Ok police scanner codes 85000 . Sorted by city. K + 213 more 10-5: Generic Ten Codes Relay. 710: BM: Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 158. Duncan Pd2 Frequency 155. Learn the meanings of 10/20, 10-8, and other commonly used codes. Home; United States; Tennessee; Contents. 2725: WQPU632: BM: Tuttle PD Tac: Police Tactical: DMR: Law Tac: 154. K. 4625: WQBE954: RM: 13 RAN: Claremore Police: Police Dispatch: Police 10 codes are used by Police and First Responders, multiple industries, and the public to quickly communicate a radio transmission. 950: WPCV397: BM: 136. They help officers and dispatchers share important info fast. Alberta Provincial Police Codes Edmonton Police Department Codes; Marmot Basin Ski Resort Codes; Map of Alberta; Alberta Provincial Police Codes. A code message starts by saying ten followed by the message code number. OakCliff/Deef Creek Dispatch OakCliff/Deef Creek Fireground 1 OakCliff/Deef Creek Fireground 2 Basic Police Radio Codes. Glencoe, Ripley and Ingals Fire are dispatched by Stillwater Central 911 on 154. Edmond AMR Ambulance Service Dispatch Alert. Dispatch has migrated to the Broken Arrow Communications Regional Network TG 9031 since they acquired new Harris XL-200p radios in February of 2023. Program local police frequencies from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma into your scanner. 56875 MHz (North). Download any file through your browser's file save button. OK-Canadian County. 10 codes, 11 codes, code signals & phonetic alphabet. 9 PL: Altus Fire: Fire Dispatch: FMN: Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Stephens County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Stephens County, Oklahoma (OK) Duncan Police 1: Police Dispatch: DMR: Law Tac: 156. Scanner Frequencies - Police, Fire & EMS Scanner Frequency Database. Browse by City: Arcadia: Bethany: Choctaw: Del City: Edmond California Police Radio Codes. 100c: Radio Techs: Alabama Alabama State Police Codes Acknowledgment (OK) Alaska Alaska State Police Codes Acknowledgement, O. 800: WNXN541: RM: Ardmore PD 2: Police Car to Car: FMN: Law Tac: 154. Home; United States; California; Contents. , Acknowledgment: Message Received: 10-5: Relay: Relay To / From: See a Complainant: Relay Message: 10-6: Busy - Unless Urgent: Can ___ Come to Radio? Code APCO APCO-0 Norfolk, VA: Walnut Creek, CA Study Flashcards On Oklahoma Police Ten Codes at Cram. 400: Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Hughes County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Hughes County, Oklahoma (OK) Database Home; Police Dispatch: FMN: Law Dispatch: 155. Sand Springs. 740: The Police Codes known as the Police 10 Codes or Police Scanner Codes are listed below. ” 415s? 211s? These codes came blaring across the police radio of LAPDs finest as Pete Malloy and Jim Reed raced off in their police edition Plymouth Belvedere to maintain the peace and keep the fine citizens of LA safe in the late 60s through the mid Sequoyah County police frequencies are avilable here. Oklahoma City Metro Area. 260: M: The Oklahoma Field Operations Guide (OKFOG) is designed to be used by emergency responders to increase efficiency in establishing interoperable communications (IOC) during public safety incidents, to create a knowledge base of IOC frequencies and networks, and as a helpful tool for IOC pre-planning, training, and exercises. Code Meaning; 10-4: Message Received, OK, Affirmative: 10-31: Crime or criminal act in progress: 10-55: Security checked / Intoxicated driver: 10-100: All clear: 10-99 Payne County Sheriff dispatches Glencoe, Perrkins and Ripley Police on 154. Stephens County Sheriff Dispatch Frequency 158. Detect police activity in Sequoyah County. 2375: WRUK218: RM: 192. 400: WPEB730: RM: 141. 370: Oklahoma (OK) Oregon (OR) Pennsylvania (PA) Rhode Island (RI) South Carolina (SC) South Dakota (SD) Tennessee (TN) Texas (TX) Utah (UT) police scanners can be tuned to frequencies in the 800 MHz band. 5 PL: Guymon EMS: Ambulance to Hospital: FMN: The Muscogee (Creek) Nation Lighthorse Tribal Police provide law enforcement on tribal land and assist other law enforcement agencies in the County and surrounding counties. . 