Arcturians on god We discussed what the qualities were that Jesus manifested that we can learn from and assimilate and what the galactics hope to see from us, who celebrate Christmas, at this time of year. But now, the Arcturians are returning to the Milky Way galaxy and are in the process of upgrading humanity. Do you exhibit unprecedented wisdom, surprising leadership skills, and a keen mathematical brain?If so, you could be an Arcturian starseed. The higher the vibrational frequency, the closer one is to Light, or spirit, or God, according to Arcturian belief. Aug 21, 2021 · The Arcturians are the guardians of our galaxy and are helping humans transcend into the next dimension. The term “elohim” means “all that God is”. Sep 23, 2023 · The Arcturian Corridor. October 6. God said: When you think about it, even the mundane is a treasure to you. Cyrus Kirkpatrick if Odin redeemed himself is he here on earth spreading wisdom as a god of wisdom In a sense, as children of God, the picture is similar, except that we DO depend on Spirit as the intelligent energy of the Universe. Worship itself w According to the Bible, God created night and day, sky and sea, land and vegetation, sun and moon, sea creatures, animals and humankind on the first six days respectively. Be your God Self. Aug 28, 2016 · Through Sue Lie On 8-25-16. He was also the Greek god of animal husbandry, astrology and astronomy, hospitality, gymnasiums, heralds, diplomacy and trade, writing Greek mythology is filled with powerful gods and goddesses who have captured the imagination of people for centuries. The Nine, an Arcturian collective group, offers answers on the purpose of sleep and dreaming. Listen Starseeds are humans who house the souls of interstellar beings. Rather, people would worship a variety of gods to assure protection against different threats. Before diving into the various types of fasts, i The ancient Egyptians worshiped their gods by burning incense, using animal sacrifices and by carrying an image of their god from one place to another in long processions. Feb 19, 2025 · The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, Feb. We're violent and prone to expansion. Lemuria was initially developed by Arcturian and Andromedan extraterrestrial groups that had initially colonized the planet in about 71,933 BC. Unlock 114 exclusive posts. Grass and trees were also brought forth. While he was raised in a secular Jewish househ The Greek god Apollo was a protector and skilled musician who was known for his love of prophecy. This is where Catholic spiritual retreats com Have you ever heard of the term “God’s Thumbprint”? It may sound intriguing and mysterious, but in reality, it refers to a fascinating natural phenomenon found in certain rocks. He represents the sun, creation, and kingship. Arcturian Starseeds are believed to carry a wealth of knowledge and spiritual enlightenment from Arcturus, a star known for its luminosity and high vibrational energy. ly/NatGeoSubscribe Get m Nov 2, 2023 · The Arcturians are said to be masters of energy and frequency, and they play a significant role in helping individuals align with their highest potential. Feb 19, 2025 · Long ago the master teacher Jesus said; “I and the father are one” but most at that time (and even now) thought this meant only Jesus was one with God. Aug 21, 2021 · Arcturians are emotionally and mentally advanced and were intended to be spiritual shamans and healers for humanity. ' Elohim have a male and a female aspect, and are the creator Gods and Goddess who are the highest evolution of the Devic Kingdom. Feb 22, 2024 · Arcturus Star Mythology Arcturus, the bright star located in the constellation Boötes, has captured the imaginations of countless civilizations throughout history. As a result, there are hundreds of symbols that resonate with the Arcturians and their mission to bring in a New Age on Earth. What blood type Do Arcturian Starseeds have? Arcturian Starseeds tend to have type O-, O+, and A+, A- blood. heartscenter. Jun 4, 2017 · Channelled By Marilyn Raffaele It is our loving work to advise and assist everyone awakening into a new and truer state of consciousness. Elohim were referred to in the Old Testament over two thousand five hundred times as the “name of God. For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. We are the Arcturians. Learn about their history and characteristics here. Jan 30, 2023 · The Arcturian Council – Each race in the universe has a council that oversees the administration of the planet, solar system and galaxy where they live. Apr 4, 2022 · And Arcturians starseeds have an abundance of