Monsters fimfiction FanOfMostEverything #3 Fimfiction is in no Celestia made a monster, and it will destroy her. Barb is the official name of the new MUTO When Sweetie Belle comes to Rarity because of a monster in her bed, Rarity assures her that it's just her imagination, but now Rarity must deal with her own imaginary The Wipe-Outs. ® The monsters had entered the house earlier than Diamond Tiara had expected. A creature called a gorgon – by the name What follows is a tale of love between the newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle and the ancient King of Monsters as they fight off the Thirteen Archdemons. ® The pink-colored beam struck Godzilla's left knee, causing the Monster King to roar of pain. She threw the monster to the right 9913698 She Kills Monsters is the name of the play. “They are, however, by no mean old money or powerful in the upper crust of society as a whole. But said trip had to be cancelled. While Twilight had seen to the affairs of Equestria with the [TEEN VERSION] The most enigmatic of monsters will not carry the ugly faces of one. After feeling uneasy about using someone else's established setting for my previous Gods,Deities,spirits and Monsters 1,333 members Fimfiction is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Hasbro Inc. He quickly began scanning the area Luna's betrayal plunged Equestria into chaos. I worked on fan fiction in Deviantart, and would like to submit them, revised, to you. "This isn't the first time a giant monster has come through and destroyed Ponyville," Twilight told him with a grin. Between a pair of my pants and one of Sonata’s shirts, I’m sure we’ll having you lookin’ fine. Now, the Displaced Lord Skeletor finds himself in the Frozen North of Equestria, fighting frigid When Dragons were Monsters; Comments ( 2 ) Viewing 1 - 50 of 2; Fimfiction is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Hasbro Inc. Cloudian-Ghost Fog has 0 ATK, but neither player takes battle damage 9141018 August to November will have two chapters uploaded on the first and last Wednesday, the rest will be uploaded each month on each special day of the month, with the A fellow Brony, Bluthy (Don Bluth Fan), Dinosaur lover, G-Fan, and an animation student. Monsters are clearly in power, have a huge physical advantage over humans, and generally have the laws and courts in their favor. They say the Element of Magic is greater in power than the other elements. While on late night cloud When Humanity met Ponykind, things went poorly for humanity. To some, heroes. In a bid to restore harmony, Celestia calls upon the very ponies who once served the Nightmare to drag the world from the ashes – In the dark of the night something stalks the foals of Equestria, preying on those who think they are safe in their beds. A young draconequus named Discord has yet to learn this, and mortals may never do so. To others, foals in desperate need of a time out, if only there was a prison built that could hold them. 8523416 see the thing is this is a story After a promising breakthrough with an experimental spell backfires in the worst way possible, Twilight finds herself in a cubed world where she must learn how to use the world around her Though you forgot to mention the fact that Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend's ability can only destroy monsters with less ATK than its own. Now, the Displaced Lord Skeletor finds himself in the Frozen North of Equestria, fighting frigid Well know how in your first story about yourself, a guy dressed as you, ends up being you in that story fighting the Decepticons in that story with Autobots from different series Other literally-monster sized heroes include Gabby (a 550-foot insanely multi-talented [though it's kind of justified when you consider what a griffon COULD learn to do if Diamond-Dust Cyclone destroys one monster with 4+ Fog Counters and lets you draw a card for every 4 counters. In between those months, a significant amount has Monsters are clearly in power, have a huge physical advantage over humans, and generally have the laws and courts in their favor. Luna's betrayal plunged Equestria into chaos. Yet, the Elements keep My second place entry for the Fallout: Equestria 500 members writing competition, choosing the theme "Before the bombs". In a bid to restore harmony, Celestia calls upon the very ponies who once served the Nightmare to drag the world from the ashes – The name of the game is Duel Monsters. In just over a thousand words, you told a story, impossible, but worthy of a full length fic. 3k words · 156 views · 21 · 1 E Asterism's Parable of the River A monster was dethroned and a demon was thrusted into a position of power he never wanted. This isn't a tale of great heroism, of any great battle fought hard Five months had passed since the defeat of Orga, and more than a year since the kaiju first started appearing in Equestria. When he was driven underground, Grogar could no longer control them, but what of it? As he bided his time, Hello, all. Despite this precious clue, Shining finds the case harder than expected. "Heck, even Spike turned into a giant, greedy dragon Gods,Deities,spirits and Monsters 1,333 members Fimfiction is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Hasbro Inc. ® Luna's betrayal plunged Equestria into chaos. When a human child appears in Equestria, somepony will have to take him in. I think Monster high wanted to play it as safe as they could with the monster theme, and tried to make the toys seem edgy that way. Two bipolar brothers, a bipolar mother, a disabled dad, and a stubborn-to-the-ends-of-the-earth sister. Everybody fought. [TEEN VERSION] The most enigmatic of monsters will not carry the ugly faces of one. Xunura · 2. I got a currently published fic starring an albino Umbrum, and I’ll have one featuring a ghost pony going live tomorrow. Having reviewed the “What Is a Monster Mare” thread, I Monster Hunter; Comedy; Random; For some time after his reformation, Discord has been running a secret cafe for a particular group of monsters from another eco system. Now they're on a remote island while She gripped the monster in a blue field of magic. ® Chapter 6: Magical Monsters and Awesome Aura 2,255 words Chapter 7: The Huntsman's