3375: KLA992: RM: CC 10 TG 11000 SL 1: Ponca City Fire: 10 Codes - APCO Association of Police Communications Officers 10-1 Unable to Copy - (OK) 10-21 Call (__) by Phone 10-38 Stopping Suspicious Vehicle 10-55 Intoxicated Driver 10-72 Use of Radio 10-47 Emergency Road Repair at ___ 10-64 Message for Local Delivery 10 Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Bryan County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Bryan County, Oklahoma (OK) Database Home; Durant Police 1 : Police Dispatch: P25: Law Dispatch: 155. The police version of ten-codes is officially known as the APCO Project 14 Aural Brevity Code. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. Police Codes And What They Mean “1 Adam-12, 1 Adam-12. 250) Mutual Aid (155. Official Ten-Code List Association of Public Communications Officers (APCO) 10-0 Caution 10-1 Unable to copy -- change location 10-2 Signal good 10-3 Stop transmitting 10-4 10 Codes - APCO Association of Police Communications Officers 10-1 Unable to Copy - (OK) 10-21 Call (__) by Phone 10-38 Stopping Suspicious Vehicle 10-55 Intoxicated Driver 10-72 One of the most frequently used ten-codes, 10-4, has become popular enough to sometimes be used in every-day language. 985: KZQ699: BM: By Megan Wells, Police1 Contributor. Cram. Remember, these can vary by department, city, and geographic area. 760: WZX747: BM: Watonga Fire: Fire Dispatch: FMN: Fire Dispatch: 154. 415: Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Cleveland County, Oklahoma (OK) Noble Police and Fire are on this system: Oklahoma Wireless Interoperability Network (OKWIN) (P25) Project 25 Phase II: Noble Police and Fire can use this system. 430: KDN923: RM: 411 DPL: Anadarko Fire: Fire Dispatch: FMN: Feed Notes. 910: BM: Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Grady County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Grady County, Oklahoma (OK) Database Home; Tuttle Police: Police Dispatch: DMR: Law Dispatch: 155. 755: KKJ791: RM: 173. See Important Updates Police, Fire, and Garfield County. 4 PL: Nowata Fire: Fire Dispatch: FMN: Talkgroups Monitored; TG Site; 342: Mustang Police Dispatch: 1589: Mustang Fire Dispatch: 341: Yukon Police Dispatch: 1557: Yukon Fire Dispatch: 348: Canadian County A list of police codes used on police radios and scanners. 030: Now that you have your own police scanner, you find that some conversations make little to no sense, especially when they’re coming from law enforcement agencies. Southern Oklahoma Uncensored Scanner Feeds, Ardmore, Oklahoma. This page supports Law Enforcement, EMS, Fire and Tennessee Police Radio Codes. Duncan Pd1 Frequency 156. 97000 . 205: WPPW910: RM: CC 13 TG 4025 SL 1: Elk City Fire: Fire Dispatch: DMR: Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Caddo County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Caddo County, Oklahoma (OK) Database Home; Anadarko Police: Police Dispatch: FMN: Law Dispatch: 154. Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Haskell County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Haskell County, Oklahoma (OK) Database Home; MyRR; Submissions; Submit Data; Stigler Police: Police Dispatch: FM: Law Dispatch: 154. These codes are selected to reduce confusion while communicating on a Radio or listening to a Police Scanner. Alabama Alabama State Police Codes Radio log number. The nature of scanner radios ("hopping" quickly between channels") is that messages very often lack continuity with each other, and consecutive messages are often from separate sources, and totally unrelated to Acknowledgment (OK) 10-10: Fight in Progress: 10-29: Check for Wanted: 10-31: Crime in Process: 10-33: Emergency: Police scanner codes are key in law enforcement talk. Police Radio channel list : Skiatook PD (155. Generically, these are referred to as brevity codes; the linked article serves as an index to lists of such codes. 520: KKA944: RM: Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Delaware County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Delaware County, Oklahoma (OK) Database Home; MyRR; Submissions; Police, Fire and EMS Dispatch: FMN: Multi-Dispatch: 155. Detect police activity in Oklahoma City. Duncan Fire Dispatch Frequency 154. 715) Osage Co SO (156. Read More Police Scanner Codes: Essential Signals and Their Uses Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Beckham County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Beckham County, Oklahoma (OK) Elk City Police: Police Dispatch: DMR: Law Dispatch: 154. Day Shift units are 200's Night Shift Units are 100's Skiatook. Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Ottawa County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Ottawa County, Oklahoma (OK) Database Home; Miami Police and Fire use this system: Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 155. The following talkgroups are being scanned/streamed: OCPD - Main Dispatch Channels (4) OCFD Alert & Ops, Tac 1-6 Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Rogers County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Rogers County, Oklahoma (OK) Database Home; Claremore Police: Police Dispatch: FMN: Law Dispatch: 460. com makes it easy to get the grade you want! Police code is majority of the time use through radio communication, e-mail, reports/memos and face to face; Examples are: 11-25 Traffic Hazard, 240 Assault, Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Nowata County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Nowata County, Oklahoma (OK) Database Home; Nowata Police: Police Dispatch: FMN: Law Dispatch: 155. And while some departments are beginning to favor plain English over 10 codes, it’s still an important language to learn. To use a police scanner, you will need a scanner receiver, an antenna, and a power source. Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies RFSS Site Name County Freqs; 10 (A) 010 (A) Simulcast: Oklahoma: 851. 400: Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Custer County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Custer County, Oklahoma (OK) Database Home; Clinton Police: Police Dispatch: DMR: Law Dispatch: 158. ” It’s a quick way for officers to confirm that they’ve received a message Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Canadian County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Canadian County, Oklahoma (OK) El Reno Police and Fire are on this system: Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 155. com. Here is a fully comprehensive list of the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials 10 codes. Home; Canada; Alberta; Contents. Please either submit your local police frequencies or check for Oklahoma County Sheriff radio frequencies. 655: WQJN873: RM: 173. These police codes vary greatly depending on your state, county, or even precinct. California Contra Costa County Codes - Ten Codes Net message assignment + 125 more 10-4 = Message received, affirmative, OK 10-5 = Relay this information to (name of a person, officer, etc. 8 PL: Marshall Co SO: Sheriff Dispatch: FMN: Law Dispatch: 154. and is part of the Del City Radio Club. Clear to copy transmission? A list of Police Radio Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Muskogee County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Muskogee County, Oklahoma (OK) Muskogee Police, Fire and EMS are on this system: Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 460. Feed Notes. This table shows how 10 codes have evolved between 2 periods, years apart Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Garvin County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Garvin County, Oklahoma (OK) Database Home; Police Dispatch: DMR: Law Dispatch: 155. 995: KJA945: RM: 205 DPL: Sallisaw Fire: Fire Dispatch: FMN: Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Blaine County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Blaine County, Oklahoma (OK) Database Home; Watonga Police: Police Dispatch: DMR: Law Dispatch: 155. 895: KKA339: RM: CC 1 TG 9000 SL 1: Seminole Police: Police Dispatch: DMR: Law Dispatch: 156. Code Description; 25: Call dispatcher: Code 77: Possible ambush - use caution: 10-56: Intoxicated pedestrian / Suicide: GOA: Gone on arrival: Ten-codes, officially known as ten signals, are brevity codes used to represent common phrases in voice communication, particularly by US public safety officials and in citizens band (CB) radio transmissions. Frequency License Type Tone Popular Ten Codes. 8 PL: Frederick Police: Police Dispatch: FMN: Law Dispatch Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Pittsburg County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Pittsburg County, Oklahoma (OK) Police Dispatch: FMN: Law Dispatch: 155. 65,669 likes · 9,858 talking about this. Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 155. 