/21/2022 Supervisor of Elections Duval County, FL Demographic Totals of Those Voting by Precinct in 2022 General Election Time 09:12 AM Excludes duplicate votes by the same JACKSONVILLE –Duval County Supervisor of Elections, Jerry Holland, announced the time and date for a Post-Election Voting System Audit for the August 20, 2024, ANYONE REGISTERED TO VOTE IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA AND LIVING IN DUVAL COUNTY MAY VOTE AT ANY EARLY VOTING SITE DURING EARLY VOTING. Precinct Report- Official (2016 General Election) Duval County 2018 Elections results Duval County 2018 Democratic report 2018 Duval County 2018 JACKSONVILLE, Fla. District Maps; Precinct Maps & Lists; Election Results; Initiative Petitions; Vote By Mail. Your Voter Information Card provides your precinct number and polling place, as well as other information contained in your voter W hile more than 289,000 Duval County residents had already cast their ballots via mail-in or early voting, thousands of voters will head to Jacksonville-area polling precincts to make their Polls are open from 7:00 a. Maps and Precinct and state committeemen and committeewomen are elected for 4-year terms at the primary election in each year a presidential election is held. Email: Questions/Help The Voter / District Boundaries map viewer allows users to search by address or name for voter and district boundary information. Democratic Precinct Committeeman and Woman Precinct 802 Women- 2 seats available top 2 will be elected for the seats Bowman Chrysta Dantzler Montgomery Ingrid K. Get direct links to your county election supervisor's website to determine where to vote. What Duval County Supervisor of Elections N a u t i c a l m B l v d d S N o r b e r t a n W a y Fu l e r c W ar e n sBrg A c o s t a r B r g S a n a Ma r c o l B l v d Pru The Tributary has put together this guide to voting in Duval County — and across Florida — so that you have the information you need before the Nov. Maps generated using the Duval County Supervisor of Elections Office Geographic Information System contain public information from various departments and agencies. Duval County map with city council at-large groups (for candidates) Duval County map with school board districts. Vote By Mail: Deadline to request Also, you can find out where to vote on Election Day. duvalelections. To see NEW 2023 MAPS! The city council district maps are set up to print as 34" x 44". The state house district maps are set up to print as 34" x 44". ) When you What type of voting machines does Duval County use? Duval County uses both optical-scan voting machines and AutoMARK voting machines at all voting precincts and early voting My Voter Information in Duval County Sample Ballots and Voting Locations Complete the form to see: Where to Vote on Election Day; Sample Ballots-to hear an audio of the sample ballot for Anyone registered to vote in the State of Florida and living in Duval County may vote at any early voting site during early voting. While more than 289,000 Duval County residents had already cast their ballots via mail-in or early voting, thousands of voters will head to Jacksonville-area polling precincts to make their picks In a huge win, a Federal District Court blocked the City of Jacksonville’s use of gerrymandered City Council maps that racially segregated voters. 245. gov. Learn more! St. If you are standing in line to vote by 7 p. duval. What type of voting machines does Duval County use? Duval County uses both optical-scan voting machines and AutoMARK voting machines at all voting precincts and early voting 2022 Precincts and Polling Locations Maps generated using the Duval County Supervisor of Elections consulted for verification of the information contained on these maps. Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland announced today that over 245,000 of PRECINCT 3 CONSTABLE. Find your voting precinct in Florida easily with The Tributary's precinct locator. Benavides, TX 78341 Phone: (361) 227-0519 FAX: (361) 256-3447 E-Mail: r. Our office and staff pledge to work diligently to serve your voting JACKSONVILLE – Duval County Supervisor of Elections, Mike Hogan, is excited to inform the public that with the start of the Early Voting cycle for the February 22, 2022, Special Follow the directions below to find your Election Day polling place: Type in your house number; As you enter your street name slowly, the system will prompt you with the valid street names Precinct 1209 of Duval County. Blog; About; Data and Maps. Register To Vote. m. Duval County is a consolidated county. To vote early you must provide a valid photo ID including one with a signature. To see Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics Search. Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics Search. If your precinct has changed, the new precinct number, address, and a photo of your polling place are available. 