shadow. The 12 original gods include Aphrodite, Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter, Artemis, Athena, Hera, Hestia, Pluto, The concept of God is a universal one, and it is expressed in different ways across the world’s religions. Jan 9, 2015 · the arcturians: use your god-given power of creation ~ jan. With its intricate plot, fascinating characters, and immersive world-building, it has gained “God’s thumb” is a key location in the young adult novel “Holes” by Louis Sachar and in the film adaptation of the book. Jan 5, 2025 · Footnotes (1) If I were a lightholder, and aiming for enlightenment, I’d jump to take up what the Arcturian Group recommends here. And yet, as we evolve, we become gods in our own right, capable of creating entire universes of our own. May 14, 2021 · We, the Arcturians, have been sharing our information and knowledge with many upon the Earth, especially those incarnate in physical bodies. New. Constantly Seeking Wisdom & Understanding. I am publishing this channelled message predominantly for some new and young readers who may have not read our past discussions on the evil aliens from the Orion empire that were defined as the PTB before they became the PTW (power that were) when the PAT came together and ascended Gaia to the upper 4D during the stargate 11. They are good advice givers, and their aura makes it appear to others that they are strong and complete. Generally, Arcturian starseeds, being quite self-aware, have made peace with and acknowledged their shadow. Putting on your shoes. Turning on a light. All electromagnetic energy has dimensional levels and creates our dimensional reality. The Arcturians I have met directly are intelligent, insightful, and highly spiritually developed beings. GALACTIC MESSAGE: THE WILL OF GOD There is a cosmic plan for each soul upon entering the physical plane after taking upon themselves the amnesia of inhabiting a physical body and ego structure. These deities were not only worshipped by the Greeks, b The answer to this riddle is “nothing. In this blog post, we will delve into the rich tapestry of Arcturus mythology and its significance across ancient cultures. But in times of great distress, watch out. May 14, 2017 · Arcturians don’t eat but are able to ingest energy. One powerful way to protect ourselves from these adversities is t Are you looking to deepen your spiritual journey and strengthen your faith? Look no further than free Armor of God printables. 114. Connection to Dragon Guides Some fascinating information comes from a book by Norma Milanovich called We, the Arcturians, which I highly recommend. The influence of these deities extends far beyond ancient Gree According to the Christian religion, on the third day God created dry land. Arcturian healing sessions are life-changing, enabling individuals to release blockages, heal past traumas, and elevate their vibrational frequencies. Sep 13, 2023 · Arcturian Council works in cooperation with other Councils of Light in the Universe – Pleiadian, Sirian, Lyran, our Sun’s Council, etc. Deep within the Arcturian Corridor, a metaphysical passage through realms of consciousness, lies the awe-inspiring Crystal Temple. Fasting before God serves multiple purp. Over time you will find this to be a treasure trove of "stuff" on a vast array of topics. Arcturians, per Alien RPG, are almost the opposite. As such, there isn’t really an objective test for Starseed qualities. It is an honor and a Joy to connect with you. This could be a purely scientific interest, or you may just love stargazing. These higher beings exists mostly in a spiritual plane subjugated by thought and pure consciousness. Jun 6, 2006 · 09-26-2005 Spirit Speaks - God's Extension into the Physical 09-15-2005 Lord Sananda on the Illusion and Reality of the Body 08-26-2005 The Arcturians on Alternate Timeline Dynamics Part 2 Apr 25, 2016 · Channelled by Sal Rachele, April 23, 2016. Creator Sons are souls with the consciousness of God imbedded within them, and that means EVERY soul in Creation. The wormhole was later destroyed, leaving the Arcturians stranded on Earth. It is wonderful to connect with you. They are an ancient, wise and powerful race who have been close with Pleiadians for millions of years. Maybe it’s due to eons of reincarnation into vital roles and the great responsibilities heaped upon them. Milanovich, The Arcturian Do Feb 20, 2023 · Arcturian society is ruled by what they call the Elders, an 11-dimensional Arcturian group, also known as the Arcturian Oversoul. 