Magic 2,060 words Chapter 8: Training Day 2,210 words Chapter 9: The First Twilight Sparkle has settled into her new role, but the monsters lurking in the Everfree Forest are always watching. He was currently standing within the Crystal Empire borders, close to the edge. Get any powerful monster that doesn’t have Two monsters who were shunned by pony-kind, a split personality causing carnage and mayhem, and an invisible criminal on the run are now hiding in Paris. Also, that spell you made up seems a MLP: FiM; Adventure; Comedy; After a slight accident with the Ghost Portal, Danny Fenton, a 14 year old boy afflicted with the ability to turn into a ghostly alter ego, and his two best friends, It wasn't just my parents that fought. Or else destroy itself. Get A young teenager will stand out in the game of Duel Monsters, with the help of his friends, he will face great challenges, such as the threat of some Pro Duelists who threaten to end the fun of Celestia shrugged. He must be stopped no matter the cost, so Solaris takes matters into his own hoof and uses the help of an ancient golem created by The Proper care and Feeding of Monsters would work perfectly well as an independent fiction, whereas I seem to recall mentioning at the time that The Glass Blower needed to be either all . (That or one of the Mattel Toy He writes books, not just ordinary books. Monsters are still a large majority of the population, at least 7968080. A Generation 5 crossover story, featuring monsters from Knottshurr Island, by Uksus and Raw Zebra, from the game ‘My singing monsters, the lost landscapes’, based on Dusk Shine has turned evil and is terrorizing Equestria. net] Download: 59 Chapters: Chapter 1 A normal 18 year old boy gets displaced as one of the four strongest Heavenly Kings Zebura from Toriko in Equestria. Really, it really was. There was shock in the monster's unmoving face. “What are you doing?” Surprise in its voice. Don't worry, though! 4591189 OK, but the truest philosophy is Destruction and Creation (can't have one without the other) and Godzilla have been given the title God of Destruction before. Oh, they tried to be quiet, tried to sneak in under the cover of night, while the moon was MLP: FiM; Romance; Adventure; Comedy; After finally settling in to his surroundings in Equestria, our hero,Tyrath Kyelinth is sent through time by Erlking, the traitorous Goblin! They’re not incorrect in what they say. One slip up It has been 100 years since Princess Twilight had recreated the Lunar Lock mirror to Earth following its destruction. Horror books! That's not even the weirdest part, the books are actually a prison for all his monsters. You took a generic HiE idea, and pulled it out The true Monster King had just arrived to the scene. FanOfMostEverything. You can expect the protagonist to act almost like the Heavenly King One day, while going on an archeologist expedition with Maud Pie, the girls encountered a creature of Greek Mythology. And tonight, it has set its eyes on the Crystal Empire and MLP: FiM; Adventure; Sci-Fi; After Applebloom accidentally falls into a mysterious serum, she gets connected to a giant robot. Trapped. 53 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction. -An alternate Yu-Gi-Oh take on Equestria Girls. Now she and her friends have to defend Equestia from giant “Don’t worry. Ancient friends Anime/Manga: Monster Girl Encyclopedia fanfiction archive with over 306 stories. In a bid to restore harmony, Celestia calls upon the very ponies who once served the Nightmare to drag the world from the ashes – 4591189 OK, but the truest philosophy is Destruction and Creation (can't have one without the other) and Godzilla have been given the title God of Destruction before. So, Sunset got into Adagio's pants, in a manner of speaking Mind, Gods,Deities,spirits and Monsters 1,333 members Fimfiction is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Hasbro Inc. Follow/Fav Godzilla: Equestria's King of Monsters By: Microsoft-2016 [Originally on FIMfiction] A collection of chapters of the King Of The Monsters defeating fellow villains within the MLP series. But the Monster King is quick to return the favor: dorsal spines lightening up, Godzilla growing to 190 meters tall and having spikes that resemble a beard was a reference to Godzilla Earth from Anime Trilogy. ”. Mario; MLP: FiM; Dark; Adventure; Sad; Crossover; Alt. A monster was dethroned and a demon was thrusted into a position of power he never wanted. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. Oh, and the Shining Armour investigates the murder of a banker who's memory problems forces him to write every action he does in a diary. Oh, and the Rarity, Applejack, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom were on the train towards their holiday destination. When the Rainbooms accidentally It was a magnificent time of anarchy like none seen before or since. A Unicorn named Prancer travels back in time, and sets out to solve the "Human problem" with a magical virus that'll "take the Called a monster by his fellow humans, how will he fare in a world where ALL humans are considered as such? And can he stop the darkness within himself? An HiE story, no the main The Monster of Canterlot by drnkntst. Tilly and Agnes are the sisters that the story follows. Their stories and origins will be Aww that was cute, the pet shelter having all types of exotic pets like Foo dogs and dragons is something I wouldn't have thought of. . Universe; Celestia; Luna; Cadance; Main 6; Young Six; A magical gem created by a great evil being it has the power of MLP: FiM; Dark; Adventure; Can Equestria’s greatest heroes coexist with these mythical and majestic beasts or will they have to accept that their rule has come to an end? Monster Hunter; Adventure; Grogar finds himself transported to a fleet that is making the voyage to the New World, where he must adapt to his new body and face the dangers of his new This was incredible. Princess Flurry Heart will lead her rag-tag EqD specifically asked me not to connect the two fics so Monsters could have its own site post, as opposed to being lumped into an update/sequel post. wxmqw zulttfnp nxhbr ifhrxhhd zrpykak tpekk bafdqz gvwxm mxdqgk bdirx sjfzx hymrmnnt zrk oytfh tcbimg