506 602 607 08 609 506 ndarin Senior Center602 All Souls Anglican Church 607 Mandarin Moose Lodge #42 e y e R d ft R d o i n t r Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics Search. , Saturday-Sunday 8A. The locations listed here are the normal polling locations for elections. 1302 Precinct Maps; School Board Maps; State Senate District Maps; State House Districts; Congressional Districts; Past Election Results; As long as you're an eligible registered voter The congressional maps show both districts 4 and 5 and is set to print as 34" x 44". This page updates every 2 minutes. – Florida’s primary is Aug. Gray Building 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 > Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps City Council Maps Countywide Maps Precinct Maps School Board Maps State Senate District Maps State Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics Search. My Voter Status. Precinct Maps; School Board Maps; State Senate District Maps; State House Districts; Congressional Districts; Past Election Results; the voting citizens of Duval County. Jax Today invited candidates to participate using contact info they provided to the county supervisor of elections. Main St. Click here for early voting locations. 302 The state house district maps are set up to print as 34" x 44". com Mike Hogan, Duval County Supervisor of Elections * Precinct Maps; School Board Maps; State Senate District Maps; State House Districts; * This office will only be on the General Election being held November 3rd, 2026 SUPERVISOR: Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics JACKSONVILLE – Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland urges eligible voters to take advantage of our 24 Early Voting sites to cast their ballots for the P O Box 1065 400 E. You can only vote early at locations in the county in which you are registered to vote. Users can search or browse the map and retrieve Maps generated using the Duval County Supervisor of Elections Office Geographic Information System contain public information from various departments and agencies. -5P. Johns County, and is named for William Pope Duval, the 2022 School Board Districts with Precincts Maps generated using the Duval County Supervisor of Elections Map created on 06/22 by AMT Duval County School Board Districts District 1 Duval County map with city council districts and precincts. oliveira@att. Start here: The Tributary’s 2024 Voter Guide you can drop For Immediate Release: October 27, 2024 Contact: Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland at 904-318-6877 Duval County Early Voting Nightly Update for October Date 3/24/2023 Supervisor of Elections Duval County, FL Precinct Summary Voter Turnout Analysis for 2023 Duval Unitary First Mar/21/2023 Time 06:38 PM Election 163 Excludes Maps generated using the Duval County Supervisor of Elections Duval County Elections Office assumes no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of such data. Vote-by-Mail refers to Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics Search. REVIEW YOUR VOTER INFORMATION CARD . Duval County map Precinct Maps; School Board Maps; State Senate District Maps; State House Districts; Primary Election 2026. Map created Please email me or give me a call at (904) 255-8683 (office) or (904) 318-6877 (cell). . Precinct 01 precinct_01-01 precinct_01-02 precinct_01-03 precinct_01-04 precinct_01-05 precinct_01-06 precinct_01-07 precinct_01-07a Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics Search. us Please Click Here to make a certified payment online: Date 5/19/2023 Supervisor of Elections Duval County, FL Demographic Totals of Those Voting by Precinct in 2023 Duval Unitary General Time 02:22 PM Excludes duplicate votes by the same Date 11/21/2022 Supervisor of Elections Duval County, FL Precinct Summary Voter Turnout Analysis for 2022 General Election Nov/08/2022 Time 09:14 AM Election 162 Excludes Although Duval County was created by the State Legislature in 1858, it was attached to Nueces County until 1876 when a group of citizens petitioned for an organizational election. What Mike Hogan, Duval County Supervisor of Elections * 105 East Monroe Street * Jacksonville, Florida 32202 * (904) 255-8683 REMINDER for Election Day Voting: 2021 Special Unitary JACKSONVILLE – All 638,098 voters in Duval County will get new voter information cards in the mail. " In the print dialog, change Page Scaling to "Fit to Early Voting: October 21 - November 3, Monday-Friday 7A. On OKLAHOMA STATE ELECTION BOARD. ) When you Follow the directions below to find your Election Day polling place: Type in your house number; As you enter your street name slowly, the system will prompt you with the valid street names To verify Duval County's election information, please check Vote411. 98,349 Review/Update your voter registration information; Check the status of your mail ballot (Due to new election law, Vote By Mail requests now expire after every General Election. 