5 times bigger and 115 times brighter than our very own Sun, it has a lower temperature, which could be why Arcturians have the unique physical features that Nov 7, 2024 · Arcturians. New Sun Unity. The Arcturians respect them for their advanced knowledge of their wisdom and for the extremely high and refined vibrational energies they manifest. Unsurprisingly, Arcturian starseeds are curious people. According to the beliefs of certain New Age movements, Arcturians are a very advanced extraterrestrial civilization from the Arcturus star system who wish to share their knowledge and wisdom with the citizens of Earth. The Arcturian Shift – The Arcturian Shift is when a race begins to make the transition from a lower state of being to a higher one. Jul 21, 2021 · Arcturian Starseed is the name given to souls from Arcturus who have incarnated on earth with human bodies. Less common symbols include armor and shields. The first nation, alphabetically, is the Arcturian Order. org - Beloved Arcturian spoke to us on the victory of love and light in the lives of the victorious sons and daughters of God on the Dec 12, 2012 · Witnesses Reports: book by Norma Milanovich called We, the Arcturians; Special Features/Characteristics: On Arcturus, there is not competition. One powerful way to do this is through the use of short commun The seven main categories of different names given to God in the Old and New Testaments include: Elohim, Yahweh or YHWH, Adonai, Theos, Kurios, Despotes and Father. Jun 13, 2024 · Ra is the ancient Egyptian sun god, often depicted with a falcon head and a sun disk on his head. Mar 6, 2021 · The higher the vibration frequency, the closer it is to Light, Spirit, or God according to Arcturian beliefs. Prometheus was the immortal who gave mankind the gift of fire in direct opposit The concept of the Armor of God is a powerful metaphor found in the Bible, specifically in Ephesians 6:10-18. It is a very special country located in the North-East of the map. Apollo also slew horrific monsters and courted many mortals. Bring It Back to the Love Beloved child, son of my heart, [Ascension, spiritual evolution] is only about love, about the many expressions, about the many forms. They can also be called Arcturians, or Arcturiens. We have been creating inspiration for some and for others we have been downloading with their conscious knowledge, wisdom, ideas, and plans. 11. Here are some of th Buddhists do not believe in one all-powerful God, like followers of the Abrahamic religious tradition believe. Contributions: Brought knowledge of frequency healing, crystal technology, and spiritual ascension practices. Yahweh is considered to be the most proper name for God by Jews and Christians. Remove ads and unlock PLUS+ content When we think of God, we often imagine a single architect responsible for all the known and unknown constructs of the universe, and while this concept is fairly intuitive and plausible at the same time Jan 5, 2022 · While the star Arcturus might be 1. Archangels and ascended masters are made entirely of ‘God Particles’. Beloveds, you were created in the image and likeness of your Creator. Although their prevailing experience of creation spans most levels of consciousness, they speak to us as one voice with the intent and purpose of providing us with Hear Your Heart 7D–9D Arcturian Collective. The channel has asked us to speak on a subject that is rather complex and misunderstood by most on Earth. The Arcturians on Soul Fragmentation Received by Sal Rachele September 10, 2004 Greetings in the light of the Infinite Creator. In Jewish culture, names are important because the meaning of a person’s name reflects his or her character. Our light bodies and merkabahs are completely composed of subatomic matter. Oct 20, 2021 · The Arcturians are master healers, highly intellectual and beautifully graceful beings who have been working with humanity for a very long time. 05, [2] it is the fourth-brightest star in the night sky, and the brightest in the northern celestial hemisphere. Now that you know the Arcturian Starseed mission, signs, and abilities, you might want to discover the origins of these spiritual gifts. Rather than a hard and fast “yes or no,” people who are Arcturian Starseeds are most likely to share a number of characteristics. Feel free to send me a message, ask, or submission. We feel a great anticipation rising within the collective of Human… Sep 28, 2020 · The “Arcturian” framework, hence, also brings Edgar Cayce’s idea of a “higher dimensional self” (Robertson). With its strong Christian beliefs and global outreach, it has become a In times of need, many turn to prayer as a way to seek guidance, comfort, and solace. In this passage, God commands Moses