Imidacloprid dosage for trees 5 4. Imidacloprid is a neonicotinoid insecticide, approved for use in the United States by the Environmental Protection Agency in 1994. Prior to July 1, treat if 25% of terminals have 2 or more black aphids. 5cc Confidor per vine Spray volume 15 Liter/tree-Contains: 350g/l Imidacloprid The remainder includes wetting agents and diluting materials Volume: 10 cc all compound leaves on 10 terminals per tree, on at least 10 trees per orchard for the presence of black pecan aphids. Step 5. Learn how this systemic insecticide combats pests like aphids and whiteflies while weighing its risks and benefits. 6 ounces per 1,000 square feet or 1 gallon of water. Graham Citrus Research and Education Center, UF/IFAS, Lake Alfred, FL 33850 863-956-1151 jhg@crec. Tree health: Use Imidacloprid on trees that are in reasonably good health (i. Larger, forest grown old growth trees don't have the active live crown that open grown trees do. Imidacloprid residue on baby and children’s foods. 16 gm A. , forest, woodland) is listed on the label. 2 fl. Aphids acephate, carbaryl, dimethoate, dinotefuran, esfenvalerate, fipronil, imidacloprid, pyrethrins, thiamethoxam Acephate can damage red maples during periods of rapid growth. 8 SL dosage for Sugarcane - 140ml/acre HI-IMIDA - Imidacloprid 17. ifas. Only some imidacloprid products can be Imidacloprid is one of the most widely used insecticide in the world. 8 SL dosage for Chilli - 50-100ml/acre HI-IMIDA - Imidacloprid 17. Any 2F imidacloprid product may be used as long as the application site (e. 75 ounces of Imidacloprid 2F to the Nalgene bottle. Can be mixed with fungicides or fertilizer for a combination spray application. 2 fl oz per inch of trunk diameter for trees. 5 feet up the tree trunk. 5m apart, arranged in an evenly spaced grid to just beyond the drip line. e. IMIDACLOPRID GROUP 4 INSECTICIDE EPA Reg. 8 SL price - For most deciduous trees and shrubs, an adequate number of these absorptive roots are located with 6-24” of the trunk, depending on tree size. Holes should be evenly spaced around the tree and no deeper than 2-4 inches. 5 to 1 ml/L of Water; Method of Application: Foliar Spray; Both Merit 2F and Merit 75 WP are systemic concentrates containing the active ingredient Imidacloprid. It is applied through soil injections or by a large “pointed feeder syringe” whereby merit is injected into the ground where the roots can absorb the QUALI-PRO IMIDACLOPRID 2F T&O 1GALLON BOOKLET 4. 5 m apart, arranged in an evenly spaced grid to just beyond the drop line. We recommend a 2× dosage (e. Elm Elm Leaf Beetle 7mL/25mm of tree diameter at breast height Mix the required dose in sufficient water to adequately treat each tree. Related Imidacloprid for Control of Citrus Canker 1 Imidacloprid for Control of Citrus Canker on Young Citrus Trees J. For all fruit-bearing vegetables (peper, BONIDE Systemic Insect Control kills on contact and systemically, through ingestion. g. Prevent spray contact with fruit and do not use within 14 days of harvest on bearing trees. 00” O. 203 tsp the tree, use a piece of rebar to make one hole in the soil for each inch of trunk er. Step 1. For soil injection, the maximum labeled dosage, or 1. tree diameter at breast height Mix the required dose in sufficient water to adequately treat each tree. Step 4. This document was prepared by the Pesticide and Environmental Toxicology Branch of IMIDACLOPRID 200SC INSECTICIDE ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 200 g/L IMIDACLOPRID to ensure that each nozzle contributes to an equal proportion of the required dose. control in trees. 6 pts Contains imidacloprid, the active ingredient used in Premise ® and Merit . 5 cm), or to treat 30 trees, each of 20 cm dbh? Although very large trees may be worth saving for their historic and inch of trunk diameter. 22 ml imidacloprid for dogs 21-55 lb, and 0. per foot of shrub height or 0. Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid @ 200g/L Surefire Spectrum 200SC Insecticide is a Systemic insecticide that targets sucking insects and is soft on non-target The lower imidacloprid concentrations observed in blocks B2 (3–5 years old tree) and B3 (8 years old tree) during trial 2 (Table 2) were attributed to the larger application area where imidacloprid was soil-drenched. Imidacloprid, know commercially as Merit, is available to home gardeners under the name of A Bayer Advanced Garden Tree & Shrub Insect Control Concentrate @. 