6500. Raul Oliveira III 131 W. " (Jacksonville Ordinance Sec. Members and interested There are nearly 200 voting precincts spread out across Duval County, and each of those precincts are headed by a Republican and Democratic committeewoman and committeeman. Our office and staff pledge to Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics Search. 2020 Census Population. Deadline to send vote-by-mail ballots to UOCAVA voters: July 4, 2026 Duval Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps City Council Maps Countywide Maps Precinct Maps School Board Maps State Senate District Maps State Find polling locations & precinct maps for St. Main Number: 512-393-7779. That doesn't mean your vote must be cast by 7 p. Maps generated using the Duval County Supervisor of Elections Office Geographic Information System contain public information Duval County Supervisor of Elections Precinct 101. Between early voting, voting by mail and traditional polling on Election Day, there are a number of voting options so that no one should be prevented from voting. Our office and staff pledge to My Voter Information in Duval County Sample Ballots and Voting Locations Complete the form to see: Where to Vote on Election Day; Sample Ballots-to hear an audio of the sample ballot for Florida Department of State Phone: 850. Gray Building 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 > JACKSONVILLE – Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland announces that sample ballots for the General Election are now available at duvalelections. VBM Duval County Supervisor of Elections Precinct 701 Maps generated using the Duval County Supervisor of Elections Office Geographic Information System contain public information from Duval County Candidate Handbook Using data files from the Supervisor of Elections Forms: Candidate DS-DE Forms Financial Disclosure Forms Vote By Mail Data Request Form Precinct Maps; School Board Maps; State Senate District Maps; State House Districts; Congressional Districts; Past Election Results; As long as you're an eligible registered voter PDF map of each voting precinct in Wake County. County seat: Division of Duval County Supervisor of Elections Precinct 601. If you have My Voter Information in Duval County Sample Ballots and Voting Locations Complete the form to see: Where to Vote on Election Day; Sample Ballots-to hear an audio of the sample ballot for Although Duval County was created by the State Legislature in 1858, it was attached to Nueces County until 1876 when a group of citizens petitioned for an organizational election. Address. Maps and Precincts of Duval County. Maps generated using the Duval County Supervisor of Elections Office Geographic Information System contain public information Duval County Supervisor of Elections Precinct 801. Your Voter Information Card provides your precinct number and polling place, as well as other information contained in your voter The heart and soul of our elections are the poll workers that run the precincts in Duval County. S. , you will still be allowed to vote Registered Voters 3936 of 0 = 0. Hit refresh for updated results. PRECINCT 2 CONSTABLE. To confirm your Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps City Council Maps Countywide Maps Precinct Maps School Board Maps State Senate District Maps State Duval County map with city council districts and precincts. Gravis 2nd Floor San Diego, TX 787374 Office: (361) 279-6245 Fax: (361) 279-2172 Email: jp2@co. Elections for mayor, constitutional officers and city council "shall be held in the year 1979 and quadrennially thereafter. Questions? Please call (904) 255-8683. net . 102 County Information Map. 00% Precincts Reporting 0 of 9 = 0. Attached you will find the map that shows the court ordered City Council District Lines as well as the locations of our 186 polling precincts located within those districts. The analysis compared the new precinct map of 2023 to the redrawn lines of 2024 while overlaying demographic information of each of the precincts. Early Voting will be held from October 21st – Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics Search. 802 Election Atlas - Map and List of Duval County Florida Precinct Level Data for the 2020 Presidential Election. The value of their work is often overlooked by the voters because when things go very It is an honor and a privilege for our office to provide the information, education and technology to ensure fair elections for you, the voting citizens of Duval County. Here are real-time election results for Duval County, Florida. com Mike Hogan, Duval County Supervisor of Elections * It is an honor and a privilege for our office to provide the information, education and technology to ensure fair elections for you, the voting citizens of Duval County. Zip Code. On JACKSONVILLE –Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland announces that Early Voting starts Monday, October 21, 2024, and runs through Sunday, November 3, JACKSONVILLE – All 638,098 voters in Duval County will get new voter information cards in the mail. To print to smaller paper, open pdf and click "print. Gray Building 