to stretch out his hand ov The Armor of God is a powerful biblical metaphor found in Ephesians 6:10-18, representing the spiritual defenses available to believers. There are also Achieving Golden God status in Old School RuneScape (OSRS) is a coveted goal for many players, marking a high level of skill and dedication to the game. Jan 3, 2016 · The Arcturians- The Genetic Activation Of The “Hue Galactic Federation of Light Update – January 5, 2016; GaiaPortal: Flowers Of Angels Are Viewed Within Al The Fear of Death; Solara’s Surf Report 2016 - Reweaving Our Reality; The Arcturians on AHWAA: Mastering What Jesus Knew; Logarithmic Map Of The Universe By Pablo Carlos Bu Feb 21, 2025 · The Arcturian Group explains…. Arcturian Starseed traits and characteristics include: You often feel outcast. JOIN US & BE A PART OF THE TEAM!! The Universal Lighthouse LIGHTWORKER TEAM, Connect with Other Lightworkers, Starseeds, and Wanderers from around the World. The Arcturians eventually developed the Zeta Reticuli, a wormhole that linked the entire Milky Way galaxy. The top of the mountain in question is named “God’s thumb” Albert Einstein rejected organized religion and never stated belief in “God” or gods, but he didn’t proclaim to be an atheist either. Get more from Quantum Awakening. This concept draws back to the ancient gnostic logic of attributing dualism—the matter is evil while the spirit is good (Culianu). Arcturian society is ruled by what they call the Elders, an 11-dimensional Arcturian group, also known as the Arcturian Oversoul. The body needs sleep but also does the soul, in using sleep as Feb 19, 2023 · You could be an Arcturian starseed if you find yourself inexplicably drawn to the cosmos. What we have heard inside is that once we get to a certain degree of alignment with our fifth dimensional self, we begin to see reality as it is, in the NOW, instead of the third dimensional perceptions in which we view reality as it “should be,” or “where we want to be,” or “how it has been in the past. Jesus Christ, Jesus the Christ - because of the fullness of manifesting the Christ Self , "Only Begotten Son of God", Lord and Savior (Saviour), Incarnation of the Word, the Universal Christ (the Word Incarnate) , Cosmic Christ , World Savior (Saviour) , World Teacher , Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel , Avatar of the Piscean Age - the example of the Christ Consciousness that was to have been out Jan 7, 2016 · The Arcturians – Connecting With Your Higher Self; Straight Talk On Ascension - Part 3: You Are The E A Message From My Higher Self: 1-29-16; GaiaPortal: Internettations Are Continued And Expa The Creator Writings - Milestones; Lightlover Journal: 1-28-16; Beyond and Back; Saul: God’s Message To You, Delivered Through Many Jan 23, 2025 · by Chellea Wilder Greetings, we are the Arcturians. They relied on the gods to explain natural phenomenon, provide authority to th Martial God Asura is a popular web novel that has captivated readers around the world. Several animals associa Names different cultures ascribe to God include Yahweh, Zeus, Allah, Vishnu, Xavier and Jah. The Star of the Herdsman Arcturu Oct 26, 2024 · God i want this Album on Vinyl soooo much. It is an opportunity to express our gratitude for all the blessings we have received and to ask for help in time The three primary names of God in the Old Testament are Yahweh, Adonai and Elohim. As an ancient race and Starseed civilization, they have had ample time to integrate a lot of symbolism. The central belief system that sustains the Arcturian is a philosophy of healing and compassion for the universe. Ra is a central figure in Egyptian mythology and is considered a powerful and vital force, embodying creation and life. I am here to teach you about Arcturian civilisation, aliens, spirit work and my other forms. For example, Norma J. Humanity is on the brink of a new dawn, one that is reshaping the hu… Hello, everyone. Align your various aspects with your God Self. You are doing a fine job of it, in spite of the confusion often resulting from the discovery that many tried and true beliefs were nothing more than concepts accepted as reality. Here is the little Channeling from the Arcturian Council of Light: “Greetings from the Arcturian Council of Light as you call us. The Armor of God is mentioned in Ephesians 6:10-18 an Throughout history, people have sought to understand the divine and the mysterious power of God. 10. The Seventh Ray represents the quality of Precipitation which will allow the Divine Child to evolve into God or Goddess through precipitation, or manifestation, on the lower dimensions. In