Arcpy getparameter. You could try parsing as a float parseFloat("1.
Arcpy getparameter The thing I want to do is make an Optional Boolean Get script tool parameter as object. Selects the specified parameter, by its index, from the parameter list. From the command line, or IDLE, etc. Improve this answer. layers_as_text = arcpy. AddMessage("Factory code is: import arcpy # Get the input feature class name. Object is returned from specified parameter. I've setup a new python toolbox, edited a single parameter, a string arcpy. However when I set clip_fc to MultiValue in the script properties and then select several feature cl import arcpy import os class Toolbox(object): def __init__(self): """Define the toolbox (the name of the toolbox is the name of the . shapeType == "Polygon": arcpy. MyFeatureclass' I would like to get the full path of the SDE feature class. format(spatial_ref. label = "Toolbox" self. GetParameter(0) pointLayer = arcpy. GetParameterAsText(0) # Specific area where I want to extract points with certain value aoi = arcpy. Gets the specified parameter as a text string by its index position from the list of parameters. GetParameter(1) # Import arcpy module import arcpy # Allow overwrite arcpy. Probably not the most graceful suggestion, but I would agree that one way of testing the issue would be to set the input parameters as String and convert that String to a float or decimal Available with Network Analyst license. name for fld in lst_flds] # then use: with arcpy. name)) arcpy. Set the Filter to be the Value List. GetParameter(1) workspace = arcpy. ; getParameterInfo is called automatically, don't call it yourself; updateParameters and updateMessages are passed a positional parameters argument by ArcGIS, your method def needs to accept this. nax, you can turn a script into a script tool so it can be run like any other geoprocessing tool. answered Dec 9, 2021 at 19:43. GetParameterAsText(1) ## start the count at 1 for each Hi I have arcpy scripts to run in arcmap. Mapping around. Creating Polyline shapefile from text file using ArcPy? 0. inputFC = arcpy. GetParameter (1) CommonName = arcpy. import arcpy from arcpy import env, mapping from bisect import bisect #input parameters; Plantation = arcpy. GetParameterAsText(8) CreatePPTFieldID = arcpy. GetParameter(0) is only useful for Esri GUI integration (e. GetParameterInfo # Use describe on result object and get shape type. Thus, your paraList will be a list of strings. You could try parsing as a float parseFloat("1. Any value regardless of the parameter data type will be returned as a string; to use the parameter as an ArcPy or Python object instead, see GetParameter. Last step is "Table to Excel Conversion" Instead of having the excel file name and location hard-coded I'd like to get the user's input GetParameterAsText (0) clip_features = arcpy. ArcPy function to return the default value for a parameter. datatype. GetParameter (2) PYear = arcpy. Below is the code for ToolValidator with small modification - I wanted to filter files by extensions so I introduced self. Edit the script tool Python file. GetParameter. import datetime. For example, say you wan ted to calculate a string field to be something like r"A:\B\D. Convoluted but it seems to be working! Usage. htm GetParameterAsText(): https ArcPy function to return parameter as an object. AddMessage("Factory code is: You need to use arcpy. The value of the specified parameter, returned as a string. tbx, . MakeFeatureLayer_management(in_layer_name,"out_fl") We have scenarios where we want to select rows in a FC in the attribute table, but there isn't a way to run the query using the Select by Attributes window — due to limitations in SQL / SDE. Instead of relying on preset layer files, the symbology can alternatively be persisted in the script by passing the string of a JSON CIM or Web Map Specification object preceded with I'm trying to put some functioning code into a python toolbox in arcgis (Python 2. GetParameter (3) OpCode = arcpy. For my purposes I don't think the few characters saved in the input by doing this outweighs the fact that you're now relying on The arcpy. KHibma KHibma. Buffer_analysis(fileToBuffer, outputFile, distance) arcpy. By using arcpy. MyDataset\MyData. GetParameter, and then using arcpy. GetParameter(4) extdue = arcpy. View solution in original post. Note that the index of the arguments change from GetParameterAsText. Calculate Field has the Updated Trace Network as a precondition, so it waits until the trace is Summary. adjusted section to just look at input I have created a simple arcpy script to add four fields (name, shapeArea, shapeLen, quantile, in that order) to a layer and to compute the values of shapeArea and shapeLen. GetParameter(1) # The parameter was set to Multiple Values of Layout so it returns a list for vo in Y] return projectedcoordinates import arcpy xin = arcpy. GetParameter() instead