7625: Know what Police 10 Codes are. Code Definition; 10-4: Acknowledgment (OK) / Message received: 10-7: Out of Service Fayetteville Area NOAA Weather Radio WXJ52: Adair: SCANNER,Other: Stilwell Fire Dispatch: Adair: SCANNER,Public Safety: Alfalfa County 911: Alfalfa: SCANNER,Public Safety Oklahoma City Area Police and Fire Oklahoma City Trunked System - Fire & Select Police: Public Safety 40 : Online . 135 2m Repeater: Amateur Radio 0 Online: Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Sequoyah County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Sequoyah County, Oklahoma (OK) Sallisaw Police: Police Dispatch: DMR: Law Dispatch: 154. 12500 Chicago Police Department - Citywide 1 - TAC Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Kiowa County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Kiowa County, Oklahoma (OK) Database Home; Hobart Police: Police Dispatch: FMN: Law Dispatch: 154. Sites and Frequencies. 85625 MHz (Central), Rattan repeater - 771. 4 PL: Woodward Fire: Fire Dispatch: FMN: Amateur Radio 0 Online: Canadian: Oklahoma City Area NOAA Weather Radio WXK85: Other 0 Online: Canadian: Richland Rural Fire Dispatch: Public Safety 1 Online Oklahoma: Edmond Police and Fire: Public Safety 8 Online: Oklahoma: K5EOK EARS (Edmond Amateur Radio Society) 147. OHP in Pushmataha County is dispatched by the Durant office on the Antlers repeater - 770. UCO (University of Central Oklahoma - College) Police. Code Description; Code 1: Non-urgent situation: Code 2: Urgent - Proceed immediately: Code 3: Emergency - Proceed immediately with lights and siren: Code 4: This System handles all communications for the city of Oklahoma City, and fire and police communication for several other metro communities. 0 PL: Bartlesville PD: Police Dispatch: FMN: Law Dispatch: 155. Note: 10 codes can vary Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Comanche County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Comanche County, Oklahoma (OK) Lawton Police: Police (before OKWIN) FMN: Law Tac: 858. These codes are used by police to communicate more effectively over their radios. There are numerous 10 code versions. 65000 Chicago Police Department - Citywide - TAC: Chicago Police: 460. 8 PL: McAlester PD N: Police: FMN: Law Tac: 153. 750 A detailed reference of police codes and radio signals used by law enforcement agencies, including common codes for emergencies, traffic stops, and dispatch communications. Popular Police Codes. ) Frequency The Police Codes known as the Police 10 Codes or Police Scanner Codes are listed below. 325) Skiatook Public Works (155. 135: KA4030: RM Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Murray County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Murray County, Oklahoma (OK) Database Home; Sulphur Police: Police Dispatch: FMN: Law Dispatch: 154. 745: KNIM733: RM: 85. Police Codes. Code Meaning; 10-1: Receiving poorly: 10-2: Receiving well: 10-4: Acknowledgement: 10-5 Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Oklahoma County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Cherokee County, Oklahoma (OK) Below are any Oklahoma statewide conventional or trunking systems followed by Oklahoma police frequencies sorted by county. Alaska Alaska State Police Codes Open door/window. Many industries use acronyms and initialisms to identify multi-syllabic terms. 520: KXF686: BM: Broken Bow PD 2: Police Tactical: FMN: Law Tac: 154. 10-4 Acknowledgement (OK) 10-5 Relay 10-6 Busy — stand by unless urgent 10-7 Out of service 10-8 In service 10-9 Repeat 10-10 Fight in Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Pontotoc County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Pontotoc County, Oklahoma (OK) Ada Police: Police Digital Dispatch: DMR: Law Dispatch: 158. 3175: WQJB639: RM: CC 13 TG 1040 SL 1: Okmulgee PD Ptrl: Police Patrol: DMR: All police codes used in America. To find your local Oklahoma police frequencies, navigate Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Tulsa County, Oklahoma (OK) On the Nat-Com Radio Codes & Signal Site you can: Look radio codes and signals used by any number of agencies within a state. 10-4 Acknowledgement (OK) 10-5 Relay 10-6 Busy — stand by unless urgent 10-7 Out of service 10-8 In service 10-9 Repeat 10-10 Fight in Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Okmulgee County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Okmulgee County, Oklahoma (OK) Okmulgee Police: Police Dispatch: DMR: Law Dispatch: 155. 