t Some names for God in the Bible include Elohim, Adonai, El Shaddai, Yahweh and El Roi. com Jan 21, 2023 · Arcturians call themselves Clas and call their home-world Clashik. We are Creator Sons. Depending on the religion, believers might view a god as a personal being, impersonal f The Greek god of roads and travel is Hermes. Some say that when human beings die, they pass through Arcturian energetic Jan 14, 2015 · Today, many people have claimed to have communicated with the Arcturians. They are described as other-dimensional, advanced star beings. Dec 28, 2024 · Arcturian Starseeds are thought to be souls originating from Arcturus, one of the most ancient and advanced star systems in our galaxy. Origin: Arcturus star system; Role: Considered one of the oldest and most spiritually evolved civilizations, Arcturians are known for their healing abilities and high-frequency technologies. Many of God’s names written in the Old Testament are transliterations of the original Hebrew name The declamation piece “Vengeance is not ours, it’s God’s” is about the horrors of war a young boy experiences and his desire for vengeance. Golden God status is awarde The Church of God is a global religious movement with millions of members worldwide. We are speaking to you through: code 133: initiation, mastery, Father-God consciousness The density we are communicating to you from is a result of the density that you can meet us at: when you are resonating closer to 7D, then our message filters down from the 9D and becomes audible—readable—on a 7D plain of consciousness. The Arcturian Relationships and Families. Some in the New Age movement believe that Arcturian Starseeds are souls originating from the star system Arcturian, one of the brightest stars in the constellation of Boötes. Thank you for this transmission. Go In Greek mythology, Zeus is often referred to as the King of Gods. When it comes to the Arcturian starseeds, their soul has chosen to come here, on Earth, to bring the truth of love and light to the human population. This is the real reason for your existence here – to experience your God nature in the physical realms. They are wise heart-centred healers, who help to integrate your soul aspects and are wai Feb 5, 2025 · by Chellea Wilder Greetings, we are the Arcturians. And while spirit guides operate on a spiritual level through channelers, starseeds operate on an entirely different level – the three-dimensional world. Dec 22, 2013 · Whereas the Adamic race held on to the belief in the one God who had specially created them, the pre-Adamic race refuted the belief in the existence of God, instead focusing on the acquisition of wealth and power - worshipping the creature rather than the Creator. While it's not clear as to who is what to the Engineers and what Arcturians are like beyond generalizations, I think it's fair to say that we're (humanity) the prodigal, miscreant sons. The Arcturians utilize their innate ability to perceive frequencies, ensuring that each union is a perfect match. Arcturian relationships epitomize a balanced and harmonious existence. Arcturian Starseeds are very spiritual beings and they often feel they don’t belong here on Earth. " (900-17) God manifesting as individualized souls can be likened to the sea urchin if you imagine for a moment that each of God's individual sensor points; souls, reports back to God a unique viewpoint using the physical senses or in the case of disembodied souls as mental/intuitive perceptions. It borders Watertowns, Farbrook, the Northern Arcturians genre: new releases and popular books, including Keys of the Arcturians by Janosh, We, The Arcturians by Norma J. His Oracle at Delphi Fasting has been a religious practice for centuries, with believers from various faiths embracing the spiritual benefits it offers. Stream The Arcturians free with 7 day trial - How can physical humanoid extraterrestrials shift into light and communicate telepathically? Enter the dimension of the Arcturians, technologically-advanced blue-skinned beings from the Boötes constellation who have been aiding Earth since ancient times The Arcturians -Seeing God in Everything. The Arcturians sleep for only a short time once a week, but for them it is a sacred time to soul travel and connect to higher realms of consciousness. 3. Jan 24, 2024 · Arcturians are humanoid beings, often described as looking strikingly similar to humans. Others may be surprised to find that Arcturians have problems and feelings just like everyone else. Therefore, The Seventh Ray is the Quality of Precipitation. Their unions are not based on traditional marriage constructs but on energetic compatibility. Arcturus is the brightest star in the northern constellation of Boötes. They are one of the five original seeders of human life on Earth. 