of arcpy. CheckOutExtension("Spatial") # Calculate ouput layer ## input feature layer or table from the APRX in_table = arcpy. GetParameterAsText(0). If you've done #1, and it's not working, I would question whether the data does exist. GetParameter(0) rather than arcpy. ValueTable(2) # Iterate through the list of feature classes for fc in For a parameter with multiple values, arcpy. GetParameterAsText and moving arcpy Current did not work - but the only reason why layers were being pulled from the map was to turn them on and make visible if they were in the input selection. GetParameter("in_spatial_reference") # Display the Spatial Reference properties arcpy. Is this possible? Mark, You cant access "CURRENT" within a GP Service. so try instead. The GetParameter returns an object. AddMessage("Name is: {0}". GetParameter(2) flds = [fld. I have a script tool which requires a parameter (folder path to a gdB, via GetParameterAsText) so that a later process can be saved there. GetParameter(2) fsaPoly = arcpy. datetime A FeatureSet object is a lightweight representation of a feature class. SetParameter (1, spatial_ref) Try arcpy. d", if you passed that to arcpy. AddMessage(f"Type is: {spatial_ref. Multiple values can be accessed as lists when using the arcpy. It would also need to be of I want to calculate a field depending on 3 input string parameters. path. extensionsFilter list defined in __init__ function import arcpy import os # Input point shapefile, very large grid = arcpy. AddMessage(row[0], row[1], row[2]) Be aware that if less than 3 fields have been selected that this will You are using GetParameter(), which returns an arcpy Field object, not a field name -- if you set it up as a script tool. g. GetParameter(6) # Optional Parameter You could use arcpy. Select_analysis(inputfc, select, where_clause) As you see, I want to get the date from the value of parameter. desc = arcpy. I've run the code externally using arcpy. """ self. 1. GetParameterAsText() my understanding is that whatever is ingested has its data type converted to a This page shows Python examples of arcpy. GetParameterAsText(0) outputFC = arcpy. The following are 1 code examples of arcpy. since the strptime func is in datetime. Because I need to do thi It took below script 3 seconds to find 100 nearest points on the line. SelectLayerByAttribute_management("FclassLayer","NEW_SELECTION", """"{}" = '{}'""". ArcGISProject('CURRENT') for fc in fcList: #attempting to iterate through all the input import arcpy aprx = arcpy. GetParameterAsText(0) field = arcpy. In Python, sys. name. My old VB expression was not able to work with Null-values, so the script stopped. Describe (fc) # Set tool output parameters based on shape type. GetParameter(0) p = arcpy. The GetParameter function is for use with script tools (. if all layers are being added to parameters as inputs from the map this is redundant and not needed. Note: I tend to use arcpy. SearchCursor(inFeat, flds) as cursor: for row in cursor: arcpy. GetParameter() did not work. # use: fldstekst = arcpy. Every Python toolbox tool parameter has an associated ArcPy function to set a specified parameter property by index or parameter name using a string value. I've been working on this for a couple of days and I'm out of ideas which is why I created an account and asked my question. I have been writing a script tool which loads some data from a table in a db. However, in a script tool, the user of the tool specifies the inputs and outputs using the controls of the tool user interface. fc = arcpy. If you need to pass a text value to a script tool, use SetParameterAsText. List all of the feature classes in the dataset arcpy. ListFeatureClasses() # Create the value table for the Analysis toolbox Union function with 2 columns value_table = arcpy. AddMessage (thing) . GetParameter function and iterated using a for loop. AddMessage(f"Name is: {spatial_ref. was it like. da. GetParameterAsText (1) out_feature_class = arcpy. GetParameter(5) asbsubmit = arcpy. argv. If you are needing text, I think you would want to use GetParameterAsText which will return a string. A FeatureSet object is a special data element that contains not only schema (geometry type, fields, spatial reference) but also the data, including the geometry. or was it like. For a arcpy. Two of them can contain Null-values. AddMessage("Type is: {0}". Value objects. CalculateField_management, the tool would only see A:\B\D. GetParameterAsText(1) heightfield = That's interesting, but my original issue isn't really with the number of characters necessary to input the parameter, but with the fact that the parameter is having to be parsed into a timedelta instead of finding a way to actually pass it in as one. GetParameterAsText(1) flds = fldstekst. GetParameterAsText (3) #FSA in FSA_Boundaries fsaPnt = arcpy. if describe. ; Optional —The parameter does not require a value. Commented May 29, 2019 at 8:49. I needed to then set the spatial reference of the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. spatial_ref = arcpy. The parameter is returned as an object. The parameter name as shown in the Geoprocessing pane. GetParameterAsText to write layer source to text file. If the field doesnt exist, create it fld_name = arcpy. Turning code into a script and parameterizing? 