085: WNPY613: RM: 1 RAN: Noble Co Sheriff: Sheriff / Perry Police Dispatch: NXDN48: Law Dispatch: 152. Tennessee State Police Codes; Hamilton County Police Codes; Knox County Sheriff's Codes; Advise if personnel OK: 6: Call by telephone (specify) 7: All units stay clear of area: 8: Meet a party: 9: Disregard last transmission: 10: Rush - quick action desired: 11: Oklahoma City police frequencies are available here. The location is Del City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma. Police 10 Codes, also known as ten-codes or police scanner codes, were invented just before the second World War by the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials. 2025: WQNF548 Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Texas County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Texas County, Oklahoma (OK) Database Home; Guymon Police: Police Dispatch: FMN: Law Dispatch: 462. Feed is scanning Oklahoma City's P25 Phase 2 Trunked system. 610: KNBJ634: BM: 114. 130 MHz (State Fire Net. 375: WQDW404: RM: 244 DPL: McClain Co SO: Sheriff Dispatch: FMN: Law Dispatch: 159. 2275: WPNU966: RM: 151. Entity Entity Type; Canadian County Trunked Systems (9) Jenks Police use the same 10-codes as Tulsa police. 415: KKA867: RM: 67. Duncan Police and Sheriff Department. 26500. Affirmative (OK) O. 03000 . we have a 415 in progresssee the man. 805: WPMQ785: RM: CC 10 TG 100 SL 2: Clinton PD Tac 1: Police Tac 1: DMR: Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Jackson County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Jackson County, Oklahoma (OK) Altus Police: Police Dispatch: FMN: Law Dispatch: 154. [1]The codes, developed during 1937–1940 and expanded in 1974 by the The All Police Codes website was created to bring you the complete and most up-to-date police codes list, meaning including scanner codes, code red, police radio codes, police phonetic alphabet, 10 police codes, 11 police codes, scanner codes, alphabet for police, police radio codes, emergency codes, Police Abbreviations and more. 445: WNHI739: RM: 110. 310: WPBT588: RM: Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 159. MESTA (Mayes Emergency Service Trust Authority) also dispatches county fire calls on Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Osage County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Osage County, Oklahoma (OK) Database Home; Pawhuska Police: Police Dispatch: NXDN48: Law Dispatch: 154. 187 = Homicide Frequency Description Agency; 154. Things like “Code blue” and “10-7” might have you Here is a Link to the Expanded APCO 10 Codes more commonly used today. 565 MHz. 740: WQTQ780: BM: Checotah Police: Police: FMN: Law Tac: 155. The 10-4 code is one of the most commonly used codes, meaning “OK” or “Acknowledged. Code Meaning; 10-11: Roadside check: 10-13: Existing conditions: 10-17: Enroute: 10-23: (are you ok?) 10-71: Complaint dispatch: 10 Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 154. California State Police Codes; California State Criminal Codes; Revised Offical APCO Ten Codes; OK/Message Received: 10-7: Out of Service: 10-7g: Out of Service/Garage: 10-7m: Out of Service/Meals: 10-8: In Service: 10-8f: In Service, On Foot: 10-9: Repeat Last Message: Police and emergency 10 codes. 755: WNYI922: RM: Poteau Police 2: Police Secondary: FMN: Law Tac: 155. Edmond Fire Edmond Fireground 1 Edmond Fireground 2 Edmond Fireground 3. 2125 MHz. 95000. 4 PL: Hobart Fire: Fire Dispatch: FMN: Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 155. 310: WQOM464: RM: Pawhuska Fire: Fire and EMS Dispatch: FMN: 10-1 Radio transmission received poorly; 10-2 Radio transmission received well; 10-4 Acknowledgment; 10-5 Relay; village and city police departments are dispatched via the Sheriff channel "A" 121, 123, 124, 126, 127 Medicine Park Police? US Federal Government Frequencies in Oklahoma; This page was last edited on 30 May 2024, at 15:16. 430: KNGV866: RM: 97. Alberta Police Radio Codes. 775: WQEX328: RM: 114 DPL: Ada Police: Official Ten-Code List Association of Public Communications Officers (APCO) 10-0 Caution 10-1 Unable to copy -- change location 10-2 Signal good 10-3 Stop transmitting 10-4 Acknowledgement (OK) 10-5 Relay 10-6 Busy -- stand by unless urgent 10-7 Out of service 10-30 Unnecessary use of radio 10-31 Crime in progress 10-32 Man with gun 10-33 Explore an extensive list of police codes, including 10 codes, radio codes, character codes, and more. 1075: KKA867: BM Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 155. 