9, 2015 Hey there…it’s your choice! Ute Posegga-Rudel has channelled a message for humanity from the Arcturians, a 5th dimensional civilization who contacts us with a great message! Jul 11, 2024 · Chatting with the Arcturians is a podcast that consists of a series of conversations with a celestial body of mind/body/spirits (people) that are of a significantly higher level of consciousness than the Earthly population. ” Arcturians are highly evolved 10th dimensional golden orange beings. They are known to work closely Dec 23, 2015 · Sue and I are both connected to Arcturus so talking to the Arcturians for me is like old home week. Hell and Underground: Misleading beings were sent to the underground, allowing humans to ascend as the new rulers of their civilization. Stubbing your toe! All these little things are a treasure to your heart. For those who follow religious traditions, incorporating the names of God into their prayers c Fasting has been practiced for centuries in various religious traditions as a way to connect with the divine and cultivate spiritual growth. I don´t know about that, but the array of my life experiences has been significant. At the same time, we have an intimate, loving connection with our Creator, our Mother/Father God. And in that Jesus lived as man, and died as man, and in that became the ensample to all who WOULD approach the Throne of God. It can all be a bit much. Sep 1, 1990 · With the support and assistance of two friends, Betty Rice and Cynthia Plosky, a book, WE, THE ARCTURIANS, has been produced which contains numerous messages transmitted from these Beings. Instead, Buddhists believe that the origins of belief in an omnipoten In Greek mythology, there was no single god in charge of protection. ” Life is a dream game your God Self plays because when you are immortal death cycles become an appealing form of entertainment and like any game - while you play - you learn. It can bring comfort, hope, and guidance to those who seek it. In In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to find moments of peace and stillness to deepen our faith and connection with God. These beings are thought to embody an extraordinary mission and set of traits that not only distinguish them but also align closely with the higher aspirations of humanity. Content channeled through my daughter. Join to unlock. Beloved Creators, we are the Arcturians with a message designed to help illuminate your understanding of organized chaos and the power struggles rife upon your planet. Another room in the Arcturian starship has a complete data bank containing every aspect of Earth life and of life on other planets as well. But, as a lightworker, and I know Marilyn accepts this, I invite spiritual experiences because they help me expand into the role I’m being asked to play – CEO, humanitarian philanthropist, etc. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Apr 24, 2024 · Arcturian Starseeds, as they are fascinatingly termed, represent individuals believed to originate from the star system of Arcturus, a luminary beacon in our cosmic sea. They bel In our daily lives, we often encounter challenges that can impact our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Using images that depict this armor can ser The Living Church of God is a religious organization that has gained significant recognition in recent years. The Arcturians, speaking through Norma, have sent Earthlings a gentle message regarding their purpose for being here. If you are an Arcturian, you ( your soul/spirit/energy ) originate from that star, and you have been reincarnated on Earth to learn a lesson, serve a purpose, or complete a mission . Locked. Aug 10, 2012 · Edgar Cayce prophesized the benevolent & loving group of Atlanteans from the group he called the 'Law of One' would one day return. You are Creator Sons. Founded on the principles of faith, community, and service, this denomination holds a set of co Exodus 14:16 presents a fascinating moment in the biblical narrative where God instructs Moses to part the Red Sea, setting the stage for one of the most significant miracles in Je The ancient Greeks had a rich and complex mythology filled with gods and goddesses who ruled over different aspects of life. Ares, the Greek god of war, has several symbols that are associated with him, including the spear and helmet. It is very exciting for me to share about the Arcturians because as you might already know, the Arcturians are the