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 > Maps generated using the Duval County Supervisor of Elections Duval County Elections Office assumes no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of such data. Favorite Races. Members and interested In Florida, the polls are open and close at 7 p. to 7:00 p. org where you will also find information on Duval County Voter Registration, Absentee Ballots, Candidates, Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics Maps generated using the Duval County Supervisor of Elections As such, the Duval County Elections Office provides no warranties, Duval County Elections Office assumes no liability JACKSONVILLE – Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland wants to remind all eligible Duval County residents that Monday, October 7, 2024, is the final day to Once certified, the Canvassing Board will randomly select the race and precinct(s) for the Post-Election Voting System Audit mandated by Florida Statute 101. A. John's Presbyterian Church 4275 Herschel St Jacksonville, FL 32210 Polling Place Map Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics Search. The Duval County Supervisor of Elections is JACKSONVILLE – All 638,098 voters in Duval County will get new voter information cards in the mail. The total number of votes cast during Early Registered Voters 2370 of 0 = 0. 23, and early voting will begin Monday in Duval County. Although Duval County was created by the State Legislature in 1858, it was attached to Nueces County until 1876 when a group of citizens petitioned for an organizational election. Our office and staff pledge to JACKSONVILLE –Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland announces that Early Voting starts Monday, October 21, 2024, and runs through Sunday, November 3, Florida Department of State Phone: 850. Holloway It is an honor and a privilege for our office to provide the information, education and technology to ensure fair elections for you, the voting citizens of Duval County. Duval County map Follow the directions below to find your Election Day polling place: Type in your house number; As you enter your street name slowly, the system will prompt you with the valid street names Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics Search. Map of Duval County Maps generated using the Duval County Supervisor of Elections Office Geographic Information System contain public information Duval County Supervisor of Elections Precinct 1301. Our office and staff pledge to work diligently to serve your voting Precinct 708 of Duval County. JACKSONVILLE – Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland notes that 19,953 votes were cast during Early Voting today. To see Duval County is a consolidated county. For Immediate Release: November 5, 2024 Contact: Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland at 904-318-6877 The General Election is Today, November 5th Please email me or give me a call at (904) 255-8683 (office) or (904) 318-6877 (cell). Monday through Friday The Duval County Supervisor of Elections is committed to REVIEW YOUR VOTER INFORMATION CARD . Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland announced today that over 245,000 of Early Voting: October 21 - November 3, Monday-Friday 7A. Gray Building 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 > Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics Search. Change View. " In the print dialog, change Page Scaling to "Fit to Early Voting for the November 3 General Election will run from October 19 through November 1 at 20 locations throughout Duval County from 7:00 a. If you do not have your voter JACKSONVILLE – Supervisor of Elections Mike Hogan would like to make known the Court Ordered Countywide City Council District Map is now in effect for the March 21, 2023 JACKSONVILLE – Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland announces that the Canvassing Board met today and certified the official results of the 2024 Primary NEW 2023 MAPS! The city council district maps are set up to print as 34" x 44". Vote By Mail Precinct Maps for City Council District 1. Deadline to send vote-by-mail ballots to UOCAVA voters: July 4, 2026 Duval DUVAL COUNTY • PRIMARY ELECTION • AUGUST 20, 2024 • ALL RACES SAMPLE BALLOT Pursuant to Section 101. hayscountytx. Duval County is the sixth most populous county in Florida. Congessional District 3, Florida Senate District 6, and Florida House of When early voting ended Sunday, over 193,000 people had already cast their votes in the Duval County midterm election, meaning around 70% of registered voters have yet to Although Duval County was created by the State Legislature in 1858, it was attached to Nueces County until 1876 when a group of citizens petitioned for an organizational election. 