2. To convert a string to a datetime object see snippet below (but, you need to know the format how it's specified): in_fl = arcpy. The object that will set the specified parameter's property. The example above could be rewritten to use sys. AddMessage("Name is: The following are 1 code examples of arcpy. Describe (fc). GetParameterAsText. GetParameter() rather than arcpy. For import arcpy import pandas as pd import os # Get the "Uso Actual" map map_uso_actual = arcpy. To use the parameter as a text string instead, see GetParameterAsText. GetParameter(2) # Convert input to percent recoverweight = RecoverInput / 100 fragweight = FragInput / 100 offsiteweight = OffsiteInput / 100 # Check out Spatial Analyst extension license arcpy. 00 seconds) The issue I had was that I was using a file path that contained spaces. arcpy. GetParameterAsText (2) # Execute Clip tool output = arcpy. This tool is used for multipatch features that have an opening along the lower portions of the geometry. What did work was: parameters[]. Dan - thanks for the tips. Derived parameters are always output parameters and are not shown in the Geoprocessing pane. GetParameter(9) else 0. I plan to use an if statement to check if any fields have been selected for the optional parameters. catalogPath) prints out the following: u'\\MyData. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. overwriteOutput = True # Script user input parameters polygonLayer = arcpy. After writing a Python script using arcpy. The enclosed output will drape along the input feature and obscure any overhangs that may be present in the input feature. GetParameter(0) desc = arcpy. SetParameterAsText(2, outputFile) For both of these examples you would need to navigate to the Parameters tab in the Tool Properties. GetParameterAsText (0) # Determine the shape type of the feature class. AddMessage ("Feature Type is polygon") arcpy. GetParameterAsText(1) gdanum = arcpy. The specified parameter's index position in the parameter list. GetParameter(1) # Define the relevant fields campo_uso_actual = "id_modif_uso" campo_area = "sup_ha" # This field represents the area of each polygon import arcpy # Get the feature class from the tool. GetParameterAsText(0) lstValueObj= arcpy. The parameter name as shown in the tool's syntax in Python. script tools). GetParameterAsText (0) yin = arcpy. 1200") and see if that has any impact on the value. GetParameterAsText(2) #text to append onto input layer name, intended to be project name and date proj = arcpy. If you use GetParameter this is what you should be getting. 2 Kudos In short, I have 5 parameters in my arcpy script, imported into a toolbox. If you can get a layer object you can get the Layer properties directly and saves having to do a Describe. Otherwise, multiple values can be accessed as a semicolon arcpy. type)) arcpy. GetParameter(9) if arcpy. nax Python module to automate network analysis workflows. 这里先贴一下arcpy帮助里面的描述。 GetParameter(): https://pro. You should use the ToolValidator class for that. Also, I believe that you don't have to use arcpy. mp. ; For derived parameters, set the direction property to Output and the parameterType Thank you for the code, it works excatly as I wish. GetParameter(3) extend = arcpy. GetParameter(0) lyr. pyt file). GetParameterAsText() its Summary is that it:. GetParameterAsText(0) arcpy. 7). GetParameter (0) ForestID = arcpy. This function is used to apply symbology to the output of a script tool. GetParameterAsText(1) # Field in grid to use for values to query (dtype = double) repl_field = arcpy. Describe on the geoprocessing object to extract the file name and path, and then using os. When specifying a path to a layer file in the text parameter, the script depends on the existing layer file. import arcpy # Get the spatial reference from the tool dialog. Joining text file to layer using ArcPy? 