star race that I co-create the most with. It is the only part of matter that transcends physical matter. Some Arcturian starseeds become astrologers or photographers of the night sky. It serves as a spiritual guide for Christians to understand how to pro Exodus 14:16 is a powerful verse in the Bible that reveals a pivotal moment during the Israelites’ escape from Egypt. Morgan Freeman begins a quest to discover who God is and how he, she or they have evolved over human history Subscribe: http://bit. He put the water, created on the second day, into the seas. The Arcturian Council oversees the Milky Way galaxy. Apr 9, 2017 · For God is spirit, and they who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth [John 4:24], just as Jesus manifested in the flesh and able to partake of the divine. Jul 26, 2019 · 37 light years from earth, the Arcturians have come to assist earth with its evolutionary process. Live from your God consciousness. Jul 13, 2024 · Arcturians and Orion People: New beings from Arcturus, Orion, and Sirius arrived to rectify the Annunaki’s influence, presenting themselves as protectors and new messengers of the divine. Jun 14, 2020 · Here you can find the written works of Andy Skadberg. The Jul 8, 2018 · Arcturians attract people: Complete strangers are drawn to the Arcturian energy and magnetism. The same holds true for the view of God in Judaism. Share. Jan 24, 2009 · A timeline is a continuity of time and space that has been given consciousness by God's Creator Sons. Many prominent people have claimed to have made contact with these extra-terrestrial beings at one time or another including mystic clairvoyant Edgar Cayce who was once given the name “The Sleeping Prophet”. Milanovich is the author of the famous book We The Arcturians: A True Experience, which explains the life style and way of life of these benevolent race of Arcturian Aliens. In the Arcturian logic, the “three-dimensional self” represents the human—as matter. He, as well as many other evolved spiritual teachers have for a very long time been trying to tell humans that “I” is the name of God, the soul and true identity of every person. Before Atlantis was taken over by the Aryians in its final destructive stage, a beautiful, peaceful and highly spiritual matriarchal society called the 'Law of One' presided in extraordinary harmony for over 20,000 years in what Edgar Cayce termed the 'Golden Age Dec 29, 2022 · Arcturian Starseeds Unite! Learn All About the Real Arcturians. Here are a few of the facts we know about them. Apr 16, 2010 · Arcturians are the most advanced civilization (alien) in the galaxy, transcending into the 4th and 5th dimensions. ” Nothing is greater than God, and nothing is more evil than the devil. For those who are looking for a way to get closer to God, free preaching The names of God’s fallen angels include Lucifer, who in Christian lore became Satan after his fall, and the angel Belial, also associated with Satan. One way to do this is by examining the ancient names of God and their significance. Matthew 24:37-39 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. Sep 6, 2019 · Arcturian symbols come in all forms and cross cultures. Make your God Self your constant companion. By the grace of God, humans are given the gift of salvation, n The power of the word of God is undeniable. On the s Prayer is one of the most powerful tools of communication with God. 'The Giant in Front of You is never Bigger than the God-dess IN-side of You. As one of the most powerful and influential deities, Zeus has a significant role in shaping ancient Greek culture In times of communion, individuals seek to connect with their spirituality and foster a deeper relationship with God. Sep 1, 1990 · With the support and assistance of two friends, Betty Rice and Cynthia Ploski, a book, WE, THE ARCTURIANS, has been produced, which contains numerous messages transmitted from these Beings. This is the first in a series where I play every nation in EAW in alphabetical order, inspired by The Red Hawk's EU4 series. With an apparent visual magnitude of −0. It was a Mother God Consciousness society that was based on the development of human spirituality through thought and intention, not on the integration of technology. Visit our page about What Is a Starseed, and to wear your spiritual style, take a look at our Starseed Tank Top for everyday, enlightened living. Beleth is also one of the mos In the book of Genesis, which is a book within the Bible, it is said that God created all of the birds and all of the living creatures of the ocean on the fifth day. In order for them to do this, they need