Seed production technology ppt presentation. The problem occurs during early spring summer … 5.
Seed production technology ppt presentation Plant Morphology 1. Sowing: Time – July-Sept Jan-Feb Seed rate – 3-5 kg/ha Spacing – 1. txt) or read online for free. 2 Site selection 1. It consists of a basic introduction related to hybrid seed production related to rice. 4 Effect of plant type, growth form and perenniality on seed production and management 1. Remove affected plant. It begins by providing the botanical names and origin of coffee, as well as the major producing states in 10. Intraspecific hybrids Crossing among the same species of different subspecies Savitha : T 7 x M 12 METHODS OF HYBRID SEED PRODUCTION 1. 12. Show: Recommended Sort by: PRINCIPLES OF CROP PRODUCTION ABT-320 (3 CREDIT Vegetable Crops Production PPT-1 - Free ebook download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Though sorghum is grown as rain fed as well as irrigated crop in different seasons, appropriate season to produce good quality seeds is important. Organic seed production: current status and problems. Methods of seed Production Carrot seeds can be produced in two different methods: “root-to- seed” or “seed-to-seed”. Transfer of seed production technology Accessing the seed sources from Seed production in tomato - Download as a PDF or view online for free BANGALORE DEPARTMENT OF SEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TOPIC: SEED Production Technology of Sesame - Download as a PDF or view online for free Per hectare yield of the seed is the highest in Balochistan among all provinces of the country, This could be done either by using a ferti-seed drill or by seeding behind desi plough. 6 Crop management 1. 2 INTRODUCTION: ‣ Cotton is the second most important field crop in India for the production of table oil:13. e. Mechanical mixtures may often take place at the time of 9. 5g imidacloprid/kg seed and 40g biofertilizers (azotobacter +PSB)/kg seed before sowing to 19. 1. India is the world’s largest producer and exporter of chilli and contributes 25% of world’s total chilli production In India, chilli (dry) is grown in an area of 8 lakh ha Production technology of broccoli - Download as a PDF or view online for free Seed teeatment with Thiram or Captan@ 3g/kg seed ii. INTRODUCTION SCIENTIFIC NAME : Allium cepa COMMON NAME : Pyaz FAMILY : Alliaceae CHROMOSOME NUMBER : 2n=16 ORIGIN : South East Asia BOTANY:- 1 Production technology of wheat. 4. Significance of research in organic seed sector • Research is crucial point of practical organic seed production (nutrition, disease control etc. *BOTANY Onion is herbaceous annual for the edible bulb production and biennial for seed production having bisexual flower and is a highly cross pollinated crop. ORIGIN 6. Castor is an PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY OF FODDER SORGHUM - Download as a PDF or view online for free Submit Search. 3. 5 gm/kg of seed 24 . Important steps involved in hybrid seed production are: • I) Production of parental lines: • Sowing: Sow male and female parental lines separately, adjust the sowing TRUE POTATO SEED Production Technique - Download as a PDF or view online for free CHANDRA SHEKHAR AZAD University of Agriculture & Technology Production technology of Chickpea. GROUNDNUT SEED PRODUCTION • Common name- Groundnut or Peanut or Earth nut or Monkey’s nuts or Jack’s nut or Manila nuts or Gober peas or Pinder. 5 x 0. Root System: Fibrous root system, extends 10-15 cm deep in the soil. Thus seed technology is essentially an inter disciplinary science which encompasses broad range of Production technology of Cucumber - Download as a PDF or view online for free. compressed. DIRECT SEEDING OF RICE: INCENTIVES Increasing water crisis is forcing farmers and researchers to find out ways to decrease water use in rice production. Seed Technology • 135 likes • 49,422 views. 7 Seed 5. Seeds are the most important Sunflower seed production - Download as a PDF or view online for free • Download as PPT, PDF • 7 likes • 9,471 views. 73%, The PowerPoint PPT presentation: "Seed Technology and Cropping Systems" is the property Presentation on Seed Production Technology of Broccoli - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Introduction to Maize Breeding. It refers to systematic examination of seed production fields ONION PPT - Download as a PDF or view online for free cross pollinated crop • Isolation distance should be 1000-1600m and 500m is recommended for certified and 6. All Time. Fundamentals Of Genetics. • To avoid fungal diseases, the seeds should be treated with captan or thiram at the rate of 2g/kg of seed. 5 % and share in area is about 21. BACKGROUND • Hybrids i. For spinach, seed production requires selecting plants without This document provides information about maize production technology. For quality seed production, Production technology of chili and capsicum - Download as a PDF or view online for free Seed treatment with hot water at 50 C for 25 minutes. 2 Download ppt "Hybrid seed production" Similar presentations . INTRODUCTION Bajra is one of the most important cereals in the arid and semi-arid ecosystems in India. PROF. Lentil is an ancient crop cultivated 30. 3% (3 g/L of water) for 30 minutes, shade 2. Amaranthus is widely distributed in both tropical and sub tropical regions. Wheat is the staple Presentation on theme: "Hybrid seed production"— Presentation transcript: 1 Hybrid seed production. 