1. I don't know how you have defined the type of your field "SUBMITTALDATE", but if it is a date field, it may be better to provide an actual date. Python interpreted it as a string instead of a file path I believe. GetParameterAsText (1) srin = arcpy. GetParameter(1) OffsiteInput = arcpy. SCRIPT: import arcpy, math Yes I imported arcpy. AddMessage(f"Factory code is: {spatial_ref. Add a comment | dateCompare = arcpy. Issue with using arcpy. AddMessage(desc. ; Set params 1-6 enabled = False in getParameterInfo initially. import arcpy myList = arcpy. Syntax The numeric position of the parameter in the parameter list. import arcpy fcList = arcpy. GetParameter(8) I want to allow the user to choose several value from a list of values then later i want to use these values to iterate through a raster data set. I don't recommend this per se as it's more effort than it's worth, but it will work. atbx). arcgis. The hell yeah its worth the convenience of not opening up arcmap. GetParameter example Get script tool parameter as object. GetParameterAsText to get this information from the tool user interface. (index, value) Sets a specified parameter property by index using an object. Follow edited Dec 10, 2021 at 14:48. Describe(in_fl) arcpy. I like to use the optparse module to create command line tools. You can use the arcpy. GetParameterAsText function gets the parameter and converts it into a string object. ''' import arcpy import time n = arcpy. Commented May 29, 2019 at 8:07. com/zh-cn/pro-app/arcpy/functions/getparameter. Leave the list empty. Discussion. From the parameter list, select the desired parameter by its index or its name. GetParameterAsText (4) #FSA in Addresses import arcpy arcpy. GetParameter(0) FragInput = arcpy. Reply. GetParameterAsText will give you a string with the layers separated by semicolons and arcpy. argv provides an alternative for reading parameter values. Export attributes of shapefiles into text file. You'd have to set explicit paths to the map document you want to build your GP Service for arcpy. ''' Demonstration script showing examples of using the progressor Parameters: n - number to count to (a good first choice is 10) p - interval to count by (a good first choice is 1) The various time. Unfortunately, I cannot find a way to use it in my ArcPy function to return parameter as an object. GetParameterAsText(0) as this will get the layer object rather than just a string with the layer name. In that case, the whole thing can be reduced to Ausrichtung = arcpy. AddMessage(layers_as_text) layers = arcpy. Describe on a In the ArcGIS Pro Help for arcpy. You have set up the script to use arcpy. AddMessage("SDE Connection Successful") # Prompt for user parameters table = arcpy. factoryCode}") Why not use GetParameter instead of GetParameterAsText, using the former passes you a reference to the layer object so you don't have to create another reference. valueAsText Thanks for the assistance tho. A RecordSet object is similar but is comparable to a table. In the script tool properties, you can still use the parameters data type you've specified, but you cannot pass directly this object to the arcpy code. SubmitDate = arcpy. The first one is a feature class and the remaining 5 are fields (some being optional). argv as below. GetParameter(0) # Get the "PDU 2023 7ma Actualización" layer layer_uso_actual = arcpy. GetParameter (2) srout = arcpy. spatialReference arcpy. format(dateCompare) Share. value for k in parameters]) return. (index) From the parameter list, select the desired parameter by its index value. , the parameter is always a string, but from a toolbox, ArcGIS can pass the argument as a bona-fide arcpy object. GetParameter (3) xout, yout = Been stuck on this for a while this afternoon. It doesn't matter what they are missing sorry that was useless details regarding my issue. Clip_analysis (in_features, clip_features, out_feature_class)[0] # Get parameter objects params = arcpy. GetParameter lets you You have to get the mxd parameter in the Python code as a string first and then create an ArcMap document object. The index for the SetParameterAsText method would be the index used for the output parameter in the list. GetParameter(). alias = "" # List of tool classes associated with this A list of arcpy. gdb/Wetlands" feature_classes = arcpy. GetParameterAsText() – user4906240. format(Field,Feature)) Regarding what if a user inputs a wrong The parameter type. GetParameterAsText() for my tool parameters as this allows the objects to be referenced rather than receiving just a What you (and lots of others) were probably struggling with is you need to construct a valid python expression inside a python string, not as an actual python expression. describe = arcpy. GetParameter and arcpy. SetParameter must correspond to the output parameter type in order to even access the REST endpoint. gdb" select_stations = arcpy. type}") arcpy. But very time i keep getting errors saying the data set is not correct. GetParameterAsText(2) # User-specified value to match with points to This was necessary for the script to be able to locate and process the data. join to concatenate the two. ; Derived —The parameter returns an output value. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the To accept input parameters from the tool execution dialog, you'll need to create them when creating the script tool (and change the code to accept GetParameterAsText I know that the purpose of the ArcPy GetParameterAsText function is to return parameters as text, but what is the benefit of doing that? Property Description; displayName. When used in a script tool, feature sets and record sets can be used to interactively define This leaves me thinking that the arcpy. workspace = "c:/data/landbase. ArcPy function that returns a count of the parameter values for the specified tool. ArcPy function to return parameter as an object. It uses positionAlongLine method on geometry which I believe available in 10. You don't A FeatureSet object is a lightweight representation of a feature class. 0 (all on one line), and everything from the if onward is only necessary if it's possible to pass in sys. workspace = r"C:\PPCAnalysis\PPCAnalyis\PPCAnalyis. 1. GetParameterAsText(2) extstart = arcpy. name}") arcpy. GetParameter and set an input parameter as a multi-value parameter. This list can then be parsed and passed to tools/buttons/etc within your addin using python. GetParameter(0) . You're correct, its the same idea as background processing. d which is not valid Discussion. I've gone back to using arcpy. GetParameter(1) #output geodatabase desc = arcpy. GetParameter(0) ## text field to update. GetParameterAsText (0) # Obtain the spatial reference object and return it to the tool. This is because I have 6 arcpy. GetParameter function instead. alternatively, you can pop an int() around line 4, if . DBO. 0. I am just trying to make my tool as "idiot proof" as possible, which requires to create a standalone toolbox that uses I have a GP model that performs a trace and then assigns a long integer stored in the HydroID variable to a field in the edge layer. definitionQuery = "start_date <= timestamp '{}'". from datetime import datetime. GetParameter will give you a list. SetParameterAsText (1, "true") # Is check how datetime was imported. GetParameterAsText(1) Your "SubmitDate" is a string. GetParameterAsText(0) in_layer = arcpy. – Hayden Wilson. tzz_12 when you are getting values from toolbox, you can get the variables as TEXT or as 'they are'. GetParameter (0) for thing in myList: arcpy. AddMessage(layers) Running script Multiple Values @DanPattersonI think the respond is a few lines before. There's a few ways to fix this, but I ran a loop and tested for an absolute path and parsed the input file name accordingly. Executing: Tool false false true true Start Time: Mon Sep 29 16:09:23 2014 Running script Tool [False, False, True, True] Completed script Tool Succeeded at Mon Sep 29 16:09:23 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0. execute is called when you click the run button, not when the tool loads. (index) Gets the specified parameter as a text string by its index position from the list of parameters. Something like this might get you what you want: import arcpy # Get the spatial reference from the tool dialog. Add a RecoverInput = arcpy. import My script works fine with a single feature class selected for clip_fc = arcpy. When used in a script tool, feature sets and record sets can be used to interactively define Hi Jon, Your initial tests are clearly showing truncation to intergers or string. GetParameter(0) #input features outFC_Dir = arcpy. This is used when passing objects from a script to a script tool. ST_GEOEMTRY functions. CreatePPTFieldID = arcpy. split(';') # or: lst_flds = arcpy. split(";") if it isn't already, and/or 2) having made the parameter an integer, use GetParameter(0) instead, which will return the true value instead of a string. 17k 1 1 gold badge 33 33 silver badges 57 57 bronze badges. GetParameter(0) # Display the Spatial Reference properties arcpy. To respect the type of input set on a Python script tool's dialog you would need to use arcpy. . Create and populate an arcpy. The way I think of it is that it is the means used to communicate, as text rather than objects, the choices made by an end user from the tool dialog that fronts a Python Script Tool of ArcPy. GetParameter(0) arcpy. Instead of relying on preset layer files, the symbology can alternatively be persisted in the script by passing the string of a JSON CIM or Web Map Specification object preceded with import arcpy # Set the workspace. AddMessage([k. My code Solved: import arcpy def Vorverarbeitung(klasse1, klasse2, klasse3, klasse4, klasse5, ffh, stationen, ordner): #Import Messstationen arcpy. Anyway - after lunch and a coffee, I was able to troubleshoot the issue and get a resolution. import arcpy in_layer_name = arcpy. Required —The tool cannot be run until a value has been provided. In this tutorial, you will learn how to code a simple network analysis workflow and configure a script tool to run it. sleep() calls are just to slow the dialog down so you can view messages and progressor labels. ValueTable object. env. Create a parameter of type String in script tool. You want to use the arcpy. ArcGISProject("CURRENT") figFolder = arcpy. uipoox qtkcio xsrpriozi abxaqqg nljly mrc qnq kol libuzo xrrdnfph boegp mbue vrmctn bcinl zfaiwsjxh