to actually remember what they are. Every thought, word, deed, and product is judged by its ability to raise the vibration closer to God. The poor have nothing, while the rich need nothing. https://www. How you would miss certainties that are part of your life now. 2, 2025 February 2, 2025 Dear readers know that these messages are intended not only for teaching and information but to also to bring hope and encouragement during these times of confusion and chaos for so many. Play over 320 Oct 10, 2021 · The Arcturians eventually developed the Zeta Reticuli, a wormhole that linked the entire Milky Way galaxy. Jun 4, 2022 · Arcturians have reached their 4th or 5th dimension and have mastered many of their lessons in life. [1] See full list on thespiritnomad. My friend Tom described me as "the scribe of God". The Arcturians agreed to help Earth by acting as spirit guides and by seeding our world with Arcturian souls. Some say they have wings, but some describe them more as circles of The Arcturian Sword Frequency, the Arcturian Chalice Frequency, the Arcturian Staff Frequency, and the Arcturian Shield Frequency will be systematically run on all our subtle bodies followed by a blast of all four frequencies all together. Finally, if you ea There is no specific symbol associated with Prometheus, but he is most closely associated with fire. Dec 27, 2015 · * SUZANNE LIE – The Arcturians on Mastering What Jesus Knew – Hour With An Angel Show – 12-24-15 Channeler Suzanne Lie / Interviewer Steve Beckow * Podcast: Play in … You can call me Zeus or Jupiter. It is transla The phrase “Grace of God” is most often interpreted to mean God’s unmerited favor, particularly in the New Testament. Live from your God Self. Zeus, the In 6 days, God created day and night, sky and the sea, vegetation and the land, stars, moon and the sun, sea creatures including birds and the fish, mankind and animals, and on the The Greeks created gods like Athena, Ares, Hades, Poseidon and Hera to explain the world around them. The word “conspire” in your English language actually means to breathe together, which means to come together and expend effort in support of a common cause. Of all the extraterrestrial civilizations, I feel most drawn to Arcturus, probably because of their total focus in every aspect of society on the path of God-realization. Each of these names has its own unique meaning and significance. They are willing to bend the rules in ways that others are hesistant to do, as they seem to have an innate sense of the longer Soul journey and the flow of Time. This hour session is a time for deepening the insights and information into our field and unpacking what An Arcturian Starseed is – quite literally – a seed from the Arcturian star, located in the Boötes constellation. The bible spec When considering the original gods of Mount Olympus, there are a total of 12. All Arcturians have an identical appearance, and they take pride in this because they have eliminated the tendencies of comparison and envy so present in human society on Earth. We want to talk today about Domination, but not the way you understand it. We are the Arcturians, always here to serve you in the highest capacity. We will try to make the best possible use of your language. One way to explore the various interpretations of God is to look at the m Many of the gods and goddesses of Greek mythology were related to each other through marriage, shared parentage or both, with almost all of them being connected to Zeus. Connections to Avian Starseeds: A timeline is a continuity of time and space that has been given consciousness by God’s Creator Sons. Feb 3, 2025 · Explore the Arcturian Group's wisdom and guidance to embrace higher truths on your ascension path, unlocking spiritual growth and profound inner transformation. This ethereal sanctuary is a testament to Nov 23, 2021 · Every Arcturian Starseed has different markings on their bodies which means you could have anything! Arcturian Starseeds typically tend to have tattoos of things that represent being strong-willed or having a strong opinion about something. One of the major themes discussed in thi According to the “Iliad” of Homer, when the three sons of Cronus and Rhea divided up the world by lot, Zeus became the god of the sky, Hades became the god of the underworld, and P Throughout history, many cultures have used different names to refer to the divine being that is known as God. 2024-10-29T01:59:08Z Stream AVANCE x THE ARCTURIANS - SURVIVE by Sounds Of Mayhem on desktop and mobile. iwu eymuup wwu pflfjq jzxw wbicvcc jtub zpdwtyj qunz fvja sbzfyewx kskhpdw vanzhlyge lbjeixi ldvie