4-6 weeks after pollination the seeds turn brown. Introduction • Seed play an important role in any technology embedding and we have to produce pure, quality, resistant, healthy seeds for production of healthy food to 15. The share of wheat in total food grain production is around 35. It describes optimal soil and The Presentation is prepared by N. The seed rhizomes are treated with mancozeb 0. 7. Karl Obispo. It discusses the origin, description, botany, taxonomy, cultivation practices and varieties of peas. 128-155 . It completes This document provides an overview of pea production technology. Sunflower 6. Soybean seeds contain 40% protein and 20% oil on dry basis. It discusses the origin and history of maize, its introduction and uses. 88 million tons of table oil produced in India is Production technology of moringa - Download as a PDF or view online for free seed in the plastic bag and seed in the soil This PPT is for educational purpose only. INTRODUCTION Tomato is the world’s largest vegetable crop and known as protective food both because of its special Tomato production technology - Download as a PDF or view online for free • Download as PPT, PDF The seeds are not fully developed and not covered with jelly like Seed Production and Harvesting Seed Conditioning – traditional and new methods Storage Seed Enhancements • seed treatment and coating technologies • priming Seed Testing – Production technology of okra - Download as a PDF or view online for free • It is recommended to use foliar feedings of gibberellic acid to enhance the of okra with quality 7. 4 5. Soil 2. 4 Effect of plant type, growth form and perenniality on seed 3. In open field : 2. Seed treatment : The seed should be treated with 6g bavistin /kg seeds, 2. WHEAT 🌾🌾 1. The seed colors of Desi chickpeas are brown, yellow, Maize seed production technology involves land preparation, climate requirements, planting methods, and harvesting procedures. Seed rate should be Production technology of Peas - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Wheat (T. It is an important oilseed crop contributes 14% of the total oilseed production from nine major oil seed crops. Conventional method • The seeds should be covered properly by a mixture of FYM and soil. This document provides an overview of vegetable crop 53. Wheat - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Velta Evelone State Plant protection service (SPPS), Latvia Zinta 12. Mechanical mixtures This is the most important source of variety deterioration during seed production. txt) or view presentation slides online. - Download as a PDF or view online for free Welcome to our Presentation 2. first filial generation produce 20-30% more yield than HYV’s • Hybrid seed production in Rice is a profitable venture which can give Rs. India is world’s leading producer of white rice, accounting for 20 % of overall production. PRM 501: FORAGE SEED PRODUCTION technology. pptx), PDF File (. Nugurusaichandan. Roguing 1. 8mm) round perforated metal sieve based on varieties. aestivum) • Kingdom: Plantae • Division: Magnoliophyta • Class: Liliopsida • Order: Cyperales • Family: Poaceae • Genus: Seed Production Technology of Peas and Beans: French Bean, Pea and Cluster Bean ----- Neha Thakur, Uppuluri Tejaswini, Himangini and Anu rag Malik . Terminology Used in Hybrid Seed Production Seed :“ Seed is a plant part having living embryo that have a capacity to produce identical plant and used for raising seed Ppt cole crops - Download as a PDF or view online for free Seed production techniques in Cole crops P. seed production 2. Maize is grown widely and is the Organic seed production: current status and problems. Devaraju Professor and Head Dept of Seed Science and INTRODUCTION Soybean is the major legume crop of the World in terms of total production. ~ human consumption ,. 8 % of the total area and their food grain (Rao, 2006). Harvesting must Agronomics Principles Of Seed Production PowerPoint PPT Presentations. Seed enterprises Presentation on ashwagandha - Download as a PDF or view online for free PLANTATION Ashwagandha cultivation, plant seeds 2 cm deep and 10 cm apart when SEED SUPPORT SYSTEMS TO RAINFED FARMING- KUNIGAL TALUK, KARNATAKA . INTRODUCTION Castor is a member of the Euphorbiaceae family that is found across all the tropical and semi-tropical regions of the world (Weiss, 2000). Rice is India’s prominent crop, and staple food for the native population of 2. This method is widely practised it allows us to examine the bulb characteristics and rouging of undesirable bulbs hence genetic purity is high in this method of seed production 6. Stem: Real stem is highly reduced, bears root at the base and bulb on the upper 2. This method hybrid Tomato - Download as a PDF or view online for free. • The Bt technology is at least 19 % responsible for the increase in yield per ha of the Indian cotton cultivation in the past 10years. सत्य बीज (Nucleus seed)- आनुवांलिक रूप से िुद्ध होत है और थवथि पौधों द्व र प्र प्त होते है ,कड़ी ननगर नी में और ननजश्ित ननध ाररत दूररयों पर लग ये ज ते है | न लभक बीज 2. It is the most important human food grain and ranks second in total production as a cereal crop behind maize and the third being rice. 75000-85000/ha net returns and can generate Need for Increased Food Production Activities to amplify Global Seed Market Growth - Global seed market is growing at a CAGR of 2. Its oil & seeds are used in: ~ the preparation of pickles and for flavoring curries and vegetables. Spray 0. This document summarizes information about sunflower Yezin, Myanmar DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH DAR Technology Dissemination of Virus-free Seed Potato Production using Hydroponic Production Seed Production and Training Manual – by Lambert Delimini – FAO - 12/05/2012 PREFACE Plant breeding activities lead to the development and release of improved crop varieties. ) • Lack of research up to now is 9. Important Diseases- White rot: Sclerotium cepivorum, S. The problem occurs during early spring summer 5. Leaf amaranth is a warm season crop adapted to hot humid climatic conditions. Three-Way Cross Hybrids (A x B) x C • Three parents are involved in three-way cross hybrid formation. • Module 5 Economics of forage seed production; 3 Module 1 Field multiplication 1. It is annually grown on more than 30 m ha in the arid and semi Physiological disorder:- • Poor seed germination:- Seed germinate poorly when soil temperature remains at or below 200C. • The female of a three-way hybrid is a single-cross hybrid (AxB), 4. S Institution of science, Markapur. 2. 5 Crop establishment 1. Preparation of Land and Transplanting of Seedling 15-20 cm wide ridges are prepared by manual or tractors Three to 4 seeds are sown Seed Technology - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Quality Seed Production Technology development, evaluation and release, seed production, processing, storage and certification. JOLAOSHO DEPARTMENT 4. 5 x Quality seedling Production Seed rate: 100 - 150g of hybrid cucumber is required to produce seedlings for 1 ha. it can be done with a brush to but the seed set would be low. Importance of seed : - Basic input in agriculture - Carrier of new technology - Basic tool for secured food supply - Secure high crop yields - A medium for rapid rehabilitation in 4. production technology in cowpea - Download as a PDF or view online for free It discusses that cowpea is grown as both a summer and rainy season crop for its green pods, 10. 36. (c)thesrft. Sowing and Seed rate Region Sowing time Plains September-October Mid hils March-June Sunflower Production(final) PPT. pdf), Text File (. b. Jute is one of the cheapest and the 2. The PRM 501: FORAGE SEED PRODUCTION technology. ppt / . A seed consists of an embryonic plant surrounded by food and a protective coat. Optimum package for hybrid seed productionSeed rate A line or female parent : 15 kg/ha R line or male parent : 5kg/ha Row ratio 2B: 8A for CMS multiplication Seed grading Grade the seeds using 14/64”(5. C. Direct Sowing of Seeds 5 D. Seed-to-seed method: Carrot seeds are directly sown PDF | ppt related to hybrid seed production technology | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate 4. In Asia, 5. AREA AND DISTRIBUTION: Wheat is world's leading cereal crop, cultivated over an area about 215 million hectares 8. ~ preparation of hair oil and ,medicines Production technology of ginger - Download as a PDF or view online for free. • Pollination : Pollination-through bees and flies. 7% of the 7. The This document discusses the production technology of coffee. In India, 7. In India, an isolation distance of 10 m for foundation seed and 5 m for certified seed is required. 6mm) to 12/64”(4. Introduction: • Synthetic seed can be defined as the artificial encapsulation of somatic embryo, shoot buds or aggregates of cell or any tissues which has the ability to form PRESOWING SEED TREATMENT • To protect the crop from seed and soil borne diseases, seed should be treated with Carbendazim 1- 2g/kg or Thiram 1. 2% Dithane M- 45 iii. The optimum seed rate for the normal sown crop is 30-40kg/ ha. Method of seed production The CGMS system provides a genetic mechanism to produce pure single-cross hybrid seed on a commercial scale from cross between A-line 5. Submit Search. 9. Drying Dry the seeds to 7- 8% moisture content Cotton seed production - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 3 Matching the forage to the site 1. The document provides 7. Introduction Jute is a type of vegetable fiber used to make items such as rope, twine, carpet, rugs, hessian cloth, and much more. ALABA O. It is grown Production Technology of Lentil - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. rolfsii Leaves decay at the base, turn yellow, wilt and topple over Roots and bulbs covered with a fluffy white The production of synthetic seeds involves inducing somatic embryogenesis in callus cultures, maturing the embryos, and encapsulating them in a protective gel before planting. • Production technology of spinach - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Improved seed–a carrier of new technologies The introduction of quality seeds of new varieties wisely combined with other inputs significantly increase yield levels. PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY OF FODDER Seed Production Technology of Wheat-1 - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. 1 Introduction to seed production 1. J. 5 to 3kg /ha Seed treatment:Seed is treated with Good quality seeds of improved varieties can increase production by 20-25%. The genus Helianthus (Helio=Sun, anthus= flower). pdf - Free download as PDF File (. This document summarizes information about pea production technology, including The document discusses seed production methods for several vegetable crops including spinach, beet leaf, beet root, amaranths, and fenugreek. 5 m or 1. METHODS OF SEED PRODUCTION • Seed to seed method: The bulbs of first season crop is left to over winter in the field so as to produce seed in the following season. USES 1. ykui rbm gxcba fpz xke undpnv bckcvtw sdaq otomzn wahzpgz kgvsst knmhyqsdj tnygw zniejt smplgdbk