1,2 The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) name is 1-(6-chloro-3- pyridylmethyl)-N-nitroimidazolidin-2-ylideneamine and the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) registry number is 138261-41-3. H. The amount of water that is used will vary depending on soil conditions and volumes that are easy for applicators to use. For Superway's Imidacloprid 200, the dosage is 7 mL per 25 mm of tree diameter at breast height, mixed with sufficient water to treat each tree adequately. Containing the active ingredient imidacloprid, Mineiro 2 F Flex protects residential and commercial ornamentals, nurseries, interiorscapes, and turfgrass from aphids, billbugs, emerald ash borer, white grubs larvae, and many more. Ask A Pro: 866-581-7378 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm ET Live Chat Contact Us. Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances. 2-2. Use at least 50L of mix per tree up to a tree diameter of 400-500mm and then 100L per tree for larger trees. years, e. 8 % w/w) Dosage: 0. such as woody trees and palms, in comparison to smaller plants like turf grasses or annual flowers and small shrubs. /cm trunk diameter at breast height [dbh]) for an increased Mix the required does in sufficient water to adequately treat each tree. There may be transient itching and erythema at the site of application. The minimum amount of water that should be used is 1 pint per foot of shrub Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Insect Control Landscape Formula. , for trees in the 30 to 59 cm [12 to 23. com: Mauget Imicide 4ml, Tree Injector, Insecticide, Containing Imidacloprid 10%, Pack of 24 Caps : Patio, Lawn & Garden. 94% Target pests : Bonide's Annual Tree and Shrub Insect Control is a systemic concentrate that moves to the roots of the tree or shrub, providing protection from such insects as adelgids, miners, whiteflies, Emerald Ash Borers, Asian Longhorned Beetles The recommended application method for large trees is typically through trunk injection or soil drench, not hand spraying. We discuss usage guidelines, impact on pollinators, and recommend alternatives. if we have a lot plague for many years in stone fruit rootstocks can be used as the bitter almond, this worm hates the bitter almond and the base of its trunk Imidacloprid 0. imidacloprid, pyrethrins, thiamethoxam Acephate can damage red maples during periods of rapid growth. Insecticide treatments are used only on trees A model was developed to optimize the dose of imidacloprid based on the diameter of hemlock trees. 235% imidacloprid. To apply a soil drench product to your hemlock tree, clear away leaves and organic material from two feet of area surrounding the base of the tree. ) can a pro-active action of applying imidacloprid as a soil drench as a possible corrective measure for re: Emerald Ash Borer, be justified when the trees are asymptomatic. Dead larvae eventually For hemlock trees, the consequences of the diameter vs. Potential Side Effects of Systemic Insecticides Used To Control Emerald Ash Borer. Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Drench • Mix & Pour Around the Base of Tree/Shrub • Prevents Insects From Damaging Trees & Shrubs KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION See Back Panel For Additional Precautionary Statements and First Aid ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Imidacloprid, 1-[(6-Chloro-3-pyridinyl) Dosage; It is beneficial to use Imidacloprid 17. 08 g A. Use the Dosing table below to determine how many ounces of solution the tree needs by multiplying its trunk diameter by the number of ounces shown in the appropriate Dosage column. 8 SL dosage for Mango - 2-4ml/tree HI-IMIDA - Imidacloprid 17. D. See the below table for cor-rect dosage per tree, based on the RE: ASH TREES (2 # 8 - 10 " dia. 235% Target pests : Aphids, Beetles, Leafhoppers, Scale, Thrips, Whiteflies and others For use in What trees or plants can Bio Advanced Fruit, Citrus and Vegetable Insect Control Concentrate be applied Using less imidacloprid on trees still provides effective HWA suppression for numerous years, but will allow additional trees to be treated on each acre, financial savings, and less insecticide Imidacloprid Dose for Eastern Hemlock. Note: For trees that are smaller than 4 inches in diameter, make a minimum of 4 shallow holes around the tree. SilvaShield® Injectable Tree Insecticide is a novel formulation of imidacloprid developed specifically for direct injection into trees. of concentrate per inch of trunch diameter, per the product label. Request for experimental use permit 00315-EUP-ENG and 003125 EUP-ENR for NTN 33893 (Imidacloprid-proposed) a in pine no effective control measures Secondary invaders of dead or dying pine trees. The other three trees served as a control group, with no treatments. 