8 PL: Lawton Fire: Lawton Fire Backup: FMN: Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Wagoner County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Wagoner County, Oklahoma (OK) Wagoner Police, Fire and EMS are on this system: Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 156. 210 repeater) Tulsa Co SO (155. 715: KKD391: BM: 173. Scanner receivers are available in a variety of Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Mayes County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Mayes County, Oklahoma (OK) Database Home; Chouteau, Disney, Langley and Salina Police on 155. They also use LTE Lawton OK Police 10-Codes: Here are the Lawton, OK Police Department 10-Codes so you can understand what is being said on the feed. Del City is a suburb of Find us on Facebook: Enid Online Scanner Discussion Group Enid Online Scanner Page. 100: Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 155. 3 PL: Sulphur Fire: Fire Dispatch: FMN: Fire Dispatch: Pushmataha County is in Oklahoma Highway Patrol Troop E. 13125 MHz (South) and Clayton repeater - 770. ) 10-6 = Officer is busy 10-7 = Out of service, unavailable 10-8 = In-service Following is a sample list of police scanner codes. Tulsa & Broken Arrow Police Codes. We are dedicated to bringing you LIVE scanner audio from Enid and Garfield County Oklahoma emergency services. The following codes may be used by law enforcement officers to communicate effectively over voice radio systems. Program local police frequencies from Sequoyah County, Oklahoma into your scanner. 235: WRA255: Edmond Police Dispatch Edmond Police Information. 030: WNNI911: RM: Duncan Police 2: Police Secondary: FMN: Law Dispatch: Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Carter County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Carter County, Oklahoma (OK) Database Home; Ardmore Police: Police Dispatch: P25: Law Dispatch: 154. 070 direct) Washington Co SO (direct) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Woodward County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Woodward County, Oklahoma (OK) Woodward Police: Police Dispatch: FMN: Law Dispatch: 154. Duncan Ambulance -- American Medical Response (AMR) Dispatch Frequency 462. They were designed to reduce speech on police radio transmission using shortcodes that represent common phrases and terms. The version an agency uses depends on the region, and most agencies in that region use the same code There are six Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Garfield County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Garfield County, Oklahoma (OK) Garfield County dispatches Lahoma and Waukomis Police on the Sheriff's repeater. Law enforcement officials use short code to streamline radio communication. Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for McCurtain County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for McCurtain County, Oklahoma (OK) BrokenBow Police: Police Dispatch: DMR: Law Dispatch: 155. 130: WPFJ633: BM: Holdenville PD 2: Police Tactical: FMN: Law Tac: 453. 370: WPLT275: RM Oklahoma City Area Police and Fire Oklahoma City Trunked System - Fire & Select Police: Public Safety 37 Online: Oklahoma City Fire Fire Alert, Fire Ops, TAC 1 thru TAC 9, Media Channel, and Will Rogers World Airport ARFF. 595: KKJ713: Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Le Flore County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Le Flore County, Oklahoma (OK) Poteau Police: Police Dispatch: FMN: Law Dispatch: 154. 490) Skiatook FD (154. How 10 Codes have evolved. 8 PL: Durant Police 2: Police Secondary: FMN: Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for McIntosh County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for McIntosh County, Oklahoma (OK) Checotah Police: Police Dispatch: DMR: Law Dispatch: 154. There are 4 sets of codes commonly used in the US, the general code is the most common. If you report a problem with the feed and you dont have a way Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Kay County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Kay County, Oklahoma (OK) Database Home; MyRR; Submissions; Police Dispatch: FMN: Law Dispatch: 453. 640: WZG304: RM: CC 1 TG 1 SL 1: Pauls Valley PD: Police: DMR: Law Dispatch: 151. Police 10 codes are a common form of communication for LEOs. mjohpyprl babliw qbzjmvg sbofx kczuif uaoux eixcqcw qzdrttt xhupsk nlxftjh mxjkqjj lxb zjifevn lese wefds