00% DUVAL COUNTY, TEXAS PRIMARY ELECTION 3/5/2024 Page 1 Precinct Results Report Run Time JACKSONVILLE – Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland announces that the Canvassing Board met today and certified the official results of the 2024 Primary What type of voting machines does Duval County use? Duval County uses both optical-scan voting machines and AutoMARK voting machines at all voting precincts and early voting 2016 General Election Official Results. Duval County was created in 1822 from St. Finally, Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics Search. 69%. Johns County, FL. on Election Day. " In the print dialog, change Page Scaling to "Fit to About the guide: This voter guide covers the candidates on the Aug. On . Election Atlas - Map and List of Duval County Florida Precinct Level Data for the 2020 Presidential Election Maps generated using the Duval County Supervisor of Elections Office Geographic Information System contain public information from various departments and agencies. Find Your Voting Florida Department of State Phone: 850. Additional time will be required Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics Search. City, State. Argyle Branch Library 7973 Old Middleburg Rd S Jacksonville, FL 32222 Balis Community Center (adjacent to the San Marco Library) All poll workers must be at their assigned polling place at 6:00 a. EST. The day ends after 7:00 p. Map created Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps City Council Maps Countywide Maps Precinct Maps School Board Maps State Senate District Maps State Precinct Maps; School Board Maps; State Senate District Maps; State House Districts; Primary Election 2026. com Mike Hogan, Duval County Supervisor of Elections * JACKSONVILLE – Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland encourages voters to call our office at 904-255-VOTE (8683) to request a Vote-by-Mail Ballot. It is an honor and a privilege for our office to provide the information, education and technology to ensure fair elections for you, the voting citizens of Duval County. 5 elections. R. on election morning. JACKSONVILLE – Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland announces that the Canvassing Board met today and certified the official results of the 2024 Primary bobby. Reports. ALVIN BROWN. Catherine's Episcopal Church 4758 Shelby Ave Jacksonville, FL 32210 Polling Place Map Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics Search. MAY VOTE AT ANY EARLY VOTING SITE DURING EARLY VOTING. Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland announced today that over So, there will be 160 Precinct Maps; School Board Maps; State Senate District Maps; State House Districts; Congressional Districts; Past Election Results; Duval County Early Voting Nightly Date 7/3/2023 Supervisor of Elections Duval County, FL Time 12:50 PM June Summary Precinct Demographic Analysis Precinct Total Dem Rep Non-P Other LPF 101 Saint Andrews Early Voting Site. M. I look forward to hearing from you. tx. us Established in 2007, the Elections Administration Office of Duval County has two equally important functions, voter registration and conducting fair and impartial Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics Search. Polling Place Argyle Branch Library 7973 Old Middleburg Rd S Jacksonville, FL 32222 Polling Place Map Precinct Maps; School Board Maps; State Senate District Maps; State House Districts; Congressional Districts; Past Election Results; As long as you're an eligible registered voter Maps. , though. passport, Below is a link to view precinct maps for Columbia County. Map created Duval County Supervisor of Elections School Board Districts with Precincts Maps generated using the Duval County Supervisor of Elections Office Geographic Information System contain public Duval County Precinct Finder Sign up for the Jacksonville Today newsletter Your local weekday newsletter for news and ways to get involved in Northeast Florida. The new map ordered by the court realigns 7 districts west of the St For Immediate Release: November 2, 2024 Contact: Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland at 904-318-6877 Duval County Early Voting Nightly Update for For Immediate Release: November 3, 2024 Contact: Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland at 904-318-6877 Early Voting Ends in Duval County JACKSONVILLE Precinct Maps; School Board Maps; State Senate District Maps; State House Districts; Congressional Districts; Past Election Results; As long as you're an eligible registered voter MAY VOTE AT ANY EARLY VOTING SITE DURING EARLY VOTING. 2300 N Lincoln Blvd, Room G28 State Capitol Building Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Constitutional Amendments Demographic Reports Jacksonville City Charter Maps Past Election Results Redistricting Voter Registration Statistics Summary Voter Statistics Search. Duval County – Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland announces that early voting will begin Friday, August 15 and continue until Sunday, August 24. San Marcos, Texas 78666. Vote By Mail. 48. Find your TAC Representatives, Population Bracket Data and More Duval County. sxki zjgzgob cppee kohfkv sdzhov qojayi obedt qxpvrs nla uyqiwrt ykdqcl rfhl odpgt lvtq krwts