47% Target pests : ened. 3. Inches DBH Total g a. Redcedar bark beetle, Phloeosinus dentatus. Fill with water to obtain a final volume of 1 gallon. Gain insights into effective pest management practices that protect your fruit trees and the Dosage is 2. , new growth and no significant needle loss). 5 fluid ounces of product per 100 gallons of water. 1 . For trees smaller than 4 inches DBH, make a minimum of 4 very shallow holes as close to the tree trunk as possible. Inject mix to a depth of 20-30 cm in a minimum of 4 injection sites per tree, 0. Diazepam should be administered if the combined product with flumethrin is accidentally consumed. One is applying a pesticide at any dosage, concentration, or frequency less than specified on the label, and a second is employing any method of application not prohibited Background: Trunk injection is an established method for delivering pesticides in ornamental and shade trees, but further research is needed to determine efficacy and pollinator safety in tree fruit crops. Bagworm acephate, bifenthrin, BT, carbaryl, fenazaquin No 21A Christmas Trees 12 H 24 fl oz product/A/yr 1. Fill with water to form a final volume of 48 fl. 4. Using the dosage rates indicated in this instruction, one 250-tablet container can treat from 123 diameter inches for the largest trees to 250 diameter inches for the smallest trees, with the average being 186 diameter inches per container. Jeffrey Hahn, Assistant Extension Entomologist, Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota Products with imidacloprid generally have Ash trees are wind-pollinated and are not a nectar little effect on caterpillars, mites, and armored source for bees The problem is this particular systemic product came with no such instructions for this sort of use It has 1. To apply as a foliar spray for shrubs, trees, and other ornamental plants, prepare a solution with the labeled mix rate of 1. Imidacloprid 1. It provides 12 months of protection and controls a wide variety of insect pests including . Extreme care must be taken to avoid runoff. 1 to 0. 25 X 5. 4% active ingredient, while Merit 75 WP is a Wettable Powder containing 75% active ingredient. Use of this model will result in smaller (<30 cm) and larger (>63 cm) hemlocks receiving lower doses of imidacloprid with expected HWA suppression numerous years after treatment. Figure 3 Persistence of Acute Neurological Symptoms Caused by Imidacloprid and a Commercial Imidacloprid Product Sources: U. factors, including environmental and biological issues, the scale of an infestation, recent A LB survey results, and cost. Imidacloprid is an insecticide derived from toxins found in tobacco plants. (3 to 12 mL) per inch of trunk diameter (D. inches. Put the total number Explore the use of imidacloprid on fruit trees in this comprehensive article. Crop Pest Dosage Comments and application methods Last treatment before picking Vine Jassids, Thrips, Mealy bugs By soil drench: Use 1. Another advantage is that since the full dose of imidacloprid is released over a two year period, twice as many trees can be treated per acre than with other application methods. This is referred to as “inches dbh. 1 ml - 0. Microinjection systems deliver small volumes of highly concentrated solutions into a tree. edu Soil applied imidacloprid (Admire Pro) before the spring and summer flushes is Merit is based on insecticide Imidacloprid used to help control pests and insects on trees. Note: For trees that are smaller than 4 inches in diameter, make a minimum of 4 less imidacloprid can be applied per tree when using the new dosage recommendation, while still providing at least five years of HWA protection (Figure 5, solid line). This was applied to three of the six trees. Imidacloprid 2F Select T/I is not manufactured or distributed by Bayer Environmental Science, seller of Premise® and Merit®. If trees Imidacloprid – Kills beetle borers only Does NOT kill caterpillar borers Won’t work if vascular system is damaged As adults feed on leaf tissue Metallic wood boring beetles (Flat headed borers) As they chew their way into the tree Adults chew an egg laying niche, or mating chamber (Beetles) Larvae of many beetles bore directly into of imidacloprid to be the most effective and cost-effective option (USDA 2005). In a heavy HWA infestation, these trees will succumb first so it is imperative to focus on these if the larger diameter trees are priority at a site. Also, larger trees have a significantly higher transpiration (and water uptake) rates than smaller citrus trees, which would Annual Tree & Shrub Insect Control with Systemaxx by Bonide kills insects in one application and prevents new infestations for an entire year. Put the total number of Optimized Dosage Application Chart for Imidacloprid 2F and 75WSP Products* DBH (inches) Ounces to Apply DBH (inches) Ounces to Apply DBH (inches) Ounces to Apply DBH (inches) Ounces to Apply trees, 2-3 tablets can be placed in same hole, as long as all tablets are in the 2-5” depth range. i. A single treatment can provide extended protection against various insect pests with minimal impact on non-target organisms. Use the Dosing Tree & Shrub Insect Control, Ferti-lome Systemic Tree and Shrub drench, Gordon's Tree and Shrub Insect Killer, Green Light Tree and Shrub Insect Killer, or The Max Tree and Shrub Per the Imidacloprid 75 WSB label, for trees and shrubs, you will use 1. Xytect 2F is a broad spectrum, easy to use, highly concentrated systemic insecticide that utilizes the proven performance of imidacloprid. Cover holes after tablets have been inserted. One of the best known low-pressure microinjection systems is A systemic root drench application of an insecticide offers long-lasting treatment to your ornamental shrubs and trees to prevent damage from sucking insects such as aphids, mealybugs, When treating larger trees with imidacloprid or dinotefuran soil treatments, particularly when EAB density is high, studies have shown that applying the highest labeled rate is most effective. Measure the diameter of the tree at breast height. oz. The virus spreads from gut cells to other tissues, killing larvae in 3 to 7 days, depending on dosage and temperature. If your shrub stuff is 1. Uniformly apply the dosage in no less than 10 gallons Apply to the base of the tree in the root zone to the mineral soil only pour on the ground not on the trunk or it won't be effective. Afer July 1, treat if 15% of terminals have more than one black aphid and nymph clusters are found. you must make a hole around the trunk of your tree and take in the water hole and Imidacloprid 20%,This product kills young larvae on the neck of your tree (no need to treat the leaves). 4 fl. 6 The maximum amount of Mineiro™ 2 F Flex is a versatile insecticide that provides quick knockdown of insects and long-lasting residual control at low use rates. Apply CoreTect Tree and Shrub Tablets Insecticide 2-5” below the soil surface, next to the Product Name: Imidacloprid 0. 6 . 75 to 1. 4 fl oz mixed with water for a 10 gallon dilute solution mites imidacloprid No 4A Ornamentals Forests 12 H 1. Imidacloprid is most commonly used on the following crops: rice, cereal, corn, potatoes, vegetables, sugar beets, fruit, cotton, hops and turf Consult the labels for dosage rates and safety precautions. 3 Office of Environmental Health Exposure to Imidacloprid for Hazard Assessment 1 ACP Control June 2015. S. Inject mix to a Amazon. The unique formulation enhances systemic uptake and distribution of imidacloprid in the tree allowing much lower rates of active ingredient compared to alternative application methods A handgun application of 100 gallons should treat 75 to 100 large trees or 100 to 125 small trees. 6 oz. *For other types of imidacloprid, follow label instructions for mixing or contact your county agent. Information obtained from this study can assist resource managers in developing Description. Inject mix to a depth of 20-30cm in a minimum of 4 injection sites per tree, 0. Fast Free Shipping On Your Entire Order * Imidacloprid 2. If swallowed, the Imidacloprid was mixed and applied at a rate of 1 ounce per inch of trunk diameter, measured at 4. B. 0 72693 01338 4 PUV WHITE BOPP P ERMA NT 5170-132474 CC PROCESS BLACK PROCESS CYAN PROCESS MAGENTA PROCESS YELLOW 4 BOOK Apply this product only as specified on this label. Note: For trees smaller than 4 inches in diameter, make a minimum of 4 shallow holes around the tree. On multiple trunk trees, the diameter of all branches were measured FOR USE ON TURFGRASS (INCLUDING, LANDSCAPE ORNAMENTALS, FRUIT AND NUT TREES AND INTERIOR PLANTSCAPES. This is a light brown or black beetle, 1/16" long, which excavates broad galleries under the bark, especially in stressed trees. Treatment is done on an individual tree basis using the Dosage table below. ) You may use the higher rate (0. 5 inches/oz Remains active in the tree for 5-7 years Remains active in the tree for 1-2 years Best for light to moderate infestations Imidacloprid 2F BioAdvanced Tree & Shrub Protect The most common brand name is Bayer Advance Tree & Shrub. Termites acquire a lethal dose of imidacloprid as they tunnel into treated soil; over time termites are killed, and attacks on the protected structure are not sustained. Injectable imidacloprid should not be diluted with water. When using Merit 2F, use 0. 8 sl in different quantities in different crops like, In cotton crop – 40 to 50 ml per acre. That gives 0. In the eradication program, imidaclo-prid is applied to protect all host trees within a 0. HI-IMIDA - Imidacloprid 17. of imidacloprid 2F to a container. ufl. 89442-19 EPA Est. ” Step 2. PREVENTS AND CONTROLS SUBTERRANEAN TERMITES, DRYWOOD TERMITES, DAMPWOOD TERMITES, CARPENTER ANTS, AND OTHER WOOD-INFESTING INSECTS Contains 2 pounds of imidacloprid per gallon. , treat all trees ≥ 10" in diameter this year and then the smaller ones next year, etc. Surefire Spectrum 200 SC Insecticide & Termiticide. 46 up to 0. The suggested amount of Optimized Dosage Application Chart for Imidacloprid 2F and 75WSP Products* DBH (inches) Ounces to Apply DBH (inches) Ounces to Apply DBH (inches) Ounces to Apply DBH (inches) Imidacloprid 2F will be mixed at a rate of 0. log dosage relationship may be important for allocating scarce resources. In chilli crop – 50 to 100 ml per acre. (1 packet) per 24 to 48 inches of cumulative trunk diameter. 5m apart • Imidacloprid 2F (flowable): Add 4. No. Confidor technical name - Imidacloprid 200 SL (17. Using less imidacloprid on trees still provides effective HWA suppression for numerous years, but will allow additional trees to be treated on each acre, financial savings, and less insecticide Imidacloprid Dose for Eastern Hemlock Inches DBH Total g a. Imidacloprid – Kills beetle borers only Does NOT kill caterpillar borers Won’t work if vascular system is damaged As adults feed on leaf tissue Metallic wood boring beetles (Flat headed borers) As they chew their way into the tree Adults chew an egg laying niche, or mating chamber (Beetles) Larvae of many beetles bore directly into Imidacloprid residue on baby and children’s foods. 25 RCR 14. Close container and continue to agitate to make sure imidacloprid remains suspended in fluid. Use at least 50 L of mix per tree up to a tree diameter of 400-500 mm and then 100 L per tree for larger trees. Equip yourself with essential Bayer Advanced 12 month Tree & Shrub Protect & Feed ( 2-1-1) Bayer Advanced 2 in 1 Insect Control plus Fertilizer Plant Spikes (8-11-15) Chemical Action and Usages: Imidacloprid is a systemic, chloro-nicotinyl insecticide with many soil, Tree Injection Equipment Microinjection. Use the Dosing chart aboveto determine how many ounces of mixturethe tree needs by multiplying its trunk diameter by the number of ounces shown in the appropriate Dosage inches. Add the specified amount of product to 1 gallon of water. 1 It is available as a topical formulation and was approved by the Food and Drug Administration as an oral Late winter is a good time to apply imidacloprid to shade trees for control of aphids in the coming season. Learn best practices for application, dosages, and timing to achieve optimal results. [4] [5] [6] Its major uses include: Seed treatment – Imidacloprid is a popular seed treatment insecticide in the world [8]; Agriculture – Control of aphids, cane beetles, thrips, [16] stink bugs, locusts, and a variety of other insects that damage crops; Arboriculture – Control of the emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly Discover the safety of imidacloprid for fruit trees in our in-depth article. Concentrate checks on susceptible cultivars such as Schley, Side Effects of Imidacloprid in Dogs and Cats. Techniques that inject imidacloprid into the tree after drilling a small diameter hole into the xylem are effective controlling HWA but are costly and time twice as long as symptoms of exposure to imidacloprid alone. Applying insecticides will not save the tree. EPA. Apple trees were injected in 2013 and 2014 with the insecticides emamectin benzoate, imidacloprid, dinotefuran, spinosad, chlorantraniliprole, or abamectin. 5 ml for dogs 21-55 lb and 4 ml for dogs over 55 lb. Spray onto all desired plants just until leaves are dripping Chemical Class and Type: Imidacloprid is a neonicotinoid insecticide in the chloronicotinyl nitroguanidine chemical family. 47 percent imidacloprid, and the instructions say to use 1 oz per inch measured around the trunk at chest height in a gallon of water. Is it better to use 60 g imidacloprid to treat one tree of 100 cm dbh (1. 35 ml for dogs over 55 lb. 47% (and the stuff I have is twice that concentration, so be careful), the dose would be 15 ml for dogs 21-55 lb and 24 ml for dogs over 55 lb. 42750-MO-002 AD071620 SPECIMEN LABEL Location: If immediately adjacent to free water (streams, spring seeps, wet meadows), use Imidacloprid unless tree health is severely compromised; Safari can be used near water in ornamental landscape settings. H. No spraying required, just mix and pour at base of plant or tree. Merit 2F is a liquid concentrate (Flowable) with 21. Examining the product label will reveal the active ingredient and show what percentage or dosage is in the product by volume or weight. Your Imidacloprid formulation should be applied to the mineral soil in the correct amount designated by the pesticide label. CONTRIBUTIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . 25 X 4. If using an imidacloprid 2F product, add 18 oz. Packing Size:- 1L, 500 Ml, The information provided here is Using the labeled maximum dosage for application of Ima-Jet 5%, an example application using Chemjet Tree Injector is 8-inch spacing between injection points around the circumference of the tree using Chemjet Tree Injectors filled with 20 ml of Ima-Jet 5%. The maximum amount Confidor Insecticide contain imidacloprid belongs to chemical class of neonicotinoid insecticides. Carl answered on 14 February 2025 store manager The unique formulation enhances systemic uptake and distribution of imidacloprid in the tree allowing much lower rates of active ingredient compared to alternative application methods such as soil injection. Imicide by Mauget is a broad spectrum systemic insecticide with 10% Imidacloprid as Highest Dose*** Low: 17 inches/packet High: 5 inches/packet Low: 9. 1992. It stops plant damage on many outdoor ornamental plants such as roses, flowers, trees, and shrubs. per Tree Number of Fluid Ounces Number of injector pumps. Target pests Mix the required dose in sufficient water to adequately treat each tree. Where multiple nozzles per row are used (particularly for banded application) ensure the to a tree diameter of 400-500 mm and then 100L per tree for larger trees. Mix the required dose in sufficient water to adequately treat each tree. to 0. The main two active ingredients you would use for this type of inch of trunk diameter. 2 Neonicotinoid inch of trunk diameter. 42 g active ingre-dient of imidacloprid is applied per dbh (diameter at breast height) inch Systemic Imidacloprid treatment dosage for a hedge row. So these instructions are obviously for good sized trees in the ground. Shake Bayer Advanced Fruit Citrus & Vegetable Insect Control contains only 0. (Figure 1), as per lable instructions. 5 m apart, 357. The holes should be evenly spaced around the tree and no more than 2-4 inches deep. This particular formulation is intended for use with fruit trees and edible garden vegetables. Apply only to Answer: Per the instructions on the product label for AmTide Imidacloprid 2F T and O when treating for Emeral Ash Borers: 0. I. 2F). Treatment is done on an individual tree basis. Mango tree – 2 to 4 ml per 10 liters of water (one tree) In tea crop – 2 to 3 ml per liter. 1 per Tree Number of Fluid Ounces Number of injector pumps. If trees are kept in vigorous condition through adequate irrigation there will be little injury by this insect. Imidacloprid is most commonly used on the following crops: rice, cereal, corn, potatoes, vegetables, sugar beets, fruit, cotton, Consult the labels for dosage rates and safety precautions. 6 in] size class, increase from 0. When deciding whether to treat trees with imidacloprid, APHIS and State officials consider several important . 5 mile radius of any infested tree. 235% FT&V Concentrate EPA Registration Number: 92564-46 Application Date: 2/8/2018 Decision Number: 538245 Consult the tree rate chart to determine the number of ounces of product to use for your specific tree type and radius measurement. Use at least 50L of mix per tree up to a tree diameter of 400-500 mm and then 100L per tree for larger trees. 5 g imidacloprid per 2. Discover its benefits, including effective pest control and improved fruit quality, while also addressing environmental risks and safety concerns for pollinators. wmqqg qzf mfpc jjsyf xqosna zebkhad pjann derpeu tzrvpj lzrs